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CT-6116, known as Kix, is a major character of the 2008-2020 animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, serving as one of the two tritagonists (alongside Tup) of the Umbara arc of Season 4, as well a supporting character in the Bad Batch arc of Season 7.

He was a clone trooper medic in 501st Legion during the Clone Wars. He served as a squad medic and was placed under the command of Captain Rex and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, and also served temporarily under General Pong Krell.

Like the other clones, he was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, who voiced Avatar and Momo in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Naga in Avatar: The Legend of Korra, Perry the Platypus in Phineas and Ferb and Klaus in American Dad.


Star Wars: The Clone Wars[]

After General Grievous crashed on Saleucami, General Obi-Wan Kenobi organized a planetary search for the sinister droid general. Captain Rex led a team that consisted of Kix, Jesse, and Hardcase to investigate the escape pods scattered across the planet. As they traveled through the fields of Saleucami, Rex was sniped by a pair of Commando Droids. As the team's medic, Kix tended to the Captain. They took shelter in a nearby farm and left Rex in the care of a local family while regrouping with General Kenobi's forces.

On the mission to Umbara, Kix served as a medic during the battle, first under the command of Jedi Anakin Skywalker, and then Pong Krell, after Anakin had to return to Coruscant. While going to the capital city of Umbaran, Kix noticed that the troopers looked tired and notified Rex of this. Rex informed Krell, but Krell told him that the clone troopers needed no rest and continued with his plan. Under Krell's command, many clones died. Kix tried his best to take care of the injured troopers and stated that Krell's plan would cause too many deaths. Rex told Kix that he could help the wounded later, with Kix replying that Rex sounded just like General Krell.  

Kix was later sent to Kiros after the governor Roshti decided to make a deal with Count Dooku. With troopers making their way to the headquarter, Darts D'Nar planted bombs around the city. To prove that he was not bluffing and was serious, D'Nar ordered his tactical droid to activate one of the bombs, which was located near a Republic encampment, injuring clone troopers, which Kix tended to.

After allegedly attempting to assassinate the Chancellor, Fives goes on the run and seeks the help of his friends at a clone bar on Coruscant. Fives notices Kix and Jesse, so he follows Kix into the restroom and explains that he has been framed and that there is a conspiracy. Fives convinces Kix to contact Rex and get the Captain and General Skywalker to meet him at Fives' choosing coordinates.

Along with the 501st Legion, Kix fought in the Battle of Anaxes, in which he was part of a squad along with Jesse, Cody, Rex, and Clone Force 99 to infiltrate the Cyber Centre. During the ride to the Cyber Center, their gunship was shot down, though everyone besides the pilot survived. Only Cody was seriously injured, who was stuck under the gunship. After Wrecker managed to get the gunship off him, Commander Cody was unable to fight. Kix would stay with Cody to evacuate him while Captain Rex, Jesse and Clone Force 99 finished the mission.

New Republic[]

Kix was alive sometime 30 years after the Battle of Endor. The trooper was awoken by a crew of Pirates, known as the Meson Martinet. It would be revealed that Kix was kidnapped by the Separatists. The ship would crash on a planet, where the droids' power cells would drain, leaving Kix suspended in a stasis pod until the pirates discovered him. After he was rescued by the pirates, Kix would join them.


Since Kix was a medic, he had a very bonding trait which came in handy when helping troopers with their wounds. As a trained clone trooper medic, Kix believed that when it came to the health of his comrades, he outranked them. Instead of worrying about his enemies, Kix cared more about the welfare and livelihood of his fellow troopers, armed with medpacs and pain stims to help out in any way he could. During the Battle of Saleucami, Kix respected Rex when the clone told him of how he had been injured after being shot by a commando droid's sniper rifle. He took great concern for Rex's health, and advised Jesse and Hardcase that in order to see the full extent of Rex's injury, he had to remove pieces of Rex's armor. After Rex handed the leading position to Jesse, Kix cooperated with Jesse's orders that were given to himself and Hardcase. He held a high sense of honor to his fallen brothers, as shown by him getting angered by and attacking a group of banshees which were feeding off of troopers' corpses. As a field medic, Kix was equipped with medpacs, as well as other first-aid commodities, to help fellow injured clone troopers during a battle. Kix also carried a blaster rifle.

Despite his loyalties to the Republic, it didn't stop him from questioning General Krell's plans to take the capital or the Umbaran airfield. Throughout Krell's dangerous plans and tactics, Kix worried about the high casualties that would be sustained. With the high number of injuries that he had to deal with, Kix would easily become distressed by not being able to help his brothers, going as far as killing Banshees that were eating bodies of dead men and firing blaster bolts at heavy ray shields in a fury.

Skills and abilities[]

Kix was a clone medic and received medical training. He was trained to handle everything from minor injuries to life-threatening wounds. He was also skilled in armed and unarmed combat, reconnaissance and military tactics.


Kix initially wore Phase I clone trooper armor with customized blue markings due to affiliation within the 501st Legion. His armor continued to bear a custom blue design after the transition to Phase II, and his left shoulder plate bore a cross designed called the red sigil to indicate his medical affiliation. He carried bacta patches, a laser cauterizer and other medical supplies within his backpack, which was also marked with the red sigil. He used a DC-15s blaster rifle in combat.

Episode appearences[]

Season 2[]

  • "The Deserter" (First appearance)

Season 4[]

  • "Darkness on Umbara"
  • "The General"
  • "Plan of Dissent"
  • "Carnage of Krell"
  • "Kidnapped"

Season 6[]

  • "The Unknown"
  • "Orders"

Season 7[]

  • "The Bad Batch"
  • "A Distant Echo"


  • Kix was later incorporated in the short story "The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku," written by Landry Q. Walker, which was set around the same time period as Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.
  • He also made a cameo, as his later self, in the short comic Star Wars Adventures Ashcan, also written by Walker. Artist Eric Jones made concept art of him for the comic appearance.


           Star Wars logo Heroes

Old Republic Era
Bastila Shan | Meetra Surik | Nomi Sunrider | Odan Urr | Revan | Satele Shan

High Republic Era
Avar Kriss | Bell Zettifar | Burryaga Agaburry | Elzar Mann | Jecki Lon | Kai Brightstar | Keeve Trennis | Lys Solay | Nubs | Oppo Rancisis | Orla Jareni | Osha Aniseya | Reath Silas | Santari Khri | Sol | Stellan Gios | Tera Sinube | Ty Yorrick | Vernestra Rwoh | Yaddle | Yarael Poof | Yoda | Yord Fandar | Zia Zanna

Republic Era
Aayla Secura | Adi Gallia | Agen Kolar | Ahsoka Tano | Anakin Skywalker | Barriss Offee | Bolla Ropal | Byph | Cal Kestis | Caleb Dume | Cere Junda | Cin Drallig | Coleman Trebor | Depa Billaba | Dooku | Eeth Koth | Eno Cordova | Even Piell | Falon Grey | Ferroda | Ganodi | Gungi | Ima-Gun Di | Jaro Tapal | Jinx | Jocasta Nu | Kalifa | Katooni | Ki-Adi-Mundi | Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Mace Windu | Mavra Zane | Nahdar Vebb | O-Mer | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Oppo Rancisis | Petro | Plo Koon | Qui-Gon Jinn | Quinlan Vos | Rahm Kota | Saesee Tiin | Shaak Ti | Sifo-Dyas | Tera Sinube | Ursa Wren | Yaddle | Yarael Poof | Yoda | Zatt | Zett Jukassa

Rebellion Era
Ahsoka Tano | Cal Kestis | Cere Junda | Eeth Koth | Eno Cordova | Ezra Bridger | Kanan Jarrus | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Nari | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Quinlan Vos | Yoda

Resistance Era
Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Rey

Anakin Solo | Jacen Solo | Jaina Solo | Ben Skywalker | Corran Horn | Jaden Korr | Kam Solusar | Kyle Katarn | Kyp Durron | Jedi student | Tionne Solusar | Galen Marek (clone) | Rahm Kota | X2

Galactic Republic
Subsidiary Organizations
212th Attack Battalion | 41st Elite Corps | 501st Legion | Clone Force 99 | Coruscant Guard | Delta Squad | Domino Squad | Ghost Company | Senate Guards | Wolfpack

Bail Organa | Finis Valorum | Jamillia | Jar Jar Binks | Kharrus | Meena Tills | Mon Mothma | Neeyutnee | Onaconda Farr | Padmé Amidala | Riyo Chuchi | Wullf Yularen

Clone Troopers
Axe | Appo | Bly | Boil | Boost | Broadside | Cody | Contrail | Crosshair | Cut Lawquane | Cutup | Denal | Deviss | Dogma | Doom | Droidbait | Echo | Fil | Fireball | Fives | Fordo | Fox | Gree | Gregor | Grey | Hardcase | Hawk | Hevy | Hound | Howzer | Hunter | Jek | Jesse | Jet | Keeli | Kix | Matchstick | Mayday | Monnk | Nemec | Odd Ball | Rex | Rys | Sinker | Stone | Tech | Thire | Thorn | Tup | Waxer | Wooley | Wolffe | Wrecker | "Retired clone trooper" | 99

Asajj Ventress | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cham Syndulla | Chewbacca | Fenn Rau | Galen Erso | Gial Ackbar | Gregar Typho | Hondo Ohnaka | Jaybo Hood | Julia | King Katuunko | Korkie Kryze | Lassa Rhayme | Lee-Char | Lux Bonteri | Meebur Gascon | Mon Calamari | Nossor Ri | Omega | Quarsh Panaka | Rafa Martez | Ric Olié | Roos Tarpals | Sabé | Satine Kryze | Saw Gerrera | Shmi Skywalker | Sionver Boll | Soniee | Steela Gerrera | Sugi | Tee Watt Kaa | Trace Martez | Ursa Wren | Wag Too

C-3PO | C1-10P | Professor Huyang | R2-D2 |


The Path/Early Rebellion/Alliance to Restore the Republic
Subsidiary Organizations
Ghost Crew | Phoenix Squadron | Rogue One

2-1B | Ahsoka Tano | Alexsandr Kallus | Amilyn Holdo | AP-5 | Azmorigan | Bail Organa | Baze Malbus | Bistan | Bix Caleen | Bodhi Rook | Brasso | C-3PO | C1-10P | Cassian Andor | Cham Syndulla | Chewbacca | Chirrut Îmwe | Cikatro Vizago | Cinta Kaz | Del Meeko | Enfys Nest | Evaan Verlaine | Ewoks | Ezra Bridger | Fenn Rau | Galen Erso | Garazeb Orrelios | Gial Ackbar | Gobi Glie | Gorn | Gregor | Haja Estree | Han Solo | Hera Syndulla | Hondo Ohnaka | Iden Versio | Jan Dodonna | Jarek Yeager | Juno Eclipse | Jun Sato | Jyn Erso | K-2SO | Karis Nemik | Kanan Jarrus | Kawlan Roken | Ketsu Onyo | Kino Loy | Kleya Marki | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Luthen Rael | Lux Bonteri | Maarva Andor | Mart Mattin | Mon Calamari | Mon Mothma | Nien Nunb | Numa | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Pao | Quinlan Vos | R2-D2 | Rahm Kota | Ryder Azadi | Raddus | Rex | Ruescott Melshi | Ryder Azadi | Sabine Wren | Sana Starros | Saw Gerrera | Tala Durith | Taramyn Barcona | Tristan Wren | Ursa Wren | Vel Sartha | Wedge Antilles | Wicket W. Warrick | Wolffe | Yoda

B2EMO | BD-1 | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cal Kestis | Cere Junda | Eno Cordova | Greez Dritus | Merrin |

Arhul Narra | Dash Rendar | Iella Wessiri Antilles | Jan Ors | Tycho Celchu | Winter Celchu

New Republic/Resistance
Aftab Ackbar | Amilyn Holdo | Babu Frik | BB-8 | Bo Keevil | C1-10P | C-3PO | Carson Teva | Chewbacca | Ewoks | Finn | Freya Fenris | Garazeb Orrelios | Gial Ackbar | Griff Halloran | Han Solo | Hera Syndulla | Hype Fazon | Iden Versio | Imanuel Doza | Jarek Yeager | Jannah | Kazuda Xiono | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Maz Kanata | Mon Mothma | Neeku Vozo | Nien Nunb | Norath Kev | Paige Tico | Poe Dameron | R2-D2 | Rey | Rose Tico | Ryder Azadi | Sidon Ithano | Tam Ryvora | Torra Doza | Venisa Doza | Wedge Antilles | Wicket W. Warrick | Zorii Bliss

Ahsoka Tano | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cara Dune | Cobb Vanth | Din Djarin | Din Grogu | Ezra Bridger | Gannis Ducain | IG-11 | Kuiil | Lina Graf | Peli Motto | Sabine Wren

Bounty Hunters/Mercenaries/Outlaws
Asajj Ventress | Boba Fett | Cara Dune | Chewbacca | Din Djarin | Embo | Fennec Shand | Greef Karga | Han Solo | Hondo Ohnaka | IG-11 | Lassa Rhayme | Lando Calrissian | Migs Mayfeld | Qi'ra | Sana Starros | Sugi | Zorii Bliss

Asajj Ventress | B2EMO | BD-1 | Bravo | Boba Fett's Rancor | Daughter | Father | Gabs | Her Majesty | Gorn | Greez Dritus | Grogu | Ham | Jaybo Hood | Jemboc | Kino Loy | Lizz & Koob | Maarva Andor | Merrin | Nash Durango | RJ-83 | Xanwan | Xaul
