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Aloran 5650

Loran is the main protagonist of the anime ∀ Gundam(Turn A Gundam).


A young boy from the Moonrace who was on a mission to scout Earth, along with Keith and Fran Doll. The three split up to explore, and Loran was first attacked by wolves, to be saved by the local lord, then nearly drowned before being saved by Kihel and Sochie Heim, daughters of a prominent local family. After being hired as a driver and mechanic by the household, Loran acclimates to Earth living and concludes that it is time for the Moonrace to return. The Moonrace coincidentally does come back while Loran is participating in a coming-of-age ceremony (while nude, incidentally), but they attack Nocis City and Vicinity Town immediately. This awakens the "White Doll" statue on the moutain—which turns out to be a mobile suit of immense power, the Turn A Gundam.


Loran has a great deal of sympathy for both sides and believes that if they both calmed down for five minutes they could sort it all out amicably. Likewise, he sheds his naivete without hardening it into cynicism, instead remaining idealistic and encouraging diplomatic and peaceful efforts whenever he can, which helps Dianna and Kihel bring the two sides together.


Inside the Gundam, Loran is able to easily defeat most enemies he comes across, but not outside it. Notably, he is around the average size for a teenager in the series, but consistently finds himself facing opponents who are physically larger or more muscular than him when outside the Gundam. This gives them an advantage when a confrontation arises, but Loran constantly manages to hold his own with a surprising amount of competence for one so against violence. It becomes clear even that he must have received some training in combat at some point in the past while he was on the moon, because not only is he skilled in the use of firearms, but he's also an excellent swordfighter as well. The latter comes in handy many times, such as when he fights the King of Adeska in episode 32.
