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“ | By heaven, you make me mad. Which of us said that was Aslan? This is the Ape's imitation of the real Aslan. Can't you understand?
„ |
~ Tirian trying to get the dwarves to believe him. |
“ | Here stand I, Tirian of Narnia, in Aslan's name, to prove with my body that Tash is a foul fiend, the Ape a manifold traitor, and these Calormines worthy of death. To my side, all true Narnians. Would you wait until your new masters have killed you all one by one? | „ |
~ Tirian when addressing the crowd in front of the stable. |
King Tirian is the main protagonist of C. S. Lewis' 1956 book The Last Battle. He is the Last King of Narnia, living in the Narnian Year 2555. He is 25 years old at the time, being described as strong and with a scanty beard, living with his best friend, Jewel the Unicorn.
Tirian is shown to be noble and selfless for most of the book. He is also shown to be very encouraging when he was training Eustace and Jill to be able to use the weapons of Narnia and how they have to use them. He shows some extremism he told the soldier he tied to the door that he had no other choice. Overall he is very selfless and brave and a good mentor and friend to people he knows.
The Story[]
Early Life[]
Tirian lived with his father, King Erlian at Cair Paravel. He loved playing games with his father in the castle during the summer and was very good at history as a boy. He worked alongside Jewel in the wars and both saved each other's lives in the wars. They grew up together ruling Narnia well.
The beginning[]
He is first shown with his friend Jewel the Unicorn on a beautiful day in the woods, remarking about the news that Aslan has come back to Narnia. They are soon joined by Roonwit the Centaur, who warns them about horrible things he has seen in the stars that say a great evil has come to Narnia. After this, a dryad comes to alert them that the trees supporting the life force of the dryads are being cut down. After the dryad dies, Tirian goes to take vengeance and protect the dryads, as well as tell Roonwit to get him an army from Cair Paravel.
The helpers from another world[]
After Tirian & Jewel come to the spot where the work is going on, he sees one of his Narnian Horses being driven, so he & Jewel kill the 2 Calormines in rage. After they realized what they did, they went back to take justice from Aslan, and when they saw Shift in front of the stable , they were very confused. After Shift goes on about some stuff he wants the Narnians to do, he hears Shift say that Tash & Aslan are one. He gets really angry and accuses Shift of lying and might have ended his rule there and then if he had been allowed to speak. The Calormines took Jewel away & tied Tirian to a tree. After some woodland animals gave him some food and wiped the blood off his face, he thinks about what it all meant and realized it was a cheat. He then thinks about the children from another world and how he could be the unluckiest king of them all. So he calls out to them and is plunged in a dream where he saw the 7 friends of Narnia having dinner. When they saw him and reacted, Peter addressed him and told him to speak in the name of Aslan. So 10 minutes later (a week by their time), Jill and Eustace appeared and untied him, told him who they were and gave him some food. So he then took them to a tower built possibly by his grandfather to try and set things right.
Finding Puzzle[]
So after they reached the tower, they went to sleep and got ready to get Jewel by disguising themselves and getting armed. When they reached the stable, Tirian tied the sentry and made him sit down, but when they went back with Jewel and found Jill missing, someone coming, and dwarf drums in the distance they stopped because they didn't know what to do. When Jill came back with Puzzle, and tells them about it, Tirian remarks that she would need to be whipped if she pulled a stunt like that if she were a boy, presumably with a smile. When he drew his sword to cut off Puzzles head, Jill intervened and convinced him not to do it, and when that had happened, they decided to meet the dwarves and show them Puzzle.
Farsight's news and The Battle at Stable Hill[]
When they killed the Calormines with the dwarves, the dwarves then then betrayed him and went off on their own somewhere, except Poggin who joined them. After Poggin told them his news and knowledge of Shift's plot, Tash appeared and went to Stable Hill, and they realized Shift and Rishda called for Tash. When they decided to go to meet Roonwit who was bringing the army from Cair Paravel, Farsight came and told them of Roonwit's death and Narnia's take over, so they had a change of plans and went to stable hill instead, only to hear Shift tell a halftruth made up by Ginger which made it impossible for Tirian to show them Puzzle without them hurting him. So when Ginger goes in to the stable to come out in terror, and later Emeth, Shift chooses a boar to go in, and when no one came to help him. He intervened, and after throwing Shift into the stable, calls multiple Narnians to his side to help him. When the Calormines are calling their forces, he sees the dwarves and tells them to join his side, but they refuse. So when they shot the Talking Horses called to help and the Calormines with spears came, he told them to go to a white rock in the distance. So after Rishda the Tarkaan tells the animals he'll spare them and he'll throw the humans and Farsight into the stable, they refuse and the fight continues. Eustace is the first to get thrown into the stable, and Jill is next, so when Tirian is fighting Rishda and realized what they were doing, he jumped back into the stable taking Rishda with him.
Meeting the 7 friends of Narnia & the End of Narnia[]
After Tash came and grabbed Rishda, and Tash looked at him, Peter called from behind and told Tash to go "to his own place" and to take the Calormine with him. When he turns around and greeted all 7 friends of Narnia, he asks where Susan is and they tell him she stopped believing in Narnia, so wasn't with them on the train. So he sees the land around him, and after he ate some wonderful fruit they found there, the 7 Friends of Narnia tell them their story and what it was like from their perspective, seeing Tash appear and people go through the Stable door, which was just standing there on the ground. When he and Lucy meet Diggle and the rest of the dwarves, he finds they think they are in a stable. So when Aslan appeared and met Tirian, he tells Tirian he is proud of him and proceed to explain what happened to the dwarves and why even he can't do anything about them. So then Aslan walked with everyone else to the door and destroyed the Shadowlands of Narnia, but also allowed all the creatures and people who believed in him into his country, including the ones who were dead, such as Jewel, Roonwit, and Poggin as well as others. So then they walk away from the door and the dwarves and Tirian remarks that Narnia is the only world he's ever known, and that they should mourn for it.
Emeth and finding out where they are[]
When they had been walking for a while, the talking dogs sniff out Emeth and he tells them his story, as well as meeting Puzzle. So when they found they were in a better Narnian they went to run as fast as they could through Narnia to go further up and further in. While they were running, he asked Digory about if it was true about coming to Narnia at the beginning, where Digory says it was, so they ran faster until they reached the Great Waterfall.
Meeting all the people from Narnia's past and the beginning of The Great Story[]
When they had all floated up the waterfall, they kept running across Narnia until the came to a gold gate. Here, Reepicheep meets them and invites them in, they meet all the people they knew from Narnia's history, and Tirian is reunited with his father. So when they found Queen Hellen and King Frank, he bowed down like everyone else and felt like anyone on Earth would feel if they were brought before Adam and Eve. So when Aslan met them and Pardoned Puzzle for what he had done, He turned to them and explained they were dead and that they would live in his country forever. So that was when the Great Story began and they lived happily ever after.
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Friends of Narnia The Pevensies Narnian Empire Talking Beasts Archenland Old Narnians Tarkheena Telmar Others |