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The Kyoshi Warriors are the supporting team of Avatar: The Last Airbender. They are an order of female warriors named after Avatar Kyoshi, who founded them to protect her homeland, Kyoshi Island.


On their quest to the Northern Water Tribe, Aang decides it's of vital importance that he ride Giant Koi Fish, a distraction which results in the gang being captured. Much to Sokka's surprise, however, the group who captured them is a troop of warrior women. His sexism doesn't exactly make them sympathetic to letting the group go free, but it turns out that these are the Warriors of Kyoshi, named after the previous Earth Avatar, and thus they are eager to help the Avatar. Aang's fame goes to his head as he attempts to impress Katara, while Sokka learns a lesson or two about gender equality from the Kyoshi Warriors—in particular, their pretty leader Suki. However, news that the Avatar is at Kyoshi Island spreads, enticing Zuko to pay a visit.


Each village of the island had its own band of warriors. With their unique and individual fighting style, these elite fighters ensured the safety and isolationism of their homeland during the Hundred Year War. However, when Avatar Aang visited the island in late 99 AG, he inspired a group of warriors, led by Suki, to travel to the Earth Kingdom and help the defenseless there. Even though most members of this group were imprisoned by the Fire Nation after a lost fight against Princess Azula's team, Suki was later freed and helped to end the war as part of Team Avatar. After the war, Suki's Kyoshi Warriors continued their service, volunteering to become the Fire Lord's bodyguards and later training Cranefish Town's police.


           Avatar The Last Airbender Logo Heroes

Team Avatar
Gen I: Aang (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Appa (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Katara (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Momo (Netflix) | Sokka (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Suki (Netflix) | Toph Beifong | Zuko (Netflix)
Gen II: Asami Sato | Bolin | Korra | Mako | Naga | Pabu | Tenzin

Wan | Szeto | Yangchen | Kuruk | Kyoshi | Roku | Aang | Korra

Order of the White Lotus
Iroh | Jeong Jeong | King Bumi | Pakku | Piandao | White Lotus leader | White Lotus sentries

Air Nomads
Aang | Appa | Bumi | Gyatso (Netflix) | Ikki | Jinora | Kai | Meelo | Momo | Oogi | Opal | Pathik | Poki | Tenzin

Earth Kingdom
Baatar Jr. | Bolin | Haru | Jet | Jiang | King Bumi (Netflix) | Kuvira | Kyoshi | Kyoshi Warriors | Lin Beifong | Mayor Yukari | Republic City Police | Suki | Suyin Beifong | The Boulder | The Metal Clan | Toph Beifong | Wei & Wing | Wu

Fire Nation
Fire Sages | Iroh (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | General Iroh | Izumi | Jeong Jeong | Mai (Netflix) | Mako | Piandao | Rangi | Roku | Shyu | Sun Warriors | Ty Lee (Netflix) | Ursa | Wan | Xu | Zuko

Water Tribe
Desna & Eska | Hakoda | Huu | Katara | Korra | Kuruk | Kya | Naga | Pakku (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Sokka | Tonraq | Varrick | Princess Yue (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Zhu Li

Aye-Aye Spirit | Lion turtle | Raava | Tui & La
