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Guys! My daughter is into doors!
~ Khan to his WDF crew after he gets tricked by Uzi.
Bad crowd, those murder drones. Destroying ways off the planet, my wife... my daughter having interests beyond cannibalism and... 'nightcore'? It's the end times! Haha... If my wife's closet is right, the planet's gonna try to eat us soon.
~ Khan preparing for battle.

Khan Doorman is a supporting character in Murder Drones. He is the husband of Nori Doorman and father of Uzi Doorman who is the inventor of the blast doors that kept his colony safe. He is the leader of the Worker Defense Force, an organization that escape from murderously vampiric Disassembly Drones.

He is voiced by David J. Dixon.


Khan is a Worker Drone with white eyes and a fake black mustache. He also has wrinkles on his visor. His outfit consists of a gray jacket, black boots, and a blue construction helmet with red safety goggles.


In the beginning of the series, Khan was shown to be a lazy and neglectful parent, referring to his daughter as a disappointment on newspapers, and spending time playing cards with his crew rather than protecting the colony.

Despite being the leader of the Worker Defense Force, Khan was shown to be a coward, who when faced with a Disassembly, left his daughter to die at their hands and refused to fight against them even when they had him and the people of his colony surrounded.

After Uzi left the colony, Khan initially denied that his daughter's behavior was completely his fault and blamed her teacher for not being interested in class and the other students not caring about her, even throwing away the teacher's notepad when he saw that he was taking notes of their conversation. During his talk with the teacher, he mentions that, just like Uzi, Khan used to be misanthropic and had a desire to kill all humans, although he lost it as time went on.

When he found Uzi after the latter defeated the Absolute Solver and she hugged him, Khan decided to try to spend more time with Uzi. To that end, he forbade her from meeting with N and the other Disassembly Drones since he believed that they were a bad influence to Uzi, and took all of her conspiracy drawings in the same room he put all the things Nori had written.

He also convinced Uzi's teacher to bring some of her colleagues to help her get ready to prom night, thinking it would help Uzi become more social towards others. When Uzi made a speech on how Worker Drones and Disassembly Drones should move foward together so they could solve their problems, Khan was shown to be smiling, proud of what his daughter had said.

Seeing Doll then attacking Uzi and her friends, Khan tried to help Uzi to no avail. Later, he gives Uzi her mother's collar which she used back when she was a test subject in the labs of Copper 9, while noting that he wasn't there when Nori and Uzi needed him the most, showing he regrets the decisions he made, and telling Uzi to take care of herself.

While Uzi was trying to stop the Absolute Solver from erasing N and V's memories, Khan, believing that they were having a sleepover, was happy that she was able to bring friends to their home for the first time. Later, when Doll told him that he raised a good daughter, Khan afirmed that Uzi is the way she is despite him, not because of him.

When Copper 9's gravity polls started to lose, Khan decided to help in stopping it, knowing that the Absolute Solver was going to try to consume the planet, and aiding Thad and Lizzy in their attempt to fight J when they thought she was helping the Solver.



Khan was built in Camp 98.7, and would later meet Nori Doorman, a Absolute Solver user, with them later having a child they named Uzi. After the core of Copper 9 collapsed and the Disassembly Drones were sent to kill the remaining Worker Drones, Khan built three doors to protect his colony from being wipes out, and would become the leader of the Worker Defense Force, WDF for short.

One day, Nori was stabbed with nanite acid by a Disassembly Drone, so Khan was forced to kill her. While it's not made clear when this happened, Khan would become a more neglectful parent and start to refer to doors as his real daughters and Uzi as a "disappointment of a child".

Murder Drones[]

When Uzi tries to go kill the Disassembly Drones, she would run into her father, whom she lies that she was going to see the exterior mechanism of Door 1 so she could leave the colony to do her objective. Believing that Uzi was telling the truth, Khan allowed her to pass and was pround of her for starting to like doors like him, and gave her a wrench he used to fix his first door prototype before she left.

Later during N's attack of the colony, Khan would run into Uzi, and seeing the bodies of his coworkers, asks Uzi what she had done. They are then interruoted by N, who stabs Uzi and throws her weapon close to Khan, but due to being too afraid, Khan left his daughter at N's mercy and closed Door 2 while activating the alarm to inform everyone to get to the evacuation spot.

However, V was able to enter the evacuation spot through the ventilation shafts, where she and J killed several Worker Drones and were about to kill Thad, who tells Khan and the other members of the WDF to defend the colony, but they refuse out of fear.

Before V could kill Thad, however, Uzi appeared with N, whom she had changed his mind and convinced him in helping Uzi protect Worker Drones, and the two fought J and V, with Uzi blowing J's head off and V getting chained up by N to stop her from hurting anyone.

Uzi then confronts her father over his cowardice, before banishing herself from the colony and leaving with N. Sometime later at Uzi's school's parents-teachers conference, Khan would meet with Uzi's teacher, who informed him that Uzi has been absent, and told him of his daughter's behavior in class, which was terrible due to her being socially distant and sometimes aggressive.

Because of the teacher also noting some of Uzi's behavior being Khan's fault, he threw the teacher's note block when the conversation between them was interrupted by one of his coworkers who told him about the recent murders in the colony, but he refuses to go there because he was worried about what was going on with his daughter.

Before ending his talk with the teacher, Khan threatened to "install a door on his face" if he ever called Uzi damaged again and told him that Uzi is the way she is now because of the teacher and the other students in her class as well. He then left to see what the murders was about, and found Uzi where Thad had told they found the Absolute Solver.

Before Khan could ask Uzi what was she doing, she hugged him, with Khan hugging her back before telling his coworkers to investigate the room they found Uzi. A few days later, Khan would take all the drawing Uzi made to investigate what was going on at Copper, and told her to go to her school's prom because he believed it would help her get better and become less socially distant with others.

Khan then went to see the prom where he was waiting for Uzi, and gets scared when V appears, and while he tries to leave, he notices that the doors were locked. After Uzi and N save V from Doll, Khan is seen smiling proudly when Uzi tells Doll that they must move forward with the help of the Disassembly Drones or not at all, as they are just as much as victims as the Disassembly Drones.

Khan tries to help Uzi, but Doll stops him. Before Uzi's school tramping trip to Camp 98.7, Khan gave her Nori's collar, as he believed it would help her deal with the Absolute Solver and find the truth behind behind her abilities. During Uzi's attempt to enter N and V's memories before the Absolute Solver wiped them out, Khan would tell her that he is happy that she brought friends to her home, but Uzi affirmed that it wasn't a sleepover.

Later, Doll appeared and chained Khan to a wall. After Uzi gave Doll a cockroach which served as a key to a lab in Copper 9, Doll would tell Khan that he raised a good daughter, with Khan telling her that it was an accomplishment for Uzi because she was able to become herself in spite of Khan's treatment of her, which annoyed Doll, who then left the place.

Sometime after this, the gravity fields on Copper 9 started to stop, leading Khan to realize that the Absolute Solver was preparing to consume the planet, so he decided to exit the colony so he could help stop it. He meets with Lizzy and Thad, whom he later helps in trying to fight against J when they thought she was part of what was going on.


  • Glitch revealed in a live showing of the second episode of the series that Khan was initially intended to be the main villain of the series, but this was changed during early development.

External Links[]


            Murder Drones logo Heroes

Disassembly Drones
N | V

Worker Drones
Uzi Doorman | Thad | Lizzy | Khan Doorman | Nori Doorman | Yeva


Tessa Elliott | Mitchell
