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Oh and one more thing
~ Columbo on getting ready to reveal the plot of the crime.

Lieutnant Frank Columbo is the titular main protagonist of the series of the same name. He is an LAPD police officier who solves difficult murder cases and arrests murderer with high intelligence.

He was portrayed by the late Peter Falk.



Columbo was born and raised in New York not far from Chinatown, his family was of Sicilian origin that composed of his grandfather, his parents and his seven siblings. When he was young, he hung out with a band of children who did some pranks in the neighborhood, like throwing rocks on street lamps or putting potatoes in exhaust pipe to make cars unable to start. Columbo admitted himself that he may join the police to compensate for the prank that he did in his childhood.

During his high school years, he had a girlfriend named Teresa but they lost sight of each other. During the Korean War, he did his military service in the military police. After that, he joined the NYPD and was formed by the Sergeant Gilhooley. Finally, in 1958, he moved to Los Angeles and married himself in 1961. However, due to Colombo's tendencies to lie, it's unknown if he tells the truth or not.


Now as a Lieutenant of the homicide division of the LAPD, Columbo investigates elaborates murders committed by highly intelligent criminals who are often high in society members. In some cases, the criminals can commit a second murder for different reasons, like silence a witness who discovered that they are the murderer and decides to blackmail them or get rid of an accomplice that the murderer used to fulfill his plan. However, thanks to his high intellect, Columbo manages to confound them either by finding a small detail that the murderer didn't notified, or by making them do a mistake by scaring them with a false information or by provoking them. Since "Etude In Black", Columbo is often accompanied by a basset hound with no name that he adopted in this episode.


Columbo is a medium-sized man with dark hair, brown eyes, including a fake one, he always wears his iconic old beige raincoat over a grey (or dark pink depending the episode) suit with a light yellow shirt and a dark green tie.


Columbo is a calm and compassionate man who can sometimes have friendly behavior with some killers who aren't cold blooded monsters, the only exception occurs in "A Stitch in Crime", where he loses his temper when facing the extremely cold hearted Dr. Barry Mayfield.

He is shown to always be polite and courteous, kind and avoidant of confrontation, preferring to be diplomatic when arresting the killers, especially using compliments or compassionate remarks to convince them to surrender peacefully. He is shown to always be considerate of other people's work, especially civil servants, such as when needing to get approval from a city office, he chose to wait in line for several hours rather than use his police authority to cut the line.

His main asset is his exceptional intellect and his capacity to manipulate his foe into thinking he is a low minded individual to lull their vigilance. However, despite his high intelligence, he stays very humble and didn't show any signs of arrogance unlike most of other highly intelligent detectives like Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes.

Columbo also possesses an aversion violence, despite his military and police training, preferring to avoid situations where physical force is required. He possesses firearms training, but has allowed it to go lax due to his distaste for guns, even going so far as to ask a colleague to take his police firearms test for him to dupe the instructors. The only time Columbo is ever seen acting violently is when confronting Dr. Mayfield, but this is a rare occurrence, due to the combination of a lack of sleep and the unsettling personality of Mayfield pushing Columbo to his wits end.

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