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And now time resumes!

The Leviathans are a race in the Mass Effect series. They play a key part in the history of the Reapers.



The Leviathans were the apex of life in the galaxy. They noticed that organic species make inventions that cause disruption. They decided to create an intelligence to preserve life.


The intelligence betrayed the Leviathans and made the first Reaper in their likeness named Harbinger. Eons later, the Leviathans were driven away.


At 2181 Despoina, Commander Shepard found the Leviathans and learned their origin and the connections to the Reapers. The Leviathans joined Shepard's request and help battle against the Reapers by indoctrinating the Collectors' remains.


  • The one that communicates with Shepard is voiced by Anthony Skordi.