Tatsu is a competent, intelligent individual who is focused on her goal. She is also a great detective able to search for Bruce's secret bookcase. At times, though, Tatsu can be arrogant, impulsive, hot-tempered, and disobedient. Early on, she was quite distrustful of Batman, considering him to be a "nut", and has been shown to have opinions differing from Batman's on the necessity of killing in certain situations. Batman has stated that Tatsu can have an ego, which she argued was simply pride in her work. Like Batman she can be cold and distant but can also have a sense of humor as shown with her interaction with her godfather, Arthur and originally had with Jason Burr. She also shows an amicable and compassionate side, shown towards Jason and also shows a seemingly mentor and student or brother and sister like bond with Bruce as shown when they are in the field.
Katana is a superb assassin.
Powers and Weapons[]
Indomitable Will
Master-Level Martial Artist
Swordsmanship Master
Soultaker Sword (formally): She rarely wielded another weapon—the Soultaker Sword—because she attempted to keep it hidden.
Katana: Katana primarily likes to wield her namesake in fights.
In the past, Tatsu Yamashiro was a covert CIA operative tasked with tracking down Ra's al Ghul and she joined the League of Assassins and there was known as "Katana".
After completing his training Ra's al Ghul, the League of Assassins was sent on a mission to the south eastern part of Aisa where Tatsu accidentally injures a young girl, who is executed by Scarface. Sometime during the same mission, she later faked her death in a fire and disappeared with the Soultaker Sword, believing it to be too dangerous for either the League or the CIA to possess, in which unknowing to her, Jason Burr (the man she loved), Bethanie Ravencroft (a friend of hers), and Robert Brickson (Slade's big brother) were killed.
A former member of the C.I.A. who infiltrated the League of Assassins under the name "Katana". After seeing how dangerous the the sword was, she decided to steal the Soultaker Sword and fake her death, seeing how it was too dangerous even in the hands of the C.I.A. When she was young, her father died in a "car accident". His partner, Alfred Pennyworth, became her godfather. Alfred contacted her to become a personal bodyguard and driver of Bruce Wayne which she accepted.