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To control food is to control life itself, you see! I create my dishes to foster life, and I create the ingredients from my own body.
~ Kirio Hikifune

Kirio Hikifune is a major character from the manga/anime series, Bleach. She is a member of the Royal Guard, holding the title "Ruler of Grain" and holds the position of Second Officer of the Zero Division, as well as "Divine General of the South". Prior to this, she was the captain of the 12th Division in the Gotei 13, before being replaced by Kisuke Urahara

She is voiced by Ayumi Tsunematsu in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Tara Sands in the English version.


Kirio Hikifune is a rather tall woman with long pink hair and green eyes. She has black lipstick and red swirl markings under her eyes. He wears a standard Shihakushō Shinigami with a white obi under a long-sleeved white haori, decorated with the Royal Guard emblem on the back.

After returning to Soul Society, Kirio's appearance has changed beyond recognition, becoming much plumper and massive, with her eyes closed (most of the time). When she finishes cooking, she returns to her original, slender and strongly rounded form.


Kirio Hikifune is a very optimistic and cheerful person, even when she hits or scolds others for minor insults, such as when she hit Shinji Hirako on the back of the head for not recognizing her. However, despite her optimism, Kirio can be very serious when the situation requires it, as seen when she warned Ichigo and Renji about Ōetsu Nimaiya, as he is the most unpredictable of the Royal Guard. Apart from that, Kirio Hikifune seemed to be a real mother figure to Hiyori Sarugaki.

In battle, she is very confident in her abilities, boldly telling the Schutzstaffel that no matter what they do, they cannot escape the Tree of Life that she has grown.


  • When she was first seen, her shihakushō was colored white instead of black.

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World of the Living
Karakura Town
Ichigo KurosakiOrihime InoueUryū IshidaYasutora SadoKonIsshin KurosakiMasaki Kurosaki† • Yuzu KurosakiKarin KurosakiKazui KurosakiRyūken IshidaKanae Katagiri† • Tatsuki ArisawaKisuke UraharaYoruichi ShihōinTessai TsukabishiJinta HanakariUruru Tsumugiya

Shinji Hirako‡ • Hiyori SarugakiKensei Muguruma‡ • Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi‡ • Mashiro Kuna‡ • Lisa Yadōmaru‡ • Love AikawaHachigen Ushōda

Naruki City
Yukio Hans VorarlbernaRiruka DokugamineJackie TristanMoe Shishigawara

Soul Society
Royal Palace
Soul King
Zero Division
Ichibē HyōsubeŌetsu NimaiyaSenjumaru ShutaraTenjirō KirinjiKirio Hikifune

Gotei 13
1st Division
Shunsui KyōrakuNanao IseGenshirō OkikibaGenryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto† • Chōjirō Sasakibe† •
2nd Division
Suì-FēngMarechiyo ŌmaedaYoruichi Shihōin
3rd Division
Gin IchimaruRōjūrō ŌtoribashiIzuru Kira
4th Division
Isane KotetsuHanatarō YamadaKiyone KotetsuRetsu Unohana† •
5th Division
Shinji HirakoMomo Hinamori
6th Division
Byakuya KuchikiRenji Abarai
7th Division
Tetsuzaemon IbaAtau RindōSajin Komamura‡ • Love Aikawa
8th Division
Lisa YadōmaruYuyu YayaharaTatsufusa Enjōji
9th Division
Kensei MugurumaShūhei HisagiMashiro Kuna
10th Division
Tōshirō HitsugayaRangiku MatsumotoIsshin Shiba
11th Division
Kenpachi ZarakiIkkaku MadarameYumichika AyasegawaIchika AbaraiYachiru Kusajishi‡ • Kenpachi Kuruyashiki
12th Division
Mayuri KurotsuchiAkonHachigō NemuriNemu Kurotsuchi† • Kisuke Urahara‡ • Hiyori Sarugaki‡ • Kirio Hikifune
13th Division
Rukia KuchikiSentarō KotsubakiJūshirō Ukitake† • Kaien Shiba

Hueco Mundo
Tia HarribelNelliel Tu OdelschwanckGrimmjow JaegerjaquezEmilou ApacciFranceska Mila RoseCyan Sung-SunLoly AivirrnePesche GuaticheDondochakka BirstanneBawabawaAyon

Zanpakutō Spirits
Ashisogi JizōGegetsuburiGonryōmaruHainekoHisagomaruHōzukimaruHyōrinmaruKaten KyōkotsuKazeshiniMinazuki† • NozarashiRuri'iro "Fuji" KujakuRyūjin Jakka† • SenbonzakuraSode no ShirayukiSōgyo no Kotowari† • SuzumebachiTenkenTobiumeWabisukeZabimaruZangetsu (Old Man Zangetsu)

Kūgo GinjōShūkurō TsukishimaGiriko KutsuzawaKūkaku Shiba
