Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

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Latios is one of two deuteragonist of the 5th installment of the Pokémon film series Heroes. He is part of the Eon duo who protected the city of Alto Mare and Soul Dew. Comparing to his sister Latias, Latios is the more serious and mature one of the duo.

Although he does not speak, he makes grunt and howl noises. He is voiced by Masashi Ebara.


He is a Dragon-Psychic type Pokémon with bird-like body that resembles a plane. His color scheme mainly consist of blue. He has medium-sized red eyes and long neck. He has short, three-fingered arms than can detract into his body. He has a red triangle centered in her chest. He also appears to be larger than his sister, Latias, in 2 meters long.


  • Psychic powers
  • Flight: Despite not being a Flying type, he is still capable of flying at high speed.
  • Invisibility: Can go full in invisibility without any human adults noticing, although children and other Pokémon are able to sense his presence.
  • Shape shifting: Implied by his ancestor's history as he himself never shape shift into anything onscreen.
  • Sight sharing: It allowed Latias and people around the area to see exactly what her brother Latios was seeing.
  • Safeguard: He used this move to stop the tsunami from hitting Alto Mare.

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           Pokémon logo Heroes

Main Characters
Red (Origins) | Green | Leaf | Blue Oak | Chase | Elaine | Trace | Ethan | Kris | Lyra | Silver | Brendan | May | Wally | Lucas | Dawn | Barry | Hilbert | Hilda | Cheren | Bianca | Nate | Rosa | Hugh | Calem | Serena | Shauna | Trevor | Tierno | Elio | Selene | Rotom Pokédex | Lillie | Hau | Hapu | Gladion | Victor | Gloria | Hop | Marnie | Bede | Klara | Avery | Scottie | Bettie | Keith | Rei | Akari | Florian | Juliana | Nemona | Arven | Penny

Professor Oak | Professor Elm | Professor Birch | Professor Rowan | Professor Juniper | Professor Sycamore | Professor Kukui | Professor Magnolia | Professor Sonia | Professor Willow | Professor Laventon | Director Clavell

Pokédex Holders
Red | Blue Oak | Green | Yellow | Gold | Crystal | Silver | Ruby | Sapphire Birch | Emerald | Diamond | Pearl | Platinum Berlitz | Black | White | Blake | Whitley | X | Yvonne Gabena | Sun | Moon | Henry Sword | Casey Shield

Todd Snap | Looker | Riley | Cheryl | Georgia | N | Colress | Rood | Anthea and Concordia | Guzma | Wicke | Kamado | Cyllene | Adaman | Irida | Carmine | Kieran

Daisy Oak | Johanna | Grace | Samson Oak | Lusamine | Mohn

Gym Leaders, Trial Captains, and Island Kahunas
Misty | Brock | Lt. Surge | Erika | Koga | Sabrina | Blaine | Janine | Blue Oak | Falkner | Bugsy | Whitney | Morty | Chuck | Jasmine | Pryce | Clair | Roxanne | Wattson | Flannery | Norman | Winona | Tate and Liza | Wallace | Juan | Roark | Gardenia | Maylene | Crasher Wake | Fantina | Byron | Candice | Volkner | Cilan | Elesa | Iris | Cheren | Roxie | Viola | Korrina | Ramos | Clemont | Lana | Kiawe | Mallow | Sophocles | Hapu | Milo | Nessa | Kabu | Bea | Allister | Opal | Gordie | Melony | Piers | Marnie | Raihan | Iono | Larry | Tulip | Grusha

Elite Four, Finalists, and Quarter Finalists
Lorelei | Bruno | Agatha | Lance | Will | Koga | Karen | Sidney | Phoebe | Glacia | Drake | Aaron | Bertha | Flint | Lucian | Shauntal | Grimsley | Caitlin | Marshal | Malva | Siebold | Wikstrom | Drasna | Hala | Molayne | Olivia | Acerola | Kahili | Marnie | Hop | Nessa | Bea | Allister | Raihan | Rika | Poppy | Larry | Hassel

Blue Oak | Trace | Lance | Steven Stone | Wallace | Cynthia | Alder | Iris | Diantha | Elio | Selene | Leon | Geeta

Battle Facility Leaders
Noland | Greta | Tucker | Lucy | Kamado | Cyllene | Spenser | Brandon | Anabel | Palmer | Thorton | Dahlia | Darach | Argenta | Ingo | Emmet | Nita | Evelyn | Dana | Morgan | Red | Blue Oak

Academy Staff
Hassel | Jacq | Dendra | Nurse Miriam

Main Pokémon
Pikachu | Bulbasaur | Charizard | Squirtle | Eevee | Butterfree | Sceptile | Buizel | Lucario | Greninja | Incineroar | Psyduck | Vulpix | Scyther | Blaziken | Piplup | Pachirisu | Sylveon | Fennekin | Sparky | Cinderace

Legendary/Mythical Pokémon
Mewtwo | Mew | Lugia | Ho-Oh | Entei | Celebi | Kyogre | Latias | Latios | Deoxys | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Cresselia | Darkrai | Shaymin | Arceus | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Meloetta | Diancie | Zarude | Zacian and Zamazenta | Enamorus | Koraidon and Miraidon | Ogerpon

Other Pokémon
Ivysaur | Venusaur | Blastoise | Raichu | Jigglypuff | Ditto | Snorlax | Pichu | Gardevoir | Metagross | Munchlax | Oshawott | Zoroark | Inkay | Malamar | Wyrdeer | Ursaluna | Basculegion | Sneasler | Hisuian Braviary | Mabosstiff

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon

Pikachu | Chikorita | Charmander | Piplup | Oshawott | Snivy | Tepig

Pokémon: Detective Pikachu
Detective Pikachu (Legendary Pictures) | Tim Goodman | Lucy Stevens

Pokémon Go
Professor Willow | Team Valor | Candela | Team Mystic | Blanche | Team Instinct | Spark | Pokémon Trainer

Groups and Organizations
Old Team Plasma | Team Yell | Galaxy Expedition Team | Diamond Clan | Pearl Clan | Pokémon Trainers | Team Star

See Also
Pokémon Anime Heroes
