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Farewell Chief Yagami, The honour is mine.
~ Ryuzaki's last words towards Soichiro as he waits for his imminent end by the Death Note.

L Lawliet, also known as Ryuzaki, is the main antagonist of the 2006 movie adaptation of manga/anime series Death Note, its sequel Death Note: The Last Name and the titular main protagonist of Death Note: L Change The World.

Similar to his original counterpart, L Lawliet is a enigmatic and highly intelligent detective who takes on the case on capturing the mass-murdering vigilante known as Kira. However, the film series does a different turn with his character, playing out a different outcome in which he successfully catches Kira with a highly risky move.

He is portrayed by Kenichi Matsuyama. in the English Dub of the films, he was voiced by Alessandro Juliani who also voices him in the anime adaptation.


In the collective films, he does an investigation against Kira in the actual scenario. It plays out similarly to the manga/anime except for having a different way of defeating Light Yagami. He first deals with the lost of Watari. Pursues a mission to stop a spread of a virus. Saving many people with the help of a survivor, an unnamed and very intelligent boy who he would call Near which he would bring to Wammy’s house to presumably be a successor which would be his last act after Kira’s death. L trusted Soichiro to carry out the fake notebook, which Ryuzaki himself wrote his own name before Rem could get to him which he would span out his last remaining life until the 24th day to gets Light Yagami exposed as the criminal he was, until Ryuk wrote Light’s name in his own notebook, leading to Light dying in his father’s arms. Afterwards Ryuzaki eventually burns down the two Death Notes erasing Misa's memories. It cuts months after Kira’s death, L is eventually having a last talk with Yagami's father feeling sad about the lives he put at risk, and even thinks about wishing to even save Light Yagami and Watari, which would proved to be his last mistake, He eventually asks Light's father to give him some time alone for his final moments alive, as Soichiro admits it was an honour to partake in his investigation in response L point’s out what it’s like to have a family and tells Soichiro that he is a proud father, Soichiro then quietly salutes Ryuzaki and leaves.

In his last moments, L is left by himself, indulging on food and candy waiting for his time to come until eventually he gets a heart-attack and dies peacefully.


  • L in this version manages to use the Death Note to sacrifice himself to stop Kira from killing anybody else and cornering him with the FBI Agents, which is similarly done with the anime/manga version in a subsequent posthumous way.
    • However, in this version L lives long enough to see Light get defeated.
    • This is the first live action portrayal of L.

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           Death Note logo Heroes

Japanese Task Force
L Lawliet | Soichiro Yagami | Touta Matsuda | Shuichi Aizawa | Kanzo Mogi | Hirokazu Ukita | Hideki Ide | Watari | Aiber | Wedy

Wammy's House
Quillsh Wammy | Roger Ruvie | L Lawliet | Near | Mello | Matt

Special Provision for Kira
Near | Anthony Rester | Stephen Gevanni | Halle Lidner

Rem | Raye Penber | Naomi Misora | Gelus | Taro Kagami

TV and Film Series
Light Turner | L (Death Note 2017) | L Lawliet (film series) | Naomi Misora (film series) | Sanami
