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“ | No matter what, there is one thing SkyClan will always do. We will protect one another. | „ |
~ Leafstar assuring her Clan that they'll be ok |
Leafstar is a major character in Erin Hunter's Warriors book franchise.
She is SkyClan's current leader, and the first leader since the Clan was rebuilt. She was formerly the mentor of Sol, but banished him when he kidnapped her kittens. Later, after getting driven out of their home in the gorge by Darktail, Leafstar takes her Clan and seeks out the other four Clans by the lake, eventually settling down there as well.
Leafstar is a mottled, pale cream-and-brown she-cat with patches of cream. She has amber eyes and a long, brown tail. She also has a scar on her chest. In the manga, Leafstar is white with yellow eyes and brown patches on both sides of her face, her upper back, her thighs and her tail tip, which all have dark brown stripes.
Firestar's Quest[]
Years after SkyClan disbands, one of their descendants, a rogue named Leaf, still lives near the gorge they once inhabited. While on a mission to restore SkyClan, ThunderClan's leader Firestar and his mate Sandstorm search the Clan's old territory, during which Firestar accidently jumps onto Leaf. She snaps at him briefly before running off. Later, after befriending another rogue descendant of SkyClan named Scratch, Firestar and Sandstorm get formally introduced to Leaf by him, as they already knew each other. Leaf apologizes for snapping at Firestar earlier, and the orange tom accepts her apology. She's then asked if she wants to join SkyClan, and she accepts, getting renamed Leafdapple. She's also made a mentor to a kittypet named Boris, who's been renamed Sparrowpaw. While in the reforming SkyClan, Leafdapple shows the most respect and understanding out of the descendants towards Clan customs and the warrior code.
After rats attack a patrol, Firestar goes to investigate where the rats are coming from, leaving Leafdapple in charge of the camp. After Patchfoot is injured by rats, the need for a medicine cats grows, and Firestar and Sandstorm debate on whether or not Leafdapple should be trained to be one because of her caring nature. This dilemma is solved when a kittypet named Echo joins the Clan as it's medicine cat-in-training, getting renamed Echosong. At SkyClan's first Gathering, Leafdapple doesn't have anything to report other than that Sparrowpaw is coming along well in his training. When rats attack SkyClan's camp, Firestar sees Leafdapple fighting two of them and is about to go help her, before she kills one of them and makes the other flee. Before SkyClan goes to confront the rats in their own territory, Leafdapple tells Firestar and Sandstorm that it's SkyClan's battle, and they don't have to fight if they don't want to. During the battle, some cats wish to retreat, but the brown-and-cream she-cat encouraged her Clanmates to keep fighting. After Firestar kills the rats' leader, Scratch - now named Sharpclaw - attacks the fleeing rodents, but Leafdapple tells him to let them go, as they're defenseless without their leader.
As the Clan is debating who should lead them, Echosong receives a vision of dappled leaves fluttering to the ground, a sign that StarClan has chosen Leafdapple to lead. The amber-eyed she-cat is surprised by this and insists that Sharpclaw should lead instead, but Firestar points out that she has a better understanding of what it means to be in a Clan, which convinces her to take the position. She then asks if she has nine lives and a leader's name now, but the orange tom informs her that she must visit StarClan via the Whispering Cave first. He advises her to trust in their warrior ancestors, and she admits that she'd rather trust him, but accepts anyways.
She goes into the Whispering Cave where she visits StarClan, who grant her nine lives. She receives a life of endurance from Cloudstar, a life of hope from Skywatcher, a life of love from her mother, a life of healing from Spottedleaf, a life of wisdom from Redstar, a life of sympathy and understanding from Birchstar, a life of selflessness from Swiftstar, a life of determination from Dawnstar, and a life of faithfulness from Birdflight. She then earns the name Leafstar, officially becoming the leader of the rebuilt SkyClan.
After the ceremony, Leafstar appoints Sharpclaw as her deputy, and makes Echosong's role as medicine cat official. She also holds warrior ceremonies for Sparrowpaw and Cherrypaw, granting them the names Sparrowpelt and Cherrytail. Finally, she makes Clovertail's kits Tinykit, Rockkit and Bouncekit into warrior apprentices, renaming them Tinypaw, Rockpaw and Bouncepaw, and having them be mentored by Cherrytail, Sparrowpelt and Patchfoot respectively. As Firestar and Sandstorm are about to start their long journey back to ThunderClan, Leafstar thanks them for what they've done, promising that they'll both be remembered by SkyClan forever.
SkyClan's Destiny[]
Leafstar has a nightmare where she drowns as the gorge floods, relived when she wakes to find it was just a bad dream. She then exits the leader's den and observes her Clan, thinking about it's most recent members. She then talks to Sharpclaw and Echosong about Tinypaw's, Rockpaw's and Bouncepaw's warrior ceremonies. She wants to wait for the rest of the Clan to awake, but Sharpclaw convinces her to start without them. She then makes the three apprentices into warriors, giving them the names Tinycloud, Rockshade and Bouncefire. Tinycloud is upset about her name, but Leafstar tells her that it isn't what her name is that matters, but what she does. After the ceremonies, she reflects on Skywatcher's help in restoring SkyClan, and how the Clan is now thriving, vowing not to let Skywatcher's memory be forgotten.
A little while later, Leafstar introduces daylight warriors to the Clan- kittypets who live in SkyClan during the day, and return to their owners by night. She brings six into the Clan; Billystorm, his apprentice Snookpaw, Ebonyclaw, her apprentice Frecklepaw, Harveymoon and Macgyver. Many of her Clanmates disapprove of the idea, most notably their deputy Sharpclaw and his mate Cherrytail. Leafstar is upset by this, trying to dissuade the animosity towards their new Clanmates, but Sharpclaw ends up excluding the daylight warriors from patrols multiple times.
Spottedleaf visits Leafstar in her dreams a little while later, showing her a vision of the old SkyClan and warning her that there will be storms coming. She then receives the prophecy that SkyClan will need deeper roots if it is to survive the upcoming struggles. She talks to Echosong about it, who reveals she's had the same dream, but the two are unable to decipher what it means. They conclude that it's connected to Leafstar's nightmare about the flooding though, and though the leader refuses to tell the Clan about this, the two of them agree to talk again if they have more prophetic dreams.
Later, Leafstar catches two daylight warriors, Macgyver and Harveymoon, playfighting when they're supposed to be cleaning the dens. Sharpclaw scolds them, and they say that they shouldn't have to clean dens they aren't even using, so Leafstar banishes the two for a moon. She's troubled by this decision though, so she goes to talk to the elders, and an elder named Tangle offers support. Later still, she sees Sagepaw hanging onto the edge of a cliff and rushes over to help him, but Sharpclaw gets there first. He's unable to save the apprentice in time though, and he falls, dislocating his leg when he hits the ground. Patchfoot blames himself, since he had taunted Sagepaw about his origins as a kittypet, and Leafstar begins to worry if her Clanmates are too focused on SkyClan ancestry. As Echosong tends to Sagepaw's dislocated leg, Leafstar watches her, impressed by the medicine cat's skills. She then calls a Clan meeting to announce that all cats in the Clan have an equal right to be apart of SkyClan, regardless of ancestry, but the meeting is interrupted when Patchfoot spots four rogues trespassing into SkyClan's territory. The four are brought to camp, where they introduce themselves as Stick, Shorty, Coal and Cora, who were familiar with the Clan because Firestar and Sandstorm had met them as they rebuilt it. They ask to stay and learn all they can about the Clan, and with pressing from Sharpclaw, Leafstar allows it.
Sharpclaw leads a training session with the newcomers included, and Leafstar is pleased to see her Clanmates growing closer. After the daylight warriors return to their owners for the night, Stick and his group question them, and Leafstar and Sharpclaw become a bit suspicions that they're there for reasons other than just learning how to take care of themselves. The brown-and-cream she-cat then invites Stick and his group to go on patrol, and they accept, going with Patchfoot on a border patrol. Leafstar is on the patrol as well, and while out she picks up the scent of rats. The patrol goes to investigate, horrified to see a large pile of twoleg trash that the rats infest. Once they get back to camp and tell everyone about the rats, Sharpclaw recounts their first battle against the rodents. Stick and his group ask to help fight them off again, as they have experience with hunting rats, and a battle plan is made. Leafstar tells Echosong her concerns that Sharpclaw is envious of her for becoming SkyClan's leader when he had wanted that position. Echosong reminds her about the sign of dappled leaves from StarClan, and Leafstar asks if the deputy knows about the sign. The medicine cat replies that it doesn't matter, and they should just focus on getting rid of the rats, which does nothing to help her leader's uncertainty. Leafstar then suggests they start hunting the rats as prey, but Echosong says that the rats are SkyClan's oldest enemy and must be killed. Stick comes up with a battle plan, and before Leafstar can give her feedback Sharpclaw interrupts and agrees to it, which frustrates the leader, but she also agrees to the plan. During the fight, she sees her Clanmates covered in blood and hopes it's the rats' blood and not theirs, and SkyClan ends up victorious.
When Leafstar sees Ebonyclaw arguing with Frecklepaw, she goes over to see what's the matter. Frecklepaw wishes to train as a medicine cat under Echosong, and Echosong expresses the same wish as Frecklepaw has already been assisting her with many of her duties, but Leafstar is unsure about this, as her being a daylight warrior means she'd be unable to treat her Clanmates at night. While talking with Billystorm, she learns that Stick and several SkyClan warrior had been in the twolegplace recently, but brushes it off as nothing serious. While Leafstar hunts with Cora, she and the rest of her group wish to join SkyClan officially, and with Sharpclaw's insistence the leader agrees to this. During the ceremony, Stick and his group decline being renamed, but agree to stay in SkyClan nonetheless, though some of their new Clanmates - namely Harveymoon - are upset by this. Later, Spottedleaf visits Leafstar in her dreams once more, introducing her to the former leader of ThunderClan Bluestar, her sister Snowfur, and her nephew Whitestorm. The whole of StarClan then gathers to celebrate SkyClan's thriving, and Spottedleaf tells the leader to seize the moment, and that destiny will arrive.
When Snookpaw is strangely absent, Leafstar goes with Billystorm to the twolegplace to find the latter's apprentice. Along the way they run into Hutch, a former SkyClan warrior by the name of Shortwhisker who left the Clan to return to kittypet life. A dog then chases Leafstar and Billystorm before they escape through a hole in a fence. On the other side, the two find themselves in Snookpaw's owner's backyard, managing to get inside the house. They confront Snookpaw about not showing up to the Clan that day before twolegs come over, with the two fleeing before they're spotted. The two then see a loner named Egg wandering around, and believing him to be another one of SkyClan's descendants, Leafstar offers to have him join, though Egg declines.
Ebonyclaw confides in Leafstar about Shrewtooth a bit later, concerned about the black tom's paranoia and lack of confidence, suggesting he may feel left out among his Clanmates. She decides to take him out hunting and they catch a squirrel, but when they go near the twolegplace Shrewtooth begins to panic, recognizing it as the house he once lived in as a kittypet where his owner abused him, believing that Leafstar purposely lured him back there as a trap and doesn't want him in SkyClan anymore. After she calms him down, assuring him that she wants him in the Clan and didn't mean to bring him there, he explains to his Clanmates what happened to him after he was captured by the twoleg and made into a kittypet. When Petalnose hears this, she's determined to get revenge and suggests scaring the twoleg into not messing with SkyClan any more. This plan ends up a success, and the twoleg stops bothering the Clan.
While on a hunt with Billystorm, Cherrytail and Snookpaw, the former reveals he has feeling for Leafstar, which she reciprocates. They then encounter Egg again when they get back to camp, who has changed his mind and wishes to join the Clan. With some persuasion from Sharpclaw, Leafstar agrees to let him join and assigns her deputy as his apprentice. Egg keeps his name though, which shocks the Clan. Egg later reveals that he joined the Clan after he told Sharpclaw about a fox near where the loner lived, and the dark ginger tom lied that the fox would not leave, so the loner would be safer in SkyClan. Leafstar confronts her deputy over this, scolding him for scaring Egg into joining the Clan with lies, but lets Egg stay anyways.
Learning about her and Billystorm's feelings for each other, Echosong tells Leafstar that she must focus on her Clan, and has no time for a mate or kits. This leads to an argument between the leader and medicine cat, with the former resenting Firestar a bit for not telling her that a leader couldn't have a mate or kits beforehand. Billystorm then informs the leader that Sharpclaw has been leading patrols into the twolegplace behind her back, and suggests following one of them to see what he's up to. Knowing she cant, she refuses, her tone harsher than usual. Billystorm is taken aback by her rough attitude, and Leafstar says that her Clanmates need her. Billystorm retorts that he's her Clanmate too, accusing her of not wanting to spend time with him because he's a kittypet. Leafstar argues back that he doesn't know everything, and the orange-and-white tom angrily leaves the leader's den. Later, Leafstar receives another vision about the SkyClan of the past, seeing how they dissolved from a combination of rat attacks, lack of prey and losing faith in StarClan. She then hears the message of SkyClan needing deep roots to survive once more, realizing that she must be one of those roots.
When hearing a strange wailing sound nearby, Leafstar takes a patrol to investigate, where they find a female twoleg child lying in the gorge, her leg twisted at an awkward angle. Figuring out that the child fell in, Echosong comforts her by purring and acting like a kittypet to her, not wanting to frighten her. She then finds that the child's leg is broken, and gets the idea to lure her parents over to rescue her. Knowing they live in the twolegplace, Leafstar asks Billystorm and Snookpaw if they know where the child's parents live, and Snookpaw is able to lead her there. The adult twolegs don't understand the cats' attempts to bring them to their daughter though, yelling and throwing things at them. The cats have to retreat, and when getting back to where the child is, Echosong informs them that she'll fallen asleep. Frecklepaw then finds a backpack, a hanky, a hairband, and a fourth thing she can't identify belonging to the child. Leafstar gets the idea to make a trail out of the items to lure the child's parents, which works, and the child is saved. Leafstar doubts her plan though, thinking that bringing twolegs so close to SkyClan could cause problems in the future, and though Echosong assures that she's done the right thing, the leader can detect her medicine cat's uncertainty.
Still sensing unease in the Clan after the situation with the twoleg child, Leafstar decides to try cheering them up by holding a warrior ceremony for Snookpaw. She gives him the name Snookthorn, but the black-and-white tom announces that he's leaving the Clan to become a kittypet full-time again, explaining that the twoleg parents shouting and throwing things at him made him realize he doesn't wish to be a SkyClan warrior, as that would mean becoming enemies with twolegs. That night, Leafstar sees Sharpclaw sneaking away into the twolegplace with many warriors, including Stick, Shorty, Coal and Cora. She realizes that Billystorm was right, and as she eaves drops on them she hears Stick teaching the other warriors special techniques, but is unsure what they could be for. Billystorm then shows up and asks the leader if she believes him now, and while thinking that the orange-and-white tom had no right interrogating her like that, deciding to do more eavesdropping and possible confront the group. Billystorm accompanies her, despite Leafstar declining his offer to, and the two follow the group before they confront them. She asks what they were doing, and after arguing with Sharpclaw, Stick tells her the real reason he and his group came to SkyClan. He explains that his daughter, Red, had joined a vicious group of rogues lead by a tom named Dodge, and he sought out SkyClan's help to fight them. He then asks Leafstar if she can help, and she promises to think about it. Sharpclaw argues against this choice, but Leafstar tells him that it's her decision, and she is his leader.
In her dreams, Leafstar is visited by Skywatcher, who comments that she's troubled and he's here to help her decide. A cat of ancient SkyClan named Swallowflight then appears, complaining that SkyClan can not leave the gorge, and is no longer a real Clan. Skywatcher and Swallowflight then start fighting before Leafstar awakes, realizing it was just a dream. While going on a patrol with Sharpclaw, Shrewtooth, Ebonyclaw and Frecklepaw later, the apprentice finds a beehive and decides to collect some honey from it. The bees attack the patrol though, who run back to camp. As she treats Leafstar's bee stings, Echosong tells the leader that it was a sign for them to fight a battle before it comes to them.
Leafstar then agrees to aid Stick in the fight against Dodge and his rogues. Egg tries to come despite Leafstar forbidding apprentices from joining, wanting to prove his loyalty to his new Clan. She then lets him join, and Billystorm apologizes for fighting with her earlier, asking to come as well, which hesitantly Leafstar agrees to as well. When they get to Dodge's camp in the twolegplace, Leafstar inquires as to what Dodge and his group's mission is. After Billystorm catches a squirrel, he and Leafstar share it together. Soon after the Clan cats launch their attack, and Leafstar stops Shorty and Coal from attacking a rogue she-cat who has kittens. Coal asks if Leafstar is betraying them, but the leader doesn't answer, instead focusing on getting the kits to safety. Suddenly though, a rogue named Misha pounces on Leafstar and takes her first of nine lives. Her spirit observes Misha standing over her body as Spottedleaf tells her she's recovering from losing a life and will revive soon. Billystorm meanwhile rushes over while yowling in anguish, not knowing she still has eight lives left. When Leafstar revives, Billystorm is relived to see her and kneads the ground in embarrassment. Stick then accidentally kills Red when she defends her mate Harley from him, and the battle comes to an abrupt end. With their mission failed, Stick and his group decide to leave SkyClan and return to being rogues. As they leave, Cora thanks the Clan for their help. Leafstar then tells Billystorm that if she can choose SkyClan's path, then she can chose her own as well, saying she wants to be with him, and the two officially become mates.
Many moons later, as Billystorm assesses Rabbitpaw, Creekpaw, Plumpaw and Nettlepaw, Rabbitpaw admits that he's scared of climbing trees. He worriedly asks Leafstar if he can become a warrior if he's too scared to climb, and the leader is uncertain, as climbing trees has been an important part of SkyClan for generations. When two dogs begin terrorizing the Clan, Leafstar takes a patrol to the twolegplace to confront them. Along the way they encounter a kittypet she-cat, who wonders what they're doing there, pointing them in the direction of the dogs when they tell her about it. Following her directions, they hear the dogs behind them, about to give chase. The patrol furiously confront the kittypet, who reveals that she tricked them, and the dogs then chase them. Leafstar and Rabbitpaw are separated from the others and end up in an empty alleyway, hiding in some trash can when they hear the dogs approaching, but end up getting stuck inside. The leader's leg is injured, and the dogs find the two hiding in the trash cans, about to attack before the rest of the patrol finds them and fights the dogs off. Afterwards, back in camp, Leafstar makes Rabbitpaw, Plumpaw, Nettlepaw and Creekpaw into warriors for their bravery, giving them the names Rabbitleap, Plumwillow, Nettlesplash and Creekfeather. She tells Rabbitleap that he has proven himself a worthy member of SkyClan, and she's proud to be his leader.
SkyClan and the Stranger[]
The Rescue[]
Leafstar is now pregnant wit her and Billystorm's kittens, but worries that her loyalty will be divided between her Clan and her family, and Echosong and Clovertail tell Leafstar not to hunt or go on patrols in the condition she's in. While on a walk with Harveymoon, they run into Tinycloud and Waspwhisker, who reveal that Nettlesplash and Sandypaw are missing. They soon find the two missing cats, who claim to be tracking the scent of a fox, but Leafstar scents prey on them and realizes they've broken the warrior code by eating before making sure their more vulnerable Clanmates have been fed. She punishes them by making them remove ticks from the elders.
A few days later, Sharpclaw declines his leader's request to join a patrol, pointing out that she's close to giving birth. She's irritated by this, stating that she's his leader and he has no right to treat her like that, but the dark ginger tom calmly retorts that if she was a normal warrior, she would've been confined to the nursery by now. Begrudgingly she agrees with this, and while helping Echosong collect herbs, she reflects on how she'll have her paws full with leading her Clan and raising her children at the same time, vowing to do her best for both of them.
When Nettlesplash, Sandypaw, Birdpaw and Honeypaw keep disappearing and returning with full bellies, Leafstar becomes suspicious of them, silently promising to keep an eye on them when she overhears Nettlesplash scolding Sandypaw for suggesting that the four of them stop their outings. When following them on one of such outings, she soon discovers that the four are getting food from an elderly female twoleg, yowling in outrage that they're breaking the warrior code and must face punishment. However, her yelling attracts the attention of the twoleg, who tries to catch her before she and her Clanmates flee. Soon after, she feels a sharp pain in her stomach, and Clovertail alerts her that she's going into labor. She then gives birth to three kittens; two she-kits and a tom. She shows Billystorm their newborn kits, but doesn't name them just yet.
Soon the twoleg returns, successfully capturing Leafstar and her litter. As she's being taken away, she orders her Clan to remain hidden, and tells Billystorm to tell Nettlesplash what happened. Leafstar and the kits are then brought to the twoleg's house, unable to escape. She meets a kittypet tom named Harry who lives there, who wonders why she isn't running away or staying with him and the twoleg. Billystorm, Sharpclaw and Waspwhisker then find the house their leader is stuck in, but have to retreat to form a rescue plan. Harry is impressed by their loyalty to Leafstar, and she tells him all about life in SkyClan and what it means to be a warrior. Soon her Clan returns, with Fallowfern acting sick to draw out the twoleg, and with Harry's help Leafstar and her kittens manage to escape. She says farewell to Harry before returning home, praising her Clan for their ingenuity and reminding them that taking food from twolegs is against the warrior code. She then gives her kittens names, naming the orange she-kit Firekit after Firestar, the white-and-orange she-kit Stormkit after Sandstorm, and the gray tom Harrykit after Harry. Soon after, Harry shows up, requesting to join SkyClan and revealing that his real name is Sol. Leafstar accepts, taking Sol as her apprentice.
Beyond the Code[]
Leafstar watches her kittens play-fight, thinking that having them is even better that being leader, and wondering if the three of them are more important to her that the rest of the Clan. Clovertail remarks that it's difficult to watch kits play when knowing they'll one day fight in battle, but it's an honor to raise the Clan's next generation of warriors. Leafstar then thanks Clovertail in her help with raising her three kits. She then thinks about Sol, and how the other apprentices are angry with him because he didn't participate in the apprentice chores.
Meanwhile, a heat wave is burdening the Clan, making prey scarce as it hides from the heat and making the Clan's members more irritable. The stress of the heat wave causes Rockshade to lash out at the daylight warriors, jealous of how they can shelter from the heat and eat all the food they want when with their owners, while their full-time Clanmates have to suffer through the heat and prey shortage. As the argument between Rockshade and the daylight warriors escalates, Leafstar is about to intervene, but Harrykit pricking his nose on some thistles diverts her attention. She's torn between helping her son and breaking up the conflict, but Billystorm goes over to help Harrykit instead, so she goes to put an end to the quarrel. She then suggests that the Clan starts sleeping during the day and hunting at night, though her cats are unsure of this idea. Seeing as Billystorm can't calm Harrykit, she then goes to help comfort him, with Sharpclaw taking over with addressing the Clan, and she once more doubts whether or not leaders should have kits. She then watches as Sol leaves on a night patrol, seeing how well he now fits in with the Clan and feeling glad she took him in. Echosong has doubts about Sol, as they don't yet know about his backstory, but Leafstar figures that there isn't much to say and tells her they should give him a chance regardless.
A little while after watching Sharpclaw organize and head out with a patrol that night, Leafstar is awoken when the patrol comes back injured, having been attacked by a badger. After being tended to, Sharpclaw tells Leafstar that hunting at night won't work, as doing so puts them in competition with nocturnal predators like badgers. The leader and deputy decide to send out larger patrols of eight cats each, though their Clanmates wonder if they'll even be able to catch anything with so many cats crowding each other. Leafstar then tells Billystorm to be careful as he leaves on patrol, reminding him that she and their children both need him. She then entertains the kits by teaching them hunting moves, and soon half the patrol comes back with very little prey. They say that Sol had the patrol split up, not knowing where he went when Leafstar demands to know. Soon Sol returns with the other half of the patrol, carrying enough prey to feed the Clan for days. Leafstar is very happy to see how well her apprentice has done during hunting, inviting the whole Clan to feast and celebrate Sol's success. Sharpclaw then comes to his leader with concerns that Sol hadn't caught the prey himself, but had stolen it from foxes. Leafstar is upset by this accusation and doesn't want to doubt her apprentice, resolving to take him out hunting later to see how he does it.
As Clovertail and Honeypaw watch over Firekit, Stormkit and Harrykit, Leafstar goes on a hunting patrol lead by Sol alongside Plumwillow and Mintfur. Her apprentice leads them to a fox den in a more neglected part of the Clan's territory. They wait nearby, where they see two foxes come to their den and leave prey outside it before leaving. Sol then goes to the den and fetches the prey, and Mintfur urges the rest of the patrol to get home as soon as possible. Leafstar is furious to find that Sharpclaw's accusation was true, and confronts Sol about it, telling him that SkyClan cats are supposed to use their skills to hunt, and he could lead the foxes to their camp by taking their prey. Sol retorts that his method is a skill, and Leafstar snaps that it's stealing, ordering him to never do it again. Sharpclaw is also enraged when he finds out about Sol's theft, and Leafstar has to calm her deputy down before he and her apprentice get into a fight. She then warns them not to tell the other warriors about the theft.
During a training session, Leafstar sees Sol perform poorly compared to his fellow apprentices. She tells Sharpclaw that she'd like to train him herself, saying if he's so determined to become a warrior, he should get good training. That night, Foxes attack the camp, and though she's cautious of their powerful jaws, Leafstar orders her Clan to attack. As she's attacking one of the foxes, she notices Harrykit, Firekit and Stormkit running out of the nursery to help her. She orders Sol to take her place in fighting the fox so she can take her kittens to safety, but her apprentice is frozen in fear. The elder Lichenfur stops the kits before they can enter the fray though, and after the foxes are driven off, the leader thanks her profusely for saving the litter before scolding them for nearly endangering themselves. Sol nervously asks if she's going to tell everyone that he unintentionally lead the foxes to camp, but she assures him she won't. She then wonders if he's cut out for Clan life after seeing him freeze up during the battle, but he insists that he is, saying that being a Clan warrior is all he's ever wanted ever since childhood. He then explains that he and his siblings were born as loners and raised entirely by their mother Cinders, as their father rarely visited. Cinders, who didn't bother to name her kittens, would keep them quiet by entertaining them with stories of "sky warriors", who fought like lions and flew into trees to hunt. One day, after their father breaks ties with Cinders permanently, their mother falls into depression, bringing her kits to different twoleg houses to be raised there, and since then Sol had never seen her again. Leafstar apologizes for what happened to him, and Sol asks her to understand why becoming a warrior of SkyClan is so important to him. She comforts her apprentice, assuring that though he still had much to learn, she was happy to have found him.
When Billystorm complains that Sol is lazy and hasn't been improving much in his training after Leafstar confides in him about her apprentice, she decides to have a one-on-one training session with him. She finds that he struggles to learn what she's teaching, but slowly he starts to improve. At the next Gathering, Leafstar reports on the Clan's improvements before Sol interrupts, requesting to be made a warrior. Leafstar declines though, telling him he still needs to learn many things and be assessed before he can become a warrior. Humiliated, Sol lashes out at his mentor for embarrassing him in front of everyone, running away as a storm rolls in. The Clan hurries back to camp, and Leafstar checks on her kits, Billystorm joining her as the storm worsens. Soon the gorge begins to flood, and Sharpclaw urges everyone to evacuate. As the gorge floods just like in Leafstar's nightmare, the Clan waits out the storm until it's safe to return to camp. When they do, they find the camp destroyed, and are shocked to discover that Lichenfur had been left behind and drowned. As the Clan holds vigil for Lichenfur, Billystorm tries to assure his mate that they'll survive, but Leafstar worries that the destruction may be a problem too big to overcome.
After the Flood[]
As the Clan works tirelessly to repair their camp, Leafstar worries that they are now vulnerable to foxes and twolegs, and no longer have a source of clean water to drink from. As she works on fixing the leader's den, her kits fear that there will be another flood, and while she tries to assure them that there won't be, she doesn't fully believe her words herself. Sharpclaw then wonders if the flood was a sign from StarClan, and she speculates that the ancestors are angry with her for not making Sol a warrior during the Gathering. She then sees Sol carrying ivy leaves to decorate the camp with, but she informs him that using them isn't a good idea since they could be poisonous, to which her apprentice stalks off in disappointment. She catches up with him, convincing him to help clean debris out of the stream. She then confides in Echosong about her worries that the flood is a sign that StarClan is angry with them, but the medicine cat concludes that it was just bad luck and a reminder that the Clan is vulnerable, rather than a sign of anything.
Later, Spottedleaf visits Leafstar in her dreams, revealing that the flood wasn't caused by StarClan. She then warns the leader about Sol, stating that he could bring trouble to the Clan. Leafstar protests, saying Sol only wants to be a warrior, but Spottedleaf says that being one may not be his destiny. She later teaches Sol some basic herbs and their uses, but when he asks to be assessed, she tells him he's still not ready. Patchfoot, Petalnose and Fallowfern then tell Leafstar that they want to leave SkyClan, no longer feeling safe after the flood, and though the brown-and-cream she-cat is distraught, she lets them go. While visiting her kits, she finds out that Billystorm wishes to take them to be raised in the twolegplace. She confronts him about this, enraged when he explains that being kittypets would be safer than living in the gorge, insisting that the three will be warriors of SkyClan, not kittypets. She then banishes him from the Clan, though silently wonders if he has a point. To distract herself, Leafstar goes hunting with Sol, impressed by how he's improved. Firekit, Stormkit and Harrykit are all worried about their father, and Leafstar assures them that he'll be fine and still loves them. Echosong then offers Leafstar to hang out with her to distract her from her worries, and the leader tells her kits to behave themselves as she leaves. They spend time hunting and reminiscing on the past, but when they return to camp, they find that the leader's litter has gone missing.
The Clan spends the day searching for the three missing kits, and Leafstar wonders if Billystorm had taken them to the twolegplace against her wishes. Sharpclaw, coming to the same conclusion, organizes a patrol to go to his owner's house that night. Knowing the patrol will be out for blood, Leafstar rushes ahead of them, meeting up with Billystorm, who's shocked to learn their kits are missing. When the patrol arrives, Leafstar proves her mate's innocence, and they all return home. The kittens' parents continue to search for them with the aid of Echosong, blaming themselves for their children disappearing. They then spot a group of hostile rogues heading for their camp and run back to warn their Clanmates. The rogues attack, but are driven out, and after the leader thanks her Clan, Patchfoot, Petalnose and Fallowfern change their minds and decide to stay. Leafstar is proud of her Clan and happy that three of it's members have decided not to leave, but she and Billystorm continue to fret over where their kids are.
The next day, Leafstar follows Shrewtooth, who is in turn following Sol to the twolegplace. There, they discover that Sol had kidnapped the three kits, and Shrewtooth attacks him. Leafstar joins in and easily defeats Sol, telling Shrewtooth to fetch the whole Clan and demanding to know why Sol stole her offspring. He replies that no one in the Clan respects him, and the only way he could get them to was by pretending to save the kits, before yowling that he can be a warrior. Leafstar angrily retorts that he can't, because he's selfish and has no understanding of the warrior code, telling him that his stunt risked the lives of three children. She then banishes Sol from SkyClan as the rest of the Clan shows up. Sol rants that the warrior code is a foolish thing, and he'll make the Clans pay for what they've done before running away. Billystorm asks what will happen if the now rogue tom returns, and Leafstar dares him to try.
Ravenpaw's Farewell[]
Two young kittypets, Bella and Riley, are brought to SkyClan by two loners named Ravenpaw and Barley so they may fulfill their dreams of being Clan cats. Ravenpaw requests to see the leader, adding that he's an old friend of Firestar. Leafstar soon arrives and introduces herself, and recalling Firestar's story of how the black-and-white tom left ThunderClan to live with Barley, she asks if he still lives near the Clans. He's about to explain how the forest had been torn down and the Clans moved away, but she cuts him off by saying that he must be there for something important to come such a long way. He asks if Riley and Bella can join the Clan, pointing out that they've already begun training a bit on the way there and show potential. She responds that she appreciates how far they've travelled and is honored by the request, but that SkyClan is already thriving and can't take in cats like they did in the past, and they already have plenty of loyal members. Bella retorts that the daylight warriors are only around during the day, but she and Riley can live in the Clan all the time. Leafstar responds that the daylight warriors have trained for many moons, and she trusts their loyalty. She admires the kittypets' enthusiasm, but asks why they couldn't have been brought to ThunderClan instead.
Ravenpaw informs her that the forest had been destroyed by twolegs, and ThunderClan moved away along with the other Clans. Leafstar is shocked by this, exclaiming that it must be horrible for Firestar and Sandstorm to lose their home, hoping that wherever they are, they're safe. She then adds that she's tried keeping the memories of Firestar and Sandstorm alive in SkyClan, but many moons have passed, and not all members of the Clan have even known them. She then tells the four that any friend of Firestar is welcome, but only as visitors. She apologizes for rejecting the two kittypets' request, saying that she'll always be grateful for Firestar and Sandstorm, but can't accept strangers into the Clan anymore. She then turns to head home, not allowing them to follow, saying that her welcoming of Firestar's friend begins and ends at SkyClan's border.
That night, as a group of hostile kittypets led by one named Pasha attacks SkyClan's camp, Leafstar rallies her cats to fight them off. The next day, Ravenpaw, Barley, Riley and Bella encounter a SkyClan patrol, and Echosong brings them to camp when Ravenpaw states he needs to tell Leafstar something important. At the camp, Leafstar remarks that she didn't expect to see the visitors again, introducing the cats flanking her as Sharpclaw and Billystorm, adding that anything the loner tells her, those two will hear as well. Ravenpaw says he saw what happened with the kittypets the night before, and he might know how to help. Sharpclaw accuses him of trespassing, but Leafstar tells him to calm down before asking Ravenpaw if he knows how to keep the kittypet attackers out of camp. The thin black tom suggests moving SkyClan's borders a bit, and Leafstar comments that it would be harder to patrol, but certainly protect the gorge. She then asks how they'll teach Pasha and his lackeys to stay out of SkyClan's territory, and Ravenpaw answers that they could have more patrols at night, and send out one big all-night patrol at first to teach the kittypets about the new borders. Leafstar then thoughtfully remarks that ThunderClan has come to help SkyClan once more, but Ravenpaw points out that he hasn't been a member of ThunderClan for a long time, though the leader doesn't seem to hear him.
Leafstar calls a Clan meeting to explain Ravenpaw's idea, who are initially suspicions, but then agree to the plan. She then beckons the thin black loner to sit with her near the Skyrock where she sits to address the Clan. Ravenpaw assures her that they have their ancestors on their side, and will win the battle against the kittypets honorably. A few nights later, Ravenpaw's plan proves to be a success, and the kittypets are driven away from SkyClan. Leafstar thanks the loner before beckoning Bella and Riley over. She tells the two that they're skilled fighters, and she was wrong to think she couldn't trust them. She accepts them into SkyClan as warrior apprentices, renaming them Bellapaw and Rileypaw, and assigning Tinycloud and Nettlesplash as their mentors. Later that night though, Ravenpaw starts to die of the liver cancer he's been afflicted with for quite a while. As he's laid down under a tree to die peacefully, Leafstar promises to give him the farewell of a warrior, and that though he's far from home, SkyClan will be honored to hold his vigil.
Hawkwing's Journey[]
Leafstar makes Hawkpaw, Blossompaw and Cloudpaw into warriors, granting them the names Hawkwing, Blossomheart and Cloudmist. The next day, she announces to the Clan a prophecy StarClan had given to Echosong: "The fire has burned out, but to dispel the darkness you must find the spark that remains." The Clan concludes that it means Firestar has died, but some debate whether or not it refers to a recent fire that killed Hawkwing's brother Duskpaw. Just in case, Leafstar sends Hawkwing, Sandynose and Plumwillow to go investigate the charred remains of the fire. Instead though, they find a rogue black-and-white tom named Darktail, who they bring back to camp when he requests to borrow herbs. Leafstar is surprised at Darktail's knowledge of the other Clans, and wanting to know how to get to them, she allows the rogue to stay in the camp.
Darktail claims that the other four Clans live in a clearing beyond a tree with only three branches. Believing the journey to only be a day or two's walk away, Leafstar sends Billystorm, his apprentice Pebblepaw, Hawkwing, Waspwhisker and Blossomheart to go where Darktail had described. The Clans aren't in the clearing though, and the patrol ends up getting attacked by badgers, with Billystorm being killed in the resulting battle. Meanwhile, raccoons attack the camp, killing Honeytail. The patrol comes back and breaks the news about Billystorm's death, which Leafstar howls in grief when she hears. She then calls a Clan meeting, and while Hawkwing accuses Darktail of leading the patrol into a trap, Leafstar and the rest of the Clan assume it was just an accident. As Hawkwing insists to his father Sharpclaw that he survived a mission Billystorm couldn't, Leafstar snaps at him and orders him to tend to the injured Echosong.
Later, Darktail brings a rogue named Rain into camp, claiming that he actually knows where the Clans live. She sends him, Hawkwing, Sagenose, Firefern and Harrybrook to follow Rain to where the Clans supposedly lived. They com back unsuccessful yet again though, and soon after the raccoons attack yet again, with Leafstar losing her eighth life in the battle. As she rests in the medicine den, Sharpclaw starts organizing more patrols to extend their territory in an attempt to deter the raccoons. After Waspwhisker reports that a patrol he led drove off a group of invading rogues, Leafstar reminds everyone that SkyClan's borders must be defended.
One night, a large group of rogues invades SkyClan camp, with Rain being one of them. During the battle, Darktail betrays the Clan and reveals that he's been the leader of the rogue group all along, before he and Rain kill Sharpclaw. Stormheart, Patchfoot and Bouncefire are killed as well, and Leafstar calls for a retreat, the Clan fleeing the gorge, and many members getting separated from the rest of the Clan. As they regroup in the twolegplace, Leafstar names Waspwhisker as the new deputy before morning the deaths of her Clanmates, especially one of her daughters and her former deputy. She then decides that they need to find ThunderClan if they are to survive, but before they leave, she makes Pebblepaw, Parsleypaw, Bellapaw and Rileypaw into warriors, renaming them Pebbleshine, Parsleyseed, Bellaleaf and Rileypool. She also makes Curlykit into an apprentice, renaming her Curlypaw and assigning Hawkwing as her mentor. With the Clan being one medicine cat short, as Echosong's former apprentice Frecklewish was one of the cats who got separated from her Clanmates during the retreat, she also makes Fidgetkit into a medicine cat apprentice, giving him the name Fidgetpaw.
Soon Leafstar leads the Clan to the part of the twolegplace where Stick and his group reside, reuniting with their old friends. Stick reveals that Dodge is terrorizing the neighborhood again, and soon after Dodge's group kidnaps Curlypaw. Harley delivers a message to Leafstar from Dodge that the rogues' leader wants to see her and her Clan, and when they go to see him, he reveals that he told Darktail where they live. He then requests the Clan's help to drive out Stick and his group, but the Clan vehemently declines, with Hawkwing killing Dodge and Harley letting them go afterwards. At Bellaleaf's and Rileypool's suggestion, the Clan then goes to Barley's farm, where the black-and-white loner points them in the direction of the lake the four Clans now reside at.
Soon enough they arrive at a lake, but Echosong insists that it isn't the same one from her visions. Leafstar decides to have everyone rest there temporarily though, as Plumwillow is close to giving birth. Echosong then privately confronts Leafstar about StarClan wanting them to keep going, but the leader refuses to make everyone keep travelling without a clear sign on where to go. Echosong decides to continue the search for ThunderClan on her own, and Leafstar is shocked that she's willing to leave her Clan despite being the only fully-trained medicine cat left. She's distraught when Harrybrook and Bellaleaf go with the medicine cat. Parsleyseed and Curlypaw then decide to leave the Clan and become kittypets, and Hawkwing tries convincing Leafstar to keep going with their mission. Reluctantly she agrees, but that night, twolegs kidnap Waspwhisker, Birdwing and Fidgetpaw. After Leafstar names Hawkwing as the new deputy, the two try keeping up their Clanmates' morale.
A moon and a half later, SkyClan sets up a temporary camp, but without Echosong or Fidgetpaw, cats start falling very ill. Some offer to go look for Echosong, but Leafstar insists that they need to stick together. Echosong, Bellaleaf and Harrybrook soon come back, unable to find ThunderClan, but the medicine cat is too late to save Firefern, and Leafstar mourns for the death of yet another kit.
Moons later, SkyClan at last resumes their journey, and Echosong finally receives another message from StarClan: "Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky." She also has a dream of a small she-cat who looks like Hawkwing nodding at the five points of a maple leaf. Leafstar concludes that StarClan wants them to find the other four Clans and join them by the lake to become five. She then makes Finkit, Dewkit and Reedkit into apprentices, naming them Finpaw, Dewpaw and Reedpaw, and assigning their mentors to be Blossomheart, Macgyver and Bellaleaf. She later scolds Hawkwing for running off, but he then finds the "Blood Trail" leading to the other Clans that StarClan wanted them to follow; a streak of red clouds in the sunset sky.
A Vision of Shadows[]
Shattered Sky[]
The ThunderClan apprentice Twigpaw - the she-cat from the maple leaf vision- sets out on a quest to find SkyClan, and when she does, Leafstar introduces herself. The Clan finds out that Twigpaw and her sister in ShadowClan, Violetpaw, are the long-lost daughters of Hawkwing and the now deceased Pebbleshine. They're also shocked that Darktail and his rogues, who have renamed themselves The Kin, have invaded the other Clans at the lake, and absorbed several members of ShadowClan. Leafstar trusts Twigpaw to guide them to the lake, though. When they arrive in ThunderClan's camp, the Clan meets Firestar's successor Bramblestar, as well as RiverClan and ShadowClan, and their leaders Mistystar and Rowanstar.
SkyClan agrees to help drive The Kin out of the lake, and later the four leaders meet up with WindClan's leader Onestar, who reveals that Darktail is his son, who's attacking the Clans in revenge for being abandoned by his father long ago. Before all five Clans are about to face The Kin in battle, Firestar's spirit gives them the message that "The Clans must remember their names." Alderheart, a medicine cat of ThunderClan, figures out that they must defeat the Kin by having each Clan use their own special techniques, which for SkyClan would be climbing up trees and ambushing their foes from below. Leafstar directs her Clan to do just this right before the battle, and the strategy works perfectly, with The Kin being driven out and Onestar sacrificing himself to kill Darktail.
Darkest Night[]
Leafstar leads SkyClan to it's first Gathering with the other Clans by the lake. Rather than sitting in the Great Oak where the other leaders sit, Leafstar sits with the deputies and medicine cats at the tree's base. After Mistystar abruptly announces that RiverClan's borders are closed while they recover before she and her Clan leave, Leafstar joins the other leaders in the Great Oak. Several cats yowl in protest at this, making Leafstar hesitate, but the other leaders invite her to sit with them. Anxiously the SkyClan leader says she and her cats just want to live peacefully among the other Clans, before explaining how Darktail had driven them from the gorge. The ShadowClan warrior Tigerheart supports the new Clan, and with Rowanstar's permission he suggests giving them a bit of his Clan's territory. Leafstar promises to be an ally of ShadowClan, saying she's grateful for the territory given, and will be honored to live beside them. Rowanstar agrees to this, giving a strip of territory near the ThunderClan border to SkyClan, and Leafstar joyously thanks him.
The next day, SkyClan moves into their new home. She also accepts Violetpaw and Twigpaw into her Clan when they wish to live with their father, having their new mentors be Rabbitleap and Sandynose, respectively. A little bit later, Leafstar returns from hunting to hear from Hawkwing, Rabbitleap and Twigpaw alerting her that Finpaw had his tail caught under a fallen branch, and had it amputated by ShadowClan's medicine cat Puddleshine, as with Echosong dead SkyClan had no medicine cat to do so. They add that Finpaw is being tended to in ShadowClan's medicine den, and afterwards she asks Twigpaw if she's alright. Hawkwing takes his daughter to her nest and assures the leader that she'll be fine. He then suggests they send a search party out to the gorge to look for their missing Clanmates, which Leafstar approves of. She sends Hawkwing, Rabbitleap, Blossomheart and Violetpaw, as well as Molewhisker of ThunderClan.
Alderheart, Puddleshine, ThunderClan's other medicine cat Jayfeather, and WindClan's medicine cat Kestrelflight visit SkyClan to discuss the most recent prophecy: "The dark sky must not herald a storm." Leafstar tells them that she has little time to think about it though, as her Clan is very busy. They then tell her that Rowanstar fears the "dark sky" refers to SkyClan, and he's begun patrolling the border between the two Clans, but Leafstar replies that her Clan must focus on taking care of themselves and not what others think of them. The medicine cats visit again later to deliver news of a new prophecy: "To fend off a storm, you will need an extra claw." They ask Leafstar if there's anyone in SkyClan with six toes, but she says no. She's relived however, saying she's glad they at least know how to fend of the "storm", whatever it may be. She gets back to eating, saying she's sure they'll figure it out soon enough.
While ThunderClan's third medicine cat Leafpool is helping SkyClan since they lack a medicine cat of their own, she goes herb gathering with Fallowfern, accidentally sending her into ShadowClan's territory to collect some. The ShadowClan warrior Juniperclaw catches this, and angrily brings Fallowfern back to SkyClan camp, confronting her about the issue. Leafstar defends her elderly Clanmate, reasoning that she just might not have scented the border, as ShadowClan has stopped marking them regularly. She then apologizes to Juniperclaw, telling him her Clan is still getting used to their new home, and assuring Leafpool that it wasn't her fault. After Juniperclaw leaves, she irritably tells Twigpaw and Finpaw to clean out the warrior's den.
Later, a ThunderClan search party visits, asking if they've seen Dovewing anywhere. After seeing Dovewing's sister Ivypool gaze at Twigpaw, Leafstar asks her if she knows anything, to which the apprentice informs her that she saw Dovewing with Tigerheart earlier. Leafstar then gives the ThunderClan cats permission to search for their missing Clanmate in SkyClan's territory. Another patrol comes by later, asking to borrow some herbs, as a mudslide had destroyed their own supply. At the next Gathering, Bramblestar thanks Leafstar for lending his Clan some herbs. Rowanstar then announces that with his son Tigerheart missing, he can no longer lead ShadowClan, disbanding the Clan. He then offers to give SkyClan the rest of ShadowClan's territory, in return for letting his Clan join Leafstar's, which she accepts. She then welcomes any and all ex-ShadowClan cats to join their former leader in her Clan, but warns that those who don't must leave the territory her Clan has received.
Soon Hawkwing's patrol returns with Frecklewish, Cherrytail, Cloudmist, Mintfur, Nettlesplash, Fidgetpaw, Gravelpaw and Palepaw. Leafstar happily greets her long lost Clanmates, and then tells them and the patrol what happened at the Gathering the night before when they question why ShadowClan is in their camp. The patrol also brought back a loner named Tree, with Violetpaw saying the spirit of the former ShadowClan warrior Needletail led her to him. Leafstar nearly sends the loner away, but Puddleshine points out that he has six toes on one paw just like in the prophecy, so for now at least, they must accept him into the Clan.
Violetpaw and Twigpaw then pass their warrior assessments, and Leafstar's eyes glitter with pride as she holds their warrior ceremonies. She calls Violetpaw forward first, giving her the name Violetshine. But as she beckons Twigpaw next, the gray she-cat abruptly interrupts and announces that she can't accept the name, because she can't stay in SkyClan. She states that ThunderClan is where her heart lays, and she must go back, apologizing to the Clan. Leafstar is angered by this, saying the apprentice should have said something earlier, asking if it was a waste to take her in and train her. She then dismisses the Clan meeting, telling Twigpaw to go back to ThunderClan, and Finpaw follows the gray she-cat.
River of Fire[]
Leafstar asks Tree if he's decided to join SkyClan or not, offering to make him a warrior apprentice, and frustrated when he replies that doesn't sound very fun. Frecklewish brings up his visions and suggests he become a medicine cat, which Tree agrees to. She then calls a Clan meeting, inviting Rowanclaw to join her in addressing the Clan, but he refuses, saying he's no longer a leader. She then asks him and his mate Tawnypelt to go fetch their bedding from their old camp, sending Hawkwing and Violetshine with them.
While organizing patrols, Leafstar notices Tree's attention drifting off and calmly reminds him that he needs to contribute to the Clan. Later, Sleekwhisker and Yarrowleaf, two former members of The Kin who ran off to become rogues rather than return to ShadowClan when The Kin dissolved, come to SkyClan. They ask Leafstar to join the Clan, saying the regret joining The Kin, and pointing out that Yarrowleaf is pregnant. Leafstar is dubious, questioning if they just want to join because all of their old Clanmates are there. She reminds them of all the horrible things Darktail and his forces did, before turning the two away, with many ex-ShadowClan cats criticizing this choice.
A week later, Leafstar confronts Tree about his decision regarding his place in the Clan. He replies that he wants to be apart of SkyClan, but doesn't know which role he wishes to have yet. As the ex-ShadowClan cats continue to complain about Leafstar turning away Sleekwhisker and Yarrowleaf, the medicine cats admit that the main problem is uniting both Clans under Leafstar's leadership. Tree and Violetshine later discover Sleekwhisker and Yarrowleaf in ShadowClan's old camp, the latter of which is giving birth. They take the two to SkyClan camp. The ex-ShadowClan cats admit that they were the ones to convince their old Clanmates to stay in the abandoned camp, and Tree convinces Leafstar to let the two stay and prove their loyalty.
Leafstar announces that Sleekwhisker and Yarrowleaf have been taken into her Clan at the next Gathering. Many of the ThunderClan and WindClan cats protest this decision, but Leafstar defends herself. After the medicine cats receive the prophecy of "The shadows are approaching and must not be dispelled", Bramblestar wonders if it refers to Sleekwhisker and Yarrowleaf. Twigpaw later visits SkyClan, where she and Violetshine speak to Leafstar and Hawkwing about restoring ShadowClan. Leafstar is enraged at the thought of undoing all her hard work in merging the two Clans, but Tree and Violetshine convince her that it will appease StarClan. She then insists that she won't be taking visitors into her Clan any longer.
As a violent storm hits the Clans, Leafstar commands everyone to take shelter, and is relived when none of the apprentices are hurt when a tree falls onto their den. She then orders everyone to take shelter in their dens and wait out the storm, but the ex-ShadowClan cats refuse, wanting to help the other Clans. Leafstar states that SkyClan's safety is her first priority, but allows them to go check on the other Clans with Hawkwing and Violetshine. After a fire burns down RiverClan's camp, Leafstar agrees to let them shelter in ShadowClan's old camp for the time being. Afterwards, Leafstar confronts Tawnypelt for constantly challenging her, stating that she's fine if ShadowClan wishes to leave, but if they stay in her Clan, they must respect her authority.
At the next Gathering, Leafstar announces that Reedpaw and Dewpaw are now warriors, with the names Reedclaw and Dewspring. She then announces that Tree is now the Clans' first mediator, with the responsibility of settling disputes between the Clans. The other Clans agree to give him a trial period, and Leafstar offers to give him a Clan name, but he declines. She later sends a patrol to help RiverClan rebuild their territory. When Tigerheart returns and becomes the new leader of ShadowClan, earning the name Tigerstar, Leafstar gives him a warm greeting before asking him to gather his cats and go back to their Clan, giving part of their territory back.
The Raging Storm[]
When Mintfur and Sandynose report scenting ShadowClan cats on their territory, Leafstar asks if they're sure, saying she doesn't want to jump to conclusions. As the Clan begins to argue about it, she silences them and states she won't accuse ShadowClan of trespassing on little evidence. Tree then advises that they wait until they have more information, and she allows him to hang around their border to see if he can find something out.
At the next Gathering, Sandynose exclaims that ShadowClan is trespassing on SkyClan's territory, leading to an argument between Leafstar and Tigerstar about the land the now-deceased Rowanclaw gave to SkyClan in the past. Rather than offering part of their own territories to SkyClan, the other Clans insists that Leafstar and Tigerstar sort out the issue themselves. Bramblestar then gets Tree to arrange a meeting between Leafstar and Tigerstar on neutral ground. Rather than going though, Tigerstar sends his deputy Juniperclaw, to which Leafstar is angered that he didn't have the respect for her to show up himself. She then snaps at Juniperclaw that trespassing is against the warrior code, and the black tom retorts that she's unreasonable for misjudging ShadowClan's needs after all the suffering they've gone through. Tree is unable to stop their arguing, and the meeting is cut short when some twoleg children and their dog show up.
Leafstar begins ordering more border patrols, stating she's realized the only language the other Clans speak is violence. When she finds that Finleap has visited from ThunderClan to check up on his sister Reedclaw, she lambasts him for trespassing. Having grown angrier at ShadowClan's continued trespassing, she leads a battle patrol to ambush a ShadowClan patrol from the trees. The ShadowClan cats quickly retreat with no SkyClan warriors wounded, and they're confident that it's the last they'll see of the rival Clan on their territory. That night though, Juniperclaw leads an attack on SkyClan's camp, destroying their dens. Defeatedly, Leafstar asks whether or not they should rebuild the dens, since the other Clans clearly didn't want them there.
Suddenly Sparrowpelt starts vomiting, and when tending to him, Frecklewish reveals that he'd been poisoned. At the Gathering, Alderheart reveals that while treating Puddleshine's silverthorn poisoning with seedless deathberries in ShadowClan's camp, he's been burying the seeds. Violetshine figures out that Juniperclaw has been digging up the seeds and put them in SkyClan's fresh-kill pile during the raids in an attempt to make the Clan leave. Leafstar and Tigerstar begin to argue again, and Tree refuses to try and break it up, saying that no one listens to him anyways. Leafstar then announces that she's considered leaving the lake and returning to the gorge, and while Jayfeather protests this, no one else offers SkyClan support.
The next day, SkyClan discusses returning to the gorge, and Tree senses Echosong's spirit urging them to stay. Leafstar refuses, saying she must do what's best for SkyClan, not StarClan, and soon after they leave the lake and head towards the gorge. A terrible storm starts quickly, and the apprentices wish to return home, to which Leafstar snaps that there was nothing for them at the lake. They make a temporary camp, but the storm soon floods it, causing the cats to climb the trees to escape it. The Clan believes the storm is StarClan's wrath for leaving, but Hawkwing scolds them for blaming Leafstar, when all she wanted was the best for her Clan. After a moment, Leafstar then decides to go back to the lake, volunteering to jump across the tree branches to make a path. She falls into the water though, but luckily Finleap is able to save her, and the RiverClan medicine cat Willowshine resuscitates her. When Leafstar awakes, she finds that Twigbranch had brought patrol of cats from the different Clans to convince the leader that SkyClan is wanted at the lake. Realizing that not everyone at the lake is against her, she brings her Clan back and agrees to stay. At the next Gathering, each Clan gives up a bit of their territory to make room for SkyClan , which Leafstar is immensely grateful for.
Squirrelflight's Hope[]
Three moons after SkyClan was given their own territory, WindClan's new leader Harestar calls a meeting to discuss the territory, to Leafstar's surprise. At the meeting, Mistystar, Tigerstar and Harestar point out that their Clans now have portions of territory they can't use. Leafstar angrily assumes SkyClan will be sent away again, but the other leader assure her they aren't, and ThunderClan's deputy Squirrelflight suggests that SkyClan could live in the unclaimed land beyond the abandoned twoleg house, so the other Clans may readjust their own terriroties. Leafstar is hesitant to move again after they've just settled in, but Tigerstar, Harestar and Mistystar approve of Squirrelflight's idea. The other Clans disregaurd SkyClan's concerns about moving, so they leave early.
Despite Bramblestar disagreeing with Squirrelflight's idea, his deputy goes to speak with Leafstar about it herself. Leafstar thinks the other Clans want hers to leave, but Squirrelflight assures her they don't want that, pointing out that the new territory could be beneficial and stop any disagreements before they start. The brown-and-cream she-cat is surprised that ThunderClan's deputy went behind Bramblestar's back, but Squirrelflight states that it could help all the Clans. She then asks for Leafstar to go scout out the potential territory with her, and she agrees. They're spotted by the ThunderClan warriors Sparkpelt and Larksong on the way, and Squirrelflight has them promise not to tell Bramblestar what they're doing, worrying that she may put unmet expectations on Leafstar and her Clan.
Once they reach the place behind the abandoned twoleg nest, Squirrelflight is pleased to find it's rich in prey, and Leafstar asks to take a closer look. They discover an empty camp, and are soon surrounded by five large she-cats. A gray one asks what they're doing there, and Leafstar explains they were looking for a place to make a camp, but will leave soon. The gray she-cat introduces herself as Moonlight, and her group as The Sisters. She asks if they're planning on claiming the land, but Leafstar growls that they were just looking around. Moonlight then explains that The Sisters wander the world, and will leave the area once her unborn kits are able to travel. Squirrelflight is pleased to know they won't be staying forever, and asks Leafstar if she plans on moving SkyClan there, and the leader replies that it's a nice place, and plans to send patrols there once The Sisters depart. Squirrelflight hopes that it will please the other leaders, but Leafstar says that she won't be telling them anything until the whole territory is explored. As they're about to leave though, Moonlight stops them, worried that if they tell the Clans about the territory, they'll swarm them. Leafstar snarls at one of The Sisters, named Snow, when she approaches. Squirrelflight apologizes for the SkyClan leader's hostility and agrees to stay, secretly planning to sneak off later.
Leafstar warns The Sisters that their Clanmates will be looking for the two of them soon as Tempest brings them food. Tempest wonders if they should be let go, but Moonlight hopes that keeping them will send a message to the Clans. Leafstar and Squirrelflight are then brought to a den underneath a bush to stay in, with Snow keeping guard. Leafstar asks the ginger she-cat why she's being so polite to their captors, and Squirrelflight explains that there's a way out of camp that they could escape from if they play along. Leafstar tries to escape that night, but Snow catches her, pinning her down and injuring her leg. Squirrelflight tries to claim the leader was just going to make dirt, but Leafstar insist that she was trying to escape. As Squirrelflight looks for cobwebs to tend to Leafstar's wounded leg with, the brown-and-cream she-cat explains that she was looking for a way out and would've come back for the deputy, but now fears that they'll have to count on their Clanmates to save them. The Sisters tend to Leafstar's wound and continue bringing the two prey, keeping an eye on them at all times. Squirrelflight soon starts helping them out around camp, and Leafstar accuses her of wanting to stay, but the ginger she-cat replies that she just hates being restless. Soon search parties from ThunderClan and SkyClan find their deputy and leader, and the two convince them not to harm The Sisters. Leafstar agrees to have her Clan move to the territory once The Sisters leave, and The Sisters allow them to return home.
At the Gathering, Tigerstar reveals that he's had a grudge against The Sisters ever since one of them attacked Strikestone. Leafstar defends them, stating that the only reason they took her and Squirrelflight prisoner is because they were trespassing, and they were treated kindly the whole time. At the Gathering after that, tensions increase between the Clans, with Leafstar hesitant to move to the new territory before The Sisters leave. Tigerstar, Mistystar and Harestar try convincing her otherwise, but the amber-eyed she-cat is adamant on waiting for The Sisters to go. The other Clans see this as a reason to force The Sisters out, but Leafstar offers to go with Squirrelflight and Moonlight's son Tree to reason with them first. Moonlight is happy to see Leafstar and Squirrelflight again when they get there, but not so much with Tree. They warn he that the Clans are planning on driving them out, adding that Moonlight's unborn kits will be in danger. Moonlight refuses to let the Clans order her and her group around and insists on staying.
Leafstar doesn't wish to drive The Sisters off, but thinks that a patrol might send the message Moonlight needs. She offers for the patrol to meet on her territory, but states that SkyClan won't be part of it, saying that if the other Clans wish to risk a war with unborn kits in the way, that's their choice. After Moonlight is killed in the battle, SkyClan moves into the new territory, allowing The Sisters to stay in their camp until Moonlight's newborn kits - who are being nursed by Violetshine - are able to travel.
The Broken Code[]
Lost Stars[]
Leafstar makes Violetshine's and Tree's children Rootkit and Needlekit into warrior apprentices. She assigns Dewspring to mentor Rootpaw and Reedclaw to Needlepaw. Rootpaw and Dewspring later overhear Fidgetflake expressing concern to Leafstar about not being able to speak with StarClan due to the Moonpool being frozen. Leafstar tells him not to worry so much, and the two start discussing herbs. At the Gathering, Leafstar notes that her Clan is doing better in leafbare than the others due to their camp residing in a valley sheltered from the snow.
Rootpaw later asks Leafstar and Hawkwing if he can bring a piece of prey to the ThunderClan apprentice Bristlepaw to thank her for saving him from drowning in the lake. After a brief debate, the leader and deputy both agree. She later meets with the other medicine cats and leaders at the Moonpool, trying to break the ice covering it. At the next Gathering, she's happy to see that "Bramblestar" has supposedly recovered from his recent ailment, and the brown tabby says it was all thanks to the help of the ShadowClan medicine cat apprentice Shadowpaw.
The Silent Thaw[]
Dewspring tells Leafstar that Rootpaw is falling behind in his training due to his distractedness, and the leader scolds the young tom, telling him to stop mooning for Bristlefrost and wasting his mentor's time. After Rootpaw is caught trying to sneak into ThunderClan's camp, "Bramblestar" sends Molewhisker and Finleap to go get Leafstar to get him, after which she has him clean the nests as punishment. After Shadowsight gets a message from StarClan to punish codebreakers, he tells it to all the medicine cats, and Leafstar calls a Clan meeting to discuss the matter when Frecklewish tells her. She's wary of how aggressive "Bramblestar" has been lately, and hopes the news will calm him. An emergency Gathering is held, and upon noticing the SkyClan leader's silence while discussing the message, "Bramblestar" asks if she agrees that they must punish codebreakers. Of the listed codebreakers though, none were from SkyClan, so she lets the other leaders decide what to do themselves.
When Squirrelflight agrees to Bristlefrost's plan to speak to the other leaders about "Bramblestar's" hostility, she goes to Leafstar first. While speaking to each other, Leafstar warns Squirrelflight that the other Clan leaders might not be so welcoming when she goes to talk to them. At the next Gathering, "Bramblestar" and several others agree that the codebreakers must be punished to appease StarClan, starting with Tree. Leafstar snaps that only she gives orders to her warriors, but Harrybrook disagrees with his mother. Tree then agrees to atone, and Leafstar quickly has her Clan leave the Gathering.
Veil of Shadows[]
Leafstar makes Needlepaw into a warrior, giving her the name Needleclaw. Rootpaw's warrior ceremony is delayed however due to his distractedness. Frecklewish and Fidgetflake are about to tell Leafstar the truth about "Bramblestar" before the ThunderClan leader himself arrives, announcing that there will be another emergency Gathering to discuss Shadowsight's disappearance, urging Leafstar to punish the codebreakers in her Clan before leaving. After he's gone, Frecklewish tells everyone the truth; Bramblestar's body was possessed by an imposter after he lost his first life, and his spirit - who can only be seen by Tree and Rootpaw - is now unable to return to the living world. Leafstar is in disbelief, and though she trusts her medicine cats as well as Tree and Rootpaw, she's hesitant to make a stand against the imposter without concrete evidence. Afterwards, she suggests to Rootpaw that he become a medicine cat because of his ability to see ghosts.
Leafstar later allows Tree to perform a ritual to summon Bramblestar's spirit. It fails however, but Frecklewish suggests they try it at the Moonpool, granting Leafstar permission to attend when the leader requests it. The ritual fails once more though, but Tree and Rootpaw urge for the leader to take a stand against the imposter once more. She's still uncertain though. Afterwards, she sees that Rootpaw's heart doesn't lie with being a medicine cat, and allows him to resume his warrior training. After Rootpaw and Dewspring find Shadowsight unconscious and badly wounded and take him back to camp, the yellow tom asks Leafstar if she's finally ready to accept the truth about Bramblestar.
For saving Shadowsight's life, Leafstar makes Rootpaw into a warrior, granting him the name Rootspring. Shadowsight wakes up soon after and reveals that the imposter had attacked him, but despite Tigerstar's warnings that the imposter could soon cause an all-out war, Leafstar still hesitates to fight against him. After a Gathering, the imposter forces Leafstar to banish Kitescratch from her Clan, as he was apart of an assassination attempt against the ThunderClan leader. He then asks her to have SkyClan fight ShadowClan alongside the other three Clans, and vaguely she replies that she knows where she stands. Her cats protest Kitescratch's exile, but after the imposter leaves she sends Hawkwing to go bring him back. Having enough of the imposter ordering her Clan around, Leafstar finally decides to take a stand against him.
During the battle of ShadowClan, SkyClan and the exiled rebels against ThunderClan, RiverClan and WindClan, the imposter calls Leafstar a traitor. After Harestar loses a life, he comes back to announce that StarClan told him Bramblestar is possessed, after which the other three Clans turn against the imposter. Tigerstar fights and defeats him, with ShadowClan taking him prisoner. Afterwards, Mistystar banishes Icewing and Harelight for fighting against RiverClan, but Leafstar tells her that now isn't the time to be divided.
Darkness Within[]
At the next Gathering, Squirrelflight reveals that the spirit possessing Bramblestar is Ashfur, her vengeful ex-mate from years ago. Upon learning that Ashfur went to StarClan upon his death, Leafstar says that means he can't still be evil, but Ashfur's former apprentice Lionblaze retorts that he can't imagine his old mentor ever changing. Leafstar exclaims that Squirrelflight broke up with Ashfur a long time ago, asking why it's relevant now, and Squirrelflight says she believes he came back to try and get back together with her. Leafstar then wonders if Ashfur is the one cutting off the connection to StarClan, and if he'd be able to restore it.
In the ShadowClan camp, the leaders all debate on what to do with Ashfur, and Tigerstar states they should just kill him while he's inhabiting a mortal body. Leafstar disagrees though, saying she has an idea, that every leader should have two strong warriors guarding the prisoner at all times, which the others agree to. Later, Leafstar and her Clan attend a mass vigil to honor all those who died because of Ashfur's schemes. Tree and Rootspring later report to Leafstar that the spirit of a kittypet named Cheddar said all those who had recently died now seemed to be trapped. Another meeting is held between the leaders, where its decided that Bristlefrost, Spotfur, Rootspring and Needleclaw will be sent to find The Sisters, so they may summon the trapped spirits.
The Place of No Stars[]
On the way to ShadowClan, Rootspring informs his leader that he saw Ashfur drag Squirrelflight through the Moonpool and into the Dark Forest, though none of the others on the patrol believe him. Leafstar does believe his account though, and she decides to bring the yellow tom along to the meeting in ShadowClan. After telling the other Clans what happened to Squirrelflight, Leafstar says that the ginger she-cat could be in danger, and they need to help. The leaders agree to meet at the Moonpool with their medicine cats, and Leafstar sends Rootspring to go get Frecklewish and Fidgetflake. When they get to the Moonpool, Leafstar asks the medicine cats are able to reach StarClan, but Kestrelflight says no.
Back in SkyClan camp, Leafstar and Hawkwing are conversing when Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Bristlefrost and Graystripe show up, saying they have important matters to go over. Graystripe reports that ThunderClan has been in chaos ever since Squirrelflight was kidnapped, with the elderly gray tom substituting as leader until she and Bramblestar are saved. Rootspring then tells the ThunderClan cats that Ashfur took Squirrelflight, and Graystripe asks Leafstar if he can go with the yellow tom to the Moonpool so he can show him what happened. Leafstar allows this, saying she holds a lot of respect for Squirrelflight and asking Rootspring if he's ready to go. Leafstar, Tree and Rootspring then go to the Moonpool with the ThunderClan cats, finding Shadowsight already there with the RiverClan medicine cat Mothwing, the former unconscious. Tigerstar and Dovewing arrive moments later, and after the leader of ShadowClan argues with Graystripe for a bit, Leafstar breaks them up and suggests asking The Sisters for help once more. She also suggests bringing the other leaders as well, so Tree and Lionblaze go to fetch Harestar and Mistystar. After Rootspring is dragged into the Moonpool, Leafstar explains this to Tree, and then brings up seeking aid from The Sisters again. The others agree, so she goes with Lionblaze to The Sisters' camp.
A Light in the Mist[]
Shadowsight escapes from the Dark Forest alongside Squirrelflight and Bramblestar, the three emerging from the Moonpool. The other leaders are wary of Bramblestar, but soon find out he's not possessed anymore. Shadowsight then informs everyone that both StarClan and the Dark Forest are slowly disappearing, and they need more cats to save both realms. Though they're reluctant to let anyone go on such a dangerous mission, the leaders all agree to let one cat from each Clan volunteer, with Leafstar allowing Violetshine to be SkyClan's. After Ashfur is defeated, the cats all return to the living world, where they announce that the connection to StarClan has been restored. The leaders then all agree to revise the warrior code, including allowing cats to move to different Clans more easily.
A Starless Clan[]
At the Gathering, the leaders all approve of the revised warrior code, and that now StarClan must approve as well to make it official. Leafstar then announces that Fringewhisker plans to use the new part of the code to leave SkyClan and be with her mate Spireclaw in ShadowClan, which makes Spireclaw's mother Berryheart very upset.
When the Clans are faced with a catmint shortage, the medicine cats all agree to send a patrol to go get some from a place SkyClan had passed by on their way to the lake, with Leafstar sending Rootspring and Fidgetflake to go along. An emergency Gathering is later held to discuss the catmint shortage, where Leafstar, Harestar and Tigerstar all find out that Mistystar and her deputy Reedwhisker have died, with Owlnose and Splashtail now the new leader and deputy of RiverClan. They question the two's authority, and eventually Owlnose admits that he was denied nine lives from StarClan. Tigerstar suggests leading RiverClan until they can get a leader of their own, but the other leaders protest this idea. Instead, Leafstar believes that Owlnose was denied by StarClan because Frostpaw, RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice, has a shaky connection to the ancestors, sending Fidgetflake to help him out.
Later, Leafstar comes to ThunderClan camp to talk with Bramblestar and Squirrelflight about her concerns that Tigerstar will take over RiverClan. She and the deputy are confident that the ShadowClan leader is planning something, but Bramblestar believes that he just wants to give RiverClan some advice. Fidgetflake returns to SkyClan soon after Owlnose steps down from leadership on the way to the Moonpool, leaving RiverClan leaderless once more.
At another emergency Gathering, Leafstar snaps at Tigerstar for taking over RiverClan, even as he tries to reason that he just wants to help them until they can get a new leader. She decides that they will discuss Tigerstar's influence on RiverClan more in-depth at the next Gathering. At this next Gathering, the leaders all being to argue over ShadowClan's takeover of RiverClan, with Leafstar and Squirrelflight ready to drive them out while Harestar and Bramblestar agree with Tigerstar's reasoning. The Gathering is then ended prematurely when a cloud covers the moon.
After Brambleclaw steps down and Squirrelstar becomes the leader of ThunderClan, she holds an emergency Gathering to announce her leadership, where Leafstar expresses happiness for her friend. She's confused when Frostpaw is said to be missing, and implies ShadowClan might have done something to her so RiverClan couldn't find a new leader and they could stay in power. She approves of Tree's idea to hold a meeting between the leaders with him mediating
After Podlight becomes RiverCLan's new medicine ct and appoints Splashtail as leader, Frostpaw returns from her journey and accuses Splashtail of being a murderer. Leafstar doesn't belive Frostpaw though, thinking that RiverClan should just be left alone now that it has a new leader, instead of dragging them into more chaos. At the next Gathering, she reaffirms her support for the Clan's new leader.
After Splashtail makes Fognose and Sneezecloud kidnap Ridgekit and Duskkit from SkyClan, the ThunderClan warrior Nightheart rescues them, with Squirrelstar sending a patrol to return the kittens as well as ask Leafstar for help in the upcoming battle against Splashtail. She agrees, and as the Clans prepare for battle, she states they should prioritize rescuing the three kits Splashtail is holding hostage first. During the battle, the kittens are saved and Frostpaw kills Splashtail as he attempts to flee with Floatkit.
Changing Skies[]
The Elders' Quest[]
In the months that have past since the end of Star, Leafstar frequently has dreams of the past, when SkyClan was still living in the gorge and her loved ones were still alive. She also finds her vision is rapidly failing due to her age, relying on scents and distinct fur markings to tell her Clanmates apart with her blurry sight, though decides to keep this a secret from everyone but Frecklewish and Fidgetflake. After Hawkwing reminds her, she holds apprentice ceremonies for Needleclaw's and Kitescratch's kits Starlingkit and Robinkit, assigning their mentors as Nectarsong and Gravelnose, respectively.
Later, Frecklewish informs the leader that Bellaleaf, Sagenose and Cloudmist have all gotten poisoned, and she believes the cause may be the twolegs that have been causing ruckus near the territory lately polluting the stream. Gravelnose and Nectarsong then tell Leafstar about finding a badger den in the territory. She goes to the Moonpool to consult StarClan, hoping to see Echosong there, but finds that the ancestors are silent, and discovers bright markings around the pool left by twolegs.
At the next Gathering, Leafstar tells the other Clans about the stream's pollution and asks them to let SkyClan borrow prey while theirs is poisoned by the water. While Squirrelstar and Tigerstar refuse, RiverClan's new leader Icestar offers to send some of her warrior over to teach SkyClan how to fish. Leafstar then expresses concern over the twolegs' activity, but the other Clan leaders assure her it's fine, agreeing to each send a warrior from their Clans to investigate the twolegs' activity beyond the lake. Leafstar chooses herself to go for SkyClan, and she soon sets off with Bayshine of ThunderClan, Owlnose of RiverClan, Tawnypelt of ShadowClan and Crowfeather of WindClan. The group heads upstream, where they find large twoleg construction behind a blue wall, agreeing to scout the area once a week.
Later, Leafstar devises a plan to chase out the badger in SkyClan territory with a large group of warriors, though her Clan is hesitant about the idea. She takes Rootspring, Kitescratch, Wrenflight, Reedclaw, Gravelnose and Sparrowpelt with her, and they soon find the badger's den, only to find that there's actually two badgers. As the cats fight viciously, Leafstar sees what she thinks is a third, smaller badger approaching, but as she turns to attack Kitescratch shoves her away. She then realizes what her blurry vision made her think was a badger was actually the black-and-white apprentice Starlingpaw, who had snuck out to help fight. She calls for her cats to retreat, but she's too late, as Kitescratch has died from his wounds. Leafstar at first blames Starlingpaw for foolishly trying to join a fight he wasn't ready for, but she takes it back once she sees how distraught the young tom is about his father's death.
During Kitescratch's vigil, Leafstar accidentally falls asleep, which angers his mother Reedclaw. A Clan meeting is called where Reedclaw tells Leafstar she's no longer fit to lead with all the problems her age is causing her, calling for her to step down and let Hawkwing take her place. She then waits in her den as her Clan discusses if they should vote her out or not, and she comes out to oversee the vote once everyone's decided. The votes between her staying leader and stepping down are even, and Fallowfern is the deciding cat, who chooses for Leafstar to stay in power.
A few days later, as Reedclaw argues with Leafstar, Tree tries to mediate between them, only to be distracted by Gravelnose and Harrybrook fighting over prey. Hawkwing then comes up with a plan to drive out the badgers that ultimately succeeds, causing Leafstar to worry that her deputy might be trying to undermine her. Wanting to help her Clan, she goes hunting but ends up falling into a ravine, where her Clanmates don't find her for the next three days. Once she's rescued and recovers medicine den, Reedclaw once again presses for her to step down, with the Clan holding another vote. This time though, the majority of the Clan votes for her to retire, with only Tree, Rootspring, Harrybrook and Macgyver voting in favor of her staying. Reedclaw announces her retirement at the next Gathering, and reflecting on how she wants her choice to remain in the paws of her Clan, she agrees to step down.
“ | Leafstar: Sol, this is- I can't even begin to- This is the absolute worst thing you could have done! You've just left a trail for those foxes all the way to our camp! What if they come here and attack us? Sol: What? But I figured- Leafstar: This is not how Clan cats hunt! They use skills! Sol: But this is a skill... Leafstar: No, it's not. It's stealing. Stealing from foxes, no less! You must stop at once. That's an order! |
„ |
~ Leafstar reprimanding Sol for stealing foxes' prey |
“ | Leafstar: How could you? Our kits belong here! Billystorm: This is where they were born, yes. But they don't belong anywhere that they won't be safe. Let me take them home with me. My housefolk will care for them. Leafstar: "Home?" I thought this was your home! Billystorm: It is. But you know that I have another home, too. I think the kits will be better off with me. They can always come back when they're full-grown. Leafstar: And what am I supposed to do in the meantime? Forget that I gave birth to three kits? Billystorm: You could come too. I'm a loyal SkyClan warrior, Leafstar. But I'm a father, too. And I can't leave my kits in danger. Besides... I've heard what some of the other cats are saying. Soon there might not be a Clan around to be loyal to. Leafstar: GET OUT! You are not loyal to SkyClan if you want to take its kits away! They are future warriors, not kittypets! GET OUT! Billystorm: Wh-what? Don't be stupid! You need me more than ever now! Leafstar: I need you like I need a case of greencough! You're not the cat I thought you were, Billy. And I'm only going to say it one more time. GET. OUT. |
„ |
~ Leafstar arguing with Billystorm about their kits being brought to the twolegplace |
“ | Leafstar: Now. What in the name of StarClan do you think you're doing?! Sol: I just wanted to prove I could be a warrior too. By finding the kits. Leafstar: But you stole them in the first place! Sol: I had to. It was the only way to get you and the rest of the Clan to take me seriously. Leafstar: "The only way..." Are you out of your mind? Sol: I'm always overlooked! Never made leader of a patrol... always scorned because I used to be a kittypet! I can be a warrior! Leafstar: No. You can't. You have no understanding of the warrior code at all. What you've done here proves it. You've risked the lives of very young kits... by leaving them alone here. Anything could have happened to them. They could have gotten lost. They could have died. My kits could have DIED. But you didn't just betray me. You betrayed the entire Clan. You did all this... and you never even considered how it would make any of us feel. The Clan is a family, Sol. A community. And you're incapable of thinking about anyone but yourself. I banish you from SkyClan. You've betrayed my trust, betrayed the warrior code... betrayed everything I though you believed in. |
„ |
~ Leafstar banishing Sol from SkyClan |
“ | I don't know why we ever came here! We suffered enough because of Darktail and his rogues. We should have guessed that you were hardly better. The lake Clans are only loyal to their bellies, and their hunger for territory means more to them than any warrior code. All of you act as if you're doing SkyClan a favor by letting us hunt beside the lake. We've done nothing but try to help the Clans. We made our camp where you chose and kept to the borders you marked. We took in ShadowClan and even offered to let them become SkyClan warriors. Then, without complaint, we let them leave to re-form their own Clan. And now they steal our prey and mark our territory as though it's their own. And the rest of you don't object. You are so scared of sharing your own territory, you let ShadowClan treat us as outsiders. And now, after ShadowClan has tried to murder one of our Clanmates, you make excuses. ShadowClan can steal our land and kill us one by one and none of the other Clans will lift a paw. This is why we are leaving the lake and returning to the gorge. | „ |
~ Leafstar deciding to have SkyClan leave the lake |
- Firestar's and Sandstorm's daughter Leafpool is named after her.
- The Ultimate Guide states that Leafstar's greatest mistake was banishing Sol, as he would later develop a grudge against the Clans and seek revenge on them.
- Leafstar is author Kate Cary's favorite character during A Vision of Shadows.
- On author Victoria Holmes' Facebook, Plumwillow was stated to be one of Leafstar's apprentices, though this has yet to be confirmed in canon.
External links[]
- Leafstar on the Warriors Wiki
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ThunderClan RiverClan ShadowClan WindClan SkyClan Outside of Clans |