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I'm the guy who comes running wherever there are people crying, and beats up the guys making them cry! That's who I am! And the name's Kinnikuman!
~ Kinnikuman before fighting Tyrant.

Kinnikuman (キン肉マン), also known as Suguru Kinniku (キン肉 スグル), is the main hero of the manga and anime series Kinnikuman ​by Yudetamago.


Kinnikuman is initially depicted as a bumbling, inept superhero who grows 30 meters tall by consuming garlic. He is soon revealed as the lost prince of Planet Kinniku, the home of the heroic Kinniku clan, having been accidentally abandoned in Japan as an infant due to his parents' oversight. As the series transitions to focus more on wrestling, the superhero parody aspect of his character is slowly phased away to put more emphasis on wrestling. He develops into a more competent character as the series progresses, such as by training under Prince Kamehame to learn the 48 Killer Moves, among which is the iconic Kinniku Buster. He possesses an ability called the "Burning Inner Strength" (火事場のクソ力 Kajiba no Kuso Djikara) which allows him to access more power than he would normally be capable of and make comebacks. In the 21st Choujin Olympics arc, it is revealed that his ugly face is actually a mask, where the removal of it is punishable by death according to the law of the Kinniku clan. Revealing his face has miraculous properties, such as purifying a river or reviving the dead. At the conclusion of the original series, he ascends to the throne to become the 58th king of Planet Kinniku and marries Bibinba. By the time of Kinnikuman Nisei, he would father a son, Kinniku Mantaro, the main protagonist of Nisei. His favorite food is gyuudon and he will do anything for a bowl of it.


In the beginning of the series, Suguru fights Kaiju by eating garlic and growing 30 meters tall. Despite his great strength and skill, Suguru is clumsy by nature. This causes most people to fear him more than the monsters he fights (due mostly to the possibility of him crashing into buildings while in his giant form). Even though a chojin's' wounds heal faster than a human's wound, it takes him longer to heal than a human.




           Kinnikuman Logo Heroes

Justice Chojin
Legends: Idol Chojin (Kinnikuman | Meat-Kun | Terryman | Brocken Jr. | Ramenman (Mongolman) | Robin Mask | Warsman | Rikishiman | Buffaloman | Geronimo) | Tatsunori Kinniku | Mayumi Kinniku | Sayuri Kinniku | Sadaharu Kinniku | Bibimba | Pentagon | Canadianman | Specialman | Prince Kamehame | Kinnikuman Great (Prince Kamehame/Terryman) | Neptuneman | Soldier Team (Ataru Kinniku | Brocken Jr. | Buffaloman | Ashuraman | The Ninja)
New Generation: Mantaro Kinniku | Terry the Kid | Jade | Kevin Mask | Scarface | Barrierfreeman | Ilioukhine | Hanzou | Seiuchin | Gazelleman | Check Mate | Chaos Avenir | Fiona |
