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Laugh-a-Lot Bear

Laugh-a-Lot Bear is a Care bear who made her first appearance as a plush toy during the 2002-2006 franchise relaunch. Since then, she has made sporadic appearances throughout other Care Bears-related media beginning with the 2004 film Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-lot.


She has orange fur and her Belly badge depicts a yellow smiling star with its tongue sticking out. It's first used in a care bear sing along toy. Laugh-a-Lot doesn't have to be a doctor to know that laughter is the best medicine. According to her, there's no situation that can't be improved by looking at the humerus side, and sometimes laughing in the face of adversity is the best way to overcome it. Because laughter is infectious, she stays giddy most of the time, hoping that her happy-go-lucky attitude will rub off on others.


           Care Bears 2012 logo Heroes

Care Bears
Tenderheart Bear | Cheer Bear | Grumpy Bear | Share Bear | Funshine Bear | Wish Bear | Good Luck Bear | Love-a-Lot Bear | Harmony Bear | Friend Bear | Bedtime Bear | Champ Bear | Baby Hugs Bear | Baby Tugs Bear | Birthday Bear | Secret Bear | Surprise Bear | Laugh-a-Lot Bear | Grams Bear | True Heart Bear

Care Bears Cousin
Braveheart Lion | Lotsa Heart Elephant | Bright Heart Raccoon | Swift Heart Rabbit | Proud Heart Cat | Playful Heart Monkey | Gentle Heart Lamb | Cozy Heart Penguin | Loyal Heart Dog | Treat Heart Pig | Noble Heart Horse | Polite Panda | Perfect Panda

New Care Bears
Me Bear | Messy Bear | Too Loud Bear | Oopsy Bear | Wonderheart Bear

Kim | Jason | Nicholas Cherrywood | Chirsty | Dawn | John | Alice | Anna Walker

Nutcracker | Gig | Twinkers | White Rabbit| Queen of Hearts | Princess of Wonderland
