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Lanolin Sheep is one of the main characters of the U.S. Acres comic strip and the Orson's Farm segments of the show Garfield and Friends.

She was voiced by Julie Payne.


Lanolin is shown to be a pessimistic, responsible, hardworking, and tough sheep who is usually seen doing laundry.

She is shown to be the polar opposite of her brother Bo, as she is rude, abusive, loud and disagreeable as she constantly disagrees with her brother Bo over petty things which serves as a running gag in the comic strip and the TV series. Despite her treatment of her to Bo, she does truly love him.

She is shown to have an intense rivalry with Roy as she usually retaliates to Roy's obnoxiousness, physically, or by wit. Whenever they get in a fight, she usually wins, due to being more stronger than him.



           Garfield (Logo Upgrade) Heroes

Garfield | Odie | Jon Arbuckle | Arlene | Nermal | Squeak | Liz Wilson

U.S. Acres
Orson Pig | Roy Rooster | Wade Duck | Booker | Sheldon | Bo Sheep | Lanolin Sheep

Other Characters
Harry | Winona Cauldron | Abigail Cauldron | Biff | Vito Cappelletti

Live-action duology: Persnikitty | Prince XII | Winston | Nigel | Bolero | Claudius | McBunny | Christophe | Eenie | Meenie
The Garfield Movie (2024): Vic | Otto Edethal | Ethel Edethal
