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Hero Overview

Protection against deception, and never allow others to read your emotions. And whoever stands before you, don't let them push you around. Remember that.
~ Kyoko Kirigiri.
The power of the words you believed became everyone's hope, right? It became my hope. Have confidence in yourself. Isn't that little bit of optimism what's great about you? Hope is infectious. If your power isn't enough, we're here for you. Everyone is behind you.
~ Kyoko to Makoto Naegi.

Kyoko Kirigiri the deuteragonist of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and one of the 6 main characters of the Danganronpa franchise as a whole. She is the Ultimate Detective and the daughter of Jin Kirigiri, the previous Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy.

In the game, she is voiced by Yōko Hikasa in the Japanese version, and by Erika Harlacher in the English version. While in the anime, she is voiced by Yōko Hikasa in the Japanese version, and by Caitlin Glass in the English version.


Kyoko is rather tall for her age. She is 19 but believed herself to be 17 due to memory loss. She has purple eyes and a pale complexion. She has pale lilac hair that she wears adorned with a braid on the side held in place by a black ribbon. She is always seen wearing a dark-purple collared jacket over a white blouse and tie, a short skirt and tall boots that reach her knees. She never appears without her custom-made black gloves to conceal the scars on her hands from back when she was an amateur.

In Danganronpa 3, she becomes much older. She becomes 21 years old. Her hair is now styled in a pony-tail with two strands hanging lose. She wears a greenish jacket and the same gloves she wore as a teenager. Her shirt consists of a white blouse over a brown belt responsible for holding up a dull purple short skirt. She wears a brown satchel around her left leg and heeled boots that barely reach above her ankles.


A quiet, stoic and mysterious girl with amnesia, Kyoko is almost always seen with a very calm demeanor and tendency not to be fazed by even the most horrific of events, including body discoveries. She's one of the few students to always seen things objectively rather than immediately jumping to conclusions during class trials, a trait that makes her one of Makoto's most valuable allies. However, Kyoko becomes uncharacteristically sensitive when the topic of the Headmaster of Hope Peak’s Academy (who later is revealed to be her own father) is brought up, even losing her cool after Alter Ego mentioned the possibility of him being the mastermind of the killing game. She also dislikes it when others keep secrets from her.

Following the murder of Sayaka Maizono, she and Makoto developed a strong bond that grows into something resembling mutual attraction. When Makoto allows himself to be found guilty and executed in Chapter 5 (though Alter Ego saves him before it's too late), Kyoko realizes that she's been putting her own desires over his safety and risks her own life by diving head-first into the garbage chute to save Naegi.

Kyoko is exceptionally great at uncovering the motivations of other characters. With one such example occurring after the first trial where she goes to Naegi and tells him that she firmly believes that Sayaka actually wrote LEON on the wall to prove Makoto wasn't the culprit behind her death. Another example is in episode 5 of the anime adaptation of the first game, where she points out the broken ID card actually belonged to Chihiro Fujisaki, along with how Mondo Owada broke it to protect Chihiro's secret.

Behind her stone cold personality, Kirigiri is in actuality quite easy to emotionally upset, something she conceals using her strong will. Even in situations of calmness, she still sometimes allows her emotions get the best of her (as demonstrated when Alter Ego mentions her father, the former headmaster, as the potential mastermind of she and the other students' situations). Another instance of this is when Makoto refused to tell her about Sakura Ogami's odd rivalry with Monokuma later on.


Kyoko is the heir to a long line of detectives and the daughter of Hope's Peak Academy's headmaster, Jin Kirigiri. She was selected as a student of Hope's Peak Academy's 78th class, and given the title of the Ultimate Detective. She and her classmates become the victims of the Killing School Life and is forced to survive as her classmates collectively try to get away with murdering each other. The Mastermind wipes most of Kyoko's memories beforehand, including about her talent, to keep her from solving the mysteries of the Killing Game, though this proves for naught as Kyoko helps the protagonist Makoto defeat the mastermind in the end and escape Hope's Peak with four other classmates.

After escaping, Kyoko and her classmates join the Future Foundation, an organization dedicated to ending the Ultimate Despair and restoring the world to a peaceful state. Kyoko is appointed the leader of the 14th division, and helps orchestrate the rehabilitation of the Remnants of Despair along with Makoto.


Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc[]

Everyone, we need to just calm down.
~ Kyoko attempting to calm down the trapped students.
We're his prisoners, right? It's not a good idea to defy him without reason. We don't need to make any more sacrifices than we already have...
~ Kyoko telling the other students that defying Monokuma wouldn't be a good idea given the current situation.
We need to get to the bottom of this and find out who killed Sayaka. We'll have to collect clues to form a foundation, then construct an argument to come to a final decision. If we get this wrong... Well, do I really have to say any more? Everyone pray for good luck.
~ Kyoko wishing the other students good luck following Sayaka's death.
I said it before, but it's up to you to uncover the mysteries surrounding this case yourself. If you don't, you'll never come to grips with the future.
~ Kyoko telling Makoto that solving the mysteries of the case is in his hands.
Her final thought... ...was how she could protect you. The fact that she used her last ounce of energy to leave her dying message proves it. If she didn't care what happened to you, she never would have left that message.
~ Kyoko trying to comfort Makoto after the truth of Sayaka's death was uncovered.
Everyone stop bickering. Listen, there's some truth in what Byakuya said. If we don't solve the mystery and find the killer, our own lives are forfeit. And if Byakuya is right that Genocide Jack is somehow the one who killed Chihiro... ...then unless we do something, more victims could start piling up.
~ Kyoko expressing suspicion towards Byakuya's claims that Genocide Jack was Chihiro's murderer.
There's a chance I may become a victim myself, I know. But I'm not as weak as you may think. I wouldn't go down without a fight, I assure you.
~ Kyoko declaring her refusal to easily become a victim, even if she can't guarantee completely that she won't become one.
It's okay. We have Alter Ego. I'm sure he'll find something that'll help us. So for now... ...we have to just endure it, come what may.
~ Kyoko reassuring the others that they'll be safe now that they have Alter-Ego to help them uncover the culprit.
Naturally, if one person can be saved per murder, an accomplice has no risk versus reward benefit. The payoff for working together—the reward that balances out the risk of taking part in the scheme. There's no point in being someone's accomplice if there's no benefit to you.
~ Kyoko referring to Hifumi Yamada's decision to be Celestia Ludenberg's apprentice in helping her escape the academy.
He's our friend, so I want to take his feelings into consideration. And he says that he wants to fight alongside his friends. If you were in his place, could you just sit by and do nothing in this situation? If you saw everyone else fighting and doing their best, could you just look the other way? Or would you stand up? Stand up tall next to everyone else and tell them you're their friend?
~ Kyoko declaring Alter Ego as her and the other students' friend.
She didn't end her own life because she was weak. Quite the opposite, in fact... She was strong. *Too* strong. That's why she killed herself. She chose death for herself in order to protect the rest of us. To sacrifice so much... No normal person could do that. It was only her limitless strength that made it possible.
~ Kyoko talking about Sakura's decision to save the other students by committing suicide.
If you spend all your time trying to avoid danger, you'll never move forward. We know the danger. But if that risk means solving the mystery, we have no choice. Am I wrong?
~ Kyoko talking about the necessities about taking risks.
What I'm saying is, you shouldn't have underestimated us.
~ Kyoko talking to Monokuma.
A detective is neither light nor shadow. We represent neither justice nor evil. That is how we uncover the absolute truth. We stand neutral in all things. And to do that, we have to stand separate from the rest of society. Which is why we've made a conscious effort to conceal our existence. It's kind of old-fashioned, and I can't say it's entirely rational... But it's our family creed, and we do what we must to protect it. Because, like I said, it's our source of pride.
~ Kyoko talking about her duty as a detective.
If Makoto really was the killer, he never would have come to you willingly like this. He would have feared for his life, feared another execution. He would have tried to run and hide. He would have been gripped by the despair you so love to inspire. But here we are—confronting you with nothing but hope in our hearts.
~ Kyoko while standing up to Monokuma alongside the other students.
But keep this in mind... There is only ever one absolute truth. Whether that truth serves justice or suffering... Whether it's the greatest truth, or the worst... Even if the truth you uncover is filled with hopelessness... ...you still can't give up hope.
~ Kyoko telling Makoto not to give up hope.
Turning your own despair into some kind of fetish... Abnormality doesn't even begin to describe it.
~ Kyoko shocked at Junko Enoshima's obsession with despair.
I didn't really know my father, so I can't pretend to know what he was thinking. But even if we're just connected by blood, there's one thing I *am* sure of... He would never want us to abandon Makoto and choose to stay here. I can't explain why, exactly. But if I'm sure of anything, I'm sure of that... Just because we don't actually know anything, does that mean we can't understand...? Could it be that...? ...No, never mind. So, Makoto... I don't think you wound up at this school because you had good luck or bad luck... I think you came here for a different reason entirely... You came here to bring down the Ultimate Despair. You came here to confront despair without ever giving up. And if that's true, I think we could call you...the Ultimate Hope. What do you think?
~ Kyoko giving Makoto the title of the "Ultimate Hope".
Let's pin an end to these trials. Put an end to the killing... ...with our own hands.
~ Kyoko declaring the end of the killing game.

Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School[]

Once, humanity was destroyed. By the Biggest, Most Atrocious, Despair-Inducing Incident in Human History. They were called the "Super High School-Level Despairs," and they initiated multiple, simultaneous terrorist attacks around the globe. They made no declarations and issued no demands. Just as the name implies, they did nothing but bring despair. Humanity's last hope rose to fight the Super High School-Level Despairs. They called it the Future Foundation. The Future Foundation recruited talented people worldwide, but it was composed primarily of Hope's Peak High School graduates. It fought a desperate battle against the Super High School-Level Despairs. The battle raged on. But with the death of Junko Enoshima, the one who began it all, the battle reached a turning point. However, the Remnants of Despair continued their activities. And the flame of war kept burning, as many people lost their lives.
~ Kyoko talking about the tragedy and the Future Foundation's efforts to combat it during the opening narration of the first Future Arc episode.
You're assaulting someone who can't fight back, and you call yourself a part of the Future Foundation?
~ Kyoko standing up to Juzo as he assaults Makoto.
I cannot show you mine, either. And that is our situation. In this situation, trusting each other is difficult.
~ Kyoko refusing to tell Ryota her forbidden action.
At first glance, he probably looks that way. But when he needs to, he can be stronger than anyone. He's always optimistic. He always thinks of his friends and never gives up. Even if it means ignoring his own needs. That's what makes me worry about him, but... ...that's why I believe in him. Yes... Back then, it was only because he was there that I could...
~ Kyoko talking to Ryota about Makoto.
No matter what happens, don't give up on hope. I shall always be by your side.
~ Kyoko reassuring Makoto that she'll always stick by his side no matter what.
Eveyone's waiting for you, headmaster.
~ Kyoko's final words in the Hope Arc, as well as the Hope Peak's Saga as a whole.


External Links[]


           1280px-Danganronpa series English logo.svg Heroes

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Class 78:
Makoto Naegi | Kyoko Kirigiri | Byakuya Togami | Aoi Asahina | Yasuhiro Hagakure | Sayaka Maizono | Toko Fukawa | Chihiro Fujisaki | Sakura Ogami | Kiyotaka Ishimaru | Mondo Owada | Hifumi Yamada | Celestia Ludenberg | Leon Kuwata |
Other: Alter Ego | Jin Kirigiri

Ryoko Otonashi | Yasuke Matsuda | Yuto Kamishiro | The Madarai Brothers

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Class 77-B:
Hajime Hinata | Nagito Komaeda | Chiaki Nanami | Mikan Tsumiki | Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu | Ibuki Mioda | Gundham Tanaka | Sonia Nevermind | Hiyoko Saionji | Ultimate Imposter | Peko Pekoyama | Mahiru Koizumi | Akane Owari | Teruteru Hanamura | Kazuichi Soda | Nekomaru Nidai |
Other: Usami | Future Foundation

Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Komaru Naegi | Yuta Asahina | Taichi Fujisaki | Hiroko Hagakure |

Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy
Kyosuke Munakata | Chisa Yukizome | Juzo Sakakura | Miaya Gekkogahara | Seiko Kimura | Sohnosuke Izayoi | Ryota Mitarai | Koichi Kizakura | Daisaku Bandai | Great Gozu

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Students of Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles:
Kaede Akamatsu | Shuichi Saihara | Tenko Chabashira | Miu Iruma | K1-B0 | Maki Harukawa | Kokichi Oma | Gonta Gokuhara | Angie Yonaga | Rantaro Amami | Kaito Momota | Kirumi Tojo | Ryoma Hoshi | Himiko Yumeno
