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What are you waiting for? GO!

And that's the truth.
~ Lotsa's famous line

Lotsa Heart Elephant is one of the strongest members of the Care Bear Cousins of the Forest of Feelings.

He was voiced by Luba Goy (1985-1989) and Olivia Hack in Care Bears and Cousins.


He is a pink elephant with a matching Belly badge that resembles an old-style hand weight with a heart on each side.


Though small by elephant standards, Lotsa Heart makes up for his lack of stature with copious amounts of determination and aplomb. Despite being known as the strongest creature in the Forest of Feelings, he is sometimes chastised for his lack of coordination and athletic talent by his fellow Cousins. However, he has more than once demonstrated that "lotsa" heart is sometimes all you need to come out on top. His catch phrase is "...and that's the truth!", which is usually added to the end of his (and sometimes others) sentences.

Though he has a tendency to get over-excited (usually followed by a boisterous trumpet from his trunk), his "slow and steady" philosophy usually prevails in times of trouble.


The Care Bears Movie[]

Care Bears Movie II[]

The second Care Bear feature film tells the story of how the Care Bear Family, including Lotsa Heart, first came to Care-a-Lot after escaping the clutches of the evil Dark Heart. Some time later, the villain makes another attempt at capturing his furry prey by setting a trap with the help of a girl named Christy.



           Care Bears 2012 logo Heroes

Care Bears
Tenderheart Bear | Cheer Bear | Grumpy Bear | Share Bear | Funshine Bear | Wish Bear | Good Luck Bear | Love-a-Lot Bear | Harmony Bear | Friend Bear | Bedtime Bear | Champ Bear | Baby Hugs Bear | Baby Tugs Bear | Birthday Bear | Secret Bear | Surprise Bear | Laugh-a-Lot Bear | Grams Bear | True Heart Bear

Care Bears Cousin
Braveheart Lion | Lotsa Heart Elephant | Bright Heart Raccoon | Swift Heart Rabbit | Proud Heart Cat | Playful Heart Monkey | Gentle Heart Lamb | Cozy Heart Penguin | Loyal Heart Dog | Treat Heart Pig | Noble Heart Horse | Polite Panda | Perfect Panda

New Care Bears
Me Bear | Messy Bear | Too Loud Bear | Oopsy Bear | Wonderheart Bear

Kim | Jason | Nicholas Cherrywood | Chirsty | Dawn | John | Alice | Anna Walker

Nutcracker | Gig | Twinkers | White Rabbit| Queen of Hearts | Princess of Wonderland
