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Lickety-Split is a heroine in My Little Pony G1 series. Her first appears in 1985 special My Little Pony: Escape From Catrina, the she appears in My Little Pony: The Movie.

She is played by Katie Leigh.


She is pink lavender earth pony and has a mane and tail that are pinker than skin, to the tail which attached a blue bow. She has purple eyes and for cuti-mark she has six red ice cream cones.


She is an habitant of Ponyland, who leaved her home because of smoozes, and she gone to Ponyland to get a help, at the end she can go back to her home.


           My Little Pony franchise logo Heroes

Generation 1
My Little Pony 'n Friends
Applejack | Baby Cotton Candy | Baby Cuddles | Baby Glory | Baby Lickety-Split | Baby Lofty | Baby Moondancer | Baby Ribbon | Baby Shady | Baby Sundance | Baby Surprise | Bow Tie | Bubbles | Buttons | Cotton Candy | Cupcake | Danny Williams | Drog | Ember | Firefly | First Born | Fizzy | G'nash | Garth | Glory | Grandpa Ruff | Gusty | Habbit | His Elevated Eminence | Kyrie | Lickety-Split | Magic Star | Majesty | Mayor Camembert | Megan Williams | Medley | Molly Williams | Moochick | Moondancer | Morning Glory | North Star | Paradise | Pluma | Posey | Powder | Prince Edgar | Rep | Ribbon | Rosedust | Scorpan | Sea Ponies | Skydancer | Sludge | Sparkler | Spike | Squire Alonzo | Starflower | Sting | Sundance | Surprise | Sweet Stuff | The Bushwoolies | The Crabnasties (Captain Crabnasty) | The Dell Dwellers | Furbobs | The Grundles (King Hugo) | The Sheriff of Muensterville | The Stonebacks | Twilight | Wind Whistler | Woebegone

My Little Pony: The Movie (1986)
Megan Williams | Molly Williams | Danny Williams | Baby Lickety-Split | Spike | The Grundles | Baby Lofty | Baby Sundance | Buttons | Fizzy | Gingerbread | Gusty | Magic Star | Morning Glory | North Star | Rosedust | Shady | Sundance | Sweet Stuff | Sea Ponies | Wind Whistler

Generation 3
Pinkie Pie | Rainbow Dash | Scootaloo | Cheerilee | Toola-Roola | Sweetie Belle | StarSong | Flitter Flutter | Twinkle Wish | Whimsey Weatherbe | Minty | Spike | Rarity | Kimono | Star Catcher | Skywishes | Thistle Whistle | Coconut Grove | Sweetberry | Cotton Candy | Sparkleworks | Sunny Daze | Wysteria | Razzaroo | Daffidazey | Fiesta Flair | Lily Lightly | Storybelle | Star Flight | Heart Bright

Generation 4
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Mane Six
Twilight Sparkle | Spike | Applejack | Rainbow Dash | Pinkie Pie | Rarity | Fluttershy

Princess Celestia | Princess Luna | Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle & Scootaloo) | Discord | Princess Cadance | Shining Armor | Starlight Glimmer | Pillars of Old Equestria (Star Swirl the Bearded, Flash Magnus, Rockhoof, Somnambula, Mage Meadowbrook, and Mistmane) | Young Six (Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Smolder, Ocellus, and Yona)

Autumn Blaze | Big McIntosh | Braeburn | Bright Mac | Bulk Biceps | Chancellor Neighsay | Changelings (Thorax & Pharynx) | Cheerilee | Cheese Sandwich | Coco Pommel | Daring Do | Filthy Rich | Flash Sentry | Flurry Heart | Garble | Gilda | Granny Smith | Gusty the Great | King Sombra | Little Strongheart | Luster Dawn | Maud Pie | Mare Do Well | Pear Butter | Princess Ember | Prince Rutherford | Quibble Pants | Royal Guards | Scorpan | Seabreeze | Sky Beak | Snips and Snails | Steven Magnet | Sunburst | Sweetie Drops | Tank | Terramar | Thorax | Trixie Lulamoon | Trouble Shoes Clyde | The Wonderbolts (Spitfire & Soarin) | Zecora

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Humane Seven
Sunset Shimmer | Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi) | Applejack | Fluttershy | Pinkie Pie | Rainbow Dash | Rarity | Spike

Dean Cadance | DJ Pon-3 | Flash Sentry | Indigo Zap | Lemon Zest | Principal Celestia | Sour Sweet | Sugarcoat | Sunny Flare | Timber Spruce | Vice Principal Luna | Wondercolts

My Little Pony: The Movie (2017)
Twilight Sparkle | Spike | Applejack | Rainbow Dash | Pinkie Pie | Rarity | Fluttershy | Capper | Captain Celaeno | Princess Skystar | Queen Novo | Tempest Shadow | Princess Celestia | Princess Luna | Princess Cadance | Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle & Scootaloo) | Starlight Glimmer | Trixie Lulamoon | Discord | Big McIntosh | Granny Smith

Generation 5
My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale and My Little Pony: Make Your Mark
Sunny Starscout | Izzy Moonbow | Hitch Trailblazer | Pipp Petals | Zipp Storm | Misty Brightdawn | Sparky Sparkeroni

Queen Haven | Alphabittle Blossomforth

Argyle Starshine | Spike | Blaize Skysong | Violet Frost | Comet

My Little Pony: A New Generation (2021)
Sunny Starscout | Izzy Moonbow | Hitch Trailblazer | Zipp Storm | Pipp Petals | Argyle Starshine | Queen Haven | Alphabittle Blossomforth
