“ | Kingu, child of Tiamat, will show you the power of the Chain of the Heaven! Mother's fury is a thing of the past. Now I will awaken, the breath of the stars! Enuma Eliiish!! | „ |
~ Kingu attacking their mother with their ultimate power. |
“ | Forget about Mother and how I came to be? I should do what I truly desire? I didn't have such a luxury, I had nothing. Gil, I didn't have anything. Except, when I think of it there was one thing. I wanted to see you. I wanted to talk to you. All of the memories that were in his heart I was left with, I wanted to share them and how they made me feel... with you. As someone who cares. But that can never happen. That wish wasn't mine, it belonged to Enkidu. The machine, and my wish, Kingu's wish, has always been the same! I was born into this world in order to preserve it. Goodbye Mother, I'm afraid you chose the wrong child to do your bidding. | „ |
~ Kingu reflecting on their existence. |
Kingu, also known as Lancer and falsely as Enkidu, is a major anti-villain in the 2015 Japanese turn-based tactical role-playing science fantasy mobile game Fate/Grand Order.
Kingu was a creation of the primordial goddess Tiamat, although unlike the Laḫmu, Kingu was not a true child of Tiamat, but rather a soul grafted to the body of the hero Enkidu. Kingu, believing they would be the first and greatest of a new race of humans created by Tiamat, served the primordial goddess's every whim in an attempt to see their mother's goals fulfilled.
Over time, Kingu's mind was affected by the memories of Enkidu. The desires and feelings of Kingu and Enkidu gradually became one, as Kingu took on the love that Enkidu had held for his dear friend Gilgamesh. Kingu eventually realized that the world their mother envisioned was not what they truly desired. Using the powers of Enkidu, Kingu helped Gilgamesh, Ritsuka Fujimaru, Ishtar, and Mash Kyrielight fight back against Tiamat. Ultimately, Kingu played an intricate role in the defeat of Tiamat, partially redeeming themselves whilst also losing their life.
In all media, Kingu is voiced by Yū Kobayashi in Japanese and by Marianne Miller in English dubbing. Kobayashi has also voiced Sasha Braus in Attack on Titan and Miller has also voiced Amanda O'Neill in Little Witch Academia.
In the story of Fate/Grand Order, Kingu plays an anti-villainous role in Fate/Grand Order: Observer on Timeless Temple, appearing as the secondary antagonist of the seventh/penultimate chapter Babylonia: The Absolute Frontline in the War Against the Demonic Beasts and a cameo character in the final chapter Solomon: The Grand Time Temple. Subsequently, Kingu serves as the secondary antagonist of the 2019-2020 anime television series Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia and a cameo character in the 2021 anime film Fate/Grand Order - Grand Temple of Time: Solomon, which are adaptations of the seventh and final chapters respectively. They also appear in the stage adaptations of the seventh and final chapters, titled Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia Enuma Dingir and Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE - The Grand Time Temple: Solomon Ars Nova and released in 2019 and 2020 respectively.
What was created by God[]
Tell me by milet[]
- Kingu's English voice actor, Marianne Miller, also voiced the child version of Kiritsugu Emiya in the anime adaptation of Fate/Zero.
External Links[]
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