Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

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Hero Overview

Eh, everybody makes mistakes, that's why they put erasers in the backs of pencils.
~ Lenny Leonard.
Ow, My Eye!
~ Everytime Lenny gets something in his eyes.

Lenford "Lenny" Leonard is a recurring character from The Simpsons, and the second-best friend of Homer Simpson. He is also best friends with Carl, and they get along with Homer sometimes. It's implied he might be in love with Carl, given his obsession with having him close by.

He is voiced by Harry Shearer.


Even though the incident took place at Springfield's First Church, Lenny was a Christian. Born in Chicago, he was also a war hero and served on a jury three times. His grandmother spent 20 years in a Soviet labor camp, suggesting that Lenny's ancestors may have been from the former Soviet Union or that his ancestors were prisoners of war. Lenny is a member of the Springfield Chapter of the Stonecutters Secret Society (ranked 12th, higher than Mr. Burns). Lenny doesn't seem to care about his own life: "Quick and pointless, that's the death for me." Another example of his reluctance to rescue is when he pulls him out after he is dragged down the stairs that would lead him and Homer to safety.


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  • Lenny is a member of the NRA and owns an assault rifle.


               Simpsons Logo Heroes

Simpson Family
Homer Simpson | Marge Simpson | Bart Simpson | Lisa Simpson | Maggie Simpson | Abraham Simpson | Mona Simpson | Mabel Simpson

Major Characters
Ned Flanders | Apu | Moe Szyslak | Krusty the Clown | Chief Wiggum | Seymour Skinner | Edna Flanders | Groundskeeper Willie | Lenny Leonard | Carl Carlson | Barney Gumble | Professor Frink | Comic Book Guy | Waylon Smithers | Mayor Quimby | Dr. Hibbert | Hans Moleman | Cletus Spuckler | Rev. Lovejoy | Kent Brockman | Milhouse Van Houten | Nelson Muntz | Otto Mann | Martin Prince | Ralph Wiggum | Judge Snyder | Gary Chalmers | Sideshow Mel | Bartman | Scratchy

Minor Characters
Officer Lou | Officer Eddie | Kirk Van Houten | Luann Van Houten | Rainier Wolfcastle | Maude Flanders | Rod Flanders | Blinky | God | Odysseus | Prince Hamlet | Akira | Lindsey Naegle | Herman Krustofsky | Dr. Nick Riviera | Database | The Superfriends | Allison Taylor | Elizabeth Hoover | Lois Pennycandy | Ian (The Very Tall Man) | Kumiko Albertson | Mr. Nakamura | Bumblebee Man | Radioactive Man | Fallout Boy | Santa's Little Helper | Snowball II | Duffman | Disco Stu | Troy McClure | Jeremy Freedman | Alex Whitney | Marvin Monroe | Greta Wolfcastle | Mr. Teeny | Strangles | Plopper the Pig | Jerry | Dave Shutton | Herb Powell | Colin | Medicine Woman | Mr. Sparkle | Chester Lampwick | Mr. Bergstrom | Leon Kompowski | Milo | Donny | Larry Burns | Shauna Chalmers | Bashir bin Laden | Sophie Jensen | Samantha Stankey | Melody Juniper | Annie Dubinsky | Audrey McConnell | Lisabella | Dr. Stacey Swanson | Patricia | Shary Bobbins | Luigi Risotto | Arnie Pye | Jasper Beardly | Sarah Wiggum | Zia Simpson | Barbara Bush | Sara Sloane-Balaban | Tabitha Vixx | Titania | Gretchen | Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon | Maya | Mindy Simmons | Circe | Lurleen Lumpkin | Carol Berrera | Princess Penelope | Flying Hellfish | Waylon Smithers, Sr. | Ms. Peyton | Sebastian Cobb

Guest Star Characters
The Dixie Chicks | Lady Gaga | Linda Belcher

Treehouse of Horror
Bart Simpson: Stretch Dude
Lisa Simpson: XV | XXXIV
Others: Groundskeeper Willie

Flanders Family | Van Houten Family | United Federation of Homers Through History
