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Heroine Overview

Leone is one of the tritagonists of the dark fantasy action anime and manga series Akame ga Kill!. She was a member of the mercenary team Night Raid.

She is voiced by Yū Asakawa in Japanese and by Allison Keith in English.


Leone is a towering woman with short blonde hair mostly of chin length with two bangs hanging near her ears touching her chest. Upon activating her tengu, she grows a pair of lion ears on top of her head. Her typical attire is a black bikini-style top paired with a matching bottom with a white over, open-front coat with long, billowing sleeves rolled up to her elbows, exposing golden, clawed gloves that cover her hands. The coat extends down to her thighs, with the back of it resembling a cape or tailcoat. She also has a golden belt with a circular buckle at her waist, and her legs are covered in brown knee-high boots with lighter-toned accents around the knees. As the user of the Lionelle teigu, alongside her ears, she possesses a cat-like tail.


Leone is a carefree and cheerful woman with a strong demeanor, displaying her tendency to place eat a lot and frequently drink large amounts of alcoholic beverages. She is also hot-blooded, enjoying battle as noted by Najenda, who advised her to curb this tendency.

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           Akame Ga Kill LogoHeroes

Night Raid
Akame | Tatsumi | Mine | Sheele | Leone | Lubbock | Najenda | Chelsea | Susanoo | Bulat

Wave | Kurome
