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You don't get to do that to me anymore.
~ Kraven to his father.

Sergei Nikolaevich Kravinoff, better known as Kraven, is a major character in Sony's Spider-Man Universe and the titular main protagonist of Kraven the Hunter. He is a Russian immigrant and a hunter, who seeks revenge on his father for his abusive upbringing.

He is portrayed as Aaron Taylor-Johnson (who also played Kick-Ass in the titular films, Ford Brody in MonsterVerse’s Godzilla, and Quicksilver in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) and Levi Miller as his younger self.


Since their childhood, Sergei and Dimitri were trained by Nikolai to be hunters and strong men, however, Sergei was attacked by a lion that would cause his death, but he was saved by Calypso Ezili's potion and gained powers in relation to animals and the land. After arguing with his father over killing the same lion, Sergei fled his home and hid in Russia, where he developed his powers and became a violent vigilante around the world, becoming known worldwide as Kraven the Hunter.

Returning to London for Dimitri's birthday, Kraven met his savior, Calypso, and they formed a mutual partnership for him to complete his list of evil people to kill. Following Dimitri's kidnapping, Kraven set out to rescue him, without his father's intervention, and received the support of Calypso in attempting to track down his captors, which involved him in a conflict with the power-hungry criminal known as Rhino, who was previously rejected by Nikolai for an alliance, although Kraven, aided by Calypso, confronted Rhino and his criminal empire, defeating the altered human. Discovering Nikolai's conspiracy and responsible for Kraven's revelation, he confronted his father and had him killed by a bear, causing Dimitri to take his father's position, while Kraven received a lion skin jacket left by Dimitari to continue his missions.


Unlike his father, Kraven seems to care about the wildlife when he couldn't bring himself to kill the lion Zar. After the lions death costed saving Sergie's life when he brought him to Calypso for healing, he began hating all poachers who kill animals just for pleasures while he began becoming a vigilante for the wildlife by killing hunters who dare to poach animals right in front of his eyes.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Enhanced Strength: To be added
  • Enhanced Speed: To be added
  • Enhanced Reflexes: To be added
  • Enhanced Agility: To be added


  • Expert Hunter/Tracker: To be added
  • Expert Marksman: To be added
  • Expert Combatant: To be added





  • In the comics, Sergei Nikolaevich Kravinoff is a big game hunter who sought to defeat Spider-Man in order to prove he is the greatest hunter in the world, as well as taking on the moniker of Kraven the Hunter.
    • He is the only iteration of the character to qualify as a hero, as both his original and alternate counterparts are far too sadistic and lack redeeming qualities.
  • Kraven Pastries is an easter egg to Kraven the Hunter.
  • Kraven is the third Spiderman rouge to be the main protagonist in his own story after Venom and Morbius.
  • When Kraven got infected by The Foreigner, he reveals that he and his mother are arachnophobia (fear of spiders) during his paralysis with toxic hallucination. Which is a reference how Kraven and Spiderman are rivals and enemies, due to Kraven not trusting him when he is seeing the spider on his chest for a demon and a parasite to him, meaning he hates insects and arachnids. Which is why his only trust to the animal kingdom are mammals.
  • Sergei Kravinoff/Kraven the Hunter is Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s second role in a Marvel production. His first role was as Quicksilver in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

External Links[]


           Sony logo (white) 's Spider-Man Universe Heroes

Eddie Brock/Venom | Anne Weying | Dan Lewis | Dora Skirth | Mrs. Chen

Venom: Let There Be Carnage
Eddie Brock/Venom | Anne Weying | Dan Lewis | Patrick Mulligan | Mrs. Chen | J. Jonah Jameson | Spider-Man

Michael Morbius | Martine Bancroft | Emil Nicholas | Simon Stroud | Alberto Rodriguez

Madame Web
Madame Web | Julia Cornwall | Mattie Franklin | Anya Corazon | Ben Parker

Venom: The Last Dance
Eddie Brock/Venom | Rex Strickland | Teddy Paine/Agony | Patrick Mulligan/Toxin | Sadie Christmas/Lasher | Phage | Rascal | Mrs. Chen

Kraven the Hunter
Kraven the Hunter | Calypso Ezili | Dmitri Kravinoff

Miles Morales | Peter B. Parker

See Also
Spider-Man Heroes
