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Kat (real name Alua) is the main protagonist of the Sony exclusive video game Gravity Rush. She also appears in Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale as a Downloadable Character.

Other Media[]

PlayStation All-Stars[]

Gravity Queen - Unsure of where she comes from or how she got her fantastic ability to control gravity, Kat embarks on a quest to save the people of Hekseville from the invading Nevi. Accompanied by her feline companion, Dusty, she aids those in need while searching for answers to her mysterious origins, all the while gaining confidence in her powers.
~ Kat and Dusty's biography.

Kat went to see Gade, who sent her to an area where she has to fight against various characters until she was up against Emmett Graves from the Video Game known as Starhawk, the two had a talk about power, only to fight each other. Kat and Dusty later fought against Polygon Man and three of his Polygonal All-Stars. After this she went back to Heksvile with Dusty and met up with Gade once again with a new power.

Kat and Dusty also appeared in PlayStation All-Stars Island.


Kat appears to outgoing and positively, energetic. She is the exact opposite of Raven, who tends to be more cold and serious. She cares deeply for other people and her friends, and willing to help those who are in need of help. At times, she can sometimes be clumsy and screw things up, but will still later on be her normal self, as always.


Kat is a light brown-skinned girl with blonde hair and red eyes, along with light defined lips. Her main attire consists of a black romper with black detached sleeves adorned with golden decorations, consisting of two golden rings each wrapping around her hips, two around her arms and two around her legs that spiral downward, and one of them in the shape of the sun on her stomach (although it is unknown if there really is a sun in the Gravity Rush universe). She wears a long scarf that reaches past her waist as well as a matching headband. She also wears black detached socks with golden rings at the end and black and gold heels. In Gravity Rush 2, her outfit has some slight changes to it: there are holes under her cleavage and behind her back, her two golden rings on her thighs are slightly resembled akin to shorts, and now wears whole black socks with golden rings at the ends.

When in Lunar Style, Kat wears bluish-white garters around her limbs; two for each arm, and one for each leg. When in Jupiter Style, she wears goldish-orange garters; one for each arm, and two for each leg. Her golden decorations also change color when changing gravity styles.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Gravity Manipulation: Kat is able to manipulate how gravity affects her with the help of her Guardian, Dusty, from falling in any direction to walking on walls and ceilings. Whenever Kat shifts gravity, she radiates a red aura.
  • Combat Proficiency: Kat seems to somewhat be an expert in combat, capable of using strong kicks to take down foes. In Lunar Style, Kat will leap toward enemies and strike them quite aggressively. She can bounce from enemy to enemy, and quickly gain SP. In Jupiter Style, Kat will instead wildly swing her arms at enemies.
  • Superhuman Agility: Kat is very agile, capable of running very fast and evading enemy attacks.
  • Superhuman Strength: In Gravity Rush - The Animation: Overture, when fully enraged, Kat's strength extremely increases, as shown when she managed to crack the ground after punching an Are Nevi in the core.
  • Gravity Kick: Kat can gather up momentum for offensive uses, dealing one powerful kick to enemies, regardless if they are on the ground or airborne. In Lunar Style, Kat's Gravity Kick become the Wormhole Kick, allowing her to teleport to nearby enemies and deliver a series of less-powerful kicks to them. In Jupiter Style, Kat's Gravity Kick becomes the Surge Kick, allowing her charge up her attack and deal AOE damage.
  • Stasis Field: Kat can emit a Stasis Field around her to not only pick up objects and perform a "Gravity Throw", but also pick of people to rescue them from harm's way. Originally, in Gravity Rush, Kat must be close to an object/person to carry them; however, after charging the Stasis Field, Kat will be temporarily immobilized and, if she takes a hit, will drop any objects or people she is carrying, but in Gravity Rush 2, her Stasis Fields have grater range, and she will no longer be immobilized. Also, in the same game, Kat can charge her Stasis Field to execute a Piercing Throw, allowing any object she throws bounce from enemy to enemy and damage them quickly. In Lunar Style, Kat can emit a Vortex Field, summoning the Vortex effect around the objects held by stasis and, when thrown, will immobilize enemies and deal continuous damage to them for a short period of time. Charging the Vortex Field will increase its damage output, AOE, and how long it will last. In Jupiter Style, Kat can form a Debris Ball, and hurling it will deal massive damage to enemies. Charging the Stasis Field will create a Black Hole Field, making the Debris Ball larger in size and power.



Dusty is Kat's guardian and her first best friend. When Kat wakes up, she first met up with him. As Kat soon wanders around with amnesia, she realizes that she has the ability to shift gravity and her power comes from the cat-like guardian, Dusty. Without Dusty by her side, she's unable to shift gravity and fly, like any normal human.


When Kat and Raven first met up with each other, Raven at first became hostile and antagonistic towards her and both started fighting each other. But later on, she became her allie as Raven realizes her true intentions. Both of them became close friends, especially in the sequel, Gravity Rush 2. Raven, like Kat, has the ability to shift gravity, except her gravity power color is blue, along with her guardian which is a crow-like creature named Xii.


           Gravity Rush LogoHeroes
Gravity Shifters & Guardians

Kat & Dusty | Raven & Xii
Bit | Cyanea | Gade
Syd | Jellyfish (Permet, Yunica & Yuri Gerneaux) | Police (Bulbosa & Chaz)
Lost Tribe (Zaza)
Jirga Para Lhoa
Angrey Centipedes | Banga (Cecie, Lisa, Gawan & Misai) | Fi Sun | Vogo Sun

           PSABR Logo Heroes

Big Daddy | Dante | Cole MacGrath | Emmett Graves | Fat Princess | Isaac Clarke | Kat & Dusty | Kratos | Jak & Daxter | Nathan Drake | Nariko | PaRappa | Raiden | Ratchet & Clank | Sackboy | Sir Daniel Fortesque | Sly Cooper | Spike | Toro Inoue | Zeus

Carmelita Fox | Buzz | Dollface | Hades | Patapon | Songbird | Suzuki

Alister Azimuth | Ashelin Praxis | Athena | Captain Qwark | Carmelita Fox | Chloe Frazer | Curtis the Panda | Elena Fisher | Eucadian Soldier | Hades | Instructor Mooselini | Jasmine | John Carver | Kai | Kat | Keria Hegai | Kiya | Kuro | Lil | Little Sister | Lucy Kuo | Murray | Nathan the Koala | Pierre Yamamoto | PJ Berri | Poseidon | Preacher | Raven | Ricardo Velasquez | Sackbots | Samuel Rodrigues | Syd | Sydney Cutter | Tag | The Professor | Victor Sullivan | Villagers | Yunica | Zeke Jedediah Dunbar | Zoni

Aki | Armor King II | Avalon Centrifuge | Beard Burger Master | Bentley | Boxxy Boy | Clive Handforth | Dante | Chop Chop Master Onion | Eddy Gordo | Gade | General Potter | Hairdresser Octopus | JACK | Jin Kazama | Jinpachi Mishima | Katy Kat | King | Lady | Lammy | Larry Da Vinci | Ling Xiaoyu | Lucia | Marshall Law | MC King Kong Mushi | Miguel Caballero Rojo | Milton Finch | Mokujin | Monroe Finch | Natalie | Nathan Hale | Nero | Nina Williams | Pecker | R. Suzuki | Raven | Ricky | Salim | Samos Hegai | Sebastian Wolfe | Sergai Dragunov | Sparda | Sunny Funny | Trish
