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Sam! We should've brought the hedge clippers! The place is completely I'm merely noting the eradication of a thrice-daily tradition, wherein each meal is treated with the proper allowance of time.
~ Lena talks with her bodyguard.

Lena Gilbert (May 15, 1980) is a supporting character in the TV series Sleepy Hollow. She is a billionaire heiress and the descendant of Lachlan Fredericks. She arrived in her ancestor's estate where she was imprisoned by supernatural forces.

She was portrayed by Erin Cahill.


Lena of obvious means and her bodyguard/chauffeur, Sam, pull up at a large but dilapidated estate. The girl happily talks on the phone with a friend about the fact that it took her five years to win the titles and she wants to bring the original back home. The house has belonged to someone in her family at one point. She rushes into her despite her bodyguard's warning. She opens a wardrobe and inside her there are tree branches, completely twisted and sharp, which capture her and the girl starts screaming in despair when those branches take her prisoner.

Two days later she is alive, but still chained in the closet and is rescued by Ichabod and Abbie, then the three of them try to find a way out. Meanwhile Ichabod questions Lena about the note they found on her desk, she says she was Katrina Crane on the last register from the 1700s. The last person to come to the house for refuge before it was abandoned. Lena recognizes rumors in Lachlan's family being involved in witchcraft.

Ichabod tells Lena that her ancestor was a sorcerer, and thinks a demon defeated Lachlan and that his spirit is still in the house, and tells Lena that whatever discoveries he has made about the house may hold an answer. . All information collected was sent to New York. At that moment the house starts playing pranks: First, Abbie is separated from Lena and Ichabod, who are almost attacked by some kind of rotten tree monster. Later, they find themselves trapped in a group of crows, after which Lena is dragged away by the creature. Lena is taken to the cellar of the house. She screams and Abbie and Ichabod arrive. Lena is seen seemingly standing, when in fact she is bound by vines. She screams in desperation, Abbie shoots the creature who lets go and Abbie saves Lena and they all flee the house, but then Ichabod comes back in with an ax for revenge and hacks the monster to pieces. Lena returns to her house with her bodyguard in New York and then sends Abbie the information she has gathered about her house.


            Sleepy Hollow logo Heroes

Ichabod Crane and Variants
Original | Disney | 1999 | Sleepy Hollow

The Witnesses
Ichabod Crane | Abbie Mills | Molly Thomas | Lara Thomas

Continental Army
Abigail Adams | Benjamin Franklin | George Washington | Thomas Jefferson | Arthur Bernard

Sisterhood of Radiant Heart
Katrina Crane | Alfred Knapp | Grace Dixon

Westchester County Police Department
August Corbin | Frank Irving | Devon Jones | Luke Morales

Katrina Van Tassel (1999) | Young Masbath | Diana Thomas | Jenny Mills | Nick Hawley | Joseph Corbin | Jake Wells | Alex Norwood | Cynthia Irving | Lena Gilbert | Macey Irving | Seeley Booth | Temperance Brennan
