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Kiichi Furano is the last member of the KiraDeco 5 and also a big eater. Usually heavyweight, he lives a slow by peaceful life in Hokkaido until he joins the group. Kiichi is usually found of food and very gluttonous, but he is also caring, gentle and has a powerful stomach that can digest anything he eats, even endure Sapphie's bad cooking in some points. He is also reliable on cleaning dishes, good at sumo and also an expert on Haiku and Sumo. In the last episodes, his desire to protect others allowed his heart to link with Sapphie, creating his Jewel of Fate: the Yellow Sapphire which allowed him to transform to his new form. By the end of the series, he prepare some food for Sapphie before returning to the human world.

He stays at Sapphie's house during his stay in Jewel Land. He goes in the codename Slow Life Yellow.

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             Jewelpet Logo Heroes

Jewelpets: Ruby | Garnet | Sapphie | Nephrite | Rin | Peridot | Luna | Sango | Labra | Alex | Angela | Rosa | Larimar
Humans: Rinko Kougyoku | Minami Asaoka | Aoi Arisugawa | Akari Sakura | Miria Marigold Mackenzie | Sara | Kanon Mizushiro | Hinata Asaka | Shouko Aizawa | Pink Oomiya | Retsu Akagi | Blue Knight Ozaki | Midori Akagi | Kiichi Furano | Professor Decorisky | Princess Mana | Chiari Tsukikage | Nene Konoe | Ruruka Hanayama | Momona | Mizuki | Charon | Airi Kirara
