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Hero Overview

~ Li’l Petey's first words.
80-HD! Don't fail me now!
~ His catchphrase whenever he needs 80-HD
I don't know Papa. Hate has CAUSED a lot of problems in this world...but it hasn't SOLVED one yet.
~ Li'l Petey talking to his father about hate.

"Li'l" Petey TheCat, or as his superhero alter-egos Cat Kid and The Firecracker Kid, is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside his father Petey TheCat) of the Dog Man franchise.

He is a sweet, loveable, and kind kitten, and the son of Petey and the adoptive son of Dog Man and 80-HD.

He was portrayed by L.R. Davidson in the Dog Man Musical, by Sonia Roman in the Cat Kid Comic Club Musical, and voiced by Lucas Hopkins Calderon in the 2025 film adaptation of the series.


Li'l Petey is an anthropomorphic orange tabby cat. Like his creator/"papa", Petey, he has vibrant orange fur (In A Tale of Two Kitties, he has darker orange fur), and black stripes on his body, legs, and tail. He has a large, round head shaped similarly to that of Super Diaper Baby, with two triangle-shaped ears, three whiskers on each side of his head, and a round nose. He has three freckles/whisker spots. He does not have any fingers or toes. His tail is shorter than Petey's and is round at the end.

As Cat Kid, Li'l Petey would don the same look, however, he would have a mask with black straps, a black cape, and retractable claws on each of his hands.

As the Firecracker Kid, Li'l Petey would don a different, more menacing mask with a longer black cape and retractable claws made out of lightning on each of his hands.


Li’l Petey is a kind, compassionate, loveable (cute) kitten who rarely ever shows any selfishness at all. While he may be annoying, especially in the beginning and current periods of the franchise, he truly doesn't mean to do it and instead is just having fun.



Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties[]

After Petey required a new butler since his previous one was fired due to his idioticy, Petey bought a cloning machine and followed the instructions stated in. He quickly was able to clone himself, though after the process happened, he found out that the cloning machine cloned younger versions of the creator, creating Li'l Petey.

However, Petey showed no care for his clone, and after tripping on him and drinking the wrong kind of coffee brought to him, Petey went outside and tried to give Li'l Petey out.

Despite this, no one came for Li'l Petey excluding a dimwitted cashier, and after Li'l Petey went out to go to the bathroom, Petey took his chance and ran off, betraying Li'l Petey.

Li'l Petey would eventually have to walk away with Petey's crate, where he stopped in front of the cops station. Fortunately, Chief Clarence Bailey found him, and ordered Dog Man to get rid of him.

Dog Man complied and started to see if anyone would adopt Li'l Petey. However, no one seemed like the perfect fit and Dog Man found himself needing to take Li'l Petey in on his own.

Li'l Petey would spend the night at Dog Man's residence, though he would find himself waking up inside Petey's lab, whom the latter felt bad for his betrayal.

Petey would try to show his clone that he would find himself as a bad guy, yet it fails exceptionally. Petey then shows his clone a cool robot named 80-Hexotron Droidformigon, or simply 80-HD, who would obey Li'l Petey's every command. Petey gave him this option to reveal Li'l Petey's evil heart, yet 80-HD was used as a simple friend.

Petey would then try a different approach to teach Li'l Petey his "destiny" and let him use a feature of 80-HD that let Li'l Petey control 80-HD, though now inside 80-HD, Li'l Petey would play with his father instead.

At one point, Li'l Petey would hear chaos outside the lab, and after climbing up the lab, he would find Dog Man and Zuzu almost get caught by a Beasty Building, causing Li'l Petey to come out and save them at the last second.

Despite this, there was still an army of Beasty Buildings, causing Li'l Petey to fight and defeat them using his new powers. However, the commander of the Beasty Buildings, Flippy, was not happy with this and used his psychokinetic powers to send Li'l Petey flying away. Li'l Petey survived, yet 80-HD didn't.

Petey, who had been chasing Li'l Petey, tried to comfort his clone by saying that 80-HD could and would be repaired. Petey would then sacrifice himself by passing as Li'l Petey and letting Dog Man and his friends leave.

After the gang his in an art studio, Li'l Petey wouldn't dare have Petey die, so he made a book about he and Flippy being friends. Quickly, Li'l Petey unintentionally hijacked Chief's car and drove to Flippy and presented him the book, cheering up and redeeming Flippy. Petey would be saved by Dog Man, and both Flippy and Petey were arrested.

Li'l Petey and Dog Man would spend the night trying to find 80-HD's spewed or parts, and after they did that, Li'l Petey would sleep with Dog Man, ending the story happily.

Dog Man and Cat Kid[]


Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas[]

Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild[]

Dog Man: For Whom the Ball Rolls[]

Dog Man: Fetch-22[]

Dog Man: Grime and Punishment[]

Cat Kid Comic Club[]

Dog Man: Mothering Heights[]

Cat Kid Comic Club: Perspectives[]

Cat Kid Comic Club: On Purpose[]

Cat Kid Comic Club: Collaborations[]

Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea[]

Cat Kid Comic Club: Influencers[]

Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder[]

Dog Man: Big Jim Begins[]


It's confirmed that Li'l Petey will appear in the film adaptation of the books. While not much of his role is known, it is known that he would be created by Petey in place of a butler, though Petey would not enjoy this. Dog Man would eventually find and adopt Li'l Petey, and eventually Li'l Petey would be kidnapped by revived fish Flippy, forcing Dog Man and Petey to work together to stop him.


His loveable personality causes him to make many friends (and enemies).



The relationship between his family started off badly. When he was created, his father Petey thought he was an annoying brat and betrayed him. However, the next night was the beginning of Petey's redemption as he realized why he created Li'l Petey and regretted his mistake. Ever since, Li'l Petey's relationship with his father has been more good than bad, even if Petey still believes that his son is annoying.

His grandfather, however, thought differently. Grampa was a selfish villain and didn't show any way of redemption. Due to this, Li'l Petey and Grampa are still enemies to each other, even if Li'l Petey still believed he could be redeemed.

The only other confirmed member of the family is his deceased grandmother, of which he has no relationship to as she died before Li'l Petey was alive. However, as Petey says, Li'l Petey still shows her kind compassion.


Li'l Petey's relationship with Dog Man started and continues to be very well. Sure, Dog Man was ordered to get rid of Li'l Petey, but due to nobody wanting him without having Li'l Petey want to be with them, Dog Man adopted Li'l Petey and the two have been friends ever since.

Similarly, Li'l Petey's relationship with his caretaker 80-HD never was a problem in any way. Li'l Petey even showed his compassion to him in Dog Man and Cat Kid, where he reprogrammed him to have his own personality. Despite having the chance to, 80-HD still loved Li'l Petey and chose to be with him.


When he first met her, Li'l Petey hated Molly as she was brainwashed into wanting to take over the world and they started out as enemies. However, when Li'l Petey started to know Molly, the two became best (and most annoying) friends.

While Li'l Petey isn't usually with Chief, Sarah Hatoff, Zuzu, Yolay Caprese, Big Jim, Crunky, Bub, Nurse Lady, Mike the Fly, Ducky the Beetle, Uncle Larry, and Daryl, Li’l Petey is still good friends with them and they have a few moments with each other.

External Links[]


  1. "Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea: Page 80; Panel 2" Since Petey is called "Mr. TheCat", then his real name is "Petey TheCat". Since Li'l Petey is a clone of Petey, he would share the same name.


           Dog Man logo Heroes

Dog Man | Chief | Officer Knight | Greg the Dog | Milly

Supa Buddies
Dog Man | Li'l Petey | 80-HD | Molly

Petey the Cat | Li'l Petey | Grampa | Big Jim

Channel 2 News
Sarah Hatoff | Zuzu | Seamus

Nurse Lady | Doctor

Cat Kid Comic Club
Flippy | Li'l Petey | Molly
The Baby Frogs
Melvin the Frog | Naomi | Poppy | Summer & Starla

The Friendly Friends
Crunky | Bub | Mike the Fly | Ducky the Beetle | Daryl the Moth | Uncle Larry

Super Diaper Baby
Super Diaper Baby | Diaper Dog

Yolay Caprese

See Also
Captain Underpants Heroes
