Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

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Hero Overview

Knuckles never runs from a fight!
~ Knuckles the Echidna

Knuckles the Echidna is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Amy Rose) of Sonic X.

He is an anthropomorphic echidna, famous as a treasure hunter and a master of martial arts. Knuckles' primary ability is strength, his arms are so powerful that he can shatter rocks. Ever since the first Chaos Control incident, Knuckles has become dedicated to finding the Chaos Emeralds so he can go back to his job of guarding the Master Emerald as soon as possible which he takes very seriously.

He was voiced by Dan Green in the English version, and by Nobutoshi Canna in the Japanese version.


Early Life[]

Knuckles comes from an unnamed world in a dimension parallel to Earth.

New World Saga[]

When Sonic attacks Eggman's base very late at night, Amy and Tails nearly crash into a boulder Tornado 2 was injured by shots from Eggman's guard robots, but Knuckles destroyed the rock so that Tornado 2 would land safely. When Chaos Control occurred shortly after, Knuckles was overwhelmed along with Tails and Amy. It would be late revealed that the three of them, just like Sonic and Eggman, were transported to Earth.

Chaos Emerald Saga[]


Chaos Saga[]


Shadow Saga[]


Eggmoon Saga[]


Emerl Saga[]


Homebound Saga[]


Meterax Saga[]


External Links[]


            SonicXLogo Heroes

Sonic's World
Sonic and Friends
Amy Rose | Cheese | Cream the Rabbit | Knuckles the Echidna | Miles "Tails" Prower | Rouge the Bat | Sonic the Hedgehog | Vanilla the Rabbit
Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile
Eggman Empire
Bokkun | Decoe and Bocoe | Dr. Eggman
Other Characters
Big the Cat | Tikal the Echidna

Human World
Main Characters
Christopher Thorndyke | Shadow the Hedgehog
Other Characters
Chuck Thorndyke | Danny | Ella | Frances | Helen | Maria Robotnik | Mr. Stewart | Sam Speed | Scarlet Garcia | Seamus MacGuffin | Topaz

Metarex Saga
Cosmo | Earthia | Galaxina | Molly

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
