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Heroes Wiki

Luca is one of the supporting characters from Angry Birds franchise. He is one of Stella's close friends of "Angry Birds Stella".

He is voiced by Saara Lehtonen.


Luca is a light blue bird. He has two spiked strands of his crest feathers upwards.



Luca's primary skill is firing a Sonic Boom towards the tapped area on-screen, which will shatter Glass instantly, pass through Wood doing minimal damage, and be stopped in its tracks by Stone.


Luca is the youngest and the only male of the Stella Flock. He is quite playful and adventurous as he enjoys exploring. However, this trait can be a problem for others around him. Likewise, Luca dislikes being talked down by others or called a baby. But, he is still loyal to his close friends.



Stella is like a mother to Luca as she willing to do anything to protect him. He can get concerned when Stella gets into dangerous risk, however they get along well.


  • He is the only male member of Stella's Flock.
  • Luca is the youngest of his flock, much as Bubbles is to his.
  • In some ways, Luca appears to be the polar opposite of Matilda, the only female member of Red's flock, which originally composed of five birds, who acts like a mother to the flock, while Luca acts like the baby to Stella's flock.
  • He is the only member of Stella's Flock that hasn't appeared in the movies yet.

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           AngryBirdslogo Heroes

Angry Birds
Red | Ruby | Northern Cardinals | The Blues | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Hal | Terence | Bubbles | Stella | Silver | Melody

Bad Piggies
Piggy McCool | Professor Pig | Ross

Mighty Eagles
Mighty Eagle | Mighty Dragon | Mighty Philadelphia Eagle | Mighty Basketball

Angry Birds Space
Ice Bird

Angry Birds Star Wars
Red Skywalker | Qui Gon Jinn | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Yoda | Anakin Skywalker | Captain Panaka | Han Solo | Leia Organa | Chewbacca | Mighty Falcon

Angry Birds Epic
Red | The Blues | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Prince Porky | Pigiana Jones

Angry Birds Evolution
Kumiko | Clint | Mia

Female Red Bird | Female White Bird | Gaia

Bird Island
Red | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Stella | Terence | Mighty Eagle | Judge Peckinpah | Hal | Bubbles | The Blues (Jay, Jake and Jim) | Hatchlings | Silver | Samantha | Vincent | Zoe

Piggy Island
King Leonard Mudbeard | Courtney | Garry Pig

Angry Birds Stella
Stella | Dahlia | Luca | Poppy | Willow
