This article's content is marked as Mature Kit (SCP Foundation) contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | Kit may have believed that once, but now he had seen things and felt things and fucked things that no-one else knew of – amazingly beautiful things, indescribable horrors he scribbled in notebooks with his heart racing and his breath short, things that were meant to be mundane but spoke and looked and stared at him. | „ |
~ Kit's inner monologue in "And Then, Kit Slept". |
“ | Suicide and heavy metal fans are the two most misunderstood things in the world. | „ |
~ Kit in "Kit Says..." |
Kit is a character in the SCP Foundation mythos. He is an unlucky brain damaged drug addict who encounters various anomalies plaguing the world, while being unable to distinguish them from his hallucinations.
He is the main protagonist of the "Kit's Home Hub of Happenings" series.
Kit lived in poverty in England, had an older brother named Blake and was extensively abused by his father, while his mother and grandmother took care of him and Blake and the former often sang them songs to put them to sleep. Later on both of their parents die, leaving the two siblings to fend for themselves. When he was young Kit had fallen from his flat after being overly excited at his first sight of a rainbow, causing him to receive an injury that he would carry to adulthood. He at some point worked in a pet shop where his job was to remove the dead fish from the tank which he disliked. Kit lived in a council flat in Brighton and because of his hardships became a drug addict.
Kit often visited a nearby graveyard to learn about the lives of the deceased people, and one he came across the ghost of a recently deceased boy who was crying. Kit instead of being afraid of him, went up to the ghost and asked him why he was sad. The ghost replied that no one loved him and seeing in him some kindred spirit Kit attempted to show the ghost some love and hugged him. This made the ghost happy and went to rest in peace. Kit upon returning home tried to explain to his father about the experience, but he didn't care and beat him so much that Kit declined to go to school for some days until his marks were fully healed. At school he would also be bullied due to his appearance and attitude, but while there he became close friends with a trans girl and fellow student named Dawn who was also similarly bullied. After meeting each other at the graveyard that Kit had visited to see one of his late loved ones, he entered a relationship with Dawn and he would often flirt with her.
Not being able to withstand their abuse at home Kit and Dawn began living in an abandoned house at 47 Sparrow Avenue. They lived there for some time, but unbeknownst to them there was an anomalous but non-dangerous infection inside the house that caused the infected to hallucinate. The SCP Foundation soon became involved and captured Dawn in order to interrogate her about her experience within the house before curing her and administering her amnestics. It is unknown if Kit was caught as the house was later demolished.
At some point he became acquainted with a girl named Maria and the two would go to parties where Kit would see her getting drunk as she failed to realize that anyone cared about her. Eventually Maria committed suicide after using an app about preventing people from killing themselves. Kit would attend her funeral alongside her friends and family, but in the following days Kit began to slowly forget about her. Kit would go to different photo booths to take pictures of himself in hopes of being remembered and not have his name be not talked about like Maria. Sadly, having no friends to give his photos to Kit would just leave them in the dispensing part of the booths for people to see. As he grew older Kit realized that it was pretentious of him doing things like this and moved on.
One day, while Kit and Dawn were going to the beach on her family's car they came across a multiple legged creature with a flat face which was mostly occupied by its big nostrils. They also witnessed several agents of the SCP Foundation trying to contain the Thing. Upon noticing the car the Thing launched a pair of missiles at the duo, prompting Dawn to immediately turn the car over and drive away from the scene as fast as possible.
Kit began working as a normal mortician. Unfortunately, while he was on duty one of corpses that were rolled in suddenly came to life despite its injuries being too severe. This incident caused the Foundation to go after Kit.
He once attempted to commit suicide by ingesting some pills, but that just caused him to lose his senses and vomit. The police soon arrived by breaking into his flat. They then forcefully took Kit to a hospital, but while recovering he attempted to escape only for him to get captured by security and brought back to his room. After being let go Kit returned to his home and found that his door's lock had been broken due to the police busting through. Kit was forced to call a locksmith and pay him with what little money he had. Once the locksmith was done fixing the door he attempted to wake Kit up as the latter had been asleep when he had arrived, but upon waking up Kit threatened the man with his knife before quickly retreating and apologizing.
The next day, Kit decided to go for a walk as he was feeling unwell and suddenly found an alleyway which he was sure wasn't present previously. His curiosity got the better of him and decided to explore it, eventually coming across a hidden anomalous community. There Kit discovered the anomalous drug named Bloom and soon became hooked on it. Kit also became aware of the living predatory graffiti known as SCP-1155 and made sure to avoid it. He continued his relationship with Dawn, but it became apparent that it wasn't working out anymore due to Kit loving what Dawn used to be back and soon their relationship became a toxic one.
He once accidentally broke a mirror on a child's head, earning him seven years in prison in Spain. After the sentence was over thanks the intervention of Blake, Kit met with Gabriel in a bar who unbeknownst to Kit was secretly an employee for the SCP Foundation. Gabriel was sent to deal with Kit as he was a civilian who had witnessed too much but the two fell in love with each other and Kit soon entered a relationship with Gabriel. The two spent a lot of time together, going to the park late at night where they would often have sex and Gabriel forced Kit to go to parties with him.
However, when Kit moved into his home, he continued living his poor lifestyle, littering the place and making graffiti on the walls which angered his boyfriend as Gabriel wished to help Kit recover from his addiction and get a proper education while keeping him safe. Eventually, the Foundation ordered Gabriel to kill Kit for good but he was unable to bring himself to do it and he just decided to confront Kit. Upon arriving at Gabriel's home, a concerned Kit attempted to show him his own worth in hopes of not being dumped. Unfortunately, Gabriel broke up with Kit, stating that although he loved him he was being too wearisome, but he did promise they could still be friends, all the while secretly having Kit drink some tea infused with amnestics. Kit devastated decided to leave altogether and return to his own flat. This only added to his despair that Kit could only forget by ingesting more of the Bloom.
While waiting at a bus station he saw a young woman who had tattoos on the back of her head which looked strikingly like actual eyes. Her appearance reminded him of a graffiti that promoted a suicide app Maria had used which was in fact haunted. As he thought back on this, he accidentally threw away his electronic cigarette, having forgotten that he didn't smoke actual cigarettes anymore. Kit then attempted to approach the woman to see if her tattoo eyes were real, but she suddenly dispersed into numerous butterflies. Dismissing this as just his hallucination, Kit went to a nearby bench to spend the night.
Wanting to get more of the Bloom, Kit made his way through a long everchanging alleyway but while on the road he dropped his knife which was stepped on by a hostile man with artificial lights for eyes. Kit attempted to reason with the man to remove his foot from his knife by offering a piece of his body, but the man just laughed at him, recognizing Kit as a crippled drug addict. Realizing that Kit was in the alleyway to get more of the Bloom, the man ordered him to give him some of the drug in exchange for his knife. Kit accepted the deal and went to the place where he usually got the Bloom and there he decided to have sex with an anomalous creature while intoxicated.
He soon realized the absurdity of the situation and called the intercourse off, but almost immediately resumed it. During this, the entity slowly engulfed Kit inside itself, transporting him into pocket universe that took the appearance of a park where he and his boyfriend hooked up. Kit realized that the entity was testing him and shortly after the entity itself appeared. The two resumed their intercourse as the being was feeding of his happiness from his memories, while Kit just indulged in the experience as the fake world around them changed. The being then tasted Kit's dark emotions such as his depression which left a bad taste in its mouths and ceased the activity in order to get it off. However, Kit asked it to continue which it eventually did and after that was over the two found themselves back at the real world, at which point Kit lit up a cigarette.
Later, Kit had managed to get hold of some severed fingers which he sought to exchange for more Bloom. He made his way through a busy park to an isolated area where he went to a tree and chanted a spell. This allowed him to be teleported to the interdimensional nexus of Meat Market where body parts and organs of anomalous nature were sold and bought. Kit offered a mutated being the fingers but it gave him less Bloom he had originally hoped for.
While resting in his rundown flat, the being known as the Duvet Queen appeared and began manifesting countless cats, forcing him to leave. Outside Kit witnessed numerous zombies roaming around and panicked at this sight Kit called his brother for help. However, just as his brother arrived the zombies suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving the siblings to assume that was all Kit's imagination. The two decided to hang out for bit during the evening. During this time Kit thought how he was being a burden to Blake who had his own struggles and eventually they returned to his flat where there was also no sign of the Duvet Queen. After making sure that Kit was alright Blake left to go back to his family.
Days later, Kit was visited by the Duvet Queen again, but this time she seemed less hostile and more sad. Pondering on her kingdom, which was just a car park, and her previous life, she took out a kitten whom she named Peaches. The Duvet Queen then proceeded to play with a rubik's cube while being surrounded by her cats. Before leaving Kit's flat through a portal she decided to leave Peaches in Kit's possession since the authority didn't allow her to have animals. Kit decided to write this experience in form of a poem but after finishing it he fell asleep leaving the letter to be taken by someone who sent it to Blake.
Wanting to improve himself, Kit willingly admitted himself to a mental health hospital. Although he was being treated right Kit felt uncomfortable there, besides the warning given to him by a nurse about being forced to take the meds. While wandering around the facility until the the lights went out due to a blackout. As instructed by the nurses for when this happened, Kit began making his way to the nurses' station only to come across an instance of SCP-1471-A. This particular instance had been stalking Kit ever since he had downloaded the app but he had ignored the photos it sent and didn't think much about the sight of the creature until recently. He at first was disturbed from the creature but soon came to look at it as a close friend who looked over him.
However, as he was looking at the creature in the reflection of a window, Kit dismissed it as his brain playing tricks on him. He attempted to make his way to his destination and ignore the creature, but found that the hospital had strangely no sign of life. Eventually, Kit came across a closed door which was the only way to the nurses' station, causing him to get worried as he now was dreading the creature's presence. To his surprise the creature was nowhere to be found, and so Kit decided to go look for it, but just as he was about to go on his search the creature appeared on the reflection of a glass that led to the station. Kit asked it why it was following him, but was unable understand the creature as it attempted to tell him that it wanted to keep him company and be freed. Figuring out that the creature wanted to be free Kit grab a chair to smash it into the glass. After doing so everything returned to normal, only for the nurses to sedate him due to what he was doing. Kit later left the hospital and returned to his home and normal lifestyle.
As Kit became sick and rested in his flat the Duvet Queen came to visit him again. She boasted on how she could go anywhere around the world, but when Kit asked the Queen why of all places she decided to go to his flat again she became upset and hid inside her duvet. She remained there for a day and a half until Kit apologized to her. From that point on the Duvet Queen kept Kit company and explained to him that since she had lost her ability to read could only fed stories she was told by others. One day, as he was feeling a bit better and thinking about Maria the Queen asked him what he was thinking about. Kit decided to tell her a story of Maria, how she was too dumb and stubborn to realize that people cared about her and in the end she died. The Duvet Queen was saddened and asked what Maria's beginning was, but Kit plainly replied that she was already gone by the time he realized her story and further explained to the Queen that the other people began caring about her on the day of her funeral before Maria's name became some sort of taboo and she was forgotten. The Duvet Queen then asked Kit what he did afterwards and he told her how he went to various photo booths to take pictures for strangers to see in order to not be forgotten. He further explained about the app and how he liked to believe it was cause of Maria's suicide, despite knowing well that she would have most likely killed herself regardless. Having finished his story, the Duvet Queen had to go and bid Kit farewell, leaving Kit alone with Peaches.
Near Christmas, as Kit was painting a Christmas tree on the wall of his flat someone suddenly knocked on his door. He went to see who was at the door only to find that a few months old baby girl had been left inside a box. A note found inside the box written by the parent explained how they were unable to take care of her but believed that Kit could do a better job since he was still alive after seeing numerous anomalies and he was yet to be captured by the Foundation before revealing the baby's name to be Matilda. Seeing that he was given this important responsibility, Kit decided to take care of her the best he could. As he attempted to find baby food within the pile of junk food he had he was surprised to find a brand new unopened banana porridge with a plastic bowl, spoon and teated bottle. After feeding her, Kit attempted to keep Matilda warm as he lacked a heating system in his home but found that a radiator and thermostat were added. Summarizing that some sentient force protecting the baby was manifesting objects needed to take care of her Kit found new nappies to change her. As nighttime was approaching, Kit used some of his old clothes to make a crib-like bed on one of his drawers for Matilda to rest before singing her a song to put her to sleep.
Kit was unable to properly sleep as a result of Matilda waking up all of a sudden and crying for different reasons. This kept on until morning arrived. After nourishing her, the two began playing together, with Kit hovering her like an airplane and teaching her to use her hand to paint the walls. As Matilda was covered head to toe with paint Kit brought her to his bathroom for her to be cleaned. After undressing her on Gabriel's old t-shirt and putting her in the lukewarm water she began playing with Kit again. Once bath time was over and Matilda was cleaned of all paint Kit dressed her in the t-shirt and a pair of socks to keep her warm.
After feeding Matilda Kit put her back into her crib for both of them to get a nap. As expected, Matilda woke up prompting Kit to feed her once again. Then they both sat on a sofa where Kit decided to tell Matilda a story. He told her his experience with the ghost, replacing himself with a boy named Jude and changed the ending by having Jude face his monstrous father through the power of love. This caused Kit to fear that he may end up as his own father but he immediately brushed these thoughts away and promised Matilda to take care of her as he came to love her. He proceeded to change her nappy and play for a bit as he attempted to dress her back and as she became exhausted Kit put her back to her bed before he himself fell asleep.
In the morning of Christmas eve, Kit was depressed and tired and didn't feel looking after Matilda despite her crying. Eventually, she began howling which forced Kit to become irritated and yell at her to shut up. This caused Matilda to be even more upset and the force protecting her to push Kit against the wall. He soon regained his senses and regretted what he had done. Fearing the monster inside of him would hurt Matilda, Kit admitted that he was inadequate to raise her and decided to leave the baby in Gabriel's care. He fed and dressed Matilda as per usual, but all the while she was grumpy due to the squabble while the force manifested an angry teddy bear. Once night fell, Kit wrote a note for Gabriel explaining things, he put it on Matilda's onesie. As they were about to leave, Kit told her how he was unable to raise her and that she deserved better than this. This saddened Matilda but held back her tears and the entity accompanying her gave Kit the teddy bear, which was now frowning meaning that it understood. Kit carried Matilda inside his coat and brought her in front of Gabriel's door. Knowing that the entity would make Matilda cry in order to alarm Gabriel Kit left without knocking as he didn't to face him or be involved with the police. He soon returned home where he reminisced about his time with Matilda, unaware that Gabriel left her in the Foundation's custody after discovering her anomaly.
At night, Kit went out to get high on Bloom. Unbeknownst to him, his flat was visited by Gabriel who wanted to return Kit his things he had left after their break up. There he had encountered a hanging mannequin-like anomaly that took the appearance of Kit to play with Gabriel's emotions. Gabriel and his fellow agents contained the anomaly and while they were at it decided to clean Kit's flat and even replace a broken lightbulb. Shortly after that, Kit went back to his flat, being surprised that someone had cleaned his place. In that moment, Kit received a message from Gabriel, telling him how he missed him and that Kit wasn't alone.
A few days later, Gabriel came to Kit's home to properly bring him his things. As the two sat inside the flat with neither of them speaking, Kit decided to break the silence by telling Gabriel how he turned the volume of the heavy metal music he listened when witnessing some funerals he came across. Eventually, he would just keep the music on as he passed by the funerals as people died all the time. Kit also told about a friend of his named Tattoo Tim who liked Kit's Grim Reaper hoodie but one day he passed away. Kit explained to Gabriel how they both would sooner or later die and that they may loose the chance to properly part ways. Wanting to make things right, both Kit and Gabriel reconciled with each other before embracing.
Kit resembled a poor man with long dark hair, an unkempt beard, big hands, big feet and gangly limbs. He most often wore dirty clothes and fingerless gloves, although he would wear a hoodie with image of the Grim Reaper on its back.
“ | You gotta know, I was only… something not-old-enough-yet to understand that I was acting like a pretentious asshole. Point is, I was young, and I had lost too many people close to me that I felt like I shouldn’t have lost, and I had to do something to control my own destiny. And taking those photos, every couple of weeks, made me feel like maybe someone would remember me when I was gone, even if it was just in a way that I was a shitty customer, or a weird kid. | „ |
~ Kit reminiscing on his previous attempts at not being forgotten in "Kit, The Storyteller". |
Originally, Kit was a nice person who had a curious and relaxed attitude. However, as he would suffer from grave mental problems both due to drugs and his own depression as result of various hardships he had endured in life. Because of this he was mostly unable to distinguish reality from his hallucinations or delusions. He believed that no one loved or even cared for him and was very distrustful of others, but rarely got scared. As he witnessed his loved ones die Kit decided to carry their stories, considering them as part of his own life story. After meeting and entering a relationship with Gabriel, he was greatly happy and felt like a changed person despite still using drugs, but after being dumped his despair grew, causing him to use even more drugs and have sex with other beings to forget about it. He deeply cared about his brother and knew that Blake had his own struggles in life and wish to not be another burden to him. Besides Blake, Kit also cared about his other few loved ones and would do anything to keep them safe, even if that included fighting some of them. Kit also admitted that he often contemplated suicide, but didn't bring himself to go through with it. He often wrote letters in form of poems to elevate some of his stress but never posted them as he wished to keep them to himself. Kit tried to get better, but didn't feel like himself and lacked the will to properly reform. Kit appeared to like animals as he took care of Peaches and was traumatized at the sight of the dead fish floating on the surface. During his time raising Matilda, Kit made sure that she got everything she needed and did his best to make himself appear presentable while trying to not get his depression and addiction in his way. He came to deeply care about Matilda but deep down he feared that he would turn into his monstrous father and abuse the baby but thankfully Kit didn't let these intrusive thoughts get the better of him and was determined to make her childhood much better than his own. While listening to heavy metal with his headphones Kit would turn the volume down when witnessing a funeral so to not feel disrespectful, but later on decided to not do this anymore since everyone would die eventually and there was no point to continually show respect for every dead person he saw. Knowing he himself would inevitably die, Kit sought to live his life the best he could without many regrets which led to him reconnecting with Gabriel.
Powers and Abilities[]
Kit was just a ordinary normal human with no powers or particular skills. He only had a small worn out knife and a billy club to protect himself. Despite his mental illness, Kit had great reflexes as he nearly cut a man's wrist with his knife when feeling threatened. He also was an expert in lock picking as he could easily open most doors and free himself from handcuffs.
- Kit apparently tasted like tobacco, blood and salt.
- Kit enjoyed the book Lord of the Flies.
- Kit would often forget his own name due to his mental illness.
- Kit referred to Matilda as Munchkin.