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Now... I'm in with you... and all I know is folks all seem to die... and... I still love horses.
~ Kieran Duffy

Kieran Duffy is a supporting character from the 2018 video game Red Dead Redemption 2. He is the newest member of the Van Der Linde gang, where most distrust him for being with the O'Driscoll Boys, the rival gang.

He was voiced by Pico Alexander.


Kieran's parents died of cholera, leaving Kieran an orphan and being forced to work in the stables. At some point, the O'Driscolls found him and forced him to join his gang.

The O'Driscolls would move to Colter for a time. Kieran for the first time in Chapter 1, where he is scolded by Colm O'Driscoll, the leader of the gang. Later, the Van Der Linde gang kills all the O'Driscolls that were in the place, except Colm and Kieran, who managed to escape. Later, the gang finds him, and Dutch Van Der Linde, leader of the gang, asks his most important man, Arthur Morgan, to kidnap him, since he could give them information about the O'Driscolls. Arthur kidnaps him, ignoring Kieran's pleas for him to let him go. Later he is confronted by Dutch, who orders that they keep him tied up until he gives them information about the O'Driscolls, although he claims that he is not an O'Driscoll.

He would later be tied to a tree in Chapter 2, where Arthur, Dutch, and Bill would confront him to tell them the whereabouts of Colm O'Driscoll and his men. Kieran repeats that he is not an O'Driscoll, and Dutch, fed up with hearing the same thing, asks Bill to bring the pincers to castrate him. Kieran eventually gives up and tells them that Colm is in Six Point Cabin, to which Arthur, Bill, and John head to the place along with Kieran. Upon reaching the site, the gang kills all the O'Driscolls in the area. Arthur would be about to enter the cabin where Colm was supposed to be, only to be surprised by an O'Driscoll. When the O'Driscoll was about to kill him, Kieran shows up and shoots the O'Driscoll in the stomach, killing him and saving Arthur's life. Arthur appreciates Kieran's help, but when he enters the cabin, he discovers that Colm is not there. Arthur confronts Kieran about this, but Kieran tells him that if that were the case, he would not have saved Arthur's life, and says Arthur, Bill and John that he is now part of the Van Der Linde gang, as now the Driscolls will seek him out to kill him. Arthur reluctantly agrees.

Kieran does not do much in Chapter 3 more than a fishing activity with Arthur and taking care of the horses, since he feels that the gang has not yet fully accepted him. In addition, he witnessed the Braithwaite family kidnap little Jack Marston, but he did nothing because he already knew about the gang's dealings with the family. Dutch orders both Kieran and Micah to guard the camp while they go to rescue Jack.

In Chapter 4, after the gang rescued Jack Marston, Kieran mysteriously disappeared from the camp. No one made a big deal out of it except Mary-Beth. However, in reality, the O'Driscolls found out where Kieran was and kidnapped and tortured him into telling them where Dutch's gang was. Kieran eventually gives up and tells them that they are at Shady Belle. Despite this, Colm hideously murders him, gouging out his eyes, beheading him, and sending his mutilated corpse on horseback to the gang's camp, much to everyone's surprise. The O'Driscolls would later attack the gang, but the gang would survive the shooting. The gang mourns Kieran's death and Dutch asks Reverend Swamson to bury Kieran somewhere nearby, but not too much. Arthur deeply regrets that he was unable to save Kieran, as he had saved his life before, but he was unable to do the same for him. Kieran's grave can be found in the meadow west of Shady Belle.

Later, Dutch, Arthur, and Sadie finally finish off Colm O'Driscoll in Chapter 6, avenging Kieran's death.


Kieran Duffy is a very docile and kind young man to be in a gang of outlaws. He wants to earn a place in the Van Der Linde gang, but most of them ridicule and antagonize him because he was with the O'Driscolls in the past. Jack even throws rocks at him.

Despite all that, Kieran managed to form some friendships in the gang. For example, he seems to get along with Bill despite the fact that he constantly teases him, Sean, to whom he can tell his backstory, Mary-Beth with whom he seems to have a romantic relationship, and Arthur Morgan due to Kieran saved him life. Arthur also mourns his death, as Kieran saved his life, but was unable to return the favor.


  • Kieran is often considered by fans to be one of the least villainous gang members, due to only one violent moment, where he shot an O’Driscoll to protect Arthur. He also is generally friendly to the gang and their animals.


           Official Red Dead logo Heroes

Red Dead Revolver
Red Harlow

Red Dead Redemption
John Marston | Abigail Roberts | Jack Marston | Uncle | Bonnie MacFarlane | Leigh Johnson | Landon Ricketts | Luisa Fortuna

Red Dead Redemption II
Van der Linde gang
Arthur Morgan | Dutch Van Der Linde | Hosea Matthews | John Marston | Abigail Roberts | Bill Williamson | Javier Escuella | Lenny Summers | Sean MacGuire | Charles Smith | Sadie Adler | Susan Grimshaw | Karen Jones | Molly O'Shea | Tilly Jackson | Simon Pearson | Orville Swanson | Josiah Trelawny | Kieran Duffy

Wapiti Indians
Rains Fall | Eagle Flies

Guarma Rebels
Hercule Fontaine | Leon Fuentes

Lyndon Monroe | Thaddeus Waxman

Red Dead Online
Protagonist (Red Dead Online) | Jessica LeClerk | Horley
