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Kusonoki Masashige is the overarching protagonist of the first chapter of the 2021 Roblox horror-game The Mimic "Control's Book".

He was a samurai that fought against the Four Beasts and sealed them away, only for his daughter, Hirosa, to be cursed by one of them, Kintoru. He then attempted to sacrifice himself to save her, only to be tricked regardless and became one of Kintoru's puppets. He is the ancestor of Yasu Masashige, along with the other members of the Masashige family.


Control's Book[]

Control's Book: Chapter II[]

After Yasu escapes from Megumi in The Imperial Palace, Kintoru communicates with Yasu telepathically and greets him to a "friend". After that, Yasu runs down a hallway to avoid Kusonoki, who was chasing him down. Later on, at the end of the chapter, Kusonoki appears in front of Yasu and comments that the latter will never escape. from The Witch's curse.

Control's Book: Chapter IV[]

After Yasu collects all 12 butterfly spirits in his old high school while avoiding Daku, they are taken to an old Japanese town that resembles Kyoto Town (the setting of The Witch Trials). Yasu enters a house and finds a statue of Kusonoki along with the numbers 2573 written below it in Roman numerals. After going through a hallway and entering a code into a vault, Yasu gets jumpscared by Keiko Masashige. After that, Yasu back tracks and heads towards another hallway into the Cursed Forest.

While traversing through the forest, Yasu gets chased by Kusonoki. After Yasu burns down 6 cursed items in a white flame, Kusonoki gets freed by the curse. Kusonoki, now a spirit explains that he is an ancestor of Yasu. He then goes on to explain that the reason why the Witch was chasing him was due to a deal he made centuries ago to try and free his daughter. However, he was tricked regardless and he, along with her daughter were cursed to become her servants, along with the rest of their bloodline. Kusonoki then comments about how Yasu was special and that the curse hasn't affected him yet. He then gives him his blade, so that he can use it to destroy the Witch once and for all while ending off with a warning not to be deceived by her in the end.

After Yasu kills the witch, Kusonoki, along with the other ancestors passed on to the afterlife.


  • Kusonoki is the only character in the game to actually be named after the person he's based on. In this case, he is named after Kusonoki Masashige, a Japanese samurai of the Kamakura period who died fighting for his emperor. However, the real samurai’s name is spelt “Kusunoki” instead of “Kusonoki." Not only that, but their first names and surnames are swapped, as the real samurai’s name is “Masashige Kusunoki” if following American naming.
  • Fans used to joke about him for his Control's Chapter IV jumpscare, saying it sounded like Bowser from Nintendo.
  • Kusonoki is one of the fastest monsters in the game.
  • A lore staff informed that Yasu did not encounter the real nor the spirit of Kusonoki, but rather a hallucination. It was simply a message Kusonoki created for when Yasu burnt the cursed items that imprisoned Kusonoki's soul and then freed him.

External Links[]



Main Characters
Isamu Uchiumi | Yasu Masashige

The Masashige Family
Kusonoki Masashige | Yasu Masashige | Keiko Masashige
