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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

Lemur is the tritagonist of Dream Well Studio & Sacrebleu Production's 1st full-length animated feature film Flow.


After surviving a great flood, he on his way to get used to being in his home abandoned collects bottles and some useful objects, but when Capybara arrived out of need of objects for the boat but he acted in a rude way and this conceited but later his personality changed since what he learned is that he must survive and not love the material


Lemur is a simple normal ring-tailed lemur that is black underneath and gray above, it has yellow eyes on its face with black spots and a long black and white tail.


Lemur has been one of the few animals to survive the flood, would look for a shelter to live in which he found an abandoned house and taking advantage of the fact that until before there was no one, he collected glass bottles and useful objects to entertain himself, but one day due to an unexpected visit Capybara arrived to bring some things but he refuses to give one of his things which in the end he would agree to give but would accompany him on his adventure along with Flow and Labrador Retriever. When Labrador's old canine friends arrived they behaved terribly and one of them broke his precious mirror which the dog had to give a treasure of his so as not to be disappointed, soon on his trip he understood why it should matter to survive the indulgence that loves everything material, When he arrived on board the mainland he unexpectedly met other lemurs who were familiar to him and he would stay but first he would return with Flow for his last adventure and the end he and his friends would try to save Capybara they would succeed.

Then in the end they would encounter a strange giant creature not yet revealed.

