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Lady jaye full

Lady Jaye is a gifted linguist as well as an accomplished actress and mime artist on the G.I. Joe team. She has participated in or led many undercover missions for the Joe Team. She is a believer in the saying that "less is more." That is why when she puts on a disguise, she eschews complicated makeup and rubber masks. Instead, she becomes the object of her disguise, right down to movement and mannerisms, even right down to the dialect and accent. It also helps that her genes help her pass for a number of European and Middle Eastern natives.

Lady Jaye is educated in Bryn Mawr and Trinity College, Dublin. Aside from Airborne and Ranger training, she is skilled in cryptological linguistics, signals intelligence, and electronic interception analysis. She is just as equally adept at infantry field work and quite enjoys the grunt duty.

Other Media[]

In the Sunbow cartoon, Lady Jaye is one of the main characters and was portrayed as having a romance with G.I. Joe Flint. Her signature weapons were a variety of specialized throwing javelins.

External links[]


            GIJoeTitle Heroes

General Colton | General Flagg | General Hawk

Conrad S. "Duke" Hauser | Flint (G.I. Joe) | Beachhead | Sgt. Slaughter | Scarlett | Snake Eyes | Roadblock | Gung-Ho | Lady Jaye | Bazooka | Breaker | Wild Bill | Zap | Shipwreck | Alpine | Snow Job | Barbecue | Sgt. Stalker | Thunder | Airborne | Ace | Short Fuze | Tripwire | Blowtorch | Clutch | Cover Girl | Crankcase | Spirit | Cutter | Doc | Deep Six | Dusty | Flash | Footloose | Frostbite | Grand Slam | Quick Kick | Recondo | Rip Cord | Mutt And Junkyard | Thunder Torpedo | Steeler | Wet Suit | Low-Light | Cross-Country | Dial-Tone | Leatherneck | Iceberg | Sci-Fi | Lift Ticket | LifeLine | Mainframe | Slipstream | Lt. Falcon | Jinx | Chuckles | Law & Order | Tunnel Rat | Baroness (alternate reality)

Alternate Continuities
Sigma 6: Duke | Scarlett | Snake-Eyes | Heavy Duty | Spirit | Kamakura | Hawk | Jinx | Tunnel Rat | Lt. Stone | Scott Abernathy
2009-2013 Film Duology: Duke | Hawk | Scarlett | Ripcord | Snake Eyes | Roadblock | Baroness | Storm Shadow
2021 Film Series: Snake Eyes | Scarlett | Akiko
