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Heroes Wiki

Lockette is a recurring character in the Winx Club animated series, as well as one of the main protagonists of its spinoff series, PopPixie. She is the Pixie of Portals (Pixie of Direction in the Atlas Oceanic dub), thus knowing her way anywhere. She has a hair clip that transforms into a scepter which helps her point people in the right direction.

Bloom often finds herself lost and is constantly on a journey to discover the secrets of her past throughout the series (Or 'has many hidden passages in her heart'). Lockette not only helps Bloom find her way physically, but also emotionally, as Bloom tries to discover her true self and connect with her power and family. Some people believe that Lockette might also have the power to open magical portals to other worlds. She is Bloom's bonded pixie.

Using the power of her MagicPop, Lockette has the ability to transform into the PopPixie of Direction, increasing her powers, as well as having the ability to open portals, follow directions and teleport quicker.

In the Italian original version, she is voiced by Laura Lenghi (who also voiced Aisha) in most of her appearances except for the second movie, in which she was voiced by Beatrice Bologna instead. In the English version, she is voiced by Holly Gauthier-Frankel (who also voiced Flora) in the Cinélume dub in both Winx Club and PopPixie, by Andi Whaley in the 4Kids dub, by Hynden Walch in the one-hour special The Shadow Phoenix, Season 3 and 4, before being replaced by Molly C. Quinn (who also voiced Bloom) in Season 6 in the Atlas Oceanic dub, and by Eileen Stevens (another voice actress of Flora) in the DuArt dub.


Being the second youngest of the Winx's pixies after Piff, her feelings get hurt easily.

In Season 3, she seems to have a dislike for Sky due to the brainwashing incident but she forgives him (but still becomes protective of Bloom). She also helps Bloom through all her emotional turmoil in Season 3.


           Winx-club-logo-3d Heroes

Bloom | Stella | Flora | Musa | Tecna | Aisha | Roxy

Sky | Brandon | Riven | Helia | Timmy | Nabu | Roy | Nex | Thoren

Faragonda | Griffin | Daphne | Palladium | Wizgiz | Saladin | Marion | Oritel | Mirta | Knut | Mike | Vanessa | Erendor

Lockette | Amore | Chatta | Tune | Digit | Piff | Cherie
