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Kick-Ass (original)

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Hero Overview

I was the little guy who refused to give up. The world’s first real life Superhero.
~ Kick-Ass mentioning of his viral video.

Kick-Ass is the titular protagonist of the comic book franchise of the same name. He is a high school student who sets out to becoming a real-life superhero, by fighting crime as a masked stick-fighting vigilante. He is the superhero identity of teenager David "Dave" Lizewski.

He is played Aaron-Taylor Johnson, who also played Quicksilver in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Ford Brody in Godzilla.




David “Dave” Lizeski was typical teenager who likes to fantasise and reads Comics, he is obsessed with his classmate Kate, however he has a tragedy when his mother suffered an weak valve in her head and collapsed dead, he lives with his father and hangs out with his friends who shared the same interest as him, to the point he put on a green- themed jumpsuit he brought from Ebay to cope with his lonely life, he began a crime-fighting career by training at the Gym to build his abilities and hanging around in buildings.

Vol 1[]

Kick-Ass first appears to a bunch of Homos who were vandalising a court and proceeds to fight them with his baton, however he was quickly underestimated when he was kicked in the groin, but managed to smash a bottle at one of the homos which he would be beaten down by the other thugs, however he was then stabbed in the gut from behind by the main vandal and left Dave to bleed out in the street until he was hit by a car by two female pedestrians, breaking both his legs and spine, and was left naked after his costume was stolen which he was taken to the hospital shortly after. after spending days in the hospital, he awoke after months of counselling, rehabilitation and four surgeries, resulting in metal plates being placed onto his head and came back to his usual life two days, he briefly had a hate for comics when he burned them in his backyard, but it didn’t stop him due to that “beast” inside of him which led to putting on his costume once again but was harassed by a group of girls which led to him accidentally knocking a guy who was being chased by thugs. After seeing the man being beaten down, Dave took his batons and fought the group of men, while he managed to constantly hit at them men and telling them to leave the guy alone, he was caught off-guard by the onlooking people and tells them to call the cops but before he could finish, he was struck from behind with a trash can from one of preuro recan men and was beaten down by the group while he was filmed, much to everyone’s surprised Kick-Ass managed to fend off the men and beat them again, leaving them to escape but was cheered by many of the pedestrians who witnessed the fight and asked the injured man if he was ok, which the man said thank you to him while another guy uploaded the fight to the internet.

I’m the next issue, Kick-Ass’s video became a 24-hour hit everywhere in the town, gaining celebrity attention which increase Dave’s motivation to put on his costume again and fight crime, He then started a MySpace account to become reluctant to people of his services, which brings to his client of a man named Eddie lomas who was harassing his ex-girlfriend though her phone calls and threatens the man for not taking him seriously, up to the point he pepper sprayed the man, but he tried to flee before anything next would happen but Maya hit him in the head with a bottle, leaving Eddie’s men to throw Kick-Ass towards the door and harm him, until Eddie and his gang was killed by Hit-Girl, leaving him mildly traumatised. Soon he had been laying low but became increasingly jealous over a ew vigilante named Red Mist who claims to have done major good deeds by “stopping” Mobsters and drug dealers alike, he then contacted the latter to beet with him in an alley where he would quickly became friends, and soon sees a burning building which he attempts to save someone named Charlie which turned out to be a giant rat they failed to save and lied to the cops to continue their vigilante days. He was later contacted by both Hit-Girl and Big-Daddy who tracked his location up at his apartment and was forced to team up with them to take down their biggest enemies, however upon arriving the next day, Kick-Ass was double crossed by Red Miss and sent men to ambush both Hit-girl and Big-Daddy who was lying in a pool of blood, Hit-Girl reveals him as John Genovese’s son and soon presumably kills her, leaving Dave to be tortured by electrocution, He was confronted by a heavily injured Big-Daddy who revealed his identity before being killed by John Genoverse, soon Kick-Ass provokes Genoverse’s men to beat him up until they destroyed the table, he was saved by Hit-Girl just as the men were about to kill him and they worked together to takedown Genovese’s in his elevator. While arriving at the Elevator Hit-Girl revealed to be wearing Kevlar and slaughtered the men in his way while Kick-Ass uses broken parts of the chair and hunts down Chris Genovese as they had a “Peter-Parker vs Harry Osborn” moments, before slamming the latter with the wooden planks as Chris attempted to shoot at Kick-Ass, he later finds Hit-Girl and saves her from John Genovese by shooting the latter in the crotch and letting Hit-Girl to slice a cleaver into his head, while watching as she shoots the remaining men, she thanks him as he hugs her by her request, while he was later challenged online by a vengeful Red Mist in the end.

Vol 2[]

In the next volume, He began training with Hit-Girl and partners with Doctor Gravity who fights alongside him, he eventually stumbled upon the Justice Guild where he discovers his childhood friend was one of them and went on missions with Judtice Forever, later his identity was discovered by his father which he storms out, however the latter, knowing about his son’s involvement decides to put the blame to protect his son, soon Chris ordered his men to spite Dave’s life by ambushing him at the funeral and kidnapping him, luckily he was saved by Hit-Girl kills them and drives the vehicle to the villains HQ where they take down some men and looked at reports of Genovese’s mob attacking time square, which they then equip some gear and drive to the scene to confront Genovese and his Toxic-Gang. Eventually Kick-Ass and Genovese began a fierce and personal fight which two men provoking and pushing one another as Kick-Ass grapple at Chris and punches his chin while Hit-Girl fights Mother Russia and the other Justice Forever members in an all out war which alarmed the police. During the fight Kick-Ass manages to pummel and beat down down at Chris while the other allies cheer him after beating Genovese’s men, eventually Kick-Ass was confronted by the riots who were holding him and the other heroes back, Kick-Ass manages to bypass the Riots and follows Chris to a nearby apartment onto the roof and challenges him once again, but in a surprise attack Chris hits him with paint buckets and tells him to lay low, but Kicks kicks Chris in the groin as he is stops for a second after Chris pretends to surrender but then threw a bunch of nails at Dave’s face, underestimating his opponent as the latter angerly overwhelms Chris by brutally swinging his batons at him before unintentionally leading him to fall from a great story to the pavement, Chris, barely alive and broken pleads to Dave to call an ambulance by keeping his promise to never reveal his identity to which the latter solemnly agrees and later accidentally looks down at the officers at the scene which he was quickly saved by Hit-Girl once again who gave him time to escape and turned herself in.

Vol 3[]

David joined the guild to rescue Hit girl who sent him instructions to find her stashed weapons, David joined the Justice Forever league where they discuss their identities, however David quickly deduced that his best friend was also a superhero due to the distinct voice and the fabrication over the “dead family cliche” after mentioning seeing his mom at the grocery store this morning, The group would plan to rescue hit Girl from prison but also take on John Genoverse’s brother and hit goons, later on when Hit-Girl was targeted upon by John’s crime organization including the distinction with his Son Chris would avenge his death, but quickly betrayed his men and rescued Hit girl to contact David outside using his Cellphone, Dave got the message much to his confusion, later Hit girl reunited with the hero where they plan on ending the organization once and for all, David comforted Hit-Girl after avenging the people she cared for, in the end of the volume, David and Hit girl now work at the same school, David fell in love with a nurse and the two “hit on” later, David got his diploma at the Police academy due to being the last to volunteer and narrating the end of the story of the flying hero who was inspired by his life story.

In Other Media[]

See also: Kick-Ass (Movie)


Dave Lizewski was an ordinary High School Student, who lives with his parents. Suddenly, his mother died of brain cancer. Dave decided to move forward by living in reality by taking good care of his loving father. However, Dave gets more interested in comicbooks by making himself real life superhero. He easily ordered that delivery website. Suddenly, the delivery costume has arrived. The superhero outfit that is colored green and yellow. Dave became Kick-Ass for the first time. He fought the criminals bravely, but he was badly camatosed and defeated by them before being hit by the car. He was brought to the hospital to make himself be fully well. Few weeks later, Dave was healty. With the metal plates over his entire body, he can extremely immune to dangerous beatings. Aside from fighting against crime, he went back to streets to save a man from the gangsters. The recorders record the incident about a hero fighting against baddies in the streets and uploads it in YouTube, turning Dave into a heroic name Kick-Ass.

Kick-Ass 2[]

After the D'amico incident, Dave started a new school life for himself and Mindy. He makes new friends and enemies.


At first, Dave used to be a cowardly person, but he has a strong sense of courage and heroism to become Kick-Ass. After being confined in the hospital, he is developing more honor and determination to fight against criminals and many evil organizations like D’amico Family. So, he can create peace and freedom for friends and family. He can be cold-blooded and dangerous towards his enemies when he fights with them but has a good heart.

Skills and Abilities[]

  • High-Tolerance of Pain: Due to having several metal plates and braces implanted in several places all around his body along with damaged nerve endings, this gives Kick-Ass the ability to be immune to pain, giving him an edge while fighting.
  • Expert Martial Artist: When Dave started fighting, he had no fighting skills but however, he learned the art of Eskrima and he became a strong and skilled fighter.
  • Peak Human Conditioning: He possesses excellent strength, speed, stamina and durability to that of a teenager due to his training.
  • Baton Swinging: Kick-Ass is an extremely skilled stick-fighter as he uses his twin batons as weapons aganist his enemies.
  • Expert Driver: Throughout the final series of Kick-Ass 3, he has become a skilled driver.


  • He is a fan of the TV Show Scrubs, The Rock-Band Steriophonics and movies of Ryan Reynolds.


           Kick-Ass Heroes

Kick-Ass | Hit-Girl | Big Daddy | Justice Forever | Lieutenant Stripes | Colonel Stars and Stripes | Sophie | Ass-Kicker | Battle-Guy | Remembering Tommy | All Seeing Eye | Doctor Gravity | The Juicer | Night Bitch | Insect Man | Long Island Rocket-Man | Moon Bird | Skybird | The Enforcer | Katie Deauxma | Mrs. Zane | James Lizewski | Marcus Williams | Patience Lee

Kick-Ass | Hit-Girl | Big Daddy | Justice Forever | Colonel Stars and Stripes | Eisenhower Doctor Gravity | Insect Man | Remembering Tommy | Battle Guy | Ass-Kicker | Night Bitch | Katie Deauxma | Marcus Williams
