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NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of Kung Lao from the Mortal Kombat (2021). The mainstream version can be found here: Kung Lao (Mortal Kombat).

(Kano: Alright, just circling back on those superpowers. I think I get it now. It's kinda like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get. Is it gonna be fireballs? Is it gonna be lightning? Huh? Could be shit. Could be a Frisbee hat, you know? No offense, whoever you are.) The name is Kung Lao.
~ Kano about what power he is thinking of, before Kung Lao corrects him.

Kung Lao is one of the major characters in the 2021 live-action film, Mortal Kombat. He is one of the Shaolin Monk from Order of Light as well as the descendant of Great Kung Lao. He is also a friend of Liu Kang and one of Lord Raiden's most glory fighters.

He is played by Max Huang.


Kung Lao first appearing to protect Liu Kang when Shang Tsung and his minions attacking in the Raiden's Temple. He teleporting by using his razor-brimmed hat attacked Sub-Zero, who grabbed Liu Kang with his hands which he then almost to strangle him under his despotic. Fortunately, Raiden appeared to have brawling with Shang Tsung and the Outworld warriors, lets them out of their callous. Kano believed into the some for the superpowers as so while he could unlocked his Arcana. He frequently said all the nonsense but Liu Kang and Kung Lao hearing was hates it, making them not mistakes. The monks introduction of him, upon they are finding to their Arcana, when have justly helps the warriors into unlocking them.

Though the commons training, Kung Lao battle against Cole Young, the MMA fighter who gives it along his most opportunity much in hold out of that, he will be concur. Pick up his hat to fights, Kung Lao entraps on Cole because his duels strongly finesse, with had sight that him was loss. The latter takes on rest, Liu Kang later battles with Kano, sweep kick into beats him. Kano was very stupid because of he did not performing, Liu Kang going to healing Cole but makes him be fine. When the two monks continues to practice, Kung Lao fights with Cole again and then making him loss once more. Upon they joining the dinner with the warriors, Kung Lao slowly eating an egg rolls, which Kano called him to passing him by this food as he likes to eats.

He also mocking Kung Lao and referring him as "Kung Pao". Due to Kano roisterous, Kung Lao did not wants to listened him for being guff. He eats out of the egg rolls but tells him in until their hassle. At meantime, Kano becomes more fury as Kung Lao is calling him as a fat, lazy pig, and a terrible fighter with non-skills. All the warriors taunting him with turns, Kano tried to released his Arcana before he asked them for wrongs about his matters, which accidentally in his shoots energy beam from his right eye. Upon Cole never found his Arcana, which he would sending to his home and taking cares for his family. During this way, Kano making to his determination of though and even defect as he joined with Shang Tsung and the Outworld warriors into against the Earthrealm warriors.

Vital with into play up, Kung Lao begins to stops Shang Tsung although he using his hat to fly assail on him, and caused the sorcerer had dodge by hereafter, claime that it was beneath him. Eventually in the dispute, Shang Tsung then summoning the vampire Nitara to against Kung Lao, which then he will said that "now destroy him, my beauty". However, the imposing Kung Lao was behoove going keep up soon and transporting his hat into the ground until whirling, flat with surplus his strength to exterminate Nitara makes her into dead. While the vampire had already wipe out, which her blood exactly splash on his face, Kung Lao eventually puts back on his hat, claming that is "flawless victory", and Shang Tsung bear his wrath.

After Lord Raiden transported Cole back to the temple, which really to finding his Arcana much that upon his defeating Goro. Turned out that Sub-Zero managing to killing Cole, Kung Lao should using his hat to blocking him, allowing the sorcerer haul him with his magic powers. But all this, Liu Kang fights with Kabal because that he was plugged by him though the terror was coming. He punched him and escape, watching that Kung Lao is the death of hands by Shang Tsung, who sucking his souls. The tragedy only needs, Kung Lao's corpse decompose, making the sorcerer was profit. Cole curb Liu Kang, they along with all the warriors were transporting into Void by Raiden. Upon Kung Lao's demise and having Earthrealm is lost, Liu Kang and the Earthrealm warriors becalm up to the battles.





  • This version of Kung Lao is humbler than his originally games counterpart, he treated Liu Kang like his brother.
  • In the scene, Kung Lao was murdered by Shang Tsung which was similar to the one who killed by Shao Kahn in Mortal Kombat (2011).

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           Kombat2 MortalKombat Heroes Kombat2

First Timeline
Bi-Han | Cyrax | Ermac | Fujin | Jade | Jax Briggs | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kenshi Takahashi | Kitana | Kung Lao | Liu Kang | Nightwolf | Raiden | Scorpion | Shujinko | Sindel | Smoke | Sonya Blade | Sub-Zero | Taven | Stryker
Second Timeline
Cassie Cage | Cyrax | Ermac | Jacqui Briggs | Jade | Jax Briggs | Kabal | Kenshi Takahashi | Kitana | Kotal Kahn | Kung Jin | Kung Lao | Liu Kang | Raiden | Reptile | Johnny Cage | Nightwolf | Scorpion | Smoke | Sonya Blade | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Takeda Takahashi
Third Timeline
Ashrah | Baraka | Ermac | Johnny Cage | Kenshi Takahashi | Kitana | Kung Lao | Li Mei | Liu Kang | Mileena | Raiden | Scorpion | Sindel | Smoke | Sub-Zero | Cyrax | Geras | Reptile

Main Heroes
Jade | Jax Briggs | Johnny Cage | Kitana | Kuai Liang | Kung Lao | Liu Kang | Raiden | Scorpion | Sonya Blade | Taven

Secondary Heroes
Bo' Rai Cho | Cyrax | Fujin | Kenshi Takahashi | Kurtis Stryker | Nightwolf | Sindel | Smoke |

Other Heroes
Ashrah | Blaze | Dairou | Ermac | Erron Black | Ferra & Torr | Hotaru | Janet Cage | Kabal | Kai | Khameleon | Li Mei | Meat | Mokap | Nitara | Reptile | Sareena | Light Shao | Sheeva | Tanya (Empress) | Rain (Emperor)

Non-Playable Heroes
Argus | Art Lean | Delia | King Jerrod | Great Kung Lao | Siro | Taja | Liu Chan | Light Shang Tsung | Light Quan Chi | Light Scorpion | Harumi Shirai

Good Races
Edenians | Elder Gods

Good Organizations
Edenian Resistance | Lin Kuei | Shirai Ryu | Special Forces | White Lotus Society | Forces of Light

Non-MK/Guest Star Heroes
Batman | Captain Marvel | Catwoman | Conan the Barbarian | Flash | Green Lantern | John Rambo | Kratos | Omni-Man | Peacemaker | RoboCop | Spawn | Superman | Terminator | Wonder Woman

Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins: Johnny Cage | Liu Kang | Raiden | Scorpion | Sub-Zero | Sonya Blade
Mortal Kombat (1995): Johnny Cage | Liu Kang | Raiden | Sonya Blade | Jax Briggs | Kitana
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation: Johnny Cage | Liu Kang | Sub-Zero | Raiden | Sonya Blade | Jax Briggs | Kitana | Nightwolf | Sindel
Mortal Kombat: Rebirth: Johnny Cage | Scorpion | Sonya Blade | Jax Briggs
Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge: Scorpion | Liu Kang | Raiden | Johnny Cage | Sonya Blade | Kitana | Jax Briggs | Reptile | Nitara
Mortal Kombat (2021): Cole Young | Scorpion | Liu Kang | Raiden | Jax Briggs | Sonya Blade | Kung Lao | Johnny Cage
Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms: Scorpion | Sub-Zero | Liu Kang | Kung Lao | Raiden | Johnny Cage | Sonya Blade | Kitana | Jax Briggs | Kurtis Stryker | Smoke
Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind: Kenshi Takahashi | Sub-Zero | Scorpion
Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match: Johnny Cage | Ashrah | Chuck Golden
