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Heroes Wiki

We're alone, in an uncharted part of the galaxy. We've already made some friends here, and some enemies. We have no idea of the dangers we're going to face, but one thing is clear. Both crews are going to have to work together if we're to survive. That's why Commander Chakotay and I have agreed that this should be one crew: a Starfleet crew. And as the only Starfleet vessel assigned to the Delta Quadrant, we'll continue to follow our directive to seek out new worlds and explore space. But our primary goal is clear. Even at maximum speeds, it would take 75 years to reach the Federation, but I'm not willing to settle for that. There's another entity like the Caretaker out there somewhere, who has the ability to get us there a lot faster. We'll be looking for her, and we'll be looking for wormholes, spatial rifts, or new technologies to help us. Somewhere, along this journey, we'll find a way back. Mister Paris, set a course… for home.
~ Kathryn Janeway's Speech to her crew as they navigate the dangers of the Delta Quadrant.

Kathryn Janeway is the captain of the USS Voyager and the main protagonist of Star Trek: Voyager. She took command of the starship voyager in order to locate a missing Maquis vessel, the Val Jean.

She was played by actress Kate Mulgrew, Janeway being something of a career revival for the veteran character actress.


Janeway and her crew, aboard the USS Voyager were flung 70,000 light years into the Delta Quadrant. She tells her crew that they will begin their own journey for their seven year return back to the Alpha Quadrant. She is encountered with Q and a female version of Q. She was captured by The Borg, but she eventually returned back to the starship voyager. After Kes's departure, she allows Seven of Nine to the voyager crew. She and her crew discovered another starship that was flung into the Delta Quadrant, the USS Equinox.

She was captured by the Quarren, but she was freed.

In the end, she and her crew finally headed back to the Alpha Quadrant, with the help of a future version of herself. Voyager was able to inflict heavy damage on the Borg, and using a Borg transwarp conduit travelled back to Sector 001 from the Delta Quadrant. Fearing a Borg incursion, a task force was sent to intercept the Borg sphere that came out, which was destroyed by Voyager. This fleet escorted Janeway and her crew back home.

Shortly after Janeway returned to Earth, she was promoted to Vice Admiral by Admiral Owen Paris. She took an assignment at Starfleet Command while the newly promoted Captain Chakotay was given command of Voyager. In 2379 she ordered Captain Jean-Luc Picard to proceed to Romulus to meet with the new Romulan Praetor Shinzon.


Janeway is no-nonsense in nearly all things, any mirth she engages in is usually at the expense of someone else who has wronged her, or her crew; At which times, she can actually be mildly sadistic. In contrast to previous captains, she has neither Jean-Luc Picard's patience, nor Benjamin Sisko's diplomacy; And while much closer to the likes of James T. Kirk - a self admitted "cowboy commander" she has none of Kirk's wanderlust. What Kathryn Janeway does have is daring - she will go to extremes such as purchasing doomsday weapons, finding loopholes in the non-interference "Prime Directive" and go as far as to wipe-out civilizations if they impede her mission to return home with as much of her crew as possible. While she has lost her share of crew members, she gets fiercely protective of those she barely knew or even those she actively dislikes if they were under her command, with those she fails to protect, she aims to avenge. Where previous commanders would weigh ethics through-out their series, Janeway, being stuck on a massive trek back to charted space, is trying return home, not merely nebulously explore, and as a result has much less ponderous patience. Janeway prides herself on being able to cut to the heart of a matter and is a master of social intimidation. She is a former biologist and as such has a passion for science, and needs to tear herself away from engineering and biological concerns - as she can easily become obsessed in the research. Despite having little to no interest in people as opposed to research, she can go from dry amoral researcher to figuratively spitting righteous fury the second she sees a life under her charge in danger.


  • In the first two seasons of Star Trek: Voyager, Janeway has long hair and wears it in a updo, in Season 3, she wears her hair in a hair-clipped ponytail and in Season 4 and for the remainder of the series, Janeway's hair is short and wears her hair loose.
  • "Parturition" is the first episode of Star Trek: Voyager where Janeway wears her hair loose instead of wearing it in an updo. It would not happen again until Season 4 onward, beginning with "Year of Hell".
  • Star Trek: Nemesis marks the only time where Janeway wears the First Contact-style uniform seen on the last three TNG movies and the final two seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as opposed to her usual Voyager-style uniform from Star Trek: Voyager and the first five seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as well as Star Trek: Generations.
  • Actress Kate Mulgrew's role as Kathyrn Janeway acted as a major career revival after over a decade of less and less supporting roles.
  • She returns as a protagonist in the animated series Star Trek: Prodigy where she is now Vice Admiral Janeway. In that show, taking place several years after the end of Star Trek: Voyager, Janeway commands the USS Dauntless and the USS Voyager-A.
    • Star Trek: Prodigy also has Hologram Janeway, a holographic AI version of Janeway with the mannerisms and appearance of a younger Janeway who acts as a mother figure and mentor to the young crew of the USS Protostar, a role that Janeway herself fills in the second season.
  • Her preferred drinks is black-coffee. Boarding on a caffeine addiction, as she gets extremely aggressive without it.