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The story of the Elemental Master of Energy as well as the legendary Green Ninja, Lloyd Garmadon from the Ninjago franchise.

Early Life[]

Lloyd was born the son of Lord Garmadon and Misako, as well as the nephew of Wu. The soon-to-be dark lord was filled with pride for his newborn son, and wanted Lloyd to follow a different path from his own. The family was happy for a time, but one day Garmadon finally lost control over the evil within him, and was banished to the Underworld after a battle with his brother. Lloyd was too young to remember Garmadon, but he had heard of him, and was fond of his evil father, wanting to follow in his footsteps, unaware that Garmadon did not want this for him. Once he was old enough, Misako sent him to the Darkley's School for Bad Boys. On his first day at Darkley's School, everyone made fun of Lloyd, and Brad put fire ants in his bed. After everyone left, Brad took him under his wing and taught him the art of revenge.

One day, he had received a package from his "grandmummy" when another student named Finn took it from him and turned it into worms. Lloyd was expelled from school that same day because he didn't have the "amoral ambition to become one of tomorrow's masterminds." Before he left, he stole a cape and hood from a closet, planning to become an evil overlord by himself.

Unleashing the Serpentine[]

Lloyd arrived in Jamanakai Village where he attempted to steal all of the candy, but was stopped and humiliated by the Ninja in front of the villagers. Later when he was walking in the Glacier Barrens, he stumbled upon the Hypnobrai Tomb, one of the many tribes of an ancient race of snake people called the serpentine. After gaining command of the Hypnobrai, he led them on an attack of Jamanakai Village, only to be stopped by the Ninja once more. Lloyd then turned his army's attention to constructing a fortress in the heart of Wildwood Forest, though it was quickly discovered and destroyed by the Ninja. During the Ninjas' attack, one of them Skales took command of the Hypnobrai and after defeating the old leader Slithraa in a Slither Pit fight, the new General banished Lloyd.

Using a map that led to the other serpentine tombs had stolen from the Hypnobrai Tomb, Lloyd set out to find the Fangpyre Tomb which he planned to unleash to get revenge on the Hypnobrai for betraying him. Though the Fangpyre was eager to help him, they insisted on first rebuilding their army. Traveling to Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk, Lloyd witnessed the Fangpyre use their venom to turn old vehicles into attack machines, though they were forced to flee when the Ninja arrived.

With their army ready, Lloyd accompanied the Fangpyre into battle against the Hypnobrai. Unfortunately for Lloyd, the Fangpyre general Fangtom and Skales were old friends and a truce was called, forcing Lloyd to flee once more. Knowing that all the other tribes feared the Anocondrai, Lloyd traveled to the Anacondrai Tomb only to find that a single one of these snakes remained—Pythor. Nevertheless, Pythor agreed to be Lloyd's minion and they spent the day carrying out petty crimes. At his new minion's suggestion, Lloyd and Pythor attacked Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys in revenge for them kicking him out. However when the Ninja arrived, Pythor showed his true colors by stealing the Map of Dens and fleeing, leaving Lloyd to be captured by the Ninja. Lloyd was then told a bedtime story by his Uncle Wu, explaining why one shouldn't trust a snake.

Now living with the Ninja, Lloyd aided his uncle in one of the Ninjas' daily lessons by pulling pranks on them (such as placing Zane's clothes with Kai's in the wash, thereby turning them pink) and blaming it on the other Ninja.

Eventually, Lloyd along with the others discover that with the map, Pythor unlocks all the serpentine tombs & is able to unite them under his rule, getting captured while sneaking in their meeting in the Serpentine city of Ouroboros. He then stays with the Serpentine as Pythor begins plotting to unleash a giant beast called The Great Devourer: a colossal Snake that gets bigger the more it eats & whose very venom turned his dad evil. Eventually he is rescued by Kai when he unlocks his true potential, but afterwards, after he says how he got it, made everyone discover that he is the destined Green Ninja, though this soon saddened Lloyd as it meant he would someday fight his father for the fate of Ninjago.

Now understanding how important he'd become, Lloyd stays with the Ninja while his father goes onto plot vengeance, during that time, Pythor manages to finally unleash the Devourer, but it proves to be uncontrollable for anyone, after an intense battle in Ninjago's biggest city, it is ultimately his father who finishes the Devourer as payback for biting him, though he uses the golden weapons to do this & takes them afterwards.

Becoming the Green Ninja[]

In the aftermath of the Devourer's defeat, the Ninja moved into an apartment in Ninjago City. Although their spacious new home had a training course for Lloyd, he was unable to receive any personal guidance from the Ninja as they all had to all work jobs to pay the rent. After Lloyd was nearly abducted by Skales, the Ninja decided to downsize to a more affordable apartment. Although the Ninja were now able to oversee Lloyd's training, they soon realized that their cramped apartment was unsuitable and began using Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo as training grounds. When Captain Soto and his pirates attacked Ninjago City, Lloyd was ordered by the Ninja to stay behind, but the little Green Ninja used the Ultra Dragon to board the ship, performing Spinjitzu for the first time during the battle, but afterwards Garmadon, who had fused the golden weapons into one with the power of creation takes back the ship and flies away.

Soon after, Lloyd was invited back to his old boarding school to receive an honor. Upon arriving at the school, Lloyd discovered that it was merely a ploy by his old classmates who captured him and attempted to turn him evil again. When Garmadon's Bizarro Ninja arrived, Lloyd managed to convince his classmates to help the Ninja defeat their fake counterparts. When the Ninja entered the Ninjaball Run to save Dareth's dojo from being destroyed, Lloyd entered the race with the Ultra Dragon. Although he was unable to reach the finish line, Lloyd did manage to stop Garmadon from destroying the Ninja mid-race.

When the Ninja were turned into kids by Garmadon's Mega-Weapon, Lloyd took them to Ninjago Doomsday Comix to find information about the Grundle, a ninja-hunting creature, that the effects of the Mega Weapon brought back to life. As a result of using Tomorrow Tea to defeat the Grundle, Lloyd was aged significantly, prompting the final battle to draw closer. Now older, Lloyd began to take his training more seriously and confronted his father with the other Ninja in the Lost City of Ouroboros. As a result of the Ninja following Garmadon back in time, Lloyd's knowledge of the Mega Weapon was erased.

Reuniting with his Mom[]

Some time after, Lloyd and the other Ninja were summoned to the Ninjago Museum of History as the venom of the Great Devourer had leaked into the sewers & brought the merchandise to life. After the Ninja had taken care of the problem, Lloyd was reunited with his mother Misako, though still angry she left him so many years ago, he stormed away. Misako caught up to him and revealed the full story of Ninjago: when his grandfather, the first Spinjitzu master created Ninjago, he in-turn gave birth to an evil spirit named the Overlord in order to ensure balance in the realm that ultimately lead him to divide the land in two, which explains why the battle has yet to be decided. After a dangerous battle with an awakened Stone Samurai, Lloyd forgives his mother & she joins the group.

While all that is happening, Garmadon had washed up on the darkside of the realm of Ninjago, where he meets the Overlord & together they take control over more Stone warriors underneath Ninjago city, forcing everyone to evacuate.

Knowing that they need to go to the dark island to fulfill the prophecy, Lloyd & the others sail their where they enter the temple of light where the first Spinjitzu master forged the golden weapons. Upon finding a giant bell inside the temple, Lloyd rings & is able to gain powers strong enough to destroy the stone army. Despite this, he doesn't have the nerve to face his father, so they attempt to return the helmet of darkness to the clock that countdowns to the final battle, it was during this that he is finally up against his father but is still unwilling to, & when they make it to the clock, they are to late in stopping the countdown & Nya is captured by the army.

After regrouping, Lloyd & co. storm Garmadon's camp to stop him, but discover that it is abandoned because they all left to the cost with a giant superweapon to turn all Ninjago into his image, they all race back to the coast but the ninja are forced to deal with a now-evil Nya, leaving Lloyd along with his uncle & mom to try to stop his dad, despite all his attempts to talk him out of it, Garmadon fires the weapon and starts turning everything in the world evil.

Things only take a turn for the worst when the Overlord reveals he was using Garmadon to escape the island before taking control of his body, revealing to Lloyd that he was always meant to fight him, though he will show him no mercy when they fight, after a lengthy battle, he is soon overwhelmed by the Overlord & gets his leg broken before opening a portal to conquer ninjago & stranding him and the ninja.

The Final Battle[]

After slightly recovering, Lloyd is still determined to fight the darkness, which leads to a robotic Falcon owned by Zane to lead them back to the temple to discover the mech his grandfather used when he fought the Overlord. With his newfound mech & the aid of the Ultra-dragon, he & co. fly back to Ninjago where they discover that not only had the Overlord had turned everyone evil and transformed the weapon into a fortress, but had also completely transformed into his dragon-form.

Charging at the fortress with everyone else keeping his army distracted, Lloyd manages to break through the walls but gets the mech damaged by the evil Nya, but just when it looked like he & his friends are cornered, the helmet that controls the army is found by Dareth who turns the army against the Overlord, giving the Ninja the opportunity to climb the tower to stop him.

But as they climb the tower, Cole & Jay are soon turned evil by the Overlord with Zane in-tow, eventually leaving Lloyd alone while kai fights his brainwashed sister, upon finally making up the tower to fight the Overlord, Lloyd unlocks all the golden power inside him to become the Ultimate Spinjitzu master, ultimately defeating the Overlord when he concentrates all his power & fires it inside the Overlord's mouth, completely obliterating him & his army.

With the Overlord defeated, everyone he turned evil is purified & Lloyd is reunited with everyone & is congratulated for his heroic efforts, and as an added bonus, he discovers that with the Overlord gone, his father is completely purified from all the evil venom that corrupted him, and he and his mother & uncle happily reunited with him.

Ninjago at Peace[]

Following the Overlord's defeat, Lloyd traveled all across Ninjago accepting medals and achievements as the Golden Ninja for his victory over evil. His father also abandoned the title of Lord and began going by Master Garmadon, and swore an oath of nonviolence in an attempt to repent for his evil deeds.

In the Digital Age[]

Lloyd heard word from Nya that the Ninja were in trouble, and raced to New Ninjago City on his Golden Elemental Dragon to help. He used his Golden Power to temporarily disable the Security Mechs and reunited with the Ninja with the help from Ninjago's top inventor Cyrus Borg. Their reunion was quickly interrupted by the revived Digital Overlord, whom Lloyd declared that since he defeated him once, he could defeat him again. As the Security Mechs powered up, the Overlord stated that he didn't want to fight, he only wanted the Golden Ninja's power. Lloyd prepared to attack the mechs again, but was stopped by Wu who realized that the golden power was only making them stronger. Their master then ordered the Ninja to flee the city while he tricked the Overlord, and Lloyd rode the Golden Dragon away.

"The Art of the Silent First"[]

Heading to his parents' monastery with the others, Lloyd was given a new green gi by Nya that would disguise him from the Overlord's facial recognition software. The group then visited Garmadon during a lesson, and Lloyd volunteered to face his father in a demonstration of the Art of the Silent Fist. Garmadon easily avoided his son's blows, and Lloyd let his temper get the better of him and nearly unleashed an elemental blast. The monastery was then attacked by the Overlord's new Nindroids, whom Lloyd was unable to battle effectively due to his Golden Power granting them greater strength.

After managing to escape, the heroes split up: the Ninja setting out to shut down the Wind Farms Power Station that energized the Nindroids and the rest of the Overlord's machinery, while Lloyd and his father sought to get as far from New Ninjago City as possible. To that end, Lloyd and Garmadon traveled to Nya's Samurai X Cave and used her car to accelerate their travels. Unfortunately, while passing through the Rice Fields, they were attacked by the Overlord's Nindroid MechDragon, and only escaped due to the Ninja and Nya accomplishing their own task. With no power, they continued their journey on foot, fearing that the Overlord might still pose a threat.


The father and son found themselves traveling through the mountains, where Garmadon tried to impress upon Lloyd that he had potential beyond his Golden Power, including the ability to move mountains. However, Lloyd expressed little interest in learning the finer nuances of the powers he possessed as heir of the First Spinjitzu Master, being content with the abilities granted him by his Golden Power. As the two continued their journey, however, they came across a Ravture nest with a chick in it, and Lloyd angered both his father and the adult Ravture by attempting to aid the youngling when it fell out of the nest. However, Lloyd then used his power to move mountains, much to his father's pleasure. Unfortunately, the Falcon then arrived with news that the Overlord was still at large, and the duo made their way towards Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Unbeknownst to them, this was part of their enemies' plans, and they began to zero in on the Garmadons' location.

"The Curse of the Golden Master"[]

As Lloyd and his father made their way through the labyrinth, Garmadon tried to impress upon Lloyd the importance of safeguarding the Golden Power. He warned him that his friends might one day seek it for themselves, and that he would eventually have to carry the burden without even his father beside him. Lloyd became despondent at the thought, and his father encouraged him with the legend of the Jewel of the Labyrinth, an oasis that had supposedly never been seen within the depths of the jungle maze. The pair eventually came across it, only to be attacked by a force of Nindroids led by Master Wu, who had been turned into an evil cyborg by the Overlord.

While his father engaged Wu, Lloyd used his powers to produce an elemental cycle that he used to try and escape. Unfortunately, his father was captured by Wu and taken aboard the reactivated MechDragon, and his attempt to rescue him was thwarted by a hooded figure. The stranger then threw back his hood to reveal a horrifyingly familiar visage: Pythor, who had survived being eaten by the Great Devourer but had his scales bleached due to nearly being digested. The villains then took Lloyd aboard the MechDragon and dumped his father overboard, leaving Lloyd thinking his father had drowned.

"Enter the Digiverse"[]

The Overlord wasted no time in beginning to drain Lloyd's Golden Power, a process that left Lloyd badly weakened. However, he was somehow contacted by Zane-and contacted him in turn-while the Ninja were attempting to erase the Overlord from within the Digiverse. The Ninja managed to reboot the system, causing the MechDragon to crash and freeing Lloyd, who soon made his way to a small village. He was soon contacted by the other Ninja and their allies, which-to his amazement-included his father.

"Codename: Arcturus"[]

Realizing he couldn't hold the Golden Power by himself anymore, Lloyd decided to return to the Temple of Light to distribute it back to the four Ninja, thus restoring their elemental powers.

As the Ninja began their search for Pythor and his Nindroid forces, Lloyd used his bike to search the Toxic Bogs, then continued to the Glacier Barrens but to no avail.

Lloyd eventually returned to Borg Tower after Kai had been captured by Pythor, and brainstormed with the others what Project Arcturus—the codename for a plan the Anacondrai intended to launch that very night—could be. They soon realized that he intended to use a rocket to retrieve the Golden Weapons, which had really launched into space when the Ninja blasted it, to make the Overlord into the Golden Master, and raced to Ouroborus to stop him.

Upon reaching the Serpentine City, the four Ninja located the rocket and freed Kai, though were unable to stop the launch. Desperate to stop the Golden Master, Lloyd convinced the other Ninja to stow away with him on the rocket.

"The Void"[]

Shortly after the rocket entered space, Lloyd and the other Ninja came into contact with Wu, Nya, Garmadon, and P.I.X.A.L. who had returned to Borg Tower and recovered the rocket's blueprints. After Zane secured the other Ninja spacesuits, Lloyd lead them towards the cockpit to take command of the vessel. However before they could reach it, the Nindroid leader Cryptor dispatched several Nindroids to stop them while he piloted the rocket into the tail of the comet.

When Lloyd and the other Ninja awoke, they found themselves on the comet not too far from where Arcturus had landed, though Cryptor had taken the launch key. Lloyd discovered lunar rovers in the cargo hold and the Ninja set out crammed in one to find where the Nindroids had gone. They soon arrived in a large cave where the Golden Weapons had landed, though before they could reach the launch key, the Ninja fell under attack by a swarm of extraterrestrial beetles. The Nindroids used this to their advantage to escape, but Lloyd and the others pursued, only to arrive at the launch site to find Arcturus destroyed by the bugs, thus stranding them on the comet.

"The Titanium Ninja"[]

Still tranded on the comet, Lloyd laments about his failure, but Garmadon and Wu reassure him that it wasn't, which motivate him & the ninja to use the parts of the rover to create their own rocket. Once they got back into Ninjago, they used their Elemental Shields to survive the landing.

Borg's robot assistant P.I.X.A.L. managed to coordinate their vehicles. But are to late as they discover the Overlord had melted the weapons into an armor for him to become The Golden Master, & turns Ninjago city into a fortress. They got a message from Cyrus saying he's at the Temple of Fortitude, a place the Overlord used when he fought the first Spinjitzu master which has a forcefield that's indestructible to his golden powers, while also revealing he has something that can help them defeat the Overlord. However, the ninja were separated from everyone else when they decided to help Nya after she crashed. However, they also lost their vehicles when they crashed, and decided to run towards the temple instead.

Once there, the shield is put up, and Cyrus reveals the object: a pill that can shrink the Overlord. So in order to get close to him & give him the pill, the ninja put on the Stone Warrior armor to defend themselves against the Overlord's powers of creation.

When Nya arrived, the ninja went for the Overlord, but Lloyd was concerned when he attacked the citizens. However, the Serpentine offered shelter to the people, so they continued guiding the Masters. They hit the pill towards him but failed when Pythor swallowed it instead, shrinking him to the size of a mouse. He trapped the ninja in his web of Golden Power, and with no other choice, Zane charged after him. The ninja are released but were surprised to see Zane has touched his Golden Armor. They took cover under a manhole but once they came back out, they discover that Zane sacrificed himself to destroy the Overlord, grieving over his loss. With the Overlord defeated, the citizens of Ninjago attended Zane's funeral and honored him for his sacrifice.

A Team Divided[]

A few days after Zane's funeral, the team breaks apart after Cole & Jay's feud over Nya gets them Kicked out of the restaurant they were in, leading Jay to host his own TV show, Cole to work with a logging company, Kai to become a wrestler, & Lloyd to cope with both the loss of Zane and the rest of the team with his family.

Tournament of Elements[]

The Invitation[]

One day, after another solo training-session, Lloyd decided to get the band back together by inviting them all back to the same Noodle house where they fell-apart, after a rocky-start at first, Lloyd is able to get the team's fighting spirit back together when they team up to take down a bunch of thugs harassing the place.

But when they chase the thugs out to a back ally, the ninja discover a note meant for them, to their surprise, they find a picture of Zane with a note that not only says he's alive, but also says if they wanna see him again, they must participate in a secret tournament held by a shop's owner Chen, and must tell no one about this.

To rescue Zane, Lloyd follows the invitation's intructions & head towards the docks with his team & other people waiting for a ferry, when it arrives, they are greeted by Chen's right-hand man Clouse, but before he boards the ferry, he is joined by his father so he can ensure his son is safe. During the trip, he explains to the Ninja that participant on the ship is a descendant of an elemental master: guardians of the first Spinjitzu Master that each control an element in Ninjago.

Only One Can Remain[]

In the morning, everyone arrives at their destination on a lone island with a palace hosting the main fights. Along the way, Garmadon tells the others that during the war between man & Serpentine, Chen willingly sided with the snakes in hopes of gaining more power & for his crimes after the Serpentine were locked away, Chen & Clouse were exiled to the island where he built his cullinary empire on the mainland, he also reveals to his son that before he became the evil dark lord his son saved, the villain was his sensei where he also gained a rivalry with Clouse.

Upon meeting Chen & being shown to their respective rooms, Lloyd and the others are soon thrust into the tournament's first round when Chen declares that they all must return to the main room with a jadeblade & the one who doesn't will be eliminated immediately, & due to his status as the Green Ninja, he becomes the main target for sabotage by Clouse under Chen's orders with his father constantly having to save him, fortunately, everyone on his team are able go through to the next round but are frightened when Chen pulls a trapdoor over the loser Karlof.

Now determined to find Zane now, Lloyd and the others discover a hidden passageway & enter it, but while they weren't able to find Zane, they are able to discover that Chen's tournament was all just a distraction for the contestants to enact his true plan: To steal all their elemental powers for his own gain. Their disguises soon fall off and are forced to retreat barely undetected by his guards, though a piece of clothing was captured by Clouse's pet giant Snake.


Later on, Lloyd & the others watch the other battles, Kai being among them, take place, during one particular battle, Lloyd witnesses the advantages of the master of mind, Neuro's powers, which he decides to use as Chen deduces that the Ninja are onto them & has Jay & Cole fight each other.

Hoping to avoid the fight, Lloyd look to Neuro for help when he gets him to read his mind about Chen's plan & advising him to read Clouse's mind on what it's for, though he was unsuccessful, he was able to learn of a spell that needs them on his spellbook. He and Kai were also able to convince Cole & Jay to fight honorably and forgive each other, though Cole willingly forfeits the fight to Jay and gets captured.

Ninja Roll[]

Later, after witnessing the battle between the sound master Jacob & Skylor the master of Ember (the power to copy the power of any elemental master she touches), Lloyd finally begins his match with the master of form Camille in a roller-skating themed event, but due to both an aching back an no experience on skates, along with Chen personally setting the match up to make him lose, Lloyd soon becomes almost eliminated himself.

Thankfully, Kai & Jay are able to convince the others to help them by telling them of Chen's true motives and are able to help Lloyd move on in the tournament, while also being able to being tracked by Nya who is coming to rescue them.

Spy for a Spy[]

The gang took some comfort in their growing alliance until Chen convinces the others to fight again when he shows them the Staff of Elements, the tool he uses to strip all his elemental prisoners of their powers, as the intended prize for the winner of the tournament. Fortunately, things begin to look up for them again when Nya, who had infiltrated the island by posing as one of Chen's Kabuki (due to Dareth stowing away on the disguised truck she was driving), informed them that there was a spy in the alliance, while also receiving a fortune cookie from Skylor that says Cole has found Zane and the two were going to break out soon.

Afterwards, the team then set out to discover who the spy was but could do nothing to confirm Lloyd's suspicion of Shade, the master of shadow, was working for Chen. Unaware that not only it was Skylor who was Chen's spy, but also because she's his daughter.


After boarding a blimp, Lloyd & the others soon learn that not only has Chen discovered that Nya has taken the spell that needs the elemental powers, but also has the contestants capture her by promising them that the one who dos will immediately move on to the final round. Immediately after this, the underside of the blimp soon opens up leaving everyone to grab one fast as they all fall down, but when Lloyd & Garmadon are forced to share a parachute, his father is able to calm him down long enough allowing him to concentrate his energy & create an energy dragon of his own, allowing them both to land safely.

While following a trail left by Nya throughout the jungle, Lloyd learns from his dad his full-story in the serpentine war; when he was training with Chen, he revealed to him a letter to Misako that was written by Wu, & through his urgings, edited it so it would seem he wrote it which ultimately lead to them getting married & giving birth to Lloyd, which is something he hasn't told her or Wu yet. He also learns that after sealing the Serpentine tribes away underground, he decided to banish the Anacondrai Generals, chief among them being Arcturus, to a another dimension called The Cursed Realm.

Eventually, Lloyd and his dad finally meet-up with Nya, but learn that all the other elemental master have been captured by Chen. She also reveals that the page she stole contains a spell that will enact Chen's true plan: To steal every elemental power to conduct a spell that will turn him & his followers into Anacondrai themselves, thereby kickstarting another Serpentine war.

The Forgotten Element[]

With time running-out, Lloyd along with his father & Nya storm Chen's fortress to break the staff and return everyone's powers, but he is soon left alone when Nya & Garmadon fight back against Chen's minions, but just before he gets eaten by the giant serpent, he is rescued by Kai, only to learn that he seemingly betrayed him and is soon forced up against Chen with the original bracket of the tournament playfully pitting the fight, despite putting up a great fight, Lloyd's one elemental power is soon overwhelmed by Chen's entire collection before he is sent flying towards the bracket & breaking it & his picture, knocking him out & getting captured.

Upon being brought forth in front of his whole following, Lloyd & Skylor are soon drained of their powers as Clouse begins chanting the spell, luckily, Lloyd discovers that Kai was only pretending to be evil & successfully gets Skylor to betray Chen as well, grabbing the Staff, Kai easily wipes away the cultists, but is soon unable to control the power & becomes corrupted, fortunately, Cole is able to lead the other prisoners on a breakout where Lloyd is happily reunited with Zane, & Kai successfully destroys the staff that allows them to send Chen & his inner circle, (along with a captured Skylor), into hiding.

Afterwards, Lloyd & everyone else soon take command of the island with all the cultists they've captured as their prisoners before happily watching Zane turn on his funny switch in celebration for reuniting with both his old & new friends.

The Day of the Dragon[]

A little while later, Lloyd & the newly-built elemental alliance destroy every other vehicle capable of leaving the island in order to ensure that neither Chen or his goons can leave, but are soon given a warning message from the master of speed Griffin Turner from Skylor; Chen had discovered another way to turn his army into Anocondrai by using all the elements she duplicated & intends to take her to the crystal cave where the crystal in the old staff was taken there, prompting him & the ninja to rescue her.

Unfortunately, he could not find her & frighteningly witnesses his father (who just sent Clouse into the cursed realm through a portal he opened) turn into an Anacondrai due to him having an Anacondrai tattoo during his time training with Chen, discovering that Chen has succeeded in completing the spell & his whole army is now turned into Anacondrai. Despite putting up a great fight, Lloyd & the others are overwhelmed by the new Anacondrai which force them to take shelter in the palace.

After a moment of silence, Lloyd & the others soon realize to their shock that Chen & his followers had taken all their flying vehicles & soon fly off to conquer Ninjago. Due to their foolish decision to take down every other way off the island, Lloyd decided to go after them alone due to being the only one with an elemental dragon, that is until Zane & Kai reveal they all can summon dragons of their own by conquering the fears & doubts, which they all do as they all fly back to Ninjago as "One".

The Greatest Fear of All[]

Flying back to Ninjago, Lloyd and the others discover to their surprise that they're the first to arrive because they & Chen discover that the transformation is only temporary, but after reuniting with Misako & Wu, they still don't how to defeat Anacondrai, so they decide to go to the last remaining Anacondrai left: Pythor, now locked away in Kryptarium prison where all their enemies are locked away.

While negotiating, the prison is soon attacked by Chen's goons because due to him being a real Anacondrai, his essence is needed to make the spell permanent, forcing Lloyd & his family to take him with them to escape. Along the way, Pythor reveals that the reason the serpentine betrayed the truce in the war was because Chen told them that they were gonna betray it, making Lloyd realize the Chen was playing both sides, despite all their attempts to stop them, they manage to capture Pythor & have him run around in a hamster wheel to make him sweat to become permanent Anacondrai.

Afterwards, Lloyd learns of a team of 20 noodle trucks heading towards Ninjago city, but when the others try to stop them, they all soon take separate routes heading towards other unprotected villages, forcing them all to split up to try & stop them. Lloyd eventually stopped an attack from Jamanakai village-an ironic turn of event since his first Serpentine attack was there-& lures the truck away, but when he stops the truck, he made a horrifying discovery: The trucks were merely a distraction for Chen to conquer the other villages, causing him & the others to be consumed by fear and losing control of their dragons.

The Corridor of Elders[]

After heading back to their base, Lloyd discovered that Chen had completely taken over the entire eastern seaboard, but after making a pep-talk to everyone with him, they all decide to make their stand at the corridor of elders, the valley where Ninjago builds statues honoring their elders.

After rallying up all the citizens & Serpentine of Ninjago to fight together, Lloyd & everyone make a final stand against the Anacondrai army, though everyone their fought with all their might, Chen's forces eventually push through but they all still continue to fight, but just when things are at their worst Pythor, wanting to be the one who conquers Ninjago, arrives with Clouse's spellbook and reveal of a way they can stop them: If Garmadon summons back the Anacondrai generals from the Cursed realm, they can curse the Anacondrai phonies & send them to the realm in return, but only if he takes their place in their instead.

Despite being angry & sad that he'll be losing his father again at first, Lloyd ultimately goes through with their plan which ultimately works, resulting in the spirits of Arcturus & his fellow generals to send Chen & his army to the cursed realm for the cowardly imposters they are. Afterwards, after Lloyd & his friends bid farewell to their new friends as they all head back to their homes, They all burn Clouse's book & promise that whatever challenge they face next, they'll be ready.


Winds of Change[]

Some time after the The Tournament of Elements, Lloyd and the other Ninja used their Elemental Dragons to catch a Fangfish that had been terrorizing a nearby coastal village. They were successful in their efforts and soon returned to Wu's new tea shop "Steep Wisdom" where their Master asked the Ninja to hand out flyers. Lloyd agreed but was summoned to the museum by the police before he could do so.

Upon arriving at the museum, Lloyd was taken by the Night Watchman to one of the backrooms where he revealed that the Allied Armor of Azure: A mystical armor capable of summoning any ally to the wearer's aid, even from the cursed realm, was stolen. Lloyd however discovered that the guard was possessed by the ghost Morro; The elemental master of wind & his uncle's very first student before he left after destiny denied him to be the Green Ninja, causing him to be banished to the cursed realm but escaped after his father left the portal there opened for to long, after toying with him with his ghostly abilities, he proceeded to take over the Green Ninja's body.

During Morro's battle against Kai, the Master of Fire was able to summon the Green Ninja's consciousness. However the red ninja was quickly pulled away by the Destiny's Bounty and Morro regained control over Lloyd's body.

"Kingdom Come"[]

With Morro in control of his body, Lloyd was powerless to stop him, but he continued to fight Morro's possession as the Master of Wind went about his search for the tomb of his grandfather, in search of an artifact he made called the realm crystal which allows anyone to travel between the 16 realms. During a fight for the Sword of Sanctuary (a sword capable of showing the wielder his opponent's next move) between Kai and Morro, Lloyd regained enough control so that he was able to give the Master of Fire the sword before the possession took hold of him again.

"The Crooked Path"[]

Morro left Lloyd's body temporarily to instead possess Ronin to send a message to the Ninja. During this, Lloyd was locked away in a cage (for the third time in his life; the first being the Treehouse Fortress, then by the Serpentine), though he claimed that Morro would have never become the Green Ninja.

"Grave Danger"[]

After the Ninja took the Realm Crystal, Morro left Lloyd's body in an extremly weak state and threatened to kill him if they didn't give him the crystal. After Kai tricked Morro when giving it to him, Morro let go of Lloyd, who then tried to attack the ghost, but was pushed into the cave river. He then stayed just above the water as the current pulled him through the cave, too weak to swim ashore. Kai and Cole followed Lloyd along the river, but because Kai couldn't swim, and Cole couldn't touch water due to him being a ghost, they hesitated in making a decision.

Kai finally dove into the river, grabbing Lloyd, and was able to keep them both above the water, and just as they were about to plummet down a waterfall, Cole saved them, despite being doubtful at first. Now that Morro had both the Sword of Sanctuary and the Realm Crystal in his possession, as he fled the cave, Cole was desperate to run after him, but the other ninja didn't want to, knowing that Lloyd was too tired to run with them. Despite the loss, they were determined to achieve victory in the battle with the ghosts.

"Curseworld, Part I"[]

Lloyd and his friends returned to Steep Wisdom, only to find that Wu had sold it in order to finance new vehicles for his students provided by Cyrus Borg. The group soon set out to challenge the Ghost Warriors' occupation of Stiix with Nya (having discovered that with Kai inheriting their father's fire powers, she became the master of water from her mother's side) leading the charge.

While the other ninja provided a distraction that included Nya donning Lloyd's green gi, Lloyd attempted to sneak in and recover the Realm Crystal. After engaging Morro he managed to recover the crystal, but was interrupted as he attempted to destroy it by Morro, who tried to convince him that he would lose his father forever. Lloyd quickly realized that Garmadon would have willingly destroyed the crystal, but was seized by an emerging tentacle before he could accomplish the task, pulling him into the cursed realm, while Morro's master & the ghost queen, The Preeminent enters soon after.

"Curseworld, Part II"[]

Lloyd found himself in the interior of the Cursed Realm, where he discovered his father imprisoned. He attempted to free his father but was told that the chains were unbreakable. Despairing over his defeat at Morro's hands, Lloyd was comforted by his father, who helped him find the courage to return to the fight also telling him that he would always be with him no matter where he is. Donning his father's robes (with his father no doubt wearing Lloyd's hoodie and jeans, as they must've switched), Lloyd soon engaged Morro in battle again, gaining possession of the Sword of Sanctuary in the process. Due to Morro possessing the Realm Crystal, Lloyd wound up chasing him through a number of the Sixteen Realms, including the Realm of Madness, the Underworld, Cloud Kingdom, and Chima.

Morro eventually returned to Ninjago alone, but he and the Preeminent were soon defeated by the remaining Ninja. Wu then used the recovered Realm Crystal to open a new portal that brought back Lloyd. He revealed that the Sword of Sanctuary had enabled him to see the outcome of the battle, thus making it unnecessary for him to follow Morro back to Ninjago. He then revealed that his father had apparently perished as a result of the Cursed Realm's destruction, but felt that he-and they-were "in a better place." Wu noted that his father's robes had given Lloyd wisdom, but that he would have to walk a long road to qualify for the title of master, something that Lloyd welcomed and accepted.


After defeating Morro's ghost invasion, thanks to Dareth's help, the Ninja soon become full-time celebrities all across Ninjago, but they soon leap into action again when one ghost from the cursed realm, Clouse, is revealed to have escaped the Preeminent before it's destruction, forcing the Ninja to go after him. When he made it to his destination, Clouse found a magic lamp & unleashes an evil Djinn & pirate captain named Nadakhan in hopes of using his wishes to get his revenge on the Ninja, however, what sets djinn's apart from genies is that they use loopholes & turns said wish around on the wisher, which he does on Clouse immediately & traps him in his own lamp.

By the time the Ninja had arrived, Nadakhan sensed they posed a threat to him & takes their identities to frame them for crimes they didn't commit, forcing Lloyd & the others to go into hiding. They are all soon captured by the bounty-hunter Ronin where they are sent to Kryptarium, upon arriving on Lunch one day, they learn from Dareth that Nadakhan had taken the realm crystal & bringing his crew of pirates together, fortunately, he & the others get unexpected help in the form of Captain Soto, who revealed he was the one who trapped him in the lamp & that the one way to trap a Djinn is with the venom of a spider called the Tiger-widow, after escaping, Soto tells them the way to find it's home inside a lantern aboard Nadakhan's pirate ship "Misfortune's Keep", he also reveals to them that Nya bears a striking resemblance to Nadakhan's fiancé Delara.

With the cops on their tails, Lloyd & the others lay-low, where they discover that Nadakhan had turned his ship into a flying one & begins attacking Ninjago city to draw them out. Still determined to protect Ninjago and get the map to Tiger-Widow island, Lloyd leads the others to Ninjago city where during the scuffle, he rescues the police commissioner, but discover that Kai got captured when Nadakhan captured him & tricked him into "wishing for it all to go away", leading to his soul getting sucked into his sword & even worse, causes a chain of events that cracks open Ninjago and leads a piece of land floating up for him to rebuild him homeland of Djinjago; An act of revenge on them because when they destroyed the cursed realm, they accidentally destroyed his realm.

Following the map to the island, Lloyd & the remaining Ninja have Jay (who had already used up his last 2 wishes with Nadakhan) to go get the venom because Zane was also taken by the Pirate captain, but he soon angers the spider to chase him & the others on a collapsing rope-bridge, where Nadakhan arrives & captures Jay and strands them on the island, fortunately, they are saved by the commissioner who now understands that they were framed & reveal that Jay sent them a message in a bottle.

Returning to Ninjago city, Lloyd & the others decide to go along with Dareth's plan: to build a makeshift Raid zeppelin to blend in with Nadakhan's fleet disguised as pirates & stop him. But while it is successful so far, Lloyd & Nya are captured & the former is put in a cell with Cole & Jay, while in prison, Jay reveals to them Nadakhan's true plan: to marry Nya on Djinn land & due to him being a prince from his world prior to it's destruction, will be gifted with infinite wishes for himself, when they later forced to walk-the-plank, Lloyd & the others are soon forced to make their wishes due to Nadakhan being in earshot, with his wishes being that his first mate Flintlocke was a lousy shot & that he was wise like his uncle, but his 2nd wish soon turns on him as with wisdom comes age, eventually, once they're backed into a corner, Lloyd willingly wastes his last wish to allow Jay & Nya to escape while he & Cole get captured.

Lloyd & the others lay dormant in Nadakhan's sword until Jay (having assembled a team of some of their allies to help him & deciding to use his last wish to turn Nadakhan mortal) woke them up from their stasis & manages to pull them all out in time, though he reveals that Nya got captured & is soon to be wedded to Nadakhan. Racing to where the wedding is taking place, Lloyd & the other are to late to stop it & Nadakhan gets all the power, wiping the floor with them & sending a bunch of clones of himself after them.

Fortunately, two of Nadakhan's crewmates Flintlocke and Dogshank realized that Nadakhan doesn't need them anymore and decide to help them, after a long-battle, Nadakhan is hit with the venom but just as Jay is about to wish him mortal, sadly discovers that Nya was hit with the poison to which slowly kills her due to being mortal. Torn between stopping Nadakhan & saving Nya, Jay wishes that Clouse never found the teapot in the first place, which Nadakhan does & everything is reset to normal.

Dark Island Trilogy[]

"Part 1"[]

Later, Lloyd and the other Ninja were summoned to the Samurai X Cave by Master Wu, who informed them that Misako and Ronin had gone missing off the coast of the Dark Island. The Ninja quickly readied the Destiny's Bounty and they set off towards the island.

Upon nearing the island however, the Bounty encountered an unnatural storm that sent the Ninja flying to various areas of the Dark Island. Shortly after recovering, Lloyd attempted to take a banana from a tree, but was then chased by several gorillas and quickly ran into Wu. After escaping from the gorillas by using Airjizu over quicksand, the two returned to the wreckage of the Destiny's Bounty. They spent several days repairing her and although she could not fly, the Bounty could float down the River of Darkness. Although Lloyd insisted they begin searching for his mother, Wu was adamant they sail for the Temple of Light and Lloyd begrudgingly agreed.

"Part 2"[]

As Lloyd and Wu continued down the River of Darkness, Lloyd began to succumb to the influence of Dark Matter, lashing out angrily at a swarm of oversized bugs. Although Wu tried to reason with him, as the days went on Lloyd continued to grow more and more agitated. He eventually broke down and ran off into the Jankikai Jungle to search for his mother.

He soon found Sky Pirates guarding the entrance to Digger's Deep where they were keeping Misako and the fishermen. Still under the influence of Dark Matter, Lloyd angrily attacked them, though Zane and Cole arrived just in time to help him snap out of it. The three entered the cave, only to find Misako also under the influence of Dark Matter as she alerted the other Sky Pirates of their presence. Lloyd faced off against Dogshank, defeating her with his elemental energy which in turn freed Misako of the Dark Matter. As Cole and Zane went to procure vehicles with the help of Monkey Wrench, Lloyd and Misako helped free the fishermen. They all exited to the cave, only to find themselves surrounded by Sky Pirates. Thankfully, Cole, Jay, Nya, Zane, and Ronin arrived in their new vehicles, forcing the pirates to retreat. Lloyd jumped into the Ultra Stealth Raider and together with the other Ninja, pursued the Sky Pirates towards the Temple of Light.

"Part 3"[]

After interrogating them, Lloyd & the others soon learn that Clouse's plan involves corrupting the temple of light & plunge both halves into darkness, after an all-out battle with Clouse's shadow army, Lloyd & co. are finally able to defeat him but Clouse, with nothing left to lose, willingly falls down into the underworld.

Day of the Departed[]

Lloyd and his teammates raced to the Ninjago Museum of History in order to take Dr. Saunders' tour of the new Hall of Villainy, where they saw several sculptures of fallen former foes.

They then went their separate ways for the holiday, with Lloyd and his mother Misako traveling to the Corridor of Elders to pay their respects to Garmadon. Unfortunately, they were then attacked by Pythor, who had joined forces with several villains revived by the ghost of the creator of airjitzu Master Yang and now sought revenge on Lloyd. However, despite Pythor's underhanded tactics, he proved no match for Lloyd and Misako, and threw himself from the top of Garmadon's statue in order to escape.

Lloyd soon reunited with his friends, and learned they suffered similar attacks just as Wu appears and tells them of Yang's plan of distracting them as Morro also appears confirming this. Seeing Morro again, the Ninja prepare for a fight but Wu halts them and surprises by stating Morro is on their side and Morro tells them that Yang tricked Cole into opening a rift to return to Ninjago. The ninja then realized they forgot about Cole as Wu tells them to go for the Bounty as he would most likely be at the Temple of Airjitzu with that the ninja head off while a redeemed Morro returns to the Departed Realm.

They are caught in a storm but call out to Cole who regains the strength to fight back against Yang. They witnessed the halting of Yang's plans and before telling Cole to go through the rift as he speaks to Yang who redeems himself by throwing Cole through the rift.

The shockwave of the rift's closure causes the Bounty to have a hard landing at the Temple. When asked if he was alright, Lloyd confirms before wondering about Cole and starts to worry about him before he emerges from behind a rock, human once more. Lloyd joins the others in hugging Cole remarking he wasn't a ghost anymore before adopting the restored Temple of Airjitzu as their new base. Later that night, the Ninja, with their friends and families, gather around a fire and listen to Cole's story before lighting the lanterns.

The Hands of Time[]

The Hands of Time[]

After the celebration, Lloyd and the Ninja help out Dr. Saunders clean up the museum. Cole finds a painting of the battle with Wu, and Garmadon fighting the Time Twins and tells Lloyd to check out his father. He notes that they are Ninjago's two greatest Elemental Masters, and wonders if he'll ever live up to their legacy. Zane tells them that the painting dates back about 40 years ago, during the Serpentine Wars and Lloyd asks Dr. Saunders what it is. He says that it has no historical significance, and he tells them that "in legend" the warriors they were fighting were called the Time Twins could manipulate Time.

During Wu's battle at the monastery, a Time Blade falls from the sky causing a temporal anomaly which causes time to skip an entire minute. Lloyd and the others are walking out of the Museum when the Time Blade causes them to be displaced. In the Destiny's Bounty 2.0. Zane finds out that there was an energy displacement caused by temporal energy. They also find out that the displacement came from Wu's old monastery, all Lloyd suggests that they check it out, and then remembers that Wu went there—so they go there.

When they arrive, they see a stranger alone. Jay goes to fight him, and Zane tells them that it's the warrior Acronix from the painting. Lloyd points out that he should be older because the painting took place 40 years ago. The other Ninja go to help Jay and Kai accidentally sets the monastery on fire again. Lloyd orders Jay, Cole, and Kai to help him battle Acronix, and tells Zane and Nya to try and put out the flames.

Lloyd and the Ninja push Acronix back with their powers so that he apparently falls off the edge, but he actually just uses the Time Blade to move forward in time and escape.

Thinking they defeated him, they find Master Wu (who was hanging on a tree branch) and help him back up.

The Hatching[]

Shortly after their battle against Acronix, the Ninja meet with Wu at the Temple of Airjitzu. Wu says they can ask him anything they need to and they bombard him with questions. He tells them about the Time Twins: after defeating the Serpentine, Acronix & his brother betrayed them due to feeling they controlled the most powerful element, knowing that you can't beat someone with time, Wu got 4 blades made from chronosteel to absorb their powers & afterwards, he & Lloyd's father create a time-vortex where they sent the blades into where they would be lost to time, only for the Time-Twins to jump in after them.

After Wu falls asleep, the Ninja go back to unpacking the temple when they see on the news that a strange samurai warrior is attacking the Borg Store. The Ninja arrive at the store, and roll a digital dice to decide who battles it first. Each time it's there turn, they fail at fighting it so they try doing it all at once. The fight is brought into the store, where another Vermillion appears and starts attacking them as well. However, they are more interested in Borg, and so Zane takes him away once they find their weakness and. The Ninja to meet up with Zane, only to find him in the alleyway alone and unconscious.

A Time of Traitors[]

Back at the Airjitzu Temple, Lloyd and the Ninja are trying to figure out where the Samurai Snakes come from, and they ask Wu, but he only talks in gibberish and sleeps. Lloyd points out that Wu isn't himself and that they need to get Zane back online because he was the only one who saw where Borg went. Lloyd tells the others to reboot Zane and see what they can find out while he stays at the Temple to watch Wu.

After the others leave, Lloyd sits next to Wu while he tries to get better. Wu says that Lloyd seems upset. The former says that as a Master in training, he feels like he should be doing something. Before Wu told him what he was missing, he fell into slumber.


Lloyd continues to watch Wu. He leaves to get something, and Wu tells Misako that he is rapidly aging as a result of the Time Punch. As Lloyd comes back in, Wu tells Misako not to tell anyone of his condition. When Lloyd returns, Wu starts rambling and says that Lloyd should have been there when he fought Acronix. Lloyd agrees that he should have been at his side, and that he failed his Master, and that it can't happen again.

He leaves Wu's side to get the Ninja to make a plan at stopping the Vermillion. He tells the Ninja that Wu is in no condition to lead, and Lloyd steps up as Master before Kai and Jay add "temporary" and "in-training" to his title. The other Ninja want to go and fight, but Lloyd says that they need to develop a plan first, much to the dismay of the others.

Lloyd is going over a very boring plan, and Jay starts messing with him which causes Lloyd to start explaining his plan over again, until Ronin and Dareth come in and say the city is under attack. The other Ninja wanted to go ahead and fight them, but Lloyd says they still need a plan. The Ninja don't want to wait, as Lloyd orders them to stay but they ignore the order and left. Exasperated at their ignoring him, Lloyd goes back to watching Master Wu.

Lloyd starts pacing around the room and his mother asks him if he's worried about Cole, Jay, and Kai. He says he's mad at them for not following his orders, and that he's worried about Wu and how he said he wished Lloyd was with him. Wu wakes up and tells him that he didn't mean he wished Lloyd was there, but the whole team. Lloyd is still upset that the Ninja didn't follow his orders, and asks Wu what he should do next, and Wu falls asleep. Lloyd walks to the window and says that he made a mistake, and that his mistake was being alone. He decides that he should go help the Ninja. When he sees that all the power went out, he realizes that the Ninja should be at the power plant.

He arrives before the others and tells them that he's sorry for not going with them to help stop the Vermillion. The other Ninja apologize too, and Lloyd says that they should go in there and fight the snakes. When they get in, the place looks empty. He asks Zane to detect the snakes, and he finds them disguised as office warriors. They fight the Vermillion while Zane is walking around aimlessly. Lloyd points out that the turbines in the place are just turbo charged electro-magnets, so they can use Zane to use the magnet and take the Vermillion's armor. When they've done it, they fix Zane and fill him in on everything that's happened since he fell unconscious. Then, they see on the news that the snakes are attacking Mega Monster Amusement Park. They get ready to leave, save for Jay, who goes to his parents' junkyard to make sure they are okay.

A Line in the Sand[]

The Ninja are fighting the Vermillion at the amusement park. They get cornered at the middle of the park when they notice that they're only interested in stealing metal, rather than fighting them. After driving the snakes away, Lloyd & the others soon feel time slowed-down which makes them realize that another time-blade, one with the power to slow-down time, has arrived.

Racing to the blade's location, Lloyd & the others are soon able to find it in the hands of the Vermillion warriors who use the blades powers to them down, fortunately, Jay is able to save them at the last minute & manage to escape with the blade-in-hand.

The Attack[]

After returning to the temple, Lloyd recounts everything that happened to a still unconscious Wu, where he then stops the others from messing with the time-blade, however, the peace is soon ruined when the Time-Twins along with an army of Vermillion arrive near the temple to take back the time-blade, turning the temple into a battleground.

During the battle, Lloyd is rescued by the new wearer of the Samurai-X suit (something which Nya has been angrily searching for after it's disappearance), but when they seemingly defeat the Time-Twins, they get surprise-attacked by the Twins' top-general Machia takes both blades from them and kidnaps Wu.

Secrets Discovered[]

Despite still recovering from the loss of Wu, Lloyd soon rallies the Ninja together by reminding them if they can find the slow-down Time blades whereabouts, they can find the of the Time Twins, leading to Misako to give him a miniature ship called the Destiny's Shadow, intended to be a present for him on his birthday.

Heading back to the museum, Lloyd discovers an entrance that leads into the sewers, where they once again run into a now-good Skales & his son where despite vowing to stay out the conflict, he gives Lloyd the location of the Time twins location: a swamp just outside Ninjago city where millions of Vermillion warrior eggs are hatching. He also reveals that the Vermillion warrior eggs are actually the very eggs of the Great Devourer (slightly revealing to the Ninja that the Devourer is actually female).

Pause and Effect[]

Making it to the Time Twins' lair, Lloyd devises a plan that involves him rescuing Wu, Zane to look for Cyrus Borg, and Jay & Cole to rescue the prisoners, which he does his part with ease, carrying Wu on a wheelchair & heading to the exit.

But while all this is happening, the 3rd Time-blade, which has the power to temporarily STOP time, arrives & delays the Ninja's rescue attempts, leaving Lloyd at the bottom of a cliff while his uncle (who the Ninja have just discovered that due to being hit with the forward Time-Blade, is quickly aging), being captured again.

Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea[]

Reuniting with Jay, Zane, & Cole, Lloyd leads the others to the main house where all the warriors are heading as-well, having deceived them that they were destroyed, while Krux & Acronix head to the location of the 4th & final Time-blade, the one with the power to reverse time.

Disguising themselves as Vermillion, Lloyd & the others are soon attacked by Cyrus Borg who was attempting to escape before revealing themselves to him, after this, Cyrus reveals to them the very reason for his kidnapping: To construct a power-source for the Time Twins' mech, The Iron Doom, by harnessing the powers of all 4 Time-blades to allow the Iron Doom to travel anywhere in time, taking the Time Twins & their army anywhere in time. Determined to stop it from completing, Lloyd & the others along with Samurai X, bring Cyrus up to the panel of the mech's power-source so he can activate it's self-destruct sequence.

Unfortunately, they are unable to stop it in time as the Time Twins arrive back & send Zane, Cyrus & Samurai X falling as they place all 4 Time-Blades in the apparatus & thus activating the Iron Doom. After catching the trio, Lloyd & the others can only watch in amazement & horror as the Iron Doom opens a time portal in the sky before entering it with the Time Twins & their army in it, with Lloyd wondering "when did they go?"

Lost in Time[]

Shortly after the Time Twins' disappearance in time, Lloyd & the others officially meet Kai & Nya's parents Ray & Maya, but also discover that Ray was hit with the same effect that Wu's in & with no way to follow the Time Twins through time, everyone can only wait & hope for Kai, Nya, & Wu to return. After Ninjago returns to normal, the Ninja celebrate as Nya and Kai arrive with the Reversal blade to heal their father.

But while they are all happy that they defeated the Time Twins, the Ninja are soon informed that Wu sacrificed himself to get the Reversal Blade and is now lost in time, as they wonder what to do. Jay takes stance and nominates Lloyd as master, as he is shocked by this sudden decision as his comrades ask for his decision.

Though initially reluctant, Lloyd then takes up the mantle with his first orders being to bury the reverse Time blade where nobody could find it. He then makes his second order to no matter what, they must find Wu.

Sons of Garmadon[]

A year after Wu was lost in time, Lloyd's mother, Misako, went to go look for him, not telling him or anyone. It was also during this time that Lloyd soon comes into conflict with a villainous organization called the Sons of Garmadon: a biker gang who worship his father when he was evil (which is also quite ironic since he actually is his son).

The Mask of Deception[]

During Ninjago's "Dragon Day" celebration, Lloyd attempts to stop a raid where six robbers steal an ancient mask. With P.I.X.A.L. as his guide, Lloyd pursued them, only able to stop one and left him to be arrested, but failed to stop the others, this makes him decide to reunite the team. As they meet up, a man named Hutchins says the stolen mask is an Oni Mask, one of the 3 still hidden in Ninjago. He also tells them he is head of security to the Emperor and Empress of Ninjago and wants the Ninja to assist.

While secretly staying on-guard for the royal family, Lloyd slowly develops a crush on the princess Harumi, where they are later invited inside the royal palace where another one of the masks are hidden, where after guarding the mask, quickly discovers that she's missing before going of to find her.

The Jade Princess[]

Lloyd discovers someone in Princess Harumi's room and pursues them, only to find it was Harumi herself, making a small run to feed homeless kids. In order to escape Hutchins, Harumi gives Lloyd a hoodie before they move across town and hand out the food. Later, they talk on a bridge about their lives before noticing some punks harassing some kids, Lloyd quickly recognising them as the Sons of Garmadon. After Samurai X scared them off, Hutchins catches the two and escorts Harumi back to the palace himself. Lloyd later eavesdrops on Harumi being reprimanded about the previous night by her parents before they exchange apologies and Hutchins, catching him eavesdropping tells Lloyd to stay away from Harumi.

Later that night, bombs hidden in the royal palace go off & when Lloyd accuses Hutchins of planting them, he reveals he didn't, much later the sons of Garmadon, led by the insane Ultra Violet & the appropriately-titled Mr. E storm the palace & steal the mask. Fortunately, Hutchins reveals it was a fake & gives Lloyd the real one before telling him to take Harumi & escape with saying that he "was wrong about him" & also capture one of the Sons of Garmadon's members. Unfortunately, the palace soon collapses bringing the emperor & empress with it, forcing Harumi to stay with the Ninja.

The Oni and the Dragon[]

Since their headquarters was too out in the open, they decide to stay on the Destiny's Bounty. Before heading to question the suspect Lloyd stopped, they visit Wu's old friend & a tea-maker named Mistaké for the Tea of Truth to use on the captive before noticing a mysterious painting which makes him want to learn about it.

Lloyd and Jay stayed behind to hear the story & with Tea of Enlightenment, learn the Tale of the Oni and the Dragon: Long before Ninjago was created, the very first realm was inhabited by two ever-warring races, the familiar dragons that possess the power of creation, & ruthless demons known as Oni that possess the power of destruction, it was during this story that Lloyd discovered his grandfather once lived there and has the power of both sides before abandoning the first realm to create Ninjago. After the story, Mistaké tells him that the Oni Masks are relics from the first realm & if their all united, they will have to resurrect his father, but as a soulless being with "no light left in him", which is why the Sons of Garmadon want them.

After telling everyone of the Sons of Garmadon's plan, Lloyd & the others soon join up with Cole & Zane who are trying to find out where their home-base is, but when Zane freezes him & saves Mr. E who takes him to the base out of gratitude, Lloyd discovers that this was his plan, to gain their trust while Cole is taken captive with a GPS on him as Mr. E takes him to their base to meet the "big man".

Snake Jaguar[]

The Ninja attempt to find Zane, who is being brought before Killow, a giant-sized biker in charge of initiating new members, but his cover is soon blown by someone unknown to him and is soon stranded in a desert while also discovering that Mr. E is a robot just like him.

Dead Man's Squall[]

Offscreen, Lloyd and the Ninja found Cole, who escaped along with a mysterious baby. Lloyd and the Ninja find Zane, unconscious and bring him aboard the Bounty. Later, Lloyd, Cole, Kai, and Jay tried to calm down the baby as he cried before they try to bet which hood will double as a diaper. But Harumi was able to calm him down by singing to him. He and Harumi later watched a storm cloud called "Dead Man's Squall" before they nearly kiss, but Lloyd chickens out at the last minute.

When a storm hits, they get a surprise visit from Samurai X, who is revealed to be P.I.X.A.L., who then kidnaps Harumi which causes Lloyd to go after her, which ultimately leads to both of them being separated from the others when the bounty unexpectedly crashes, causing both of them to crash-land in Primeval's eye, the place where the 3rd & final Oni mask is hidden.

The Quiet one[]

Separated from the others with no way of communicating with them, along with being stranded in the middle of nowhere, Lloyd & Harumi decide to make their way to the final mask down the river. Along the way, they are attacked by a giant river creature, but are fortunately able to find the Oni temple, resting place of the final mask.

Games of Masks[]

Lloyd and Harumi journey through the area and Lloyd begins to become suspicious of Harumi's knowledge. As they find the last mask, Harumi told Lloyd only he can pick it up since he has Oni blood, he complies. After grabbing the mask, he realizes to his shock that she is the Sons of Garmadon's leader: the Quiet One and she gives up her act and they fight. Harumi mocks him and reveals to him her desire to resurrect Garmadon since he's a better hero than the ninja and telling Lloyd that his uncle Wu was the infant, to his shock.

She also reveals the reason she wants to resurrect his dad is because when the Great Devourer attacked the city, her parents were killed during the attack, & came to admiring his father when he (technically) stopped it, which made her want to resurrect him because she wants to give Ninjago "the leader it truly deserves", after a brief scuffle, she knocks Lloyd out & takes him hostage.

Dread on Arrival[]

Lloyd was brought up to the Temple of Resurrection that was among the ruins of the palace, teasingly pushed by Killow beforehand. At the centre, he was reunited with Misako and told by Harumi that she never had feelings for him before they were both were placed in a counter cell where if one cage is raised, the other is sent underwater to awaiting piranhas. The Ninja soon arrived and freed Lloyd where they stopped Harumi by using Spinjitzu. As the members and Harumi were arrested, Lloyd hugged his mother after she was freed by an officer. As the cops praised them, Lloyd stops one from closing the back of the transport van where Harumi was. In a rare time to be cold, Lloyd saw through the lie she made, saying he was right and it wasn't her, he used her own words against her before closing the doors on her before the van drove off.

True Potential[]

As the Ninja celebrate at Dareth's bar, Lloyd doesn't feel like celebrating, due to Harumi breaking his heart before being comforted by his mother. Upon seeing the news on TV, he tells Dareth to stop the music, ruining the other Ninja's singing as they see a report on Harumi's breakout. He has Dareth take Misako and Wu to a safe place (Dareth's apartment) while they go see the injured officers.

Heading to the station, the Commissioner says the one who broke her out was Garmadon (revealing that the resurrection ceremony was a success) and that he was no longer the man he recognized. They soon hear breaking news that Harumi and Garmadon have taken over Kryptarium Prison and released the Sons of Garmadon. Although he wanted to try and reason with his father, the other Ninja object, so he disables the navigation system, locks the Ninja and P.I.X.A.L. in a room and takes off for the prison. As soon as he arrived, they decide to broadcast his presence on all TVs to Ninjago as well as the fight between him and his father. Although he tried to reason, Garmadon doesn't listen as there is no more good in him before throwing him through a wall, into a locker room, where he starts having difficulty breathing.

The barely breathing Lloyd was unable to keep fighting and was knocked out of the prison. He was left on the grounds, weakly breathing before losing a photo of himself and his father back when he was still good.

Big Trouble, Little Ninjago[]

Now without his powers, he later met Harumi who demanded he hand over Wu but he refused and ran off as she chased him across the city. Harumi soon cornered him and offered him a place in her organization but he again refused and fought her. She defeated him and forced him to watch as the Colossus, a giant stone golem created & empowered by his father, "kills" Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole, and Wu before he fled to the safety of his mother, P.I.X.A.L. and Nya, unaware that the four Ninja and his uncle survived through Traveler's Tea & were transported to the realm of his grandfather: the realm of Oni & Dragon.



A week later, after Garmadon had completely dominated Ninjago, Lloyd still continues to deal with the loss of his powers & the disappearance of his uncle & teammates while hiding from his father with his mom, Nya, Dareth, & P.I.X.A.L. inside an abandoned warehouse, where it is suddenly attacked by a patrol squad lead by Mr. E, leading them to hide in garbage cans.

While surveying the sight of the destroyed Destiny's Bounty, Lloyd found a piece of Traveler's Tea, showing this to the others & further examining the wreck, gives him hope that his friends & uncle are still alive, but as they are once again attacked by Mr. E's troops & are cornered, they are fortunately saved by Skylor, Karlof, Griffin, & Shade, & Lloyd and the others are taken to their hideout.

Iron & Stone[]

After stopping, Lloyd meets all the elemental masters who have evaded capture along with the source of who sensed that they were in danger, Mystake, who confirms Lloyd's beliefs of his friends & Uncle still being alive in another realm.

Radio Free Ninja[]

Wanting to help inspire the people to rise up against his father, Lloyd breaks into Borg Tower in hopes of saying something that will inspire everyone, with help from his friends, he manages to reveal himself alive to the public, his father included, but when Harumi tries to break his spirit by showing him the clip of the battle his father literally crushed him & lost his powers, but the sight of everyone captured is what makes him fulfill his speech & restore hope to Ninjago, much to his father's fury.

When Garmadon's forces break into the room he was recording in, they find it completely empty but still find a clip of him saying "The Resistance never quits" playing on rewind everywhere. But after spotting a garbage truck he's riding on leaving, they follow it to his hideout.

How to Build a Dragon[]

After successfully delivering a speech to everyone, Lloyd & the resistance then suggest getting to amass their forces for a strong-enough assault on Garmadon, though he learns that some other elemental masters were either captured & have gone of to do their own things while the Serpentine, bitter with how the Time Twins used the vermillion snakes, have decided to sit this villain scheme out. Little did he know, his father's army is coming to ambush them.

The Gilded Path[]

After taking some downtime, Lloyd & the others are soon ambushed by Garmadon's army & despite putting a good fight, is reluctantly forced to retreat alongside Nya, Dareth, & Skylor while his mother & the others are captured, hiding away in a vehicle Nya made, they are soon ambushed by the Colossus, but when he silently wishes his father to stop, Garmadon somehow hears this & secretly lets it go, showing to the audience that their is good still in him.

Hiding low inside the darker parts of Ninjago city, Lloyd & the others soon encounter a mysterious rat that takes away their food, following it down an alley, they shockingly watch transform into Mystake, making Lloyd question who she really is.

Two Lies, One Truth[]

Taking cover inside an abandoned house, Lloyd makes Mystake tell him her secret, which she reveals that she is actually an oni that was sent by the Oni lords to try & get the first spinjitzu master to turn over to their side, but upon seeing the beauty of the realm he created, decided to follow his example of "changing colors" & help him ever since. After being reminded of all the times he changed, Lloyd decides to step things up in dealing with his dad.

When a scooting patrol led by Harumi follows them, Lloyd has Mystake transform into him to lead her on a wild goose chase, which ultimately ends with getting her alone & now having her as his prisoner.

The Weakest Link[]

Now with Garmadon's general as their prisoner, Lloyd & Co. formulate a new plan since his powers might not come back: to have Skylor get close to his dad and using her elemental power of absorption, will be able to take control of the Colossus & give them & fighting chance against him.

Though acknowledging that it will only be possible if Skylor can somehow get close to him, they pull a risky move by having Mystake disguise herself as Harumi & bring her to Garmadon as prisoner, but she soon escapes to warn him.

Saving Faith[]

After waiting for a few hours on a rooftop, Lloyd & Co. soon meet up with Skylor where she sadly reveals that while the plan was successful, Mystake sadly perished while giving her time to escape. Later on, Lloyd and the others soon put their plan into motion & after a few setbacks, Skylor manages to gain control over the Colossus and is able to severely cripple Garmadon's forces.

Unfortunately, Lloyd & the others soon witness Garmadon take back control over the Colossus, but also poisons Skylor's body from the inside. Things only take a turn for the worst when they witness Harumi land on a building which ultimately get destroyed (herself included) by accident, making his dad furiously shout-out to him that if he wants the city so much, he can have it... in RUINS!

Lessons for a Master[]

Avoiding the Colossus' attacks while carrying a weakened Skylor, Lloyd & the others are soon confronted by a very-dizzy Ultra Violet, where after a rather goofy stand-off, soon find themselves surrounded by reinforcements, with Lloyd questioning where his teammates are.

Green Destiny[]

Just as Lloyd & the others soon find themselves surrounded by Garmadon's horde, his friends & others finally return home & are happily reunited, including a big surprise for him in the form of his uncle fully returning to his young adult self & clad in his father's old armor. With his friends, allies, & dragons by their side, chief among them being the mother of all dragons Firstbourne, Lloyd sets of with Wu to finish of Garmadon for good.

Flying to the top of Borg tower where his father's palace is, Lloyd & Wu fight him head-on, but soon learn that the more he fights, the greater his power literally becomes, which ultimately ends with Wu getting knocked off & Lloyd once again failing to reason with his dad. Fortunately, taking what his dad said literally as well, Lloyd uses the Art of the Silent Fist he learned from him by literally not fighting him, long enough to reduce his father literally & completely powerless while regaining his own, rendering the Colossus lifeless, healing Skylor, & giving the people the chance they have to take back Ninjago.

Despite regaining his powers, Lloyd instead decides to hand him over to the police instead of destroying him, afterwards, after helping rebuilding the palace, Lloyd & the Ninja are lead out by Wu (now fully returned to his original age prior to being hit by the fast-forward Time Blade) to witness a surprise-party held by everyone as a thank you for all they've done.

Though after the celebration, Lloyd privately talks with Wu where he reveals to his uncle that before he was taken in by the cops, he received a dire warning from his father that they are coming.

March of the Oni[]

The Darkness Comes[]

After liberating Ninjago from his father & helping everyone rebuild it, Lloyd pays a visit to his father in Kryptarium prison where he fully explains his warning to him about beings called the "Bringers of Doom" are coming to destroy the realm, & while he's fine with that, he refuses to be destroyed to & offers his help to his son, but still angry about what he said during his reign as emperor, refuses & storm off.

Unfortunately, Lloyd would soon realize his dad was correct when he was in the newly-rebuilt monastery along with a Mural showing every major event they played in (basically every season so far), Firstbourne appears in the sky with Faith, an ally to the Ninja when they were stranded in the first realm, badly wounded. Before being knocked out, Faith mentioned the exact words Garmadon said to him, making Wu realize it could only mean one horrible thing: The Oni have been reawakened & are beginning to kill all life in the 16 realms. With no time to spare, the Ninja fly to Ninjago city to warn everyone.

Pretty soon, harnessing the power of the Realm crystal, the Oni launch a full-scale invasion of the realm in the form of a dark mist that turns everyone who touches it into lifeless statues. The Ninja evacuate as many citizens as they could, but when they try to fight the darkness, their ultimately prove to ineffective against, ultimately resulting in Lloyd to let his father help him.

Into the Breach[]

Flying back to Ninjago city with Garmadon in-tow, Lloyd hears his father's plan: to go into Borg tower & destroy the Realm crystal before more Oni can come through. After & brief fight with the Ninja to get his powers back, Lloyd and his father enter the darkness with their Oni blood keeping them alive.

Walking past the streets of a now-lifeless city & fighting past Oni guards protecting the crystal while wearing a camera to show their actions to everyone, Lloyd & his father finally make it to the chamber where all the magical artifacts the Ninja have obtained are being kept. Unfortunately, when they get to where the Realm crystal is being kept, the son & father witness the Crystal open up a dark portal that lets in the darkest monster Ninjago has ever felt: the most powerful & malevolent of all the Oni which automatically makes him their leader & the eternal archenemy to Firstbourne, The Omega.

The Fall[]

Despite putting up a good fight against him & even using the Sword of Sanctuary, The Omega proves to be to powerful for Lloyd & Garmadon to handle. Fortunately, Lloyd was able to destroy the realm crystal, but soon learns from The Omega that they were capable of moving across the realms without the use of the crystal & summons more of his army to Ninjago, luckily, though they weren't able to slay them, Lloyd & his dad discover an artifact that holds the Oni's weakness: The Overlord's golden armor which holds the power of creation (the opposite to their power).

They take it with them & with the armor's power, make the Oni back of from them & reunite with the others after rescuing the remaining citizens. But Cole gets left behind as he falls into the darkness.


Flying back to the monastery & sadly telling sensei Wu about Cole's fate, Lloyd & the others go back into their battle plans: to melt down the Golden armor back into the weapons of Spinjitzu to give them a fighting chance against the Oni. Fortunately, Kai is able to reforge all the golden weapons just in time as the Darkness has finally arrived.

With the golden weapons back in their possession, Lloyd, the Ninja, & Garmadon, along with an awakened faith & Sensei Wu, do battle with The Omega and his army, which even gets into their favor when Cole is revealed to be alive & joins the fight, unfortunately, The Oni soon overwhelm them which forces them all back inside the Monastery. Backed into a corner and with no other way to defeat them, the Ninja prepare to make their last stand their greatest, but Lloyd, still acknowledging the Oni's weakness to creation & looking back at the gang's first adventure, suggests using the Tornado of creation to defeat the Oni, while skeptical at first everyone agrees to do this & Garmadon, while at first refusing to, eventually joins along when his love for his son & good side ultimately takes over his senses, this Tornado of creation fortunately proves to be so powerful, that it wipes out The Omega & his army in one blast, ending their reign of darkness at last & saving all of creation.

Though successful, the power that it took to create the tornado proves to be so powerful for Lloyd that is blasts his spirit completely out of his body, knocking him out cold as well. Upon waking up, Lloyd is suddenly greeted by the same Golden Dragon that helped him in his showdown with the Overlord before meeting face-to-face with his grandfather, he bows in respect to meet him, but he expressed his gratitude and offered to take Lloyd somewhere with him or to return him to his friends, which he chooses to return to his friends, as Lloyd reaches for his hand, he begins to regain his consciousness & ultimately awakens, but while the others celebrate his return & their victory, his father, unsure of his actions or what to even do with his life, leaves the monastery to do soul-searching.

After their ultimate victory over the darkness, Lloyd & the Ninja happily insert the newest label to the mural; their victory over the Oni. Lloyd in particular being grateful that evil is defeated & Ninjago is at peace... For now.

Season 11: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu[]

The Fire Chapter[]

Sometime after their ultimate victory over the Oni, Lloyd & the others, thinking that peace truly has been restored to Ninjago, decide that it's time for them to enter a full-on retirement, but master Wu, furious with their lack of training, has them go through a series of traps after they are sure they are in-shape. But after some even more traps set by Wu & a painful beatdown by him later, Lloyd & co. decide it's time to look for action.

After taking advice from Wu, Lloyd & the others head to Ninjago city to ask the Commissioner if there are any dangerous activities for them to do, only for them all to be minor or accidental. Luckily, they all get the quest they were looking for when they learn from the news that legendary explorer Clutch Powers has uncovered an ancient pyramid in the desert, making everyone prepare to travel their.

Packing up & heading for the desert, Lloyd & co. soon find themselves against numerous wild desert animals, most notably being a giant Stag-beetle. Fortunately, they are able to beat them all down before finally making it to the Pyramid.

When Lloyd & the others arrive however, they soon learn that Clutch has sadly become a shell of his former self, as he is now lazy man who uses his explorer image to get all the perks that come with it & he only decides to go when the explorer's club he's in threatens to kick him out. A few deadly booby traps & some dangerous other bits inside the pyramid later, Lloyd, the others & Clutch finally enter the inner sanctum of the pyramid, but while Jay & Nya attempt to solve the puzzle of an ancient door, they discover to late that the entire pyramid is a prison & accidentally release it's main prisoner: A crazy revenge-obsessed serpentine named Aspheera who is not only a powerful Sorceress & takes Kai's elemental power, but is also capable of doing spinjitzu herself as she traps them in the pyramid before resurrecting her army & attacks Ninjago city.

Still reeling over their capture, the Ninja have a hard time trying to work together, but after a reminder from Lloyd that Ninjago is in danger, they fortunately able to pull through everything Aspheera set against them before they are once again rescued by P.I.X.A.L. before heading of to save Ninjago city again.

Arriving back at Ninjago city, Lloyd & Co. (minus a powerless Kai) do their best to help keep the civilians safe & discover that Aspheera is searching for a scroll containing Forbidden Spinjitzu: a dark counterpart to normal Spinjitzu that corrupts the user in the process, though Kai eventually gets his will to fight back, Ashpeera resurrects her rather-cowardly servant Char before fighting Lloyd for control of the scroll, which he fails at but also fears its power.

As Aspheera continues her rampage across the city, Lloyd & the others continue to stop her forces while he has Kai, Jay, & Cole learn about "The Treacherous Deceiver", the one she constantly remarks about getting her revenge on.

After Aspheera finally leaves Ninjago city, Lloyd & Co. believe she's gone, unfortunately, Cole reveals that she & her forces have moved onto the Monastery & began attacking it, while also revealing a surprising revelation that Wu is the deceiver that she's been looking for: When he was young, he broke his own father's law & snuck into Serpentine territory against Lloyd's dad's objection, where he got captured by the then serpentine king & was freed by Aspheera who only agreed to free them if he taught her Spinjitzu, he does so but soon uses her newfound abilities to overthrow the king & try to start a war, forcing him & Garmadon to defeat her using to of the forbidden Spinjitzu scrolls to imprison her. Fortunately, they are able to discover that they've got a fighting chance against her when they learn the 2nd scroll is in the explorers club that was given by Clutch, which they head their after Clutch stubbornly refuses to take them.

Unfortunately, Lloyd & co. soon discover that the club is to strict & uptight about their own rules to even help them, much less even acknowledge that Ninjago is in danger, which prompts them to sneak into the club & successfully take the scroll, heading to the monastery to stop Aspheera.

Arriving at the lower level of the Manastery in time, Lloyd & co. engage in a fearsome Spinjitzu battle with Aspheera, each taking turns to wield the scroll, in the end, it is ultimately Zane who defeats her & encases her in ice, making her lose her powers & rendering all her warriors lifeless. Unfortunately, the Serpetine sorceress somewhat gets the last laugh when she fires a blast that was meant for Wu only for Zane to take it, seemingly destroying him in the process.

Still reeling over the loss of Zane, Lloyd & Co. get some good & bad news from Zane: the good news is Zane is fortunately alive, the bad news is he was really sent to the most forsaken realm of all-creation, the Never Realm. Wu decides to go their himself, but the Ninja tie him up before using the travelers tea to go their themselves.

The Ice Chapter[]

After a long trip through the portal, Lloyd & Co. finally arrive in the Never Realm, where they find nothing but a desolate winter-wasteland everywhere they see. Hiking through the icy terrain, they finally meet some locals of the realm & after their respective introductions, the local elder Sorla helps them find Zane's location: the castle of the realm's tyrannical ruler The Ice Emperor, wherein after discovering their presence, sends his men to take care of them.

Before departing, Lloyd discusses with Sorla the safest way to get to the palace without being caught, which is through a pass known to them called "Wujira", when suddenly they learn that The Ice Emperor's men are coming, which prompts them all to prepare for battle to protect the last fire in the realm. Despite surviving the battle, one of the Ice soldiers manages to take out the fire & leaves, fortunately, Kai slowly starts to get his powers back & soon starts up a new one.

Despite this new form of luck, Lloyd decides to rescue Zane on his own while he has the others guard the villagers in case another attack comes. After a long-time hiking up the snowy trail, Lloyd soon comes across a pack of ravenous wolves but is fortunately saved by a mysterious white one who leads him to the mech that was blasted along with Zane, where he finds a recorded-message left by him, which fuels his hope that he's alive as he uses the key to turn the mech on as he & the wolf continue their way up the trail & to the castle.

While traveling, Lloyd tells the wolf the tale about his messed-up relationship with his dad, when suddenly they are attacked by a giant ice-monster & Lloyd gets his leg broken, prompting them to rest. The next morning, Lloyd discovers that the wolf is actually a girl & after some crazy shenanigans, learns her story: Her name is Akita, the last of a tribe of shapeshifters called Formlings, but while she & her brother were on a journey to find their animal forms, the most evil among them Vex, who was so evil that he couldn't find his animal form, teams up with his the emperor & freezes the whole village & seemingly destroys her brother, prompting her to seek vengeance.

Finally arriving near the ice castle, Lloyd & Akita discuss their plans of attack, but are soon separated by the Ice Emperor's personal dragon Boreal & Lloyd is captured & brought before the Emperor himself. Upon meeting him, Lloyd shockingly discovers that Zane is the Ice Emperor because when Aspheera blasted him into the Never-Realm, she blasted him years into that realm's past where Vex (unable to command the power of the scroll for himself) erases his memory to make him believe he's emperor & used him to conquer the realm with Zane as his puppet, fortunately, Zane still has his memories in him & has him locked away with chains that block his powers.

In the dungeon, Lloyd meets Akita's brother Kataru who revealed to him that he was really taken prisoner by Vex and remained in the dungeon ever since. With the knowledge that Zane still has the forbidden scroll in him, Lloyd struggles to break free from the chains & fails, fortunately, the same warrior that took out the first fire Grimfax who was the original ruler of the realm & only submitted out of fear, took Lloyd's words of Zane's true nature to heart & frees him & Kataru before joining Lloyd's resistence.

Sneaking their way into the throne room, Lloyd, Kataru, & Grimfax are soon forced to separate when Vex sicks the guards on him, when he finally enters the throne room, he engages his brainwashed friend in a fierce battle, but do to the forbidden scroll & his unwillingness to hurt his friend, Lloyd is soon frozen in ice, but as Zane relents destroying him, Vex decides to do it himself, but when he says "[he] couldn't protect himself", this causes Zane to fully regain his memories & he destroys the scroll that brings everything in the Never-realm to normal, where Lloyd is happily reunited with him just as everyone else is reunited along with a yeti named Krag the others met.

After sometime resting, the Ninja are finally able to return to Ninjago where they are reunited with a grateful Wu. Though before leaving, Lloyd gets an unexpected kiss from Akita (who had developed a crush on him during their journey together) along with hope they will meet again, as "never is a really really long time".

Season 12: Prime Empire[]

One day after putting the Aspheera & never-realm fiasco behind, Lloyd & the others soon find themselves in another rescue mission when Jay along with others citizens go missing after playing an old video game called "Prime Empire", forcing them to play it themselves & all of them (except Zane this time, because he was tasked by Lloyd to find the games creator, Milton Dyer) are sucked into the game, later on they find themselves getting an unexpected help in to form of a player named Scott & his team called the League of Jay, a group of players formed by the original Jay who informs them that the only way to escape was to obtain game artifacts called Key-tanas hidden across the game, but when they finally reunite with the original Jay, they make a horrifying discovery: the players who lose all their lives will have their energies locked away and will be used by the game's final boss Unagami to make a portal that'll allow him to enter the real world with all the power he has in the videogame world to allow him to do whatever he wants.

Determined to stop Unagami & save Ninjago again, Lloyd & Co. travel all across the game to find the key-tanas so they can set themselves & all the other players free, slowly gaining some allies in the game while also evading capture from Unagami's mooks, though slowly Lloyd, Kai, & Cole get themselves captured: Kai & Cole get captured during a race while Lloyd himself is captured when he is forced to fight an Avatar of Harumi for the final key.

Unfortunately, while Nya & Jay are able to make it to the final level, Zane gets captured by Unagami's partner in the real world, a steampunk/cyborg-themed criminal named the Mechanic, who succeeded in doing so allowing Unagami to wreck havoc across the city, fortunately, Jay is able to get Milton Dyer to reconcile with Unagami, who was really the first player to play Prime Empire before being accidentally trapped there, & is able to stop his rampage for good & release everyone.

Season 13: Master of the Mountain[]

Sometime later, Lloyd & Co. are given an invitation to a party in the ancient kingdom Shintaro, which they all gladly accept and Wu (who was feeling that the Ninja have learned all they needed from him) comes along, upon arriving, they meet it's king Vangelis and his daughter Vania, though seeing her being a fan of their exploits makes Lloyd suspicious of her, mainly because he still secretly hasn't gotten Harumi's betrayal.

Fortunately, his suspicions are put aside when Vania warns them that Cole was captured when trying to help creatures who live under the mountain named Geckles & Munce who hate each other and are being forced to mine for rocks, when they try to rescue him they to are captured by the mastermind behind the operation, a necromancer who all his prisoners call The Skull Sorcerer along with the sentient source of his power the skull of the evil sorcerer Hazza'Dur and are force to mine vengestone, a type of rock which makes them powerless.

While resting, the Ninja soon learn that the reason the tribes hate each other is because long ago, after a great warrior named Lily (Cole's mother) saved them from a dangerous monster, she gave each one of her 2 swords to the 2 tribes, but when their blades were stolen by the Skull Sorcerer, they blamed each other for the thefts which made it easy for the Skull Sorcerer to conquer them. Determined to settle the peace between them, Lloyd & the others stage a breakout for as many prisoners as they can free, but while he, Nya, & Jay get taken to the Munce kingdom, Kai & Zane get taken to the kingdom of Geckles while Cole gets separated from both sides & gets sent down one of the tunnels of the mountain.

Upon arriving at the Munce home, they are greeted by their queen Murtessa where after an intense fight, Nya is accidentally named the new Munce queen. Using this to their advantage, Lloyd, Nya & Jay convinces them to form an alliance with the Geckles to fight the Skull Sorcerer, upon meeting with them, they are surprised to learn that Kai in now the new Geckle leader after the old one Gulch made him so. Unfortunately, the meeting is soon cancelled when the Skull Sorcerer reanimated the bones of Grief-Bringer, the same dragon that terrorized the caves in the past, forcing everyone to flee.

Running through the caverns, Lloyd & everyone soon find themselves at the edge of a stronghold the Geckles built & close the gate, but when the Skull Sorcerer and his army, the Geckles & Munce officially make peace with each other and prepare to make a stand against the dangerous necromancer. However, Lloyd convinces his friends to surrender in hopes that the others will be spared, only to be obviously double-crossed them & everyone was taken prisoner.

Locked away in a cage, Lloyd & the others soon learn that the Skull Sorcerer intends to publicly execute them to destroy the hope of his prisoners, & when Lloyd mentions that Cole is still around & could quite possibly warn the king of him, he reveals to them, to their shock, that he is Vangelis: He gains all the money that supplies his kingdom through the Vengestone he sells to a mysterious benefactor & when Cole did come to him, he chucked him & Wu down the mountain. However, just as they were about to be destroyed, Cole reveals himself to be alive & has gotten help in the form of a barbarian named Korgran, a wizard named Fungus, a thief named Plundar, & a giant-spider named Adam and with their help, he releases everyone from their shackles which then turns into a battle-royale all across the mines,

After a long battle, Cole ultimately unlocks a powerful form of Spinjitzu called the Burst which allows him to finally destroy the skull, making Vangelis lose his powers & gets arrested by his own guards after his villainy is exposed by Vania. In the aftermath, Vania is crowned the new ruler of Shintaro & Lloyd takes time to apologize for his earlier distrust towards her which she happily accepts, and afterwards, Lloyd & Co. soon have a newfound spirit to embark on brand new adventures.

The Island[]

One particular adventure Lloyd & Co. go on is when he learns that his mother & uncle go missing on an expedition to an island with Clutch & since the explorer's club manager Cecil foolishly cares more about the club rather than the people who join it, he & the ninja get help from the previous traveler to said island named Timothy Batterson, who was hit by lightning-bolts 12 times in a row. Upon arriving, they are soon captured by a tribe of lightning monsters who call themselves the Keepers of the amulet who believe that they are he to steal an amulet they're sworn to protect (though Clutch actually wants to steal it because he to only cares about his own reputation).

Just as they are about to sacrifice Jay due to his Lightning abilities to a giant serpent, Lloyd discovers that the serpent is a fake one designed by Ronin to get the keepers to hand over their treasure. After foiling his plans, he gains the trust of their leader Mammatus, but has worries that the serpent he was referring to is actually real.

Season 14: Seabound[]

Not long after the island trip however, Lloyd & Co. soon find themselves up against a new problem when news of Vangelis' vengestone mining operation spread beyond Shintaro and inspired another crime lord named Miss Demeanor to sell vengestone to the former's old customer, it was also during this time that due to unknown reasons Nya begins to lose control of her elemental powers, causing Kai to call her mom for help when she refuses. Eventually, Zane picks up a source that could explain why she's losing control of her powers which prompts Lloyd, Nya, Maya, Zane, P.I.X.A.L. & Jay to hop onto A submarine P.I.X.A.L. built to go to it's source: under the ocean.

After sometime traveling underwater, Lloyd & co. arrive to the location of the source behind the disruption of Nya's powers, an ancient sea temple and when Nya & Maya enter it, they find it inhabited by a giant-dormant Sea serpent named Wojira, the same serpent the keepers talked about, but also learn that a crew sea folk called Merlopians led by a scientist named Glutinous are trying awaken her with default amulets on orders of their ruthless boss Kalmaar, thus showing why Nya's powers are going haywire, during their attempts, Nya's powers give away their presence & Kalmaar has them captured.

Later on, Lloyd & the others are also captured by more merlopians and are brought before Kalmaar's father King Trimaar, who thinks they are violating the peace treaty he & the keeper chief made with the First Spinjitzu master, but they assure him that they didn't know about their existence & reveal to him his son's conspiracy. Unfortunately, when Kalmaar boldly admits it to everyone in the room, he willingly kills his dad & the guards in the room while also frames the Ninja for the murder causing them all to flee, fortunately, Benthomaar, an orphan adopted by Trimaar who unlike Kalmaar, actually loved the life & family he got, is able to learn the truth from his dying adopted father & helps the others escape his brother's forces to get to the island of the keepers to stop him from getting the storm amulet: one of the 2 amulets (the wave one which Kalmaar already has) needed to awaken Wojira so Kalmaar can flood the surface world & rule over the realm.

Upon arriving at the island, Nya volunteers to protect the amulet in the keepers place, but when Zane examines it, they discover that Clutch succeeded in stealing the amulet by swapping the real amulet he had with a fake one he made all so he could keep his explorer's club membership intact, & when Kalmaar arrived at the island, Nya tried to pull the same trick on him, he quickly sees this destroys the sub's controls & leaves them stranded. Stuck on the island with nowhere to go, Benthomaar suggest trying to talk to the whales for help in a similar manner to how the first water elemental Nyad (who she was named after) did, after some struggling, Nya is able to speak to the whales & they help them all get back to the mainland just in time to save Wu & the others from sinking by Kalmaar. After an intense battle, Nya is able to get back the storm amulet as well as once again gain full control of her powers.

Unfortunately, after some downtime, Lloyd, Nya & the others soon learn from a defective Glutinous that Kalmaar actually has the storm amulet because he tricked Nya with same trick, which actually worked & with both amulets at his disposal, awakens Wojira & used his trident to mind control her, unleashing a great flood in the process. Determined to stop Wojira's rampage, Lloyd & Co. prepare underwater mechs for them & all go all out with Wojira & Kalmaar's forces. But during the battle, Jay falls underwater & accidentally gulps up water in his lungs, which ultimately forces Nya to do the same thing Nyad did to defeat Wojira & becomes one with the ocean itself, a state no one can return from, after a lengthy battle with Wojira, Nya is able to destroy the wave amulet which causes the serpent to lose the balance in her own powers & gets shocked to oblivion, while Kalmaar, who was battling Benthomaar earlier, gets his trident destroyed which causes him to lose control of Wojira & gets (quite ironically) eaten by her afterwards.

Despite winning the battle, it came at the cost of Nya fading into the ocean much to the sadness of all of her teammates, & afterwards they along with everyone they encountered on their adventures attend her funeral.

Season 15: Crystalized[]

During the time after Kalmaar's stormy assault, Lloyd & some of the other ninja eventually quit the team and went their separate ways, with him taking the job of a window washer while the new rude mayor of Ninjago city Ulysses Trustable, hates anything that involves vigilantism & with the ninja too slumped to fight and replaces them with a new group of Ninja he sponsors. A year later however, Cole & Wu decide that it's time to reassemble the team when it becomes clear that the mysterious vengestone buyer has more deadly motives than just wanting it.

However, due to Lloyd & Co. being out of practice for a long time, they fail to capture another vengestone shipment & get utterly humiliated by their replacements, fortunately good news comes in the form of Nya happily gains her sentience & tells teammates that the only way to return her to human form is to strip her of her elemental powers, which they all agree to do. Unfortunately, the bad news is that the last known way to strip someone's elemental power is to have Aspheera perform her power-stealing spell, and since mayor trustable (quite obviously) refuses to release her, they unfortunately resort to do the unthinkable and willingly break her out of prison and steal her staff so she can do her spell, & while it was successful & Nya is returned to normal Aspheera attacks them, escapes from their base, & worst of all, are caught in the act & are arrested.

After participating in a trial being done by an ungrateful Judge and despite being reminded of all the times they saved Ninjago, he rudely ignores the opinion of sentencing them to community services & has the male Ninja taken to kryptarium (but Dareth's speech was fortunately able to make the sentence last for 5 years instead of a lifetime). While in prison, Lloyd is visited by a mysterious figure in a Kabuki mask who tells him that someone called the Crystal King is planning on uniting Ninjago's worst villains together to finally rule Ninjago, which he starts by breaking both Vangelis & Pythor out from their respective prisons as well as recruiting Aspheera via mechanical Spiders.

Knowing the threat of a legion of villains can pose, Lloyd & the others break out of prison thanks to Dareth with Fugi-Dove, a delusional bird-themed criminal who only thinks he's a villain with no criminal records at all (he only got sent to kryptarium because of having the most unpaid parking tickets in all of Ninjago), in tow, but are soon chased across the desert by it's toughest sheriff Hounddog McBrag sent by the mayor after he learned of their escape. After splitting up & regrouping at Tim's place, the Ninja decide this is the time to enact their plan to find the Crystal king: Find the next villain he'll recruit, then one of them can take his place that will allow the others to follow to said villain's location. After going through all the likely candidates, Lloyd & Co. deduce that the Mechanic will be next choice & head back to Ninjago city to find him, when they do so, they have him gagged before discovering that Lloyd intends to be the one who will find the King's hideout, and after a really fast train-ride (with the others losing track of him), he arrives at the location before being led to the main chambers where all the recruited villains are waiting, one of them being the latest model of Mr. E, unfortunately the same Kabuki mask-wearing figure immediately finds out Lloyd's disguise & has him knocked out & imprisoned, but not before revealing to him that much to his shock is actually a very-much alive Harumi.

After being captured, Harumi explains to Lloyd that after her death during the crumbling building, she was resurrected by the Crystal King & was tasked with using all Vengestone to be his army, & while Lloyd tries to explain that he did try to search for her in the wreckage, she's to messed up to listen to reason, while also telling him that he's just like the dark side of his father (which is something he fears the most). Later on, most of the council lead a successful raid on the monastery & steal the dormant Golden weapons (previously thought to be powerless by everyone after defeating the Oni) & use their power to give the Crystal King a physical form, revealing to Lloyd that he's actually the Overlord. Immediately after being given a vessel, the Overlord grants all his generals brand new powers before lifting his entire base & revealing to him that they're in the Oni temple of primeval's eye, fed up with all the taunts he's been receving by everyone, Lloyd becomes angry enough to awaken some dark power in him & escapes from their base before meeting up with his team in Nya's old base when she was Samurai X.

With news of the Overlord's return, most of the ninja head out to confront the Overlord's new army, unfortunately, due to the knights made out of all the vengestone Harumi purchased, they're not only immuned to their elemental power & turn any civilian they touch into crystalized zombies, Wu then explains to Lloyd that due to the Overlord being darkness incarnate of Ninjago, everytime he dies he'll just gain the power of the conflicts that came after his last showdown with them (which, just a reminder for everyone, is that he basically soaked up the powers from villains that came every season after the time Zane turned him into an ice sculpture). But then he reveals that for some reason, he's been receiving newspaper clippings he learned as a warning about the Overlord's return, & wanting to know more, head to an apartment where they are surprised to discover that it was actually Garmadon. Surprised to find his father in Ninjago city the whole time, Garmadon explains to him & Wu that after saving Ninjago from the Oni invasion (along with beating another one of his old rivals) he came to settle down in the city & care for a plant he named Christofern, while also completely shrinking down the evil in him to the point where he even shrunk down his extra arms. Although he refuses to help, he ultimately agrees to after Christofern gets blasted out of his pot, which makes him enter his upgraded Oni-form (he entered earlier during the Omega's invasion force) & easily destroys the vengestone army, making Wu suggest since he's part Oni & Dragon, he to can enter that state & must somehow attain it if they stand a chance against him, but this makes him afraid because he doesn't want to be evil like his dad earlier in life.

Heading back to the cave, Garmadon begins training his son to try & achieve by making him angry, but he refuses to do so, after he says that everything has an opposite, Wu (seeing as Lloyd doesn't want to use his Oni state) ponders on the possibility that there might be a dragon-form for Lloyd he likes to use against the Overlord. Unfortunately, the search is put on hold when the Overlord & his forces arrive at Ninjago city and easily put the new ninja out of commission, while Wu head onto the castle to fight the Overlord, Lloyd, Nya, and Garmadon fend of the Crystal armies vengestone dragons, but unfortunately, Wu ultimately falls of the castle as the Overlord arrives at the center of the city before terraforming everything in corrupted crystals.

Going down into the serpentine libraries in the hopes of finding something that could help them in their fight (before rescuing McBrag from the crystal warriors), Lloyd & Garmadon are soon reunited with the others in the abandoned newspaper factory, who show them a scroll that talks about the dragon form Wu wondered about. The downer in the scroll is that it was written by a monk known as Quanish, a monk who is known even by Wu to be a complete fool, but says that during a final battle, acolytes of the first spinjitzu master along with an army of their allies will allow them to achieve said form & triumph over evil, but still unable to achieve neither of his states in his blood, decides to just use a mech & with his father, flies of to confront the Overlord.

While the others fight of against his army & generals, Lloyd & Garmadon go head-to-head with the Overlord & Harumi, but despite Garmadon in his Oni State, he is soon overwhelmed when the Overlord morphs his current vessel into a centaur-like appearance & soon corners Lloyd's dad, but just as he's about to destroy them, the Overlord blurts out that it was him who turned the Great Devourer evil & specifically sent it against him to provide a body for his return, causing Harumi to side with them for real this time. Unfortunately, Garmadon is seemingly destroyed in the skirmish, which cause Lloyd to be angry enough to finally achieve his Oni state, but he quickly transforms back upon seeing his reflection which allows the Overlord to send him off his castle to begin his ultimate plan: to petrify all life in Ninjago & control the powers of creation so he can rule Ninjago in darkness forever, which ultimately works. But just before he can annihilate Harumi for her defiance, the powers of creation (which was released by the Ninja to ensure they don't fall into the Overlord's hand) form a golden dragon which with the help from Lloyd, finally destroy the Overlord (hopefully) forever. With the Overlord's defeat, the Oni temple collapses to the ground & Lloyd saves Harumi & a revived-Garmadon, which finally leaves all vengestone warriors & dragon lifeless & all council members powerless & sent back to jail.

With the Overlord permanently defeated once and for all, Lloyd finally patches things up together with both Harumi & his dad & with once again evil bad guy defeated, he, the Ninja, along with all of their friends, families, and allies (even reformed villains) come together once again to rebuild the monastery.

Dragons Rising[]

Season 1[]

After stopping the "Crystastrophe", Lloyd & the Ninja soon find themselves against a problem they couldn't stop when it comes in the form of a cataclysmic event (which would become popularly known as "The Merge") that fuses ALL OF THE REALMS into one & splits them all apart with his uncle being turned into a ghost. Upon waking up after a coma, Lloyd learned that Wu was researching about beings called Source Dragons, 7 extremely powerful beings that predate even Firstbourne & all he could find was the bounty & Kai still around, but they also learn that the aftershocks of The Merge can cause dangerous damage to reality but can be successfully closed by elemental powers, but as the aftershocks become more frequent, Kai decides to explore the new realms while Lloyd stayed behind to help keep citizens safe.

A few years later, as dragons now fly all across the merged realms, Lloyd soon comes in conflict with an organization called the claws of Imperium: An organization of Dragon Hunters who bring their captured dragons to the cult-like kingdom of Imperium & drain their life force to power their kingdom. It was also during this conflict, he had witnessed that not only has the merge paved the way for a new generation of elemental powers, but he also meets 3 new allies after saving them from the claws: Arin, a fanboy of the ninja who lost his parents when the Merge happened but also attained a new elemental power called "Object Spinjitzu", Sora, a techno-expert who attained an elemental power that allows her to control technology, & Riyu, a baby dragon that allows the latter to open up her powers. Seeing their potential, Lloyd decides to take the 2 under his wing & begin ascending from student to master as they go across the merged realm to find the other Ninja.

Going around the merged realms on dragons and reuniting with his old teammates, Lloyd & his 2 new students also encounter various new faces in their whole new world from the former various realms such as a writer from the cloud kingdom-turned-new elemental master of wind named Eurphrasia as well as new enemies such as a crazy magician named Dorama whose obsessed with gaining fame. Eventually Lloyd & Co. discovered that the claws of Imperium have been using new cyber-wolves called Photacs, which Sora reveals that she invented them when she was a kid prior to the Merge which also makes her reveal her past prior to the Merge: As a child prodigy whose real name was Ana used to live in Imperium, she invented the Photacs in hopes of making her home a better place for everyone, but when she got the chance to work with her Idol Dr. Larow she witnesses the evil of Imperium but when she tries telling it to people everyone, including her own parents, refused to do so & shunned away everything she loved, making her run away.

Determined to shut these beasts down, Lloyd, Arin, & Sora sneak into Imperium to shut it down inside the labs, but despite hiding in perfectly-well disguises, they are caught simply because they aren't following a foolish rule made by Imperium's power-mad and childish Empress Beatrix, & are threatened to be shamed in front of the whole kingdom, including the claws. Fortunately, they are able to escape but Lloyd is separated from the others & even more so when Lloyd releases a prisoner which he at first thinks it's Kai, but it's actually a girl that was raised by an actual dragon named Wyldfyre, who attained elemental power due to the Merge (which is apparently called "Heat") & after a crazy battle outside the prison, they shut down the beasts & release all dragons in the process.

Afterwards, Lloyd & Co. soon learn from Zane that after some researching, he discovers that the more aftershocks of the Merge appear, the more it will make reality unstable & ultimately destroy reality altogether. Determined to find a way to prevent this, Lloyd & Co. head to a place where his uncle was trying to find, upon entering it, they learn from it's guardian that when the 1st Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, he inadvertently created the other realms as well, fearful of the possibility of them all merging together, he asked the Source Dragons for help, which they helped by making him relics known as dragon cores for him to stop the last merge, & in fearful of his death, he hid them away for his descendants to use in case it happens again. Since he is the last descendant of the 1st Spinjitzu Master, Lloyd reveals this to the spirit & shows the cores locations to the group & has them split up to retrieve them.

Little did they know was that their conversation with the spirit was being eavesdropped by Beatrix's leading Dragon hunter Rapton, but while the Ninja & Rapton saw the importance of the cores Beatrix, who had gone even more crazy after the dragon breakout, only saw them as the perfect power sources needed for a weapon she intends to destroy the Ninja with & even frees Dorama to find them, completely fine with the cost of destroying all reality.

While the other teams go off to retrieve the core, Lloyd & Arin are able to find their core in a peaceful garden & with the help of it's nice caretaker, they are able to stop Rapton from stealing the core, unfortunately, the core is taken by 2 individuals who pop out of a portal & take it back to their base, forcing Lloyd & Arin to follow them. Upon arriving at the other side of the portal, they arrive at their base called the Adiministration, which claims that it holds all kinds of permits over the world, but some help from Zane where he learns that the Administration is a region in the former realm of madness which means all of their permits are pointless (though they take their phony job quite seriously), which Jay got a job there & somehow rose to the position of manager, after a crazy office chase, the 3 are fortunately able to retrieve their dragon core, but learn from the others that the claws have stolen their cores & are bringing them back to Imperium, forcing them to head there fast.

Returning to Imperium, the Ninja are soon ambushed by Beatrix's guards, but just as they are about to be destroyed, they are saved by a bunch of teenagers led by one named Percival, who first met Arin when he disguised himself after he taught them how to fight. Going to their hideout, Percival reveals that after the dragon breakout, Beatrix lied to the people about it, but once he questions about his words, they eventually discover all the lies & the monster Beatrix really is, including the fact that in order to claim the throne for herself, Beatrix killed her father & pinned the blame on her older sister to do so. With this newfound information, they plan to expose her lies to all of Imperium in order to turn all the people against her.

While Lloyd, Nya, & Zane keep Beatrix busy, Sora, Arin, & Percival, with the help of a redeemed Rapton, they successfully expose Beatrix's true colors to the citizens & they rise up against her. Unfortunately, Beatrix was able to make her own Dragon Core & despite Lloyd and the others warning her of the consequences, she recklessly starts breaking apart barriers in reality just to destroy everyone against her, gaining a mech, Lloyd & Arin are able to get close enough to her, but just as they are about to be shoved into a rift, Sora is able to unlock her true potential when she finally stands up to her stubborn parents (after they show that despite every evil thing Beatrix has done, they still blindly & stupidly follow Beatrix regardless), successfully shoving her into a rift.

Unfortunately Beatrix's mad rampage has caused the rifts to begin to blow-up reality, but with the help of some allies & being reminded by one of his uncle's wise words, Lloyd is able to put reality back together & free the source dragon locked in Imperium, afterwards the others have much-needed downtime & celebrate at the monastery.

Unbeknownst to the Ninja or anyone, during the mayhem Ras: a humanoid tiger who only pretended to serve Beatrix to find the other Source Dragons but got locked away after failing his mission, escapes his cell. Afterwards he is able to convince Jordana, a stubborn scientist whose obsessed with surpassing Sora (despite Sora being completely oblivious to her existence) to join him as she was the only one able to drain the source dragon of it's energy to where she even reveals she has some left. With this newfound power, Ras & Jordana leave Imperium to meet the former's boss who's got an even bigger endgame plan.

Season 2[]

After saving the world and bringing a new age of peace & harmony to Imperium, Lloyd suddenly begins having mysterious and painful visions about various things coming soon, the most disturbing being about a red moon and something involving Ras. At first he tried to brush as just bad dreams, it causes him to lose any lack of normal sleep. It eventually comes into play when he learns from Alfonzo that Arin, Sora, & Riyu (who had reached his teenage years) went on a stakeout to stop a burglar from stealing, though when he arrives in the fray he learns that the thieves are a bunch of warriors who wear wolf masks:the very ones Lloyd has been seeing. But if that wasn't enough for the green ninja the thieves' commander & the newest elemental master of smoke Cinder, knocks him out before escaping, upon waking up, a terrified Lloyd can all but assume that his visions are true and that the Blood Moon is sure to come next.

The following morning after telling the others what he's been seeing, Lloyd and the others learn that the mallet Cinder stole is the specific tool paired with a gong capable of "shattering goodness' in those wearing the same masks he saw as well as learn all sorts of dangerous fighting techniques, soon afterwards Lloyd & co. find a wounded Eurphrasia by their doorstep to warn them that Ras has formed a new army and lead an assault on the Cloud Kingdom, prompting him and the others to save it, upon arriving & sneaking past they discover that Ras' soldiers are forcing the captive writers to translate an "evil" language that seems untraceable. When they come to the aid of the kingdom's newest (& genuinely nicer) master writer Suetonius & Lloyd mentions the blood moon to him, he reveals that during that time a ritual can be formed to unleash The Forbidden Five: A band of corrupted elemental masters hungry for multiversal domination before they were locked away by a mysterious force & all their discoveries were erased from history, they soon get caught by the guards and fight them off, but while they put up a good fight, the moment Ras takes out the gong & mallet, the wolf warriors prove to much for them to handle, especially when Cinder shows off one of the Five's moves: a corrupted form of spinjitzu called "shatterspin" and they're all forced to retreat.

Resting up back in the Monastery after the battle, Lloyd is unable to find a way to beat shatterspin much less keep the visions from coming to him at random points, so later that night, he cries out to the source dragons for anything he could use for help. To his surprise, the godly dragons do end up answering his plea for help via speaking to him in a dream.

The LEGO Movie[]

Main article: Lloyd Garmadon (The Lego Movie)

As President Business began to erect walls between the realms, Lloyd and all the other Master Builders were forced to flee into tunnels constructed in the walls.

Once the Special was revealed, Lloyd gathered in Cloud Cuckoo Land with the other Master Builders though was captured when Business' right-hand Bad Cop arrived. He was then taken to Lord Business' think tank and forced to come up with instructions.

Lloyd later helped the other Master Builders in the final showdown against Lord Business' forces & afterwards, the special is able to get Lord Business to change his ways and save the world.

Enter the Ninjago[]

In the president of Hollywood's' version of Emmet's story, Lloyd appeared during the highway chase and destroyed the robots so Emmet could getaway. Lloyd accompanied the president to Emmet's apartment where they showed off the new version to the master builder and when the president introduced Lloyd to Emmet, the Green Ninja in turn decorated the double-decker couch in an oriental design and sat next to him to mediate. When the president revealed that ninjas on their own had become outdated, Lloyd passed him the remote to show Emmet their new version of a scene; Lloyd swooping in on a skateboard to place the wheel on Emmet's head. Though Emmet reluctantly went along with it, he was surprised they had also changed the ending to have Lloyd cut him free from the battery. Emmet then suggested they just make a movie about Ninja, which the president of Hollywood immediately accepted.

LEGO Dimensions[]

Lloyd, along with the Ninja (except Zane) & Sensei Wu, were seen looking at Griffin Turner after Master Chen called him up to battle against Batman, Wyldstyle & Gandalf.

Other crossover characters can be seen working beside Lloyd: Like Jake from Adventure Time, Dorothy Gale from the Wizard of Oz, Laval and Cragger from Legends of Chima, or Sonic the Hedgehog from the famous video game series franchise with the same name.

The LEGO Ninjago Movie[]

Main article: Lloyd Garmadon (The LEGO Ninjago Movie)

As the legendary Green Ninja, Lloyd is a Master Builder and the leader of a secret ninja force protecting NINJAGO City from the most notorious villain of all time: Lord Garmadon. Crowds cheer the Green Ninja as a hero, but when he takes off his mask they only see him as Lloyd, the boy unfortunate enough to be Garmadon’s son. It’s hard for him to make friends or get through a day at school because Garmadon ruins everything. Still, Lloyd yearns to have a real relationship with his dad.
