The Legion of Super-Heroes is a fictional superhero team in the 30th and 31st centuries of the DC Comics Universe. The team first appears in Adventure Comics #247 (April 1958), and was created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino.
Initially, the team was closely associated with the original Superboy (Superman when he was a teenager), and was first portrayed as a group of time travelers who frequently visited him. In later years, the Legion's origin and back story were fleshed out, and the group was given prominence on par with Superboy's in a monthly comic. Eventually, Superboy was removed altogether, except as an occasional guest star.
The team has undergone two major reboots during its publication. The original version was replaced with a new rebooted version following the events of "Zero Hour" in 1994 and another rebooted team was introduced in 2004. A fourth version of the team, nearly identical to the original version, was introduced in 2007.
The Legion of Super-Heroes is a 30th Century inter-galactic team of super-powered young adults. Inspired by the legend of Superboy, they were founded by Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl under the funding of an eccentric millionaire they had saved named R.J. Brande. Being familiar to the acts of and lessons learned from the greatest heroes of all time, the Legion of Super-Heroes have gathered together to stop a galaxy from repeating its past mistakes.
Founding Members[]
Notable Members[]
- Brainiac 5
- Blok
- Bouncing Boy
- Chameleon Boy
- Chameleon Girl
- Chemical Kid/Chemical King
- Colossal Boy
- Comet Queen
- Dawnstar
- Dragonmage
- Dream Boy
- Dream Girl
- Earth-Man
- Element Lad
- Ferro Lad
- Gates
- Gazelle
- Glorith
- Invisible Kid (Jacques Foccart)
- Invisible Kid (Lyle Norg)
- Karate Kid (Myg)
- Karate Kid (Val Armorr)
- Kid Quantum
- Kinetix
- Kono
- Lightning Lass
- Magnetic Kid
- Magno
- Matter-Eater Lad
- Mon-El
- Monstress
- Night Girl
- Phantom Girl
- Polar Boy
- Sensor Girl
- Shadow Lass
- Shikari
- Shrinking Violet
- Spider Girl
- Star Boy
- Sun Boy
- Tellus
- Thunder
- Timber Wolf
- Triplicate Girl
- Tyroc
- Ultra Boy
- White Witch
- Wildfire
- XS