Kevin McCallister's first appearance.
Kevin complaining to his mom about his Uncle Frank not letting him watch a movie.
"Dad, nobody will let me do anything!"
Kevin talking to his dad.
Kevin being carried by his dad.
Kevin shocked when his Aunt Leslie tells him to pack his suitcase, which he doesn't know how to do.
Kevin talking to his older brother, Jeff.
Kevin and Jeff with their sister, Megan.
"Excuse, puke-breath, I'm a lot smaller than you. I don't know how to pack a suitcase."
Kevin and Jeff with their other sister, Linnie.
Kevin being told by Jeff to pack toilet paper and water for the trip.
Kevin confused when Linnie calls him "les incompetents" in French.
"This house is so full of people! It makes me sick! When I grow up and get married, I'm living alone! Do you hear me? I'm living alone! I'm living alone!"
Kevin approaching his eldest brother, Buzz.
"Can I sleep in your room? I don't want to sleep on the hide-a bed with Fuller. If he has something to drink, he's gonna wet the bed."
Kevin scared when Buzz refuses and makes a threat to him.
Looking out a window, Kevin, Buzz, and their cousin, Rod spy on their neighbor,
Old Man Marley.
Kevin scared when Buzz says Old Man Marley is a serial killer who uses the body salt from his victims to salt sidewalks.
Kevin joining his family to eat pizza for dinner.
Kevin seeing what kind of pizza his cousins, Brooke and Fuller are eating.
Kevin seeing what kind of pizza his Uncle Frank is eating.
Kevin with his dad and Uncle Frank.
Kevin looking into another pizza box.
Kevin trying to look for a slice of cheese pizza.
"Did anyone order me a plain cheese?"
Kevin noticing Fuller drinking an entire can of Pepsi, knowing he'll wet the bed when they share a bed as his cousin has a bed-wetting habit.
Kevin noticing Buzz starting to get very sick.
Realizing Buzz purposely ate his entire pizza, Kevin goes to attack his brother in a fit of rage.
Kevin attacking Buzz while causing some beverages to spill all over his family's airplane tickets.
Kevin getting in trouble with his family after a fight with Buzz for stealing his cheese pizza.
"He started it! He ate my pizza on purpose! He knows that I hate sausage and olives and..."
Kevin being met with angry glares from his family for ruining their meals and airplane tickets during his moment of rage.
(Kate: "Kevin, get upstairs.") "Why?"
"Why do I always get treated like scum?"
Kevin watching his mother pay the pizza delivery man.
"How come you didn't bring more cheese pizzas?"
After the delivery man leaves, Kevin and his mom are approached by a "police officer".
Kevin noticing the officer has a gold tooth.
Kevin trying to break free from his mother's grip.
Kevin being dragged upstairs by his mom.
Keevin hearing his mother complain how he's the only one in their family to cause trouble.
Kevin seeing his mother actually wants him to sleep in the guest room in the attic as punishment.
Kevin apologizing to his mom for his rude, bratty behavior but she orders him to go upstairs as she refuses to accept his apology.
"Everyone in this family hates me!"
"I don't want a new family. I don't want any family. Families suck!"
"I hope I never see any of you jerks again!"
(in deep thought) "I wish they would all just disappear."
Kevin waking up the next morning.
Kevin exiting out of the attic.
Kevin heading downstairs after using the bathroom.
Entering the kitchen, Kevin goes to turn on the TV.
Kevin confused on why there's nobody else around in the kitchen.
"Megan? Linnie? Is this a joke?"
Kevin looking around in his family's basement.
Kevin getting scared when the basement heater turns on.
Kevin running outside to check on his parents' cars.
"The cars are still here! They didn't go to the airport!"
Kevin after being unable to find anyone else home with him.
Kevin thinking his wish for his family to disappear had come true.
Kevin thinking about all the things his family had said to him.
"I made my family disappear!"
Kevin jumping on his parents' bed while eating popcorn.
Kevin running around the house, enjoying his newfound freedom.
Kevin going through Buzz's belongings.
"No clothes on anybody! Sickening!"
"Buzz, I'm going through all of your private stuff. You better come out and pound me!"
Kevin smiling when he sees Buzz's BB gun.
Kevin placing some action figures on the edge of a laundry chute.
Kevin armed with the BB gun.
Kevin loading the BB gun.
Kevin shooting at the action figures to practice firing the BB gun.
Kevin watching Angels with Filthy Souls.
"Guys, I'm eating junk and watching rubbish. You better come out and stop me!"
Kevin getting scared when the gangster character in the movie, Johnny aims a gun at another character, Snakes.
Kevin covering his eyes as Johnny kills Snakes.
Later, Kevin gets ready to go sledding.
Kevin about to sled down the stairs and out of the house.
Kevin sledding down the stairs.
Kevin's sled flying off the front porch.
Kevin sledding across the front yard.
Kevin crashing into a pile of snow.
Kevin recovering from the crash.
Kevin sleeping while watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
Waking up at the sound of a car door closing, Kevin is alarmed to see two burglars attempting to break into his house.
Kevin turning on all of the lights.
Kevin turning on the basement lights before the burglars can break into his house.
A scared Kevin hiding underneath his parents' bed.
"This is ridiculous! Only a wimp would hide under the bed. I can't be a wimp. I'm the man of the house."
"Hey! I'm not afraid anymore! I said I'm not afraid anymore!"
Kevin noticing a shadow lurking upon him.
Kevin looking up, seeing Old Man Marley standing before him.
Kevin screaming at the sight of Old Man Marley.
Kevin screaming in complete fright.
Kevin hiding under the covers of his parents' bed.
Later, Kevin hears a knock on the front door.
Kevin still hiding under the covers in complete fright.
The next morning, Kevin combs his hair after taking a shower.
"I can't find my toothbrush, so I'll pick one up today. Other than that, I'm in good shape."
Kevin screaming in pain from the aftershave.
Kevin back in Buzz's room.
Kevin noticing Buzz's lunchbox up on a shelf where he keeps his money.
Kevin proceeding to get the box full of money.
Kevin climbing up on the shelves.
Kevin reaching the shelf where the box is.
Kevin going to take the box full of money.
Kevin causing the entire row of shelves to collapse.
After surviving the breakage of the shelves, Kevin goes to take the money from Buzz's box.
Kevin leaving his house to go buy a new toothbrush.
Kevin walking in the snow.
Kevin confused to see a plumbing truck at his neighbors, the Murphys' house, knowing they're in Florida but he shrugs it off.
"Is this toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association?"
Kevin with the drugstore clerk.
When the clerk can't says she isn't sure if the toothbrush is approved by the American Dental Association, Kevin politely asks her if she can find out for him.
Kevin as the clerk asks another clerk, Herb for help.
Kevin trying to get some money out of his pocket so he can buy the toothbrush.
Kevin seeing a bandaged hand on the countertop.
Looking up, Kevin is horrified to see Old Man Marley standing over him.
Kevin slowly backing away from Old Man Marley.
Kevin about to run away from Old Man Marley in complete fright while forgetting to buy the toothbrush he's holding.
Kevin running out of the store.
Kevin seeing a cop looking at him when the one of employees labels him as a shoplifter.
Kevin running from the cop.
Kevin running through a park.
Kevin kneeling on an ice rink.
Kevin sliding across the ice rink.
Kevin going under a hockey player.
Kevin reaching the end of the ice rink, successfully evading the cop.
Kevin feeling sad and guilty for getting scared, causing him to accidentally steal the toothbrush.
Kevin walking through his neighborhood.
Kevin about to be hit by a van.
Kevin screaming when the van comes to a complete halt.
Kevin recovering from his near-death experience.
Kevin being reprimanded by the driver, Harry Lyme for not paying attention.
Kevin recognizing Harry as the cop who visited his house when he smiles, revealing his gold tooth.
Kevin realizing Harry and his accomplice, Marvin "Marv" Merchants are burglars.
Kevin walking across the street.
Kevin about to stop walking.
Turning around, Kevin sees Harry and Marv are behind him.
Kevin realizing Harry and Marv are following him.
Kevin deciding not to head home so the burglars won't find out where he lives.
Kevin running from Harry and Marv.
Kevin having disguised himself as a statue in order to lose Harry and Marv.
"When those guys come back, I'll be ready."
Later that night, Kevin puppeteers several mannequins in order to fool the burglars.
Looking out a window, Kevin is happy to see the burglars are gone.
Later, Kevin uses the voice of Johnny from Angels with Filthy Souls to communicate with a pizza delivery man.
Kevin going to grab some money as Johnny "asks" the pizza guy how much he owes for his pizza.
Kevin going to slip the money to the pizza delivery guy through the doggy door.
When the pizza man calls him a cheapskate over a small tip, Kevin plays the movie at the part where Johnny kills Snakes to scare the pizza man away.
Kevin picking up and sniffing his pizza after the pizza man runs off.
"Ah, a lovely cheese pizza just for me."
Kevin closing the door behind him as he goes to eat his pizza.
Kevin watching TV in his parents' bedroom.
"If you come back, I won't be a pain in the butt. I promise. Good night."
A photo of Kevin with his family.
After kissing the picture, Kevin tucks it under his pillow.
Kevin going to turn off a lamp.
After turning off the light, Kevin goes to sleep.
The next morning, after taking a shower, Kevin sings "White Christmas".
Kevin going to put on some aftershave.
Kevin screaming in pain from the aftershave again.
Kevin at the grocery store.
Kevin shopping for groceries.
Kevin going to pay for his groceries.
Kevin behind the cash register.
"Are those microwave dinners any good?"
"For the kids."-Kevin when the cashier shows him a pack of toy soldiers.
"Hold on, I've got a coupon for that."
"It was in the paper in this morning."
Kevin paying for his groceries.
When the cashier starts asking questions, Kevin evades her suspicions by giving her false answers and refusing to tell her about where he lives as she's a stranger.
Kevin walking home with his groceries.
Kevin seeing his groceries fall to the ground when the bags rip open at the bottom.
After returning home, Kevin does his laundry.
Kevin getting his clothes out of the drier.
Kevin carrying his clothes in a laundry basket.
Kevin seeing the basement heater trying to scare him again.
"Shut up."-Kevin no longer scared of the heater.
Kevin in the kitchen, washing his hands.
Kevin noticing somebody outside the door.
Kevin noticing a man poking his shoe through the doggy door.
Realizing it is one of the burglars, Marv, Kevin quickly turns on the TV, playing Angels with Filthy Souls.
Kevin watching the movie play at the scene of Johnny and Snakes's argument.
Kevin quietly walking over to the other side of the kitchen.
Kevin quietly placing the pot by the door.
Kevin going to light some firecrackers.
Kevin lighting the firecrackers just as the scene where Johnny kills Snakes approaches.
Kevin covering his ears as the firecrackers explode in the pot.
(lip syncing Johnny's voice) "Keep the change, you filthy animal."
Kevin exiting the house, carrying a ladder.
Kevin cutting a spruce tree.
Kevin having sawed half of the tree.
Kevin carrying the tree into the house.
Kevin having put up a Christmas tree.
Kevin decorating the Christmas tree.
Kevin noticing Harry is watching him by looking at his reflection on an ornament.
"Dad, can you come here and help me?"
Kevin noticing Harry walking away.
Opening a window from the attic, Kevin spies on Harry and Marv.
Kevin hearing the burglars are planning to return at nine o'clock so they can rob his house.
Later that night, Kevin arrives at a Santa Claus greeting house.
Kevin asking an elf if he can see Santa.
Kevin being told by the elf that Santa is just about to leave in his car.
Kevin meeting with a Santa impersonator, knowing he's not the real Santa Claus.
Kevin asking the Santa impersonator to tell the real Santa that all he wants for Christmas is to be reunited with his family.
Kevin going to be given some Tic Tacs from the Santa impersonator.
(Santa impersonator: "Don't spoil your dinner.") "I won't. Thanks."
Kevin walking through the neighborhood.
Kevin watching a family celebrate Christmas together, making him reminisce and miss his family even more.
Kevin walking past the church.
Upon noticing the church, Kevin decides to go inside.
Kevin walking through the church as a choir sings "Silent Night".
Kevin shocked to see Old Man Marley at the church.
Kevin scared as Old Marley approaches him.
Kevin confused when Old Man Marley wishes him a Merry Christmas.
Kevin being told by Marley that the rumors about him are not true.
Kevin talking to Marley, revealing he feels he hasn't been good due to how he behaved around his family.
Kevin hearing Marley say having good or bad feelings about your family is a complicated thing.
Kevin asking Marley why he's attending church right now.
Kevin listening to Marley explain he has an estranged relationship with his son whom he hasn't spoken to in years, despite coming to church to listen to his granddaughter sing.
Hearing Marley is too afraid to reconcile with his son, Kevin tells him how he overcame his fear of going down to his basement.
Kevin encouraging Marley to reach out to his son so he can find out if his son wants to reconcile with him or not.
After encouraging Marley, Kevin is advised by the old man to head back home before it gets late.
Kevin asking Marley what he thinks will happen if he reaches out to his son.
(Marley: "We'll just wait and see what happens. Merry Christmas.") "Merry Christmas."
As he leaves the church, Kevin hears a clock chime to eight, making realize the burglars will be robbing his house soon.
Kevin running out of the church.
Kevin running to get back home.
Once her returns home, Kevin locks the front door.
"This is my house. I have to defend it!"- Kevin choosing to defend his house.
Kevin setting up booby traps around his house.
Kevin pouring a bucket of water on the stairs leading to the front door.
Kevin placing an electric barbecue starter on the front door's doorknob.
Kevin using a hose to freeze the stairs leading down to the basement.
Kevin covering the basement's indoor stairs with tar.
Kevin poking a needle through hard texture paper.
Kevin running to his tree house, carrying a long rope with him.
Kevin tying the rope to the tree holding his treehouse with the other end tied to the inside of his house's attic.
Kevin moving a fan and a pile of feathers in place in the dining room.
Kevin putting glass Christmas ornaments on the floor next to an open window.
"Bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. Amen."
Just before he can eat his dinner, Kevin hears the grandfather clock strike nine o'clock.
Kevin blowing out the candles.
In the kitchen, Kevin goes to grab the BB gun.
"This is it. Don't get scared now."
Kevin hiding in the corner of the kitchen door.
Kevin hearing Harry and Marv knocking on the door.
Kevin kneeling down at the doggy door, armed with his BB gun.
Kevin aiming his BB gun at the burglars.
After shooting Harry, Kevin lays on the floor waiting for Marv to poke through the doggy door.
"Hello."-Kevin about to shoot Marv.
Kevin watching Harry burn his hand on the front door's doorknob outside.
"Yes! Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"
Kevin readying his feather fan trap.
(Harry: "We're gonna get you!") "Okay, come and get me!"
"I'm up here, you morons! Come and get me!"
"Do you guys give up, or are you thirsty for more?"- Kevin taunting Harry & Marv.
Kevin throwing paint cans at Harry and Marv.
"Yes!"-Kevin after hitting both Harry and Marv.
Kevin checking a trip wire.
Calling the police, Kevin reports his neighbors, the Murphys are being robbed in order to protect his house and himself.
Kevin hanging up the phone after calling the police.
Kevin crawling under the trip wire.
Kevin having crawled under the trip wire.
Kevin running to the attic when Harry and Marv spot him.
Kevin seeing Marv has grabbed his ankle after he jumps over the trip wire.
Kevin noticing Buzz's pet spider on the attic stairs.
Kevin reaching for the spider.
Kevin managing to grab the spider.
After putting the spider on Marv's face, causing the criminal to let go of his ankle, Kevin runs up the stairs to the attic.
Kevin putting his BB gun away.
Kevin getting ready to escape from the attic.
Kevin going to zip line from the attic to his treehouse.
Despite being scared, Kevin bravely proceeds to escape from the attic.
Kevin standing on the window frame.
Kevin about to zip line across his backyard.
Kevin zip lining across his backyard.
Kevin getting closer to his treehouse.
Kevin screaming when he sees he's head towards the tree trunk.
Kevin having crashed into his treehouse.
Kevin after surviving the crash.
"Down here, you big horses' ass! Come and get me before I call the police!"
Kevin holding a pair of garden shears.
"Hey, guys, check this out!"
Kevin cutting the rope, causing Harry and Marv to swing into a brick wall.
Kevin climbing down his treehouse.
Kevin running from the Wet Bandits.
Kevin running through the neighborhood.
Kevin stopping at the Murphy house.
"Hey! I'm calling the cops!"
Kevin running to the Murphys' house.
Kevin going to enter the Murphys' basement.
Kevin in the Murphys' flooded basement.
Kevin being outsmarted and cornered by Harry and Marv.
Kevin getting captured by Harry and Marv.
Kevin being lifted up by the criminals.
Kevin hanging on a door hook.
Kevin getting scared when Harry and Marv decide to torture him.
Kevin hearing the criminals' intentions to inflict pain on him the same way they fell into his booby traps.
Kevin seeing Harry going to bite his fingers.
Kevin being saved by Old Man Marley who followed him and the criminals into the house.
Kevin watching Marv fall unconscious after Marley hits him with his shovel.
Kevin watching Marley hitting Harry with his shovel.
Kevin watching Harry fall to the floor unconscious.
Kevin getting rescued by Marley.
Kevin being carried by Marley as he leaves the Murphy house.
Later, after returning home, Kevin watches police cars show up at the Murphy house.
Kevin watching Harry and Marv getting arrested for their crimes.
Kevin waving goodbye to Harry as the police take him and Marv to jail.
Kevin having cleaned up his house and put on his pajamas.
Kevin sitting in his living room, looking at his Christmas decorations.
Kevin sleeping in his parents' bedroom.
Kevin waking up on Christmas morning.
Kevin realizing it's Christmas Day.
Kevin running downstairs.
Kevin finding no signs of his family in the house.
Kevin sad to see his family has not come back home.
Kevin sadly looking at his family portrait.
Kevin hearing the front door open and close.
Kevin hearing his mom come into the house.
Kevin running back downstairs.
Kevin looking for his mom.
Kevin realizing his mom is right behind him.
Kevin reuniting with his mother.
Kevin looking upset with his mom for accidentally leaving him home alone.
When his mom apologizes for leaving him home alone, Kevin decides to forgive her.
Kevin embracing with his mother.
"Where's everybody else?"
Kevin and his mom surprised when the rest of their family arrive home.
Kevin reuniting with his dad.
Kevin reuniting with his family.
Kevin being praised by Buzz for not destroying the house.
Kevin happy to see his family reunited.
(Kate: "Oh, someone needs to find an open store. We don't even have milk here.") "I went shopping yesterday."
Kevin surprising and impressing his family by revealing he had gone shopping and taken care of himself.
(Peter: "What else did you do while we were away?") "Just hung around."
Kevin as his family goes to settle down and unpack their bags.
Kevin noticing something.
Kevin walking through the living room.
Kevin walking towards a window.
Kevin happily witnessing Marley reunite and reconcile with his son and family.
Kevin waving at Marley who silently thanks him for mending his relationship with his family.
Kevin's last appearance as he hears Buzz finding his bedroom destroyed.
Rare DVD outtake - Kevin falls for another family member's prank.