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Kordi Freemaker was a member of the Freemakers, a family of scavengers that traveled the galaxy. She was the middle sister of Zander and Rowan Freemaker and was considered to be the leader of the family's operation.


Kordi is the younger sister of Zander Freemaker and the older sister of Rowan Freemaker, but arguably the most sensible of the three siblings who handles their business dealings. Most likely due to their poor status, Kordi loves money and jumps at the opportunity to make more, though her first concern is the welfare of her brothers, particularly Rowan. As such, though she is willing to take the StarScavenger into space battles and even to distant planets in search of salvage for use in building or repairing ships, she always assigns Rowan the least dangerous tasks possible. Her relationship with Zander is less protective, and she often has to correct him for his zany antics.

Personality and traits[]

Kordi was a tomboy who was known to be quick-witted, brave and a tough fighter. She was able to talk her way out of most problems. Kordi often found herself bailing Zander and Rowan out of trouble.




           LEGO logo Heroes

LEGO Adventurers: Johnny Thunder | Dr. Kilroy | Pippin Reed | Harry Cane | Mike | Babloo | Sherpa Sangye Dorje | Jing Lee
LEGO Alpha Team: Dash Justice | Crunch | Radia | Charge | Cam Attaway | Flex | Tee Vee | Arrow | Diamond Tooth | Zed
LEGO Agents: Agent Chase | Agent Charge | Agent Fuse | Agent Trace | Agent Swipe
LEGO Atlantis: Samantha Rhodes | Ace Speedman | Axel Storm | Lance Spears | Dr. Jeff Fisher | Bobby Buoy
LEGO City: Anne Brickowski | Chase McCain | Grace Makepiece | Rookie
LEGO Monster Fighters: Dr. Rodney Rathbone | Major Quinton Steele | Jack McHammer | Frank Rock | Ann Lee
Collectible Minifigures: Heroic Knight | Spy

Video Games
LEGO Island: Pepper Roni | Infomaniac | Papa Brickolini | Mama Brickolini | Nick Brick | Laura Brick
LEGO City Undercover: LEGO City Police Department (Chase McCain | Ellie Phillips | Marion Dunby | Studski and Clutch) | Henrik Kowalski | Natalia Kowalski
LEGO Dimensions: Gamer Kid | X-PO

Other Brands
LEGO Star Wars: Baird Kantoo | Jek-14 | Kordi Freemaker | Moxie Freemaker | Padawans | Rebel Friend | R0-GR | Rowan Freemaker | Zander Freemaker
LEGO DC Universe: Batman | Bizzaro League | Green Lantern | Robin | Superman | The Flash | Wonder Woman
LEGO MARVEL: Agent Williams | Captain America | Captain Marvel | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Hulk | Iron Man | Nick Fury | She-Hulk | Spider-Man | Thor | Wolverine

See Also
BIONICLE Heroes | Legends of Chima Heroes | Lego Universe Heroes | Mixels Heroes | Nexo Knights Heroes | Ninjago Heroes | The LEGO Movie Heroes | Unikitty! Heroes | LEGO Star Wars Heroes
