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Important Note: This article is ONLY for the HEROIC King Ghidorah from Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack, NOT his villainous incarnations in the rest of his appearances.

The thousand Year-Old Dragon... King Ghidorah.
~ Yuri Tachibana after Ghidorah has been rejuvenated by Mothra's essence.
We'll find out if you're our guardian, Ghidorah.
~ General Tachibana before he decends into the water in the Satsuma submarine.

King Ghidorah (キングギドラ, Kingu Gidora) or simply known as Ghidorah, is a three-headed golden dragon whose heroic incarnation appears in the 2001 Toho film, Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack.

Usually portrayed as the franchise' main villain and a member of a chinese dragon-like alien race called Ghidorah, this version of King Ghidorah played a more heroic role and is actually an immature form of Yamata-no-Orochi, the legendary 8-headed draconic serpent (or dragon to say in the least).

After his defeat in combat with honorable Japanese warriors in the past, he, along with fellow Guardian Monsters Baragon and Mothra was destined to be reincarnated while carrying souls of deceased honorable Japanese people to protect Japan from attack by restless souls of victims of the Pacific War who possessed and reanimated the remains of the Godzilla who attacked Japan in 1954.


Unlike his villainous extraterrestrial incarnations, this Ghidorah is a form of Yamata-no-Orochi, the God of the Sky and one of the three Guardian Monsters, along with Mothra and Baragon. He was slain by ancient Japanese warriors and laid to rest in the forests around Mount Fuji, with the warriors praying for his soul so that he would rise again one day to defend Japan. But he died when fighting a pure white eyed Godzilla.


As Yamata no Orochi[]

Since King Ghidorah is stated to be Yamata-no-Orochi itself, his true form is arguably similar to traditional depictions of King Ghidorah, but has 8 heads and 8 tails. However, He as Orochi was underdeveloped having wings, two tails of his eight tails and three of his eight heads

As King Ghidorah[]

In his current form as King Ghidorah, he looked like a golden dragon monster with two legs, three heads on long necks, giant bat-like wings, and two tails. Reasons why he had an appearance similar to his villainous counterpart was due to him being summoned prematurely.

As Thousand-Year-Old Dragon, King Ghidorah[]

After Mothra's energy flowed into the unconscious Ghidorah, reviving him as the Thousand-Year Dragon King. Despite resembles his current King Ghidorah form, it should be noted these form had matured his special abilities and featuring bright aura.


Ghidorah is one of the three legendary guardians of the Japanese isles. When Godzilla attacks Japan, Ghidorah, Mothra, and Baragon, aided by the Japan Self-Defense Force, fought him. All three are presumably killed, but their spirits entered Godzilla, stunning him long enough for General Tachibana to burrow out of Godzilla after initially firing a D-03 missile. This destroyed Godzilla when he tried to use his atomic rays after it burst out of the inflicted hole, vaporizing Godzilla from within.


  • Burrowing: Ghidorah is able to burrow to the ground, though he only used it to dig his way to revenant Godzilla's location from his resting place.
  • Flight: Ghidorah is soon able to fly when Mothra's ultimately sacrificed herself, when Godzilla brutally murdered her and she sent her life energy to him. This allowed King Ghidorah to be able to fly and match Godzilla in combat.
  • Gravity Beam Emission: Much like his villainous counterpart, Ghidorah can fire gravity beams. At first, he can only use to imbue his bite with electricity, but after empowered piece of the statue from his shrine, he is now capable of firing his beam with full force.
  • Soul Shield: King Ghidorah is able to create a powerful energy shield made of souls of deceased honorable Japanese that is capable of absorbing incoming projectiles and them release them, although this only occurred after Mothra's own essence that carry the same souls, merged into King Ghidorah's body, so it is unknown if King Ghidorah is able to do that by himself or not, it remains unclear.



  • King Ghidorah's role in Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack was originally meant for Varan, as he was originally planned to be in the film with Anguirus but was scrapped in favor of Mothra and King Ghidorah because of their popularity. Although, Varan's facial fins can be seen on all three of King Ghidorah's heads. The reason for this was because Fuyuki Shinada, who designed the suits for all the monsters in Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack, was disappointed that Varan, his all-time favorite monster, wasn't going to be in the film, so he compromised by putting Varan's facial fins on each side of all three of King Ghidorah's heads.
  • The GMK King Ghidorah is one of the only two incarnations of King Ghidorah to be a hero alongside Mecha-King Ghidorah.

External Links[]


           Godzillalogo Heroes

Anguirus | Amano Shiratori | Baragon | Behemoth | Captain Haruo Sakaki | Daisuke Serizawa | Daigoro | Dr. Ishiro Serizawa | Emma Russell | Fairy Mothra | Ford Brody | Godzilla (Showa | 1984 | 2000/2002 | Final Wars | MonsterVerse) | Godzilla Junior | Gorosaurus | Ghogo | Hank Marlow | James Conrad | Jet Jaguar | Kenji Noda | King Caesar | King Ghidorah | King Kong (Showa | MonsterVerse) | Koichi Shikishima | Kumonga | Madison Russell | Manda | Mark Russell | Mason Weaver | M.O.G.U.E.R.A. | Methuselah | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla (1993 | Kiryu | Anime) | Miana and Maina | Miki Saegusa | Minilla | Mothra (MonsterVerse) | Mothra Leo | Niko Tatopoulos | Noriko Oishi | Primitive Mothra | Queen MUTO | Rodan (MonsterVerse) | Sanda | Scylla | Seiji Akitsu | Shiro Mizushima | Shobijin | Sosaku Tachibana | Steve Martin | Tatsuo Hotta | Titanosaurus | Utsuno Ikusagami | Varan | Zilla

Godzilla (Showa | Hanna Barbera) | Godman | Godzooky | Greenman | Niko Tatopoulos | Zilla Junior | Zone Fighter | Torema | Beisuke Jinguji | Lucas | Misato Jinguji | Mei Kamino | Yun Arikawa | Jet Jaguar (Godzilla Singular Point)

Video Games
Anguirus | Godzilla (Super Godzilla) | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla | Rodan | Titanosaurus

Comics and Manga
Godzilla (2000/2002 | MonsterVerse | Death May Die) | King Kong (MonsterVerse) | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla | Rodan | Titanosaurus

