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Lamar Williams is a major character of the Glitch Productions web series Meta Runner.
He is a comic-relief and is also MD-5 member, and is on a mission to get the better of TAS-Corp.. Lamar was the one who saved Tari and Theo.
He is voiced by Anthony Sardinia.
Lamar is laid-back and seems to be that he doesn't mind the life he has cooled off in the MD-5 base. He is an otaku. A running gag is that Lamar has a new body pillow in nearly all episodes he is featured in, each based on a character from Nova Explorers, which makes him seem like sort of a comedy relief however he is strongly dislikes risks and is smart.
A lot of his past isn't known, only the fact that at one point he ended up being an anime fanboy and got his own body pillows. He got recruited a rebellion group of MD-5 which is led by Masa Shimamoto. As well as he became allies with Sofia Porter.
MD-5 has been attempting to expose the crimes of TAS-Corp throught a year. but the plan failed to work. They one day sent a spy droid into a speed runners competition and found out about Tari. They saw everything from Lucks placing a tracker in her arm, to her bringing Theo to life.
Lamar tracks Theo and Tari down presumably through the livestream that was an error. Lamar only handles to pick up Theo, telling him that they will rescue Tari.
Lamar becomes allies with Theo while driving, sharing their own plans of entertainment and talking about the body pillow. Lamar crashes his car into a transport van and saves Tari. A car chase is setted in motion. Lamar gives Tari a jacket that is special and has material that is able to block the tracker in her arm. With Tari's capability, they could drive over soldiers.
They all went to the MD-5 hideout, which was implanted into a ramen restaurant, and presented the pair to Masa and Sofia. Lamar and Sofia call out Masa for acting obstinate, being doubtful about Tari. Masa let Tari and Theo into the team.
During the next day, Lamar becomes friends of two new members (mostly with Theo), discussing about his anime obsession and body pillows and obsession. Sofia and Masa later presented Operation: Silent Demon, in which Lamar shows contempt to. They switch on the game "Tempest", the one that TAS-Corp. would be hosting on a competition day that is coming up. Tari would need to perform a glitch so that Lucks' files can be hacked.
Later, they unveil that Theo is glitching out, so they would need to find his cartridge that is original. Tari was practicing a small quantity of basic mechanics of the game, and mistakenly got rid of Lamar in-game. She was continuously losing until the point where Lamar went to sleep. Tari was able to achieve the glitch with Theo's support.
On the day, the team was fighting a swarm of players in-game. The gang got themselves win against except Tari. Tari could do the glitch while fighting against Belle. The match ring was in a panic as the gang tries to escape, however is then cornered and beaten down by Lucks and his soldiers. Lamar sees as Lucks interchanges Sofia's laptop for Masa's life, Theo being unveil to be a hacked spy, Tari giving herself to rescue the group, and hopelessly viewed Lucks taking Theo's morals as a hostage. The team was guided away by Luck's soldiers.
During the six months it is implied that Lamar and Sofia were out to search for Masa who left them. In Hard Reset however he and Sofia pulls up within a poverty stricken area as then walk through it to find Masa. As he walks through with Sofia they then stumble upon Masa who just finished up playing a game and winning against someone. Lamar tries to challenge Masa and greet him but Masa goes and leave.
This causes Lamar and Sofia to go after Masa as they try to convince him. Lamar talks and convinces Masa that there is a chance as Sofia’s phone still has the server data. This intrigues Masa as he is convinced and also takes them to his apartment room.
In the apartment room they converse though at times the annoying neighbor barges in and interrupts them. However the neighbor stops for a while as he lets them talk about their plans. As they talk Lamar talks about getting Tari and Theo out as he tries to convince Masa who was hesitant there.
He tells Masa that the Masa he knew would never break his promises and more as he manages to convince Masa that Tari and Theo are their beloved friends there. Then he and the others talk about the plan as Sofia then suggests to go to the Rustworks to which Lamar and Masa agrees with.
At the Rustworks, Marco greeted Lamar and Masa as Marco was fawning over Lamar’s special meta runner there. Lamar then tells Marco to focus on him instead of his arm. Sofia tries to make a deal with Marco but fails to do so as he gives no special treatment for the entry fee there. This prompts Lamar to propose a deal that he can get his meta runner arm as an entry fee. Marco accepts as Masa and Lamar are able to join in to play Turbo Crash 9.
Lamar was on wheels as Masa was on the turret as Lamar tried to make sure to help Masa. The match starts at Lamar and Masa were fighting their way through the game. It comes to the point that only Lamar, and Masa are left against Marco. It is looking bleak as Masa tells Lamar to go to the trap area to which Lamar just follows Masa’s orders. As Lamar could not move anymore he was able to lure Marco into a trap as Masa was able to capitalize to defeat Marco.
Marco was unsatisfied because he thought Masa cheated and was about to grill him until Sofia told him off. So Lamar and the others go back to their car with the parts to build Masa’s arm. They all breathe a sigh of relief as Lamar congratulates and wanted to hi five Masa. However Masa does not do so though Lamar dismisses it although he starts to question as too if Masa cheated. Though Masa replied with a kind of no as to which Lamar just accepted. Lamar then just drives the car to the apartment where Sofia rebuilds Masa’s arm.
Masa’s arm was finished to which Lamar commented that it looks good and could use some decals and more. Masa just shrugs it off as he goes straight into talking about the plan there. As Masa keeps on talking periodically Lamar keeps on getting Pocket Gakusei notifications as to which Lamar was told to pick it up. To Lamar’s surprise the notification was from Tari as to which he picks up.
Lamar then talks to Tari as the others start to talk to Tari there and at one point he brings up more mobile devices so that Masa and Sofia could join in. As they join into the game they then start to talk about the plan. At one point when Tari was taken out of the game Lamar and the others expressed concern. Though Lamar was the one who was the most worried there as he paced back and forth. When Tari came back he and the others were relieved but were shocked as Tari revealed she was talking to Belle. Lamar and the others came back to talk to Tari about Belle as he was not eager to accept her but accepted it anyways as Tari convinced Masa there. They then started to talk the plan once more as they all prepare.
During the day of the competition, Lamar was by the crowd as he communicated with Sofia and Masa as he donned a disguise. The disguise was to be of a Tascorp scientist uniform as he tries to infiltrate as the bot boy however realizes he does not have an ID. He could not go to help as the bot boy would not let him pass without a verified ID. However as a blackout happened the bot boy got someone to help as Lamar got the chance to switch the cartridge. He then goes back to meet up with Masa as to be competitors for Hidden Heroes.
The game then starts as he protects Tari within the game as an archer. Throughout the game he works with Masa to take out the enemies though at one point Masa gets taken out as it is only him and Tari left to fight in the game. After a tense battle against Evelyn, Tari and Lamar win the game as they were able to have the data transferred to the cartridge.
He then tries to go out to meet with Tari but there were issues as to which Masa causes a distraction as to which Lamar calls in for the distraction as he thanks Sofia. He then meets up with Tari who was hesitating to take the cartridge since Theo was not out yet. Lamar tells Tari that they need to leave soon otherwise they will get caught as to which Tari reluctantly agrees as she goes with Lamar.
Lamar then drives as he goes to meet up with Sofia as he tells her a status update. After a heartfelt reunion between Sofia and Tari and despair over the situation of Lucks having hostages, Tari tells them about a plan to be able to beat Lucks. Lamar and Sofia then gain hope as they give their full support to Tari.
For the next part of the plan Lamar takes Tari to the car as he lets her warp into the server as he watches over her. Once Tari saves Theo and warps back out Lamar expresses joy and relief that Tari is safe. He then moves on to the next phase of the plan where he armors up his car and starts to speed up. The car then rams into Lucks car though unbeknownst to Lamar the TASVans were more armored there then last time as he passes out.
The whole sequence of Lucks exposure and Masa disarming him is not seen by him since he passes out. He also missed a bit of Lucks explanation but quickly catches up as he wakes up. As Lucks is done Lamar is not swayed by Lucks as he says he is not needed for Lucinia to revive giving Tari his full support. While the cops were nearing Lamar wanted to get out of there with the others though Masa was contemplating whether to shoot him or not. Lamar and others all try to convince Masa to not shoot him to which they succeeded. Lamar then breathes a sigh of relief along with the others.
However, this was cut short as Masa’s arm was hacked as he then pulls the trigger there and shoots Lucks. This causes him and the others to be extremely shocked as everyone panics as he urges everyone to have to run away there. He stays with Tari to try to convince her as Belle then tells them to go as to which they have a melancholic goodbye as Lamar and Tari run away.
As he and Tari catches up with Theo and Sofia, they try to find the exit safe from the police. Though they were cut off as Marco shows up to give them a ride to which Lamar, Tari, Sofia, and Theo are looking shocked there.
- He originally had a scheme that was blue colored however it got changed to black.
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MD-5 |
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