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Pink Ranger Power!
~ Katherine Hillard morphing into the Pink Ranger in Season 3.
Zeo Ranger I: Pink!
~ Katherine Hillard morphing into the Pink Zeo Ranger.
Shift Into Turbo! Wind Chaser Turbo Power!
~ Katherine morphing into the Pink Turbo Ranger.

Katherine Hillard Oliver, born June 3, 1988 is a 34 year old and also simply known as Kat. She is a major protagonist in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the deuteragonist of Power Rangers Zeo and one of the three tritagonists of the 1st half of Power Rangers Turbo.

Kat is a former servant of Rita Repulsa and one of the love interests, later the wife of Tommy Oliver and the mother of J.J. Oliver.

Kat is portrayed by Catherine Sutherland.


Katherine is the second Pink Ranger as well as the second Pink Ninja Ranger, Zeo Ranger I Pink of Zeo Rangers, and the first Pink Turbo Ranger of the Turbo Rangers. She studied gymnastics and was musically talented. She was given the Pink Pterodactyl Power Coin due to being "graceful and spa".


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]

Katherine started serving Rita Repulsa for her evil bidding; who is transformed; into a cat. Aisha and Kimberly named her "P.C." when they thought she was a stray cat. But later on, she is become a cat monster, but the form was destroyed by Ninjor and Ninja Megafalconzord. Katherine is turned back between her cat and human form. Although she was in her human form, Katherine is quite stole the Kimberly's power coin and then sneaked into Falconzord and stole it after knocking Tommy down. But because of her kind heart, Katherine will soon get rid of the spell. When she broke free, she was near Angel Grove's Gym & Juice Bar, and Kimberly trained inside the Pan-Global Games. When she came in, she saw Kimberly, still tired in the last few battles, trying to stay focused on the balance beam. she eventually lost her balance and fell to the floor.

Katherine feeling guilty for part of her responsibilities because she was involved in Rita's plan and take Kimberly to the hospital. When Tommy and Billy, who were visiting Kimberly, were called to help Rocky, Adam, and Aisha, Katherine visited Kimberly and admitted what she did while being influenced by the spells of Rita, but she known about Kimberly and her friends are the Power Rangers, especially when Tommy tells her about the experience influenced by Rita. Rita and Zedd sent Garbage Man to capture Katherine and broke their dream to destroy new friends with her. But when the Garbage Man failed, Zedd and Rita gave the Rangers the final pass: either they gave up Katherine, or their ally Ninjor would be sent to the bottom of the Sea of Sorrow. The Rangers experienced with the deal and met Rita, Rito, Goldar, and Tengas, but they were found to contain Ninjor's containers empty, because of the Ranger's plan B, they activated a shield to protect Katherine from evil.

However, Katherine was kidnapped by Rito into a dungeon as Rita and Zedd waited for the Sea of Sorrow's high tide, Rito had a sore neck, stood guard and allowed Katherine to massage the neck before falling asleep. When Katherine got the key from him and got out she noticed a box in which Rito told her that it was Kimberly's pink power coin. Once she got it, she was transferred to the Command Center and was able to give the coin back to Kimberly. After successfully completing the Pan-Global Trials and having the opportunity to participate in the Pan-Global Games, Kimberly went to Pan Globals with the support of her friends and decided to withdraw from the team and pass her coin to Katherine because she become a new Pink Ranger.

During her time as a Ranger, Katherine will fight against various villains. At first it was Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. But that was a very short time. Soon after, a new villain - Master Vile - came to look for Zeo Crystal, which was hidden in the deceitful cave under Lord Zedd's Lunar Palace. Katherine has a plan on how to claim Zeo Crystal without anyone else in Zedd's Palace, and distracts Rita and Zedd from the evil side, but makes sure she is loyal to her proposal, Zedd and Rita imprisoned her into a chamber, and when it reached its full powers, it would permanently return Katherine to evil. Fortunately, Tommy found Zeo Crystal in the "Deception Cave" and used it to release Kat from Zedd's prison.

Power Rangers Zeo[]


Power Rangers Turbo[]


Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce[]


Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel[]


Once and Always[]

In the Netflix special, Katherine is summoned to Cranston Tech's Command Center while spending time with her son J.J. in his junior karate competition. Dismayed as much as Rocky at first, she immediately grasps the gravity of the situation upon learning Putties' invasion and Tommy, Jason, and Kimberly's capture at hands fo Rita Repulsa. Thus, the two take the initiative to use Proxy Pterodactyl Coin and Proxy Tyrannosaurus Coin respectively to assume their Ranger mantles once more despite its risks as pointed by Zack.



  • Katherine Hillard is the third longest serving power ranger after Adam Park and Tommy Oliver.
  • Although Catherine Sutherland is one of the most dedicated PR actresses to the franchise, Katherine Hillard is seen by fans as one of the worst Pink rangers. This is not only due to her replacing fan-favourite Kimberly Hart but when she becomes a Ranger, she is resulted almost into a complete damsel in distress, especially in Zeo. She often gets defeated quite easily, even by the foot soldiers and unlike Pink rangers like Rose Ortiz, was almost nable of taking care of monsters by herself. To further drive this point, a fan managed to compile a video of entire instance of her ass handed to her constantly in Zeo!
    • It was arguably for this reasons writers of Once and Always rectified her characterization so as to make her Kimberly's proper successor through following points in the special:
      • More than willing to utilize Proxy Pterodactyl Coin to become Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger once more due to her predecessor's capture at the time despite Zack's concern over its apparent risks.
      • Easily handles Patties while evacuating civilians at the same time.
      • Suggesting the clever idea of using a giant electromagnet to temporarily incapacitate Robo-Minotaur and Robo-Snizzard knowing their new forms being mainly made of metal thus susceptible to magnetism.
      • Displaying astonishing teamwork with Zack and Rocky in taking out Robo-Minotaur where she utilizes Power Bow to rid the villain of his shield, and finally...
      • Given the responsibility of destroying Robo-Rita's time machine thus avenging her brainwashing by Rita's original self years back.
  • It's implied in the same special that Katherine already familiar with Putty Patrollers — Rita Repulsa's original foot soldiers — presumably from reviewing Rangers' archives pertaining them at one point instead of directly encountered them like Kimberly did, remarking new generation of said foot soldiers created by Robo-Rita still sounded like 'angry turkey' upon encountering them on the field as if expecting Putties received significant changes since the last time her fellow Rangers fought them.

External links[]


           Power Rangers Logo Heroes

Mighty Morphin
Season 1: Jason Lee Scott | Zack Taylor | Billy Cranston | Trini Kwan | Kimberly Ann Hart | Tommy Oliver | Alpha 5 | Bulk and Skull | Zordon
Season 2: Jason Lee Scott | Rocky DeSantos | Zack Taylor | Adam Park | Billy Cranston | Trini Kwan | Aisha Campbell | Kimberly Ann Hart | Tommy Oliver | Tom Oliver | Alpha 5 | Bulk and Skull | Zordon
Season 3: Tommy Oliver | Rocky DeSantos | Adam Park | Billy Cranston | Aisha Campbell | Kimberly Ann Hart | Katherine Hillard | Alpha 5 | Bulk and Skull | Zordon
Alien Rangers: Aurico | Delphine | Cestro | Tideus | Corcus | Ninjor
Ones & Always: Jason Lee Scott | Rocky DeSantos | Zack Taylor | Billy Cranston | Trini Kwan | Minh Kwan | Aisha Campbell | Kimberly Ann Hart | Katherine Hillard | Tommy Oliver

Tommy Oliver | Adam Park | Rocky DeSantos | Tanya Sloan | Katherine Hillard | Trey of Triforia | Jason Lee Scott | Auric the Conqueror | Tritor

Tommy Oliver | T.J. Johnson | Justin Stewart | Adam Park | Carlos Vallerte | Tanya Sloan | Ashley Hammond | Katherine Hillard | Cassie Chan | Blue Senturion | Phantom Ranger | Dimitria |

In Space
Andros | Carlos Vallerte | T.J. Johnson | Ashley Hammond | Cassie Chan | Zhane | Alpha 6 | Donatello | Leonardo | Michelangelo | Raphael | Venus de Milo | Waspicable

Lost Galaxy
Leo Corbett | Kai Chen | Damon Henderson | Maya | Kendrix Morgan | Karone | Magna Defender | Mike Corbett

Lightspeed Rescue
Carter Grayson | Chad Lee | Joel Rawlings | Kelsey Winslow | Dana Mitchell | Ryan Mitchell | Angela Fairweather | Captain Mitchell | Diabolico

Time Force
Alex Drake | Wesley Collins | Jen Scotts | Lucas Kendall | Katie Walker | Trip | Eric Myers | Captain Logan | Circuit | Nadira | Ransik | Mr. Collins

Wild Force
Cole Evans | Taylor Earhardt | Max Cooper | Danny Delgado | Alyssa Enrilé | Merrick Baliton | Animus | Jindrax | Princess Shayla | Toxica

Ninja Storm
Shane Clarke | Tori Hanson | Dustin Brooks | Hunter Bradley | Blake Bradley | Cam Watanabe | Marah & Kapri | Miko Watanabe | Sensei Kanoi Watanabe

Dino Thunder
Conner McKnight | Ethan James | Kira Ford | Tommy Oliver | Trent Fernandez-Mercer | Hayley Ziktor | Elsa | Anton Mercer

Jack Landors | Sky Tate | Bridge Carson | Lina Song | J.J. Oliver | Elizabeth Delgado | Sydney Drew | Sam | Anubis Cruger | Kat Manx | Nova Ranger | Officer Tate | Boom | Fowler Birdie

Mystic Force
Nick Russell | Charlie Thorn | Madison Rocca | Vida Rocca | Xander Bly | Daggeron | Udonna | Leanbow | Clare | Fire Heart | Jenji | Leelee Pimvare | Mystic Mother | Necrolai | Phineas | Snow Prince

Operation Overdrive
Mack Hartford | Will Aston | Dax Lo | Ronny Robinson | Rose Ortiz | Tyzonn | Sentinel Knight | Andrew Hartford

Jungle Fury
Casey Rhodes | Lily Chilman | Theo Martin | Robert James | Dominic Hargan | Jarrod | Camille | Flit | Jungle Fury Bat Ranger | Jungle Fury Elephant Ranger | Jungle Fury Shark Ranger | Master Mao | Master Phant | Master Swoop | Master Finn | Master Rilla | Master Guin | Master Lope

Scott Truman | Flynn McAllistair | Summer Landsdown | Ziggy Grover | Dillon | Gem | Gemma | Colonel Mason Truman | Dr. K

Jayden Shiba | Kevin | Mia Watanabe | Mike | Emily | Antonio Garcia | Mentor Ji

Super Samurai
Jayden Shiba | Kevin | Mia Watanabe | Mike | Emily | Antonio Garcia | Lauren Shiba | Mr. Shiba | Kevin's father | Ancient Samurai Rangers | The Grand Shogun | Mentor Ji

Troy Burrows | Emma Goodall | Jake Holling | Gia Moran | Noah Carver | Robo Knight | Gosei | Tensou

Super Megaforce
Troy Burrows | Noah Carver | Gia Moran | Jake Holling | Emma Goodall | Orion | Robo Knight | Gosei | Tensou

Dino Charge
Tyler Navarro | Chase Randall | Koda | Riley Griffin | Shelby Watkins | Sir Ivan of Zandar | Prince Phillip III | Albert Smith | Kendall Morgan | Keeper |

Dino Super Charge
Tyler Navarro | Chase Randall | Koda | Riley Griffin | Shelby Watkins | Sir Ivan of Zandar | James Navarro | Prince Phillip III | Albert Smith | Kendall Morgan | Zenowing | Keeper

Ninja Steel
Brody Romero | Preston Tien | Calvin Maxwell | Hayley Foster | Sarah Thompson | Aiden Romero/Levi Weston | Mick Kanic | Dane Romero | Redbot

Super Ninja Steel
Brody Romero | Preston Tien | Calvin Maxwell | Hayley Foster | Sarah Thompson | Aiden Romero/Levi Weston | Mick Kanic | Dane Romero | Redbot | Sheriff Skyfire

Beast Morphers
Season 1: Devon Daniels | Ravi Shaw | Zoey Reeves | Nate Silva | Steel | Cruise | Smash | Jax | Commander Shaw | Betty Burke | Ben Burke | Blaze | Roxy | General Burke
Season 2: Devon Daniels | Ravi Shaw | Zoey Reeves | Nate Silva | Steel | Cruise | Smash | Jax | Commander Shaw | Betty Burke | Ben Burke | Blaze | Roxy | General Burke | Captain Chaku

Dino Fury
Zayto | Ollie Akana | Amelia Jones | Izzy Garcia | Javi Garcia | Aiyon | Tarrick | Solon | Morphin Masters

Cosmic Fury
Amelia Jones | Zayto | Ollie Akana | Izzy Garcia | Javi Garcia | Aiyon | Fern | Billy Cranston | Minh Kwan | Heckyl | Mick Kanic | Solon | Morphin Masters

Zordon | Jason Scott | Zack Taylor | Billy Cranston | Trini Kwan | Kimberly Hart | Alpha 5

Dino Force Brave
Kwon Juyong | Jeon Hyeonjun | Sechang Kim | Lee Pureun | Yun Dohee | Kwon Juhyeok

Power Rangers
