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Heroes Wiki
Lift-Ticket G.I

Lift-Ticket is a fictional character from the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic books and cartoon series. He's one of the main characters in the second season of the animated series. He is the G.I. Joe team's Tomahawk pilot and debuted in 1986.


His real name is Victor W. Sikorski, and his rank is that of chief warrant officer CW-2. Lift-Ticket was born in Lawton Oklahoma.

Lift-Ticket's primary military specialty is rotary wing aircraft pilot, and his secondary military specialty is fixed-wing aircraft pilot. He was one of the soldiers who joined the army to get out of his hometown. The big difference with Lift Ticket is that he scored so high on the aptitude test, that he qualified for West Point Prep., O.C.S. (Officer Candidate School) and Flight War- rant Officer School. Nobody in Lawton ever suspected he was that smart. Apparently, neither did Lift-Ticket, since he opted for Flight Warrant School over the others, thinking that it was the only one that offered training applicable to civilian employment.


            GIJoeTitle Heroes

General Colton | General Flagg | General Hawk

Conrad S. "Duke" Hauser | Flint (G.I. Joe) | Beachhead | Sgt. Slaughter | Scarlett | Snake Eyes | Roadblock | Gung-Ho | Lady Jaye | Bazooka | Breaker | Wild Bill | Zap | Shipwreck | Alpine | Snow Job | Barbecue | Sgt. Stalker | Thunder | Airborne | Ace | Short Fuze | Tripwire | Blowtorch | Clutch | Cover Girl | Crankcase | Spirit | Cutter | Doc | Deep Six | Dusty | Flash | Footloose | Frostbite | Grand Slam | Quick Kick | Recondo | Rip Cord | Mutt And Junkyard | Thunder Torpedo | Steeler | Wet Suit | Low-Light | Cross-Country | Dial-Tone | Leatherneck | Iceberg | Sci-Fi | Lift Ticket | LifeLine | Mainframe | Slipstream | Lt. Falcon | Jinx | Chuckles | Law & Order | Tunnel Rat | Baroness (alternate reality)

Alternate Continuities
Sigma 6: Duke | Scarlett | Snake-Eyes | Heavy Duty | Spirit | Kamakura | Hawk | Jinx | Tunnel Rat | Lt. Stone | Scott Abernathy
2009-2013 Film Duology: Duke | Hawk | Scarlett | Ripcord | Snake Eyes | Roadblock | Baroness | Storm Shadow
2021 Film Series: Snake Eyes | Scarlett | Akiko
