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Heroine Overview

I used to get laughed at by the other witches, you know? But when I sang a magical song, the faerie spirits would create a rainbow for me. It was always amazing and beautiful.
~ Lotte, The Enchanted Parade.

Lotte Jansson is one of the main protagonists of Little Witch Academia. She is a witch from Finland and also Atsuko "Akko" Kagari and Sucy Manbavaran's classmate at Luna Nova Academy.

She is voiced by Fumiko Orikasa in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Stephanie Sheh in the English version of the anime, who played Hinata Hyūga from Naruto, Orihime Inoue from Bleach, Mikan Tsumiki in Danganronpa, Haydée Tebelin from Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo and Zhu Li from The Legend of Korra.


Lotte is Akko's best friend and roommate from Finland. She tends to be rather quiet and bookish compared to her more loud and abrasive friends, which makes her come off as being a bit invisible at times, but nonetheless a kind-hearted girl who is very loyal to her friends to the point of willing to fiercely stand up for them. Moreover, Lotte can take on extremely determined and focused attitude when the situation calls for it.


Lotte is a Finnish girl with below-average height with short bright orange hair which can appear blonde at different lightings secured by a navy-blue headband, turquoise blue eyes, pale skin complexion, and freckles on on her cheeks and nasal bridge. She also wears semi-rimless eyeglasses with mauve frames and large, round lenses with a strong prescription that magnifies her eyes.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Magic: As a witch-in-training, Lotte possesses average skills in magic, with her signature ability being communicating with faeries and spirits as well as synchronizing her magic with that of theirs to access more powerful spells.
    • Nullification Spell: With aid of at least one of her allies, Lotte can conjure energy threads to nullify any magic, including ones emanated by immensely powerful beings.
    • Metamorphosis Magic: Lotte has average skill in using Metamorphosis Magic.
      • Transformation Spell: With Transformation Spell, Lotte can magically transmogrify herself or others into any desired form such as animal forms or disguise as someone else (though latter feat requires at least one item the person in question carry to make it work).
      • Clothes Transformation Spell: Lotte can also magically transmogrify her clothes as well as that of others into any other type of clothing she desired as well as enchanted them. She uses this to transmogrify Annabel Crème the 12th's clothing into Luna Nova uniform so the latter won't stand out during her visit to Luna Nova for inspirations.
    • Flying Spell: As with other witches, Lotte can activate the power of her magical broom to fly while riding it.
        • Communication Magic: As stated previously, Lotte is well-versed in Communication Magic which enable her to invoke and/or contact faeries and spirits as well as synchronizing her magic with that of theirs to access more powerful spells. This extends to understand what other magical creatures say without having to learn their native tongue.
      • Spirit Calling Spell: Lotte can invoke the spirit/faery(s) inside old objects to perform a task or answer a question or two.
      • Spirit Breath Spell: Lotte can summon twin large magic circle (one above her and another beneath her feet) which emanate healing light that instantly revitalizes anyone who caught in both circles including the caster as well as curing them of their ailments with aid of her will-o'-wisp familiar Will-o'-chan.
      • Spirit Lullaby Spell: By synchronizing her magic with that of Will-o'-chan in conjunction of her family's ancestral song, Lotte generates a magical field in large radius which can purify her surrounding and damage any hostile enemies who attempted to harm her with chances of inducing them in deep sleep and Will-o'-chan as the field's conduit.
    • Plant Control Spell: Lotte can enchant and control plants within her vicinity for defensive or offensive purposes.
    • Spirit Realm Transportation Spell: Lotte can send a volunteer into the inner spiritual world of another person as shown when she sends Akko's mind into Sucy's to wake her up from the inside. The spell involves her reciting its incantation (Mjondemenhyboute) thrice before bashing the volunteer's head with a club of pure magic energy formed around the caster's wand.
    • Magic Energy Manipulation: Lotte can manipulate magic energy in its pure form to perform various feats such as projecting beams or blasts, illuminating her surroundings, simulating telekinetic force by infusing a bit of the energy into a target, and generating solid constructs out of the energy's tangible form. Most notably, she can form a club around her wand as part of the procedure of casting aforementioned Spirit Realm Transportation Spell and fly via. riding conjured sphere of pure magic.
  • Magical Expertise and Bilingualism: Though not to the same extent as Diana, Lotte is no stranger to magic-related knowledge including its history and some, if not all of languages involved such as Luna Alphabet.


  • Magic Wand: Lotte carries a wand as a primary instrument to cast magic.
  • Magic Broom: Broom with magical powers that allowing the witch to fly with it.
  • Skull Lantern: Lotte's old skull-like lantern where her familiar Will-o-chan lives.
  • Crystal Ball: A magic item that uses magic to perform functions akin to social networking services and accessing WitchNet (magic community's counterpart to mundanes' Internet). She can use it to talk to other people.


  • "Lotte" is a short form "Charlotte", the French feminine diminutive of "Charles", from the Germanic name Karl, which was derived from a Germanic word meaning "man". However, an alternative theory states that it is derived from the common Germanic name element hari meaning "army, warrior". "Jansson" is medieval English in origin. The derivation is from the Middle English given name Jan, a variant of John, itself from the Hebrew 'Yochan' meaning, "The Lord is gracious".
    • "Lotte" can also be a short form of "Liselotte" (Contraction of "Lise" and "Charlotte"), or Annelotte (meaning "Gracious, sweet and bitter, sad").


  • Up until "Pohjola's Trial", Lotte's mother only appeared in the one-shot manga.
  • The sheet music for her Song of the Spirits the lyrics to Bjork's song "Crying" written on it.
  • In Studio Trigger's introduction video for their panel at Anime Expo 2017, Lotte appears dressed in the colors of the American flag and sings "America Daisuki".
  • Lotte and Jasminka are both voiced by the same voice actress, Stephanie Sheh, in the English dub.
  • According to the official panel of Little Witch Academia at AnimeNEXT 2017, Lotte was originally intended to possess following abilities in addition of her signature ability to call forth faeries:
    • The ability to absorb and channel the power from spirits to bolster her strengths.
    • Spirits that Lotte summoned to her side can control different weapons to aid her in combat.
    • The ability to call forth soul of a fallen Celtic warrior with use of a magic sword (suggestively ceremonial one).
      • From the same panel, Yō Yoshinari showed concept images of a scrapped episode where Lotte receives the afromentioned sword which led to the said ghost possessing her, turning her into a powerful combatant.

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