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Forgive me. At some point, asshоlе became a substitute for charm.
~ Shaw, to his crew.

Captain Liam Shaw was a supporting character in the third season of Star Trek: Picard. He was portrayed by Todd Stashwick.

Born sometime during the 24th century in Chicago, Shaw joined Starfleet sometime prior to 2367 and was assigned to engineering on the USS Constance. Like Benjamin Sisko, Shaw was a survivor of the Battle of Wolf 359. The Constance was one of 40 Federation starships that participated in the Battle of Wolf 359 against the Borg. The ship was quickly decimated by the Borg. Shaw and other survivors made their way to the lifeboats but found there was only one ten seat lifeboat left. A lieutenant arrived and picked Shaw and nine others to board the lifeboat. That lieutenant and the other 40 officers remained on the Constance as she was destroyed. Shaw and the others on the lifeboat became some of the very few survivors of the battle, which cost about 11,000 Federation lives.

The experience left Shaw with a strong case of survivor's guilt as he did not know why the lieutenant picked him to survive as he was just some "dipshit from Chicago." He hated Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who had been assimilated by the Borg and was forced to direct the battle as Locutus. He was especially angered that Picard was allowed to continue his life and career after being freed from the Borg while so many of his friends and colleagues had died. To a lesser extent Shaw also disliked the crew of the Enterprise and how their adventures caused so much pain and distress.

By 2401, Shaw had obtained the rank of Captain and was posted to the USS Titan-A as her commanding officer. When Admiral Picard and Captain William Riker boarded the Titan, Shaw's contempt for the two men quickly became obvious as he coldly refused to help the two men rescue Beverly Crusher and Jack Crusher - the son of her and Picard. He further insulted them by putting them in enlisted quarters with bunk beds instead of quarters more appropriate to their station. Shaw was not popular with his crew nor his first officer Seven of Nine, who he referred to as Commander Hansen, even though she would have preferred to be called Seven of Nine.

Injured during a fight with the Changeling Vadic and her vessel Shrike, Shaw transferred command of the Titan over to Riker while he was taken to sickbay for treatment. His life was saved by Dr. Crusher, who realized Shaw was bleeding internally - which both the Titan's doctor and imaging missed. He was later released to his quarters to rest and recover.

Finding out that Picard was on the holodeck with his son, Shaw went to the holodeck where he told Picard that he had been at Wolf 359 when the Borg attacked. He made sure to point out to Jack that his father had been on the Borg cube as the assimilated Borg drone Locutus.

During the attempt to escape the Ryton Nebula, Shaw went to engineering to disengage the nacelle covers so that the Titan could ride a bio-electric out of the nebula. Even though a Changeling posing as Sydney LaForge tried to stop him, Seven shot and killed the Changeling and Shaw was able to complete the work. Shaw and Seven made their way to the bridge to witness what they thought to be a nebula being a space-borne entity giving birth to a number of space jelly-fish.


  • Shaw was established as being from Chicago in the episode No Win Scenario, which is where actor Todd Stashwick is also from.


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Star Trek: Picard: Soji Asha | Agnes Jurati | Zhaban | Laris | Raffi Musiker | Kore Soong | Tallinn | Elnor | Cristóbal Rios | Jack Crusher | Anton Chekov | Liam Shaw
Star Trek: Lower Decks: Beckett Mariner | Bradward Boimler | D'Vana Tendi | Sam Rutherford | T'Lyn | Carol Freeman | Jack Ransom | Dr. T'Ana | Shaxs | Andy Billups
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: La'an Noonien-Singh | Fig | Hemmer
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Star Trek III: The Search for Spock:
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home: George | Gracie | Gillian Taylor | Hiram Roth
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Star Trek Into Darkness: James T. Kirk | Spock | Leonard McCoy | Nyota Uhura | Montgomery Scott | Hikaru Sulu | Pavel Chekov | Christopher Pike | Carol Marcus
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Elias Vaughn | Vedoc | Zar
