Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

Octus, why didn't you tell us you had these abilities?
~ Lance

Lance is one of the main protagonists of the Cartoon Network show, Sym-Bionic Titan. On Galaluna, he was the most talented soldier in his military unit, but also the most rambunctious. With an inherent disregard for authority, Lance was often lost in his own angst and turmoil. Edward, Lance's father, was a top scientist who was ridiculed for his ideas and disappeared through his Rift Gate invention, after trying it out and never returning. The King of Galaluna chose Lance to be Ilana's protector, who must now work to ensure the safety of the Princess.

He was voiced by Kevin Thoms.


Lance takes his role as Galalunian soldier and Ilana's bodyguard. Likewise, he is consistently labeled as a "bad boy" at school when he unintentionally draws all the girls' attention. He is not one to back out of a fight and is very protective of Ilana, easily mistaking anything as a threat to her. Lance and his armor system Manus is the "body" of the Sym-Bionic Titan.


Lance's rebellious and troublesome nature often caused him much turmoil back on Galaluna.

Ironically, it is this very personality that almost instantly makes him one of the most popular students at Sherman High School, making cheerleaders and other students love him. Unlike most other students, he doesn't immediately fall to its benefits, and tries to push himself away from them. He becomes confused realizing that despite his efforts, he only continues to rise in the social hierarchy. In a normal situation, Lance is laid back, and not one to openly display his emotions. He does, however, come alive on the battlefield, always thirsting for the victory that will somehow imbue his life with true meaning. Lance shows signs of a self-loathing complex, seeming to stem from the day his father vanished. Even to this day, Lance will still wake up at 2:00 a.m. due to the fact that was the time his father would return from work. Earlier in the series, he is shown to be very paranoid, such as assuming a crying baby or a dog could be considered a threat.


Lance has very great skills in fighting. His fighting styles are none of earth's fighting styles, considering he is from a different planet and that he took his training in Galalunian academy. His fighting shows brute strength and he fights well on the battle field, grabbing enemies and sending flying kicks and punches at them.


  • One of the unproduced episodes of Sym-Bionic Titan would've focus on Lance and and his father.