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Leen Mochizuki is one of the secondary protagonists of the In Another World with My Smartphone franchise.

She is the former matriarch of the Fairy Tribe in Mismede, before becoming one of Touya Mochizuki's wives. Currently she serves as the court magician and later the Fifth Queen of Brunhild Dukedom, as well as the mother of Quun Mochizuki, the mentor of Charlotte and the master of Paula.

She is voiced by Sumire Uesaka in Japanese, who voiced Mai Kawakami in Myriad Colors Phantom World and Yuni in Star Twinkle Pretty Cure. She is voiced by Monica Rial in English, who voiced the titular character in Vermeil in Gold, Tsuyu Asui in My Hero Academia, Yuko Yoshida in The Demon Girl Next Door. the titular character in The Saga of Tanya the Evil and Sakura Kinomoto in Cardcaptor Sakura.


Despite being older than most people, Leen is shown as having gold eyes and silver twin tails. She seems young as fairies have a youthful look throughout their whole lives. Leen, however, seems younger than the typical fairy, which she despises. She frequently dons a lolita attire. Her necklace, the lines on the dress's sleeves, and the pin on the ribbon all strongly resemble the astrological symbol for Mercury, suggesting a potential trend in Touya's wives' attire.


Leen is often known to act out of spite for herself. Touya has remarked that she enjoys inflicting pain on people. For instance, she grinned when she hurled Kansuke Yamamoto's jewel into a wall in spite of the latter pleading with her not to.

Leen, however, also has a great desire to learn. This is seen in her zeal for finding all 9 of the flying constructions from Babylon, to the point that she threatens to purchase Touya some pants if he does not assist her in her hunt. She is also quite perverse, as seen by the time she touched Tsubaki's breasts while she was invisible and accused Touya of doing it.

Ironically, these characteristics diminish once she marries Touya and rises to a prominent position in the Bride Conference; instead, she frequently reprimands Touya for his appearing perverse behaviour.


  • Magical Aptitude: Leen is capable of using water, earth, wind, light, fire and Null-type magic abilities.
  • Null Magic: Leen is capable of using the following Null Magic: 【Program】, 【Transfer】, 【Protection】 and 【Discovery】.
  • Grimgerde: Leen's blitzkrieg assault-type personal Frame Gear.
  • Appraisal: Her own Dependent Trait, as Touya's "Retainer". If used her ability to appraise magical items is sharpened.
  • Sacred Ring: After receiving the said ring from the World God, she serves as Touya's receiver for his divine powers.


  • Owing to the astronomical-named theming of Touya's wives, Leen's symbol is Mercury.
  • Leen worries about Quun's future at times; seeing as her daughter will outlive her siblings along with any nieces and nephews, due to her divinity inherited from Touya doubling a fairy's already centuries long lifespan.

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            In Another World With My Smartphone Logo Heroes

Main Characters
Touya Mochizuki | Elze Silhoueska | Linze Silhoueska | Yae Kokonoe | Sushie Ernea Ortlinde | Yumina Ernea Belfast | Leen | Lucia Leah Regulus | Hildegard Minas Lestia | Sakura

Brunhild Dukedom
Laim | Lapis | Cecile | Renne | Ende | Melle | Mycee | Ney

Kingdom of Belfast
Royal Family
Tristwin Ernes Belfast | Yuel Ernea Belfast | Alfred Ernes Ortlinde | Ellen Ernea Ortlinde
Leim | Lyon Blitz | Carlossa Galune Swordrick | Neil Suleiman | Charlotte

Four Heavenly Beasts
Kohaku | Kokuyou and Sango | Kougyoku | Luli

Babylon Sisters
Regina Babylon | Francesca | High Rosetta | Bell Flora | Fredmonica | Preliora | Pamela Noel | Irisfam | Lileleparshe | Atlantica

God Pantheon
World God | God of Love | God of Swords | God of Agriculture | God of Music | God of the Hunt | God of Space-Time

The Red Cats
Nia Belmott | Est Flotier | Elluka Patolakshe | Norn Patolakshe

Reverse World
Luna Trieste | Silhouette Lily
