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Heroes Wiki

N-no, shrimp fry...

Lobco is a supporting character in Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. She is the daughter of Doloz and Cherryblod and a familiar of Chlomaki, along with Roc Hijoushiki's girlfriend.


Lobco has red curly hair with four hairs sticking out at the top of her head, like antenna. Her eyes are dark red with red pupils. Her dress is similar to a sailor uniform, with 8 visible, yellow buttons down the top of her palish black shirt. Her sleeves have dark gray cuffs with two yellow buttons on each. Her skirt is black with a yellow line by the end, along with a red chain. Her leggings/tights are gray with black boots with white laces.


Whenever she leaves the ocean, unlucky things befall her. She thinks that most people dislike her and is quite pessimistic. By her best friend Aom, she is described as a "crybaby". She enjoys being home, photography, and dislikes pain. She doesn't like eating meat and feels disgusted if she's forced to. She is easily forgotten by others and isn't good at communication. She prefers small spaces and doesn't like being on land. When she was younger, she wanted to be a witch.


  • She is said to look around 17-20 years old.
  • In Normal End 1 of Wadanohara and the Great Sea, she is said to survive by escaping with Chlomaki. It also may be because she is easily forgotten.
  • She tastes like shrimp.
  • Her male counterpart would be named Lobo.
  • She has very distant demon blood, in which she is unaware of.


          &nbspDeep Sea Prisoner Heroes

Mogeko Castle
Yonaka Kurai | Defect Mogeko | Hashasky | Mogekov Hashasky

The Gray Garden
Yosafire | Macarona | Froze | Rawberry Preserves | Kcalb | Etihw | Wodahs | Alela Grora | Ater & Arbus | Reficul | Chelan | Dialo | Greif | Lowrie

Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Wadanohara | Samekichi | Memoca | Dolphi | Fukami

Blue Sea Kingdom

Tatsumiya | Uomihime | Helica | Pulmo | Aounabara | Meikai

Tosatsu kingdom

Princess Tosatsu | Artamos

Blue Sea Residents

Chlomaki | Lobco | Aom |


Adauchi | Laurentia | Ver Million | Rimorimo | Minero | Miyura | Irena | Cherrybold | Dolaz | Tomoshibi

Obsolete Dream
Kurotsuno | Met | Hanten | Maekami | Sullivan
